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名师精编优秀教案Unit 1 The changing world Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly. Section A I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. (1) Learn the present perfect tense, and master the sentence patterns “ have/has been to” and “ have/has gone to ” . (2) Compare the simple past tense with the present perfect tense and find out the differences in their usages. 2. Learn how to describe holiday activities. II. Important points: “ have/has been to ” and “ have/has gone to ”III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Ask and answer between the teacher and students. Make a conversation about their summer holiday to review the simple past tense. 2. Summarize students activities during the summer holiday and lead to the present perfect tense by the simple past tense. (1) A went to Hainan. A has been to Hainan. Use the same way to lead students to write down “ B has been to a community service center ” . (2) Lead students to learn the structure of the present perfect tense: Have/has + past participle. Step 2 Presentation 1. Create a real situation to present the new words and phrase “ proper” ,” by the way” ,” bell”and “ volunteer” . Master “ proper” , “ by the way”and “ bell” . Know the meaning of “ volunteer” . 2. Listen to 1a and answer the shining questions. Check the answers. Where has Rita been? Where has Jane been? What about Maria? 3. Write down the answers on the blackboard. And use figure pictures to show “ have/ has been to ” and “ have/has gone to ” . Then explain the differences between them. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Step 3 Consolidation 1. Listen to 1a again and finish 1b. Retell the dialog according to 1a, and talk about the children s vacation experience with “ has been/gone to ” . 2. Let students find out something important and difficult in 1a. The teacher writes down the sentences on the Bb and explain them. 3. Read 1a in groups and choose several groups to act it out. Finish 1a. 4. Work in groups. Make up dialogs like 1a according to students real situations and act them out I pairs. Finish 1c. Step 4 Practice 1. Let students look at the picture in 2 and read the dialogs aloud. Fill I the blanks. Finish 2. Let students have a better understanding about the differences between “ have/has been to ” and “ have/has gone to ” . 2. Learn and master the new words “ grandpa” , “ chairwoman”and “ grandson ”by using word formation. 3. Let students find different sentence patterns of the perfect tense in this section and practice them. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exercise about “ have/has been ” and “ have/has gone ” . Handwriting:Our country has developed rapidly. Section A by the way Where have you been, Jane? There goes the bell. I have been to proper Maria isn t at school. Where s she? chairwoman She has gone to 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section B I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Go on learning the usage of the present perfect tense. 2. Compare the teenagers life in the past with that nowadays and lead students to cherish the happy life at present. II. Important points: 1. Past Participle 2. The usage of the present perfect tense III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Check the work after class. 2. Ask and answer between the teacher and students. Review the present perfect tense. Step 2 Presentation 1. Show some pictures of disabled children. Make a dialog with students to know whether they have helped disabled children and lead to 1a. Understand the new word “ disabed ” and master “ ever” . 2. Listen to 1a and answer the shining questions: (1)Has Maria ever helped disabled children? (2)What did she do to help them? Step 3 Consolidation 1. Let students read 1a and find out the important sentences and the sentences with the present perfect tense. The teacher writes them down on the Bb and explain them. Finish 1a. 2. Let students observe the past participle of verbs in the five sentences with the present perfect tense on the Bb. Learn the rules of the past participle of verbs. Fill in the blanks in 1b with different forms of the verbs. Master the new words “ shut” and “ rope” . Know the new word “ online” . Check the answers. 3. Make a survey about students summer holidays. Then make up dialog in pairs according to the table in 1b. Encourage students to take part in outdoor activities. Finish 1b. Step 4 Practice 1. Show two pctures about the life of teenagers in the past and at present and then make a comparison. Lead to 2a. Learn and master the new words and phrase “ describe ” , “ in detail” , “ education” , “ develop”and “ development” . Understand the words “ teenagers ” , “ childhood” , “ support” and “ laborer” ., Know about the new word “ rapidly” . 2. Let students listen to 2a and answer the shining question: How did most children spend their childhood in the past? 3. Read 2a after the tape. Let students mark the stresses and sense-groups. Then erase the marks. Read 2a aloud in imitation of the tape. 4. Read 2a again. Master the new word “ granny”and know about the new word “ luckily ” . Finish 2a. Compare the different lifestyles in the past and at present of Chinese teenagers. Finish 2b. 5. Let students listen to 2c and fill in the blanks. Check the answers. Finish 2c. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting: Our country has developed rapidly. Section B have/live a hard life Have you ever fed the disabled children? in detail Yes, I have./No, I haven t. Is that so? Has Ann ever ? can t/couldn t afford sth. Yes, she has./No, she hasn t. give support to sb./give sb. support Now our country has developed rapidly. Though she has no time to travel, 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section C I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Go on learning the present perfect tense. 2. Compare the past Beijing with the present Beijing and learn about the great changes in China. 3. Inspire students to cherish the happy life at present and to cultivate their patriotism. II. Important points: 1. some new words and phrases 2. (1)My granny has lived in Beijing for more than forty years. (2)Beijing has made rapid progress and it has already succeeded in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review Review 2a of Section B. Let two students come to the front to talk about the different lifestyles in the past and nowadays of Chinese teenagers. Lead to the comparison between the old and today in Beijing. Step 2 Presentation 1. Let students look at the pictures in 1a. Discuss with students the differences in life between the old days and today, then lead to the passage and let students master the new words and phrases “ communication” , “ quick” , “ keep in touch with” , “ far away” , “ sort” , “ rapid” , “ progress ” , “ make progress ” , “ already”and “ succeed ” . Understand the new words “ narrow” , “ relative” , “ telegram” , “ reform and opening-up” and “ fax” . Know about “ leisure” and “ mainly” . 2. Let students skim 1a and find out the topic sentence of 1a. Check the answer. 3. Let students read 1a and answer the shining questions. Check the answers. (1) Who has seen the changes in Beijing? (2) How long has Kangkang s granny lived in Beijing. (3) How were the living conditions in Beijng in the 1960s? (4) How can Chinese children study at present? (5) What do people use to keep in touch with their friends and relatives nowadays? 4. Let students read 1a by themselves and find out the important and difficult points. The teacher writes them down on the Bb and explains the difficult ones. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Let students read 1a again and finish 1b. Then check the answers. 2. According to the pictures in 1a and the words below them, let students at least two studets for each picture. Step 4 Practice 1. Work in pairs. Complete the table according to 1a. Finish 1a. In Beijing In the past Nowadays Road House Communication Living condition 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案2. Make up dialogs in pairs shining the example in 1c according to the table and finish 1c. 3. Lead students to think about the question “ Why has Beijing changed so rapidly?”Lead them to cultivate their patriotism. 4. Work in groups. According to the table above, let students retell 1a in groups on the basis of 2, Step 3, using the words and sentences they ve learnt. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting:Our country has developed rapidly. Section C see oneself keep in touch with far away make progress reform and opening-up succeed in doing sth. success be successful in sth. in doing sth. in sth. in doing sth. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section D I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Review and sum up the present perfect tense. 2. Learn the basic steps of writing a composition. 3. Let students get acquainted with the changes in their hometowns and stimulate their love for their hometowns. II. Important points: 1. Some new words and phrases 2. The present perfect tense III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Let students listen to the song Spring Has Arrives! Review the present perfect tense and warm up. 2. The teacher tells students that he/she likes enjoying music best in his/her free time and ask about students leisure activites. Lead to 2. Step 2 Presentation 1. Show the pictures in2. Know about the meaning of each picture. 2. Work in groups. Make a survey about students leisure activities, and then make dialogs according to the example in 2. Finish 2. 3. Show a picture of some children who are helping some old people. Lead to 1 by asking and answering between the teacher and students. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Listen to 1. Fill in the blanks with the help of the words on the left. 2. Listen to 1a again. Check the answers. Finish 1. 3. Educate students to respect and care about the old. Step 4 Practice 1. Review and sum up the present perfet tense and important sentence patterns together in this topic. 2. Listen to 3a and 3b. Then let students compare them with what they have summed up. Finish 3a and 3b. 3. Work in pairs. Let students look at the poctures in 4, then discuss the shining question: What changes have taken place in Li Ming s hometown? Then ask three students to summarize the changes. 4. Let students read “ Notes” and “ Outline” in 4 and learn and master the new words and phrases “ composition” , “ note” , “ consider” , “ draw up” , “ tool” , and “ thanks to” . Learn the basic steps of writing a composition. Finish 4. Step 5 Project/work after class Write a composition entiled “ Changes in LiMing s Hometown” . Handwriting:Our country has developed rapidly. Section D draw up Have you ever done ? I have been to thanks to Yes, I have./No, I haven t. Where s Maria? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案consider Where have you been? She has gone to Cuba 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Topic 2 China has the largest population. Section A I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn the present perfect tense with “ just” , “ already” , “ yet” , “ ever” and “ never” . 2. Talk about population. 3. Lead students to care about the population problem and build up right ideas of population. II. Important points: 1. yet, probably, call up, European, population, recent, because of, policy, neither 2. (1) So do I. (2) Neither do my parents 3. the present perfect tense with “ just” , “ never” , “ yet” , “ ever” and “ already”III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Ask two students to come to the front to talk about the changes of their hometowns. 2. Show some pictures that can reflect the large population of China. Practice a dialog with students. Lead to Topic 2 China has the largest population.Step 2 Presentation 1. Let students listen to 1a and answer the question: “ Where has Kangkang been? ”Check the answer. 2. Let students read 1a by themselves, and finish 1b. Check the answers. Let students guess the meanings of “ yet” , “ probably” and “ call up” from the context. The teacher gives explanation. Then ask them to master them. 3. Let students find out the important and difficult points and the sentences with the present perfect tense. Then write them down on the Bb and help students to understand them. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Let students read 1a after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 2. Work in pairs. Let students read 1a, and then act it out. Finish 1a. 3. Add another two sentences “ Have you ever fed them? ” and “ Beijing has made rapid progress and it has already succeeded in hosting”to the sentences in 3, Step 2, written on the Bb. Make students know how to use the five underlined words, then help students to sum up the usages of them. 4. Complete the conversation in 2, and check the answers. Teach and let students master “ European ” . Then act it out in pairs. Finish 2. 5. Chain drill. Ask students to make sentences with “ just” , “ never” , “ yet” , “ ever”and “ already” . Then let them give their sentences one by one in groups. Step 4 Practice 1. Let students sing the song If You re happy. Lead to 3a. 2. Listen to 3a and answer the two questions the teacher asked, then check the answers. 3. Let students read 3a by themselves and find out the important and difficult points. Then solve them together. Learn and master the new words “ recent” and “ neither” . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案4.Let students read 3a again and finish 3b. Then check the answers. 5. Work I pairs. First, let students act 3a out. Then let the whole class choose the best pair and give them praise. Finish 3a. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting:China has the largest population. Section A call up ever So do I. never Neither do my parents. already just Have/Has done yet? It seems that I don t thinkhave/has + done sth. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section B I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Go on learning the present perfect tense. 2. Learn how to express big numbers in English. 3. Talk about the population in different countries. II. Important points: 1. the numbers with million and billion. 2. some useful sentences (1) It says the world has a population of 6.5 billion. (2) It is increasing by 80 million every year. (3) Which country has the largest population? (4) What s the population of the U.S.A.? It s(5) So it is. (6) The population problem is more serious in developing countries. III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Check the homework. 2. Let students report the information about China s population that they have collected. Lead to 1a. Then the teacher sums up. 3. Write down the new words “ increase ”and “ billion ”on the Bb. Ask students to master the new word “ increase ” and understand the new word “ billion ” . Step 2 Presentation 1. Listen to 1a and answer the shining questions: (1) What s the population of the world. (2) Which country has the second largest country? 2. Let students skim 1a, find out the numbers in the dialog and make dialogs in pairs according to the chart and examples in 1b. Finish 1b. 3. Let students read 1a and find out the important and difficult points. Write them down on the Bb and encourage students to solve the problems. Give students some proper complements. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Let students read 1a again and underline the key words. Let students change the dialog of 1a into a short passage and try to retell it with the help of the key words. 2. Work in pairs. Let students read 1a and act it out. Finishi 1a. Step 4 Practice 1. First the teacher writes a two-digit number, then adds a new digit to the number each time. Ask students to read the numbers, correct them properly when they make mistakes, and then sum up how to read and write numbers in English. For example: 22,222,2222, ,2222222222 2. Let students read the numbers in 2a. Ask students to express the numbers skillfully with the words “ hundred” , “ thousand ” , “ million ”and “ billion ” . Help them when necessary and then chenk the answers. Finish 2a. 3. Let students listen to 2b and dinish it by themselves. Check the answers. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案4. Play a number game.(optional) Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting:China has the largest population. Section B have/has a population of It says the world has a population of 6.5 billion. increase by What s the population of the U.S.A.? the developed/developing country 296 million. So it is. Hundred thousand million billion 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section C I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Go on learning the present tense. 2. Go on talking about the problem of the increasing population. 3. Lead students to have right ideas of population. II. Important points: 1. some new words and phrases 2. (1) and about one fifth of the people in the world live in China. (2) our government has taken many measures to control the population. (3) Thanks to the policy, China is developing quickly and people s living conditions are improving rapidly. (4)It s difficult for lots of people to find jobs. (5), we are short of energy and water. (6)Most cities are more crowded than before, and the traffic is much heavier. III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Show some cards with big numbers, and let one student read the numbers and the others listen to him/her and write them down. Then check the answers. 2. Ask some questions to review Section B, talk about the population problem, and then lead to 1a. Step 2 Presentation 1. Let students discuss the questions in 1a. Show same pictures of the problem caused by China s large population, such as difficult job-hunting, less living space, less water, heavy traffic,environment pollution,etc. The teacher sums up the problems and lets students master the new word and phrases “ difficulty ” , “ be short of”and “ so far” . Know about “ measure ” and “ take measures to do sth. ”2. Listen to 1a and finish 1b, and then check the answers. 3. Let students read 1a and find out the key sentences. Lead students to sum up. Then write them down on th Bb and explain. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Let students listen to 1a again write the key words. For example: “ the world s population” , “ the largest population” , “ one fifth ” , “ many difficulties ” , “ policy” , “ work well ” ,2. using these key words, the teacher leads students to review 1a by asking them questions. Use “ one fifth ” to lead to “ 20 percent” , and let students learn and master the new word “ percent” . Finish 1a. Step 4 Practice 1. Listen to 2a and finish it alone, then check the anwsers. Learn and know about “ newborn” . 2. Read 2a, finish 2b alone and check the answers. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handriting:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section C be short of one fifth so far difficult(adj.)-difficulty(n.)-difficulties(n.pl.) take measures to do sth. Thanks to the policy, 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section D I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Review and consolidate the usage of the present perfect tense. 2. Know about the life in cities and the life in the countryside in China and Canada. 3. Talk about different types of families and know about the advantages and disadvantages of them. II. Important points: 1. unless, couple, a couple of, market, excellent, keep up with, relation, belong to 2. the present perfect tense III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Check the homework. 2. Practice betweenthe teacher and students to review Section C. 3. Ask students “ Do you like living in a place with a large population or a small one?”and lead to 1a. Step 2 Presentation 1. Let students talk about their living conditions freely and discuss the teacher s question. Then introduce a student s living conditions in a town. And let students learn and master the new words and phrase “ couple” , “ a couple of” , “ market” , “ excellent” and “ relation” . Know about “ transportation” . 2. Let students read 1a. Learn and master the new word and phrase “ unless”and “ keep up with” . Then lead students to find out the useful expressions. The teacher explains these exprssions and asks students to master them. 3. Let students listen to 1a, write down the key words and phrases as they are listening, and try to retell 1a according to these key words and phrases. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Work in pairs. Read 1a and discuss “ What are the differences between Sue s living place and Liming s?” . Then fill out the table and check the answers. Finish 1a. Item Population Environment Shopping Transportation People s relation Sue s / Fairmont Li Ming s / Beijing 2. Lead students to finish 1b according to the key words and the table above. Then check the answers. Step 4 Practice 1. Discuss the question “ Has Canada developed more quickly than China? ” , using the present perfect tense. 2. Lead students to sum up the present perfect tense(II). Then let them listen to 2a and read after the tape. Consildte the usage of the present perfect tense. Finish 2a. 3. Lead students to sum up the important phrases and sentences in Topic 2. Then let students listen to 2b and read after the tape. Consolidate the usages of these phrases 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案and sentences. Finish 2b. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting: China has the largest population. Section D unless a couple of keep up with So do I. So it is. belong to been to gone to ever never just already have/has not done sth. yet have/has have/has +done 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Topic 3 The world has changed for the better. Section A I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn the sentences of the present tense with “ for” and “ since” . 2. Learn the word formation of derivatives. 3. Learn to care about and describe social development and changes. II. Important points: 1. some new words and a phrase 2. the present perfect tense with “ for” or “ since”III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Competition. (1) Divide students into several groups. Let students give the participle quickly after the teacher says a verb. Then choose the best group and give praise. (2) Show the shining words with a small Bb. Ask students to add some letters to the words make up new words after the examples. Lead to the formation of derivatives: root+suffix, prefix+root. 2. Lead students to sum up the rules that govern the formation of derevatives. With the help of these rules, learn and master the new words “ discover” , “ direct” , “ possible” , “ fair” , “ invention” and “ excite” . Finish 3. Step 2 Presentation 1. Show some pictures of New York. Then ask and answer between the teacher and students. Learn and master the phrase “ as a matter of fact ” . 2. Listen to 1a, and answer the shining questions: (1) Does Bob like living in New York? (2) Were the streets in New York dirty in the past? (3) Can Bob go to plays, concerts and operas every day in New York? 3. Let students read 1a, then find out and master the useful expressions in 1a. The teacher explains them. For example: You ve been in New York for a long time. Oh, you will get used to it very soon if you come. They used to be, but the city has Step 3 Consolidation 1. Let students listen to 1a again and read it with the tape together. Then act it out. Finish 1a. 2. Let students write a short passage about New York to compare the differences between the past and present in the streets. Traffic, restaurants and linving place according to 1a. Then finish 1b. Step 4 Practice 1. Let students find out the sentences with the present perfect tense in 1a. 2. Listen to 2a and choose the right answers. Understand “ flood” . Finish 2. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Handwriting: The world has changed for the better. Section A as a matter of fact You have been in New York for a long time. The city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago. Derivations: in+directindirect invent+tioninvention im+possibleimpossible un+fairunfair dis+coverdiscover excite+ingexciting 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section B I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Go on learning the present perfect tense with “ since” and “ for” and the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense. 2. Learn the word formation of compounds. 3. Learn to take care of others and make the world full of love. II. Important points: 1. some new words and a phrase 2. the present perfect tense with “ for” or “ since”III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Review 1a in Section A. Let students find out the sentences with the present perfect tense. Rewrite the sentences, using “ since” or “ for” . 2. Draw a time axis and learn to change the transient verbs in the simple past tense into the continuity verbs in the present perfect tense. Go on learning the usage of “ since” and “ for” . Finish 2a. 3. Let students fill in the blanks with “ since”and “ for”after the above examples. Then lead students to sum up the rules of changing the transient verbs into the contiuiety verbs. (1) Kate bought a new bike two days ago. Kate has had a new bike two days/ two days ago. (2) Ann borrowed a book a week ago. Ann has kept a book a week ago/ a week. (3) My uncle joined the Party last year. My uncle has been in the Party last year. My uncle has been a member of the Party one year. 4. Learn 2b. Finish 2b. Learn and master “ secretary ” , “ engineer” , “ fisherman” , “ dead ” , “ army” and “ wound” . Step 2 Presentation 1. Show a picture of homeless people. Ask and answer the teacher and students. Learn and master the new words and the phrase “ medical” , “ treatment” , “ provide” and “ in need ” . 2. Listen to 1a. Answer the shining questions: (1) What is the article about? (2) How does the program help homeless people? 3. Let students read 1a and find out the important sentences. Then the teacher writes them down on the Bb and explains these sentences. Finish 1a. Step 3 Consolidation Let students read 1a again. Finish 1b and check the answers. Master “ conversation ” . Step 4 Practice 1. Let students discuss what policies our government has carried out to help homeless people. Help students cultivate the spirit of caring about and helping others. 2. Learn the word formationof compounds. Addthe “ tails” after the words. Students give another word quickly after the teacher says a word, and combine these two words 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案to form a new one. Then the teacher writes it down on the Bb. 3. Lead students to sum up the word formation of compounds. Finish 3. Learn and master “ granddaughter ” , “ grandchild” , “ ache ” , “ fire” , “ stairs” , “ downstairs”and “ board” . Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting:The world has changed for the better. Section B in need Bobby left the park two hours ago/at 8:00. medical treatment Bobby has been away from the park since 8:00/for two hours. provide with Compounds: diebe dead, come be in grand+daughter granddaughter joinbe a member of fire+placefireplace buyhave, borrowkeep down+stairsdownstairs leavebe away (from) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section C I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Talk about community services and acquaint students with them. 2. Talk about hot spots of society. Enhance students sympathy and sense of social responsibility. II. Important points: skill, drug, steal, purpose, mention III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Show some prefixes, suffixes, roots and several words with a amall Bb. Let students match them in order to review the word formation of derivatives and compounds. 2. Show some pictures of homeless people and introduce their miserable lives in order to enhance the students sympathy. Ask questions in order to lead to 1a. Step 2 Presentation 1. Show a picture of people learning cooking skills. Ask and answer between the teacher and students. Learn and master the new words “ skill ” , “ drug”and “ steal” . Understand “ disobey” . 2. Listen to 1a and answer the shining questions. Check the answers. (1) Edmonton Community Services is a famous organization. What is it famous for? (2) What is the name of the special program in the organization? (3) What does Zack think of the program? Step 3 Consolidation 1. Let students read 1a. Lead them to find out the important phrases and sentences. Write them down on the Bb and explain these phrases and sentences. 2. Let students read 1a again. Then the teacher leads them to retell it in the form of dialog. Finish 1a. 3. Let students finish 1b according to 1a. Check the answers. Learn and master the new words “ purpose ” and “ mention” . Step 4 Practice 1. Ask and answer between the teacher and students. Lead to 2. Learn and master the new word “ war” . 2. Show the pictures in 2a. Let students discuss the lives of homeless people suffering from poverty, natural disasters and cruel wars. Then write a passage to express their best wishes. Finish 2. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting :The world has changed for the better. Section C take drugs It is famous for its success in helping homeless the purpose of people return to a normal life. learn skills It will be easy for them to find jobs. obey the rules cruel war 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section D I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Review the present perfect tense. 2. Review word formation. 3. Learn about Project Hope. Inspire students to be sympathetic. II. Important points: 1. social, abroad, at home and abroad, pay for, aim (to) 2. about Project HopeIII. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Play the song Devotion of Love in order to create a loving atmosphere and inspire students to be sympathetic. 2. Ask and answer between the teacher and students. Lead to “ Project Hope” . Step 2 Presentation 1. Ask students: (1) What do you know about Project Hope?(2) Have you ever received help from Project Hope? (3) What can we do for it? Let students discuss these questions. Then lead to 1a. 2. Show a picture of a Project Hopeschool. Introduce Project Hope to students. Let them know about it better. Master “ social” . Understand “ aim” . 3. Listen to 1a and answer the shining questions: (1) When did Project Hope start? (2) How many poor students have got education with the help of Project Hope? 4. Let students read 1a. Lead them to find out the important phrases and sentences. Write them down on the Bb and explain these phrases and sentences. Learn and master the new word phrases “ abroad ” , “ at home and abroad ”and “ pay for” . For example: (1) Project Hope is a social service program to help poor students. (2) I aims to bring school into poor areas of China (3) In the past sixteen years, Priject Hope has raised about 3 billion yuan from people at home and abroad. (4) pay for (5) With the money, it has built thousands of schools and libraries . Step 3 Consolidation 1. Let students read 1a the tape together. Understand 1a further. 2. The teacher leads students to retell 1a in the form of dialogs. Finish 1a. Step 4 Practice 1. Let students complete the passage with the correct forms of the given words. Finish 1b. Check the answers. 2. Let students answer the question “ What will Minmin d after leaving college?”according to the passage in 1b. Inspire students to be kind-hearted and full of love. 3.Let students find out the sentences with the present perfect tense in 1b. the teacher leads students to sum up the usage of the present perfect tense(III) 4. the teacher and students sum up the grammar and the useful expressions of Topic 3 togetner. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Let students listen to 2a and 2b. finish 2a and 2b. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. 板书设计:The world has changed for the better. Section D Project Hope aim to do sth. at home and abroad afford an education for pay for in the past sixteen years a social service program a lot of work to do receive from 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1 Pollution causes too many problems. Section A I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn the usage of direct speech and indirect speech. 2. Talk about different kinds of pollution in order to enhance the awareness of environmental protection. II. Important points: 1. bee, my goodness, waste, stream, breathe, be harmful to, influence 2. direct speech and indirect speech 3. some useful sentencesIII. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review Show a picture in which the town s environment is seriously polluted by chemical factories. Lead to the topic of environmental pollution by talking about the picture. Understand the new word “ chemical” . Step 2 Presentation 1. Learn 3a and 3b. (1) Show different pictures of environmental pollution in 3a. Let students have a general idea about different kinds of pollution. Then ask students to tell what kind of pollution it is. Teach and ask students to master the new words “ brethe”and “ influnce” . Understand “ soil” , “ harmful” and “ be harmful to” . (2) Look and match. Finish 3a and check the answers. (3) Finish 3b with the given word and phrases in 3a and check the answers. 2. Discuss in groups about the cause and harm of pollution. Then the teacher makes a summary: Pollution does harm to not only human beings but also animals. Lead to 2. 3. Listen to 2 and finish 2. 4. The teacher leads to 1a. (1) Show the first picture in 1a and ask students to describe the beautiful scenery. Teach and ask students to master the new words “ bee” and “ stream ” . (2) Show the second picture in 1a and ask students to describe the changes caused by environmental pollution. Learn and master the new word “ waste” . Step 3 Consolidation 1. Ask students to read 1a, and deepen their understanding of the picture. 2. Let students read 1a aloud, and find out key phrases and sentences. Write them down on the Bb. Let students understand these sentences on the Bb and guess the meaning of “ my googness ” . (1) Oh, my goodness. (2) The flowers and grass have gone! (3) Look, there are sever chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream. 3. Listen to 1a. Let students follow it and imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 4. Work in groups. Read 1a in groups of four, then act it out. Finish 1a. Step 4 Practice 1. The teacher presents some sentences in 1a, and shows students how to change 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案direct speech into indirect speech. Then let students practice in pairs. 2. Let students fill out the table in 1b, then learn the usage of direct speech and indirect speech. Remind students to pay attention to the change of the tense. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting:Pollution causes too many problems. Section A air pollution there be sb./sth. doing sth. soil pollution be harmful to water pollution Kangkang said that it was a beautiful light pollution place with lots of flowers and grass. noise pollution litter 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section B I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Go on learning and master the usage of direct speech and indirect speech. 2. Learn to express blame and complaint. II. Important points: 1. direct speech and indirect speech 2. some expressions about blame and complaintIII. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Ask students to report their surveys in the previous lesson about environmental pollution. 2. Summarize the main points in their reports and lead to this section. Step 2 Presentation 1. Show the picture in 1a and talk about it. Learn and master the new words “ weak” , “ produce” and “ chest ” . Understand the new word “ gas” . 2. Let students further discuss other influences that the chemical factory brings on people so that they can understand the text better. Lead to the new word “ anyway” . Then ask students to learn and master it. 3. Listen to 1a, answer the shining questions, and then check the answers. (1) What makes the old lady s chest hurt? (2) Why can t she sleep well at night? Step 3 Consolidation 1. Listen to 1a again, let students read after the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 2. Work in pairs. Read 1a, and then act it out in roles.(optional) 3.read 1a. Find out the sentences that the granny blames and complains about environmental pollution. Ask students to master them. For example: (1) It s difficult for me to breathe. (2) The chemical factory produces terrible gas. (3) The bad air makes my chest hurt. (4) What s more, the factory makes too much noise and I can t sleep well at night. (5) I can t stand the environment here. Step 4 Practice 1. Let one student act as the granny in 1a and retell the sentences that uses to blame and complain. Go on learning the usage of direcr speech and indirecr speech. Finish 1a. For example: S1: It s difficult for me to breathe. T: What did she say? S2: She said that it was difficult for her to breathe. Write down the sentences above on the Bb. Ask students to observe them and lead students to sum up the usage of the tense, the pronouns and the time in the sentences. 2. Let students finish 1b by themselves, and do more exercise to deepen their understanding of the usage of direct speech and indirect speech. 3.Work in chains. Practice how to change direct speech into indirect speech. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案4. Let students finish 2 by themselves. Then check the answers. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting :Section B produce terrible gas Kangkang asked the old lady how long she had been like that. The old lady told Kangkang that she had been like that since the week before. can t stand (doing) sth. The journalist asked Mrs. Zhou whether/if she was feeling better then. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section C I.Teaching aims and demands: Know about noise pollution and enhance the consciousness of environmental protection. II. Important points: 1. coal, deaf, print, disturb, rubbish 2 some useful sentences about noise pollution: (1) noise is also a kind of pollution and is harmful to humans health. (2) People who work and live in noisy conditions go deaf easily. (3) many teenagers in America can hear no better than 65-year-old people do, III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Review the kinds of pollution by asking and answering questions. Lead to the topic of noise pollution in this section. 2. Discuss the pre-reading questions in 1a. Guess and understand the meaning of “ shining” and “ electricity ” , and master the word “ coal” . Finish 1 in 1a. Step 2 Presentation 1. Play some pieces of beautiful music. The teacher asks, “ Do you like them?” . Then the teacher plays some unpleasant sounds and asks the same question. Lead to the word “ deaf” , teach and ask studentd to master it. 2. Let students read the passage in1a and understand the gist of the text. Find out th enew words and encourages them to guess their meanings in the context. Let students learn and master the new words “ print”and “ disturb” . Understand “ partner” , “ hearing loss ” and “ harm” . Know about “ including” . Step 3 Consolidation 1. Listen to 1a. Let students read 1a after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation, speed, intonation and pause. 2. Read 1a carefully. Let students underline the important and dificult points and try to solve them by themselves. Ask students to find out at least four sentences about the harm of noise pollution. Finish 1a. 3. Finish 1b according to 1a. Check the answers. Master “ rubbish”and understand “ title” . 4. Work in pairs. Discuss the sentences in 1c, then decide which paragraphs of 1a they belong to. Finish 1c. Understand “ nearby” and know about “ sawmill” . Step 4 Practice Discuss the kinds and harm of noise pollution in pairs. The teacher choose several pairs to act it out. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting :Section C be harmful to go deaf do harm to no better than Noise is also a kind of pollution and is harmful to humans health. . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section D I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Review the usage of direct and indirect speech. 2. Summarize the kinds and harm of pollution. II. Important points: 1. create, industry, blood 2. direct and indirect speech III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review Show the pictures about various kinds of pollution, then asks students to say what kind of pollution it is and what harm it does, and draws the conclusion that they are bad for our health in many ways. Step 2 Presentation 1. Show three pictures to the students, guide them to watch the pictures carefully and summarize them. Lead to 1a. Ask students to master “ create ” , “ industry” and “ blood” , and understand “ destroy” and “ pressure ” .2. Let students read 1a by themselves, know about the passage,and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers. Finish 1a. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Let students read 1a again and find out the sentences describing the harm of each kind of pollution. Write down the shining sentences on the Bb. (1) It can cause sore eyes and breathing problems. (2) It makes our environment dirty. (3) destroy the soil. Soil pollution causes unhealthy food. (4) Too much noise can cause high blood pressure as well. (5) It makes people feel terrible and is especially bad for the eyes. 2. Let students discuss in groups and finish 1b. Check the answers. 3. Work in groups. Retell 1a according to 1b.(optional) Step 4 Practice 1. The teacher and students work together to sum up the usage of direct speech and indirect speech in this topic. Look at 2a and complete the missing sentences in the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案summary. 2. The teacher and students work together to sum up useful ecpressions in this topic. Look at 2b and complete the missing sentences in the summary. 3. Ask students to read 2a and 2b to have a better understanding of the grammar and useful expressions they have learned in this topic. Then let students practice direct and indirect speech. Finish 2a and 2b. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting: Pollution causes too many problems. Section D high blood pressure Burning gas, oil and coal creates air pollution. with the development of industry With less pollution, our planet will becomein many ways 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Topic 2 All these problems are very serious. Section A I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn the usages of indefinite pronouns and adverbs. 2. Know something about pollution further and enhance the awareness of environment protection. II. Important points: 1. as a result, behavior, in the beginning, day by day, die out 2. (1)As a result, air pollution has become a serious problem. (2)Humans have come to realize the importance of protecting animals. 3. the indefinite pronoun and adverb: (1) None of us likes pollution. (2) Don t spit anywhere in public. (3) Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. (1) Show some animalspictures, for example, a panda s. Enhance students awareness of environment. Master “ die out” . Understand “ importance” . (2) Listen to 3. Finish A of 3. (3) Ask students to understand the five sentences in B of 3. Listen to 3 again, and finish B of 3. Then check the answers. 2. Show the picture of 1a. Ask and answer between the teacher and students. Ask students to review the kinds of pollution and their harm. Lead to1a. Learn and master “ as a result ” . Step 2 Presentation 1. Listen to 1a. Help students summarize what should /shouldn t do as students and enhance students awareness of protecting the environment. 2. Let students read 1a and underline the important and difficult sentences. Encourage students to discuss and solve them by themselves. Then the teacher writes them down on the Bb and explains them. 3. Let students read 1a again, find the sentences with indefinite pronouns and adverbs and then discuss the usages of them. Then the teacher and students summarize the usage together. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Listen to 1a again. Let students follow it and imiate the pronunciation and intonation. 2. Read 1a in roles and then act it out. 3. Read 1a and finish 1b alone to get a further understanding o fthe dialog. 4. Retell 1a according to 1b.(optional) Finish 1a. Step 4 Practice 1. Let students finish 2 by themselves, then check the answers. Learn and master the new word and phrases “ behavior” , “ in the beginning” and “ day by day” . Understand “ rude” . 2. Create a real scene. The teacher and students work together to discuss the bad 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 31 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案behaviors in the school. Encourage students to keep away from these behaviors. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting :All these problems are very serious. Section A as a result But the government is doing something useful to protect the environment. something useful None of us likes pollution. in the beginning Don t spit anywhere in public. day by day Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees. die out We should do everything we can to protect the environment. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 32 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section B I.Teaching aims and demands: Talk about the importance of forests and water resources. Enhance students awareness of environmental protection. II. Important points: 1. some new words and phrases: 2. some useful sentences: (1) Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away. (2) Pass laws against water pollution. (3) Remember to turn the tap off when you leave. III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Show different pictures about pollution. Ask and answer in pairs, talking about different kinds and the harm of pollution. 2. Play a short video about sandstorms. Lead to this section. Learn and master “ sand” . Know about “ sandstorm ” . Step 2 Presentation 1. Show a picture with the scene of people with gauze masks in a sandstorm. Lead to 1c. 2. Listen to 1a and answer the shining question, then check the answer. How can trees afect the weather? 3. Let students read 1a carefully, and underline the new words and important sentences at the same time. Write them down on the Bb and then help students understand them. Learn and master the new words and phrase “ prevent” , “ preventfrom” and “ although” . Understand “ humman being” . For example: (1) That s bad, but how can that affect the weather? (2) Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away. (3) They can also prevent the water from washing the earth away. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Read 1a with the tape. Remind students to play attention, speed, intonation and pause. 2. Read 1a in groups. Let students work in groups of three and read it in roles. Then the teacher selects several groups to act it out. Finish 1a. 3. Read 1a again and finish 1b. 4. Talk in pairs about what causes the sandstorm and the importantce of forests according to the questions and picture in 1b. Then tell them to the class. Step 4 Practice 1. Let students read 2. Learn and master the new word and phrase “ law”and “ turn off” . Understand “ tap” . Find out the important and difficult sentences. Then the teacher writes them down on the Bb and helps students understand them. 2. Discuss in groups: What kind of ways do you have to save water besides the ways in 2? Make a list of ways of saving water. Then choose several groups to report their results. Finish 2. Step 5 Project/work after class 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 33 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting :All these problems are very serious. Section B cut down prevent from =stop from change into desert human being Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away. although / but Pass laws against water pollution. turn off Remember to turn the tap off when you leave. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 34 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section C I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn more about the harm caused by different kinds of pollution and reasons of these kinds o pollution. 2. Get information by using simple reading strategies according to different reading purposes. II. Important points: 1. on earth, period, millions of, take away, rise, level, refer to 2. Some useful sentences: (1) When it rains or when the wind blows, the earth is taken away. (2) The heat from the sun can t escape so the temperature is rising. (3) Forests have become deserts, so more and more sorts of animals and plants are disappearing. (4) As a result, many rivers and lakes are now dead. (5) Too much harmful radiation from the sun passes through the hole and reaches the earth directly. (6) It causes the level of the oceans to rise and the climate of the earth to change. III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Look at the pictures in 1a. Discuss in groups about what pollution human activities bring and what problems the pollution causes. Then get several students to report the results of their discussion. 2. Let students think about some questions given by the teacher according to the pictures in 1a. let students learn and master “ rise” , and know about “ ozone layer” , “ carbon” and “ carbon dioxide” . For example: (1) What is the ozone layer? (2) What does the ozone layer fo? Is it good or bad for us? (3) What problem will the rise of carbon dioxide cause? Step 2 Presentation 1. Let students read 1a with these questions and answer them. 2. Read 1a again and choose a suuitable title for each paragraph by using the reading skills we have. Check the answers. Master the new words and phrases “on earth”, “ period”, “ millions of”, “take away” , and “ level” . Understand the words and phrase “ pollute” , “ oxygen” , “ radiation” , “ blanket” , “ escape ” and “ the greenhouse effect ” . Step 3 Consolidation 1. Let students choose the best answers according to 1a, and finish 1b. Finally check the answerw. And let students master “ refer to” and know about” Mars” . 2. Let students find out the difficult points in 1a and solve them with the teacher. 3. Read with the tape, Paying attentin to the pronunciation, speed, intonation and pause. Finish 1a. Step 4 Practice 1. Divide the class into two groups. Let each group find out the infuences of O3, CO2 and the greenhouse effect on the environment. Then let the two groups compare what they ve found out, and completement each other. Write down how they affect the environment. The teacher offers help if necessary. Finish 2. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 35 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案2. Discuss: What should we do to protect the earth? Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting :All these problems are very serious. Section C millions of When it rains or when the wind blows, the earth is taken away. take away As a result, many rivers and lakes are now dead. refer to The heat from the sun can t escape so the temperature is rising. It causes the level of the oceans to rise and the climate of the earth to change. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 36 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section D I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Summarize the usage of indefinite pronouns and adverbs. 2. Summarize the harm of rubbish pollution, and let students realize the importance of protecting the environment. II. Important points: 1. some useful sentences: (1) This harms the environment (2) At the same time, dealing with (3) Of all the garbage, about 35 percent can be recycled while the rest can t. (4) How shall we deal with it? 2. the indefinite pronoun and adverb: (1) None of us likes pollution. (2) Don t spit anywhere in public. (3) Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees. (4) We should do everything we can to protect the environment.III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Listen to 3 and read after the tape. Then let students read together. Asfter that, talk about the function of ttrees. Finish 3. 2. Talk about the pollution that the earth is surffering by playing some parts of videos. 3. Show some pictures of garbage pollution and introduce them. Let students understand the word “ garbage ” . Step 2 Presentation 1. Let students listen to the tape of 1a and fill in the blanks. Check the answers. Master the phrase “ take up” . 2. Let students read 1a by themselves. Answer the questions: (1) How many tons of waste do people produce in Britain every year? What about HK? (2) How do people deal with it? (3) How does the garbage harm the environment? Step 3 Consolidation 1. Read with the tape, paying attention to the pronunciation, speed, intonation and pause. 2. Ask students to read 1a silently, and find out some key words and phrases to retell the text. 3. Have a discussion. Let students give some suggestions on how to deal with the rubbish produced every day. Finish 1a. 4. Ask students to read and understand the sentences of 1b, underline the sentences in 1a which have the same meanings as those in 1b. Zcheck the answers. Review the usage of the phrases “ be harmful to” and “ have difficulty doing ” as well. Finish 1b. Step 4 Practice 1. Let students summarize the important sentences and phrases in 1a and 1b. Then review the useful expressions of this topic. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 37 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案2. Present some exercise, and review the sentences of this topic with the indefinite pronouns and adverbs. Summarize all the indefinite pronouns and adverbs and the uasge with students together. 3. Read 2a and 2b, then the teacher dictates some sentences or phrases. Finish 2a and 2b. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting :All these problems are very serious. Section D take up This harms the environment At the same time, dealing with 不定代词 /副词Of all the garbage, about 35 percent can be recycled while the rest can t. How shall we deal with it? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 38 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Topic 3 Would you like to be a greener person? Section A I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn the compound sentence with “ or” , “ and” , “ but” and “ while” . 2. Talk about protecting the environment from angles of “ reduce” , “ reuse ”and “ recycle” . II. Important points: 1. some new words: plastic, suppose, nod, agreement, shake 2. the compound sentences with “ or” , “ and” , “ but” and “ while” : (1) Noise is a kind of pollution and it s harmful to our hearing. (2) The earth is beautiful but people are hurting the earth now. (3) Work hard, or you will fail the exam. (4) She was busy cooking while they were watching TV . III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Discuss how to protect the environment in groups. 2. The teacher brings to the class some rubbish. Lead to 1a. Learn and master “ plastic” . Understand the words “ reduce ” and “ can” . 3. Let students listen to 2, and finish it. Check the answers. Step 2 Presentation 1. Listen to 1a, and let students answer the question: What does Jane do in the organization? Then check the answer. 2. Read 1a carefully, then answer the shining questions, and check the answers. (1) What kinds of things can we do at home to protect the environment? (2) What about at school? 3. Let students find out the important and difficult sentences in 1a. Then the tezcher helps students understand and use them. For example: (1) We should reduce the waste we produce. (2) we should use both sides of the paper and reuse plastic bags. (3) So we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans. (4) Everyone is supposed to do so. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Read 1a in roles. Finish 1a. 2. According to 1a, finish 1b. Check the answers. 3. Discuss in groups: What should we do as students to protect the environment? Have a competition to see which group is the one that gives more and better suggestions. Step 4 Practice 1. Get students to observe the example of 3, and understand the meanings. The teacher should explain some of the important and difficult points when necessary. 2. The teacher leads to the new words by gestures. Let students learn and master the new words “ nod” , “ agreement ” and “ shake ” . Let students join the eight sentences in 3, and check the answers. 3. Let students sum up the function and usage of “ or” , “ and ” , “ but” and “ while” . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 39 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案4. Have a competition. Make up sentences with “ or” , “ and” , “ but” and “ while” . Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting: Would you like to be a greener person? Section A be supposed to do sth. 1. You nod your head and it means agreement. reduce 2. Hurry up, or you ll miss the train. the three Rsreuse 3. Water is important but some people don t save it. recycle 4. Some people protect animals while others kill animals. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 40 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section B I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn to giveadvice with the phrase “ ought to” . 2. Lead students to protect the environment together with the teacher by doing ordinary things around us and to be greener persons. II. Important points: 1. A new word and a phrase:ought to, action 2. Some useful sentences: (1)Would you like to be a greener person? (2)First, you ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room. (3)Easier said than done. (4)Well, actions speak louder than words. (5)May I have your attention, please? III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Divide the class into two groups. One group uses “ should”and the other uses “ ought to” to answer the question. Let students in each group say sentences one by one within 3 minutes. The group that says more sentences will be the winner. Master the phrase “ ought to” . 2. Let students look at the pictures in 1b, and match these sentences with proper pictures. Learn to be a greener person. Finish 1b. Step 2 Presentation 1. Let students listen to 1a, and then answer the shining questions. (1) What are Jane s suggestions? (2) Why does Jane suggest that Michael had better walk or ride abike instead of taking a bus oe a taxi? 2. Read 1a. Consolidate the sentence patterns of giving advice. Understand “ distance ”and “ cloth” . Master the word “ action” . You ught to. You d better Don t3.Let students find out something difficult in 1a, and solve them with the teacher. For example: (1) Easier said than done. (2) Actions speak louder than words. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Let students listen to 1a again, then read with the tape. Students should read with moderate speed, and make their pronunciation and intonation correct, natural and smooth. 2. Practice the conversation of 1a in groups and act it out in roles. Finish 1a. Step 4 Practice 1. Let students read 2a alone. Let them raise questions for other students to answer according to the passage. 2. Let students read 2a with the tape. Find out the difficult points of the text. The 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 41 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案teacher gives necessary explanation. 3. Lead students to understand the form of the announcement and find out the key words and phrases, and then ask them to retell 2a. (optional) Finish 2a. For example: Attention, Beach Clean-up Day, 9:30 a.m. , finish, beach, bus, on time, lunch,sort, go to bed early Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting: Would you like to be a greener person? Section B ought to Would you like to be a greener person? travel a short distance It s so easy to be a greener person. Clean-up Day Easier said than done. It s+adj+to do sth. Actions speak louder than words. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 42 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section C I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Go on learning the usage of compound sentences with conjunctions. 2. Know about the modern technologies on environmental protection. II. Important points: 1. some new words:technology, electric, wheel, steel 2. some compound sentences: (1) In many countries, people produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and causes acid rain. (2) Although electric vehicles produce no pollution, there will be an increase in electricity needs if they are widely used. III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review 1. Check the homework. 2. Let students discuss the energy resources they have known. Then show more kinds of energy resources by using pictures, such as wind, solar energy, coal and nuclear energy. Ask and answer between the teacher and students. Lead students to know about the use of these energy resources. Lead to the new section. Step 2 Presentation 1. let students read 2 of 1a. (1) Finish 1 in 1a. Master “ electric” . Understand “ power” and “ nuclear” . Know about “ acid rain” and “ efficient” . (2) Then choose the right picture for each paragraph. Finish 2 of 1a. Master “ technology” , “ wheel”and “ steel” , understand “ per”and “ guide” , and know about “ biogas” , “ straw” and “ maglev train” . 2. Let students read 2 of 1a carefully and answer the shining questions. (1) Why isn t coal a good material? (2) What is the disavantage of using nuclear power? (3) What do you think of electric cars? 3. Encourage students to find out and understand the important sentences in the text and summarize the similarities and differences in the usage of “ however” , “ but” and “ while” . Finish 1a. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Do the written work. Fill in the blanks with the words “ but” , “ and ” , “ however” and “ while” .(optional) (1) It s rining hard; however , he keeps on working in the field. (2) Kangkang can solve the problem, but I can t. (3) Coal is very dirty and it is very dangerous, because it causes “ acid rain” . (4) The water trains in Wales use water to push one train down a hill while they use the water to pull another train up the hill. 2. Read 2 of 1a again, then finish 1b. 3. Do the oral exercise. Ask and answer according to 1b. (optional) Step 4 Practice 1. Let students say several methods that they know of producing electricity. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 43 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案2. Let students read 2, and know more about the new methods of producing electricity that can save energy. Understand “ movement” . Then finish 2. 3. Do the written work. According to the knowledge wen have learned about how to save energy and protect the environment in this topic, write a passage to talk about how you have done it in daily life and to present both your good habits that are helpful for environmental protection and youe bad behaviors that need to be improved. Finish 3. Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting: Would you like to be a greener person? Section C electric (adj. ) electricity (n. ) 1. In many countries, people produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and causes acid rain. maglev train 2. Although electric vehicles produce no pollution, there will be an increase in electricity needs if they are widely used. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 44 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Section D I.Teaching aims and demands: 1. Sum up the usage of compound sentences. 2. Go on learning and extending the topic of protecting the environment. II. Important points: 1. new words: towel, offer 2. some compound sentences: (1) About 35% of the garbage in Hong Kong can be recycled every year while the rest can t. (2) People produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and causes acid rain. III. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Review Let students list as many measures as they can of protecting the environment according to the ways of saving energy in Section C and their understandings of protecting the environment. Lead to 2a. Step 2 Presentation Have a quiz in class. Nowadays more and more people are turning green. They re juest trying their best to protect the environment. Let students read 2a rapidly and make suitable choices according to their habits in daily life. Then compare their scores with the scores below 2a. Encourage students to master the word “ towel” and understand the words “ journey” and “ medium” . Finish 2a. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer with your partner according to the quiz result to improve oral English. 2. Discuss in groups. Let students compare their scores and choose one student from each group to give a short oral report to the class according to 2b. Finish 2b. Step 4 Practice 1. Listen to 1 and check the answers. Finish 1. 2. Sum up the usage of compound sentences with students together, listen to 3a, and then fill in the blanks with “ but” , “ and” , “ or”, “ however”and “ ehile” . (optional) Finish 3a. (1) The car is very old but in good condition. (2) He likes football while/and I like baseball. (3) He knows English well; however , he has never benn to England. (4) I m interested in English, and I m good at English. (5) Work hard, or you will fall behind others. 3. First, let students recall the functional items in this topic. Then listen to 3b and let students read about together after the tape. Finish 3b. 4. Work in groups. Translate the shining sentences as quickly as possible. Marks will be given by groups.(optional) (1) 我们应该重复使用塑料袋。(2) 我们现在该动身了。(3) 他如果九点出发,现在该到这里了。(4) 当你离开房间时,你应该把灯关上。(5) 回收利用不仅可以保护环境,而且可以节省财力。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 45 页,共 46 页名师精编优秀教案Step 5 Project/work after class 1. Free work. 2. Do some exersice in TOPENGLISH. Handwriting: Would you like to be a greener person? Section D make a short journey paper towels The electric cars work well, but they are slow. My mother was cooking while my father was reading the newspaper. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 46 页,共 46 页
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