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学习必备欢迎下载1 课1.TCM has a history of thousands of years and is a summary of the Chinese people s experience in their struggle against diseases. 2.TCM has a unique and integrated theoretical system. 3.TCM is a science that studies the rules of life as well as the occurrence, progress, prevention and treatment of diseases. 4.Yellow Emperor s Canon of Medicine has laid a solid foundation for the formation of theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine. 5.Classic of Difficulties has supplemented what was unaddressed in the Yellow Emperor s Canon of Medicine in many respects, especially in pulse lore. 6.Discussion on the Causes and Symptoms of Various Diseases is the earliest extant monograph on the causes and symptoms of diseases in China. 7.Yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficient. 8.Internal impairment of the spleen and stomach causes various diseases. 9.Compendium of Materia Medica is recognized as a monumental work in the history of Chinese materia medica and a great contribution to the development of pharmacology in the world. 10.Traditional Chinese materia medica includes not only medicinal herbs, but also minerals and animal parts. 11.In the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, there appeared the so-called four great medical schools. 12.Zhang Congzheng believed that all diseases were caused by exogenous pathogenic factors and advocated that pathogenic factors should be driven out by means of diaphoresis, emesis and purgation. 13.Liu Wansu believed that “ fire-heat ” was the main cause of a variety of diseas es and that these diseases should should be treated with drugs cold and cool in nature. 14.Li Gao held that “ internal impairment of the spleen and stomach would bring about diseases” and emphasized that the most important thing in clinical treatment was to warm and invigorate the spleen and stomach. 15.Zhu Danxi believed that “ yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficient” and advocated the remedies of nourishing yin and reducing fire in treatment of diseases. 16.Study on Warm Disease is a clinical specialty focusing on the occurrence, progress, diagnosis and treatment of warm diseases. 17.The School of Warm Disease has developed the rules of treatment of warm disease based on syndrome differentiation in light of defensive phase, qi phase, nutritive phase, blood phase and triple energizer. 18.Wang Qingren in the late Qing Dynasty corrected mistakes about anatomy made in ancient medical books and advocated the theory that diseases were caused by blood stagnation. 19.Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine has paved a new way for the development and modernization of traditional Chinese medicine. 20.Great progress has been made in systematic and experimental study of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine. 2 课1.The theoretical system of TCM is mainly characterized by holism and treatment based on syndrome differentiation. 2.TCM believes that the human body is an organic whole. 3.The constituent parts of the human body are interdependent in physiology and mutually influential in pathology. 4.The holism permeates through the physiology, pathology, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation and treatment of diseases. 5.Changes in the natural world directly or indirectly influence the human body. 6.Qi and blood in the human body tend to flow to the exterior in spring and summer and to the interior in autumn and winter. 7.The heart opens into the tongue and is internally and externally related to the small intestine. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载8.TCM has noticed that the fact that social activity psychologically influences human beings. 9.According to TCM, the body and spirit coexist, interacting with each other and influencing each other. 10.Yang qi in the human body tends to flow to the exterior in the daytime and to the interior at night. 11.Regional differences, to some extent, influences the physiological activities of the human body. 12.Syndrome is a generalization of pathological changes at a certain stage during the course of a disease. 13.Treatment based on syndrome differentiation, one of the characteristics of TCM, is the basic principle in TCM for understanding and treating diseases. 14.Syndrome includes the location, cause and nature of a disease as well as the state of pathogenic factors and healthy qi. 15.Differentiation of syndrome and treatment of disease are two inseparable aspects in diagnosing and treating diseases. 16.Clinically doctors pay great attention to the differentiation of diseases. But therapeutically they care more about the differentiation of syndromes because diseases can be cured by treating syndromes. 17.Syndrome can comprehensively and accurately reveal the nature of a disease. 18.Different diseases may demonstrate the same syndrome because of the similarity in pathogenesis. 19.If the syndrome of middle qi sinking appears in two different diseases, they all can be treated by the therapeutic method for elevating middle qi. 20.The treatment of diseases in TCM does not only simply concentrate on the difference or similarity of diseases, but on the difference 3 课1.Yin and yang are two concepts in classical Chinese philosophy. 2.Yin and yang are the summarization of the attributes of two opposite aspects of interrelated things or phenomena in nature. 3.The formation, development and changes of all things in the universe are the result of the movement of yin and yang that oppose to each other and unite with each other. 4.The celestial qi pertains to yang because it is light and lucid, while the terrestrial qi pertains to yin because it is heavy and turbid. 5.The course of mutual restraint and inhibition between yin and yang signifies their progress in mutual reduction and promotion. 6.Yin cannot exist alone without yang and vice versa. 7.Separation of yin and yang results in exhaustion of essence. 8.Only through constant reduction, growth and balance can the normal development of things 9.Under given conditions, either yin or yang may transform into its counterpart. 10.Sprout of things signifies transformation while extreme development of things indicates change. 11.Yin and yang are indispensable the human body. 12.Functions pertain to yang while substances to yin. 13.If yin and yang fail to promote each other and are thus separated from each other, it will lead to the end of life. 14.No matter how complicated pathological changes of a disease are, they are nothing more than relative predominance of yin or yang. 15.The so-called healthy qi refers to the structure and functions of the body, including body resistance against diseases. 16.If any part of the body, either yin or yang, becomes deficient to a certain extent, it will inevitably lead to insufficiency of the other part. 17.Imbalance between yin and yang is the intrinsic factor responsible for the occurrence and progress of a disease. 18.The manifestations of complexion can tell whether a disease pertains to yin or yang in nature. 19.The basic therapeutic principle is to supplement insufficiency and reduce excess. 20.Only when appropriate herbs are chosen can excellent therapeutic effects be ensured. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载4 课1.Wood, fire, earth, metal and water are the five most essential materials indispensable to human existence. 2.The formation of the theoretical system of TCM was deeply influenced by the theory of five elements. 3.Water is characterized by moistening and downward flow 4.The liver pertains to wood because it controls elevation. 5.The spleen pertains to earth because it controls transportation and transformation. 6.The kidney pertains to water because it controls water metabolism. 7.Restriction implies that one thing brings under control or restraint of the other. 8.Since wood generates fire, wood is the generator of fire; since fire generates earth, fire is the generator of earth. 9.Subjugation or over restriction means to launch a violent attack when a counterpart is weak. 10.When wood is too strong, it will over restrict the spleen and counter-restrict metal 11.Since the heart can warm the body, it pertains to fire. 12.The liver stores blood to complement the liver. 13.The kidney stores essence to nourish blood in the liver. 14.The idea that the disorder of a child-organ attacks the mother-organs means that the disease is transmitted from a child-organ to its mother-organ. 15.The human body is an organic whole. So disorders of the internal organs can be manifested over the surface of the body. 16.Restriction includes over restriction and counter-restriction, both of which are abnormal restriction among the five elements. 17.The basic relationships among the five elements are generation, restriction, over restriction and counter-restriction. 18.The one that generates is the mother-element while the one that is being generated is the child-element. 19.Clinically the doctrine of five elements is used to decide therapeutic principles and methods. 20.The doctrine of five elements obviously has certain limitations and is still in need of further improvement. 5 课1.The theory of visceral manifestation studies the physiological functions and pathological changes of viscera and their relations. 2.The theory of visceral manifestation plays an important role in the theoretical system of TCM. 3.The common physiological function of the five zang-organs is to transform and store essence. 4.The common physiological function of the six fu-organs is to receive, transport and transform water and food. 5.Diseases of the zang-organs are often of deficiency in nature while diseases of the fu-organs are frequently of excess in nature. 6.Excess of zang-organs can be treated by purging the corresponding fu-organs while deficiency of fu-organs can be treated by reinforcing the related zang-organs. 7.Common cold due to invasion of cold into the skin is often characterized by stuffy nose, running nose and cough. 8.Kidney essence is helpful for promoting the growth of skeleton. 9.The heart and the small intestine are internally and externally related to each other. 10.The five zang-organs, the body and all the orifices form an organic whole. 11.The spleen open into the mouth and its luster is manifested over the lips. 12.The physiological functions of the five zang-organs are closely associated with the state of spirit and mind. 13.The physiological functions of the five zang-organs play a leading role in the physiological functions of the whole body. 14.The normal relationship between the five zang-organs and the body and all the orifices is key to the relative stability of the internal environment of the body. 15.The normal relationship between the five zang-organs and the body and all the orifices maintains the relative 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载balance between the internal environment and external environment of the body. 16.Disorder of spirit, emotions and mental activity affects the physiological functions of the five zang-organs. 17.The formation of the doctrine of visceral manifestation was, to a certain extent, based on the knowledge of anatomy in ancient times. 18.The state of the internal organs must be manifested externally. 19.The knowledge about the viscera in the doctrine of visceral manifestation has exceeded the scope of that in modern anatomy. 6 课20.The viscera in the doctrine of visceral manifestations are not simply anatomic concepts, but the concepts that are used to generalize the physiological functions and pathological changes in the whole body. 1.The main physiological function of the heart is to control blood vessels and govern the mind. 2.The vessels are the passages in which blood flows. 3.Sufficient heart qi, abundant blood and smoothness of vessels are prerequisite to normal circulation of blood. 4.Pathological changes of the heart can be observed from the tongue. 5.The respiratory function of the lung directly influences the production of thoracic qi. 6.Failure of the lung to disperse inevitably leads to dyspnea, chest oppression, cough and panting. 7.Hypofunction of the lung in regulating water passage will lead to production of phlegm and retained fluid due to stagnation of water. 8.The pathological changes of the lung are mainly manifested in the nose and throat. 9.Transportation and transformation of water and food means to digest food and absorb nutrients from food. 10.Failure of the spleen to transport normally refers to hypofunction of the spleen in transporting and transforming the nutrients of water and food. 11.The spleen is the acquired base of life and the source of qi and blood production. 12.All diseases are caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach. 13.The main physiological function of the liver is to control free flow of qi and store blood. 14.Stagnation of qi will affect blood circulation as well as distribution and metabolism of body fluid. 15.Insufficiency of blood or failure of the liver to store blood will cause scanty menstruation or even amenorrhea. 16.Sufficient blood stored in the liver and normal function of the liver to regulate blood enable the limbs to get necessary energy for their movement. 17.The kidney governs growth, development and reproduction. 18.The essence stored in the kidney includes innate essence and acquired essence. 19.If the function of the kidney to receive qi is normal, breath will be smooth and even. 20.Though urine is discharged from the bladder, it depends on qi transforming activity of the kidney to accomplish such a discharge. 7 课1.The gallbladder excretes bile to promote the small intestine to digest food 2.The main physiological function of the gallbladder is to store and excrete bile. 3.Bile is transformed from the essence in the liver. 4.The main physiological function of the stomach is to receive and digest water and food. 5.After primary digestion, the food in the stomach is transferred to the small intestine. The nutrient of food is then transported and transformed to nourish the whole body by the spleen. 6.Food is further divided into nutrient and residue after further digestion in the small intestine. 7.The small intestine also absorbs large quantity of liquid when it absorbing nutrients from food. 8.The so-called “lucid” refers to the nutrients of water and food while the so-called “turbid” refers to the residue of food. 9.If the function of the small intestine to separate the lucid from the turbid, the activity of defecation and urination will be normal. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载10.The main physiological function of the large intestine is to receive the waste part of foodstuff transmitted down from the small intestine, absorb part of the liquid from the waste and transform the rest part into feces to be discharged from the anus. 11.The bladder stores and discharge urine through the function of qi transformation of the kidney. 12.The stomach and the spleen are internally and externally related to each other. 13.The upper energizer functions as a sprayer. 14.The middle energizer functions as a fermentor. 15.The lower energizer functions as a drainer. 16.The extraordinary fu-organs are morphologically similar to the fu-organs and functionally similar to the zang-organs. 17.The common function of the six fu-organs is to transport and transform water and food and discharge waste. 18.The intelligence and memory of man are associated with the function of the brain. 19.The brain is the house of the primordial spirit. 20.The uterus is the organ where menstruation takes place and fetus is conceived. 8 课1.Qi is the most essential substance to constitute the body. 2.Qi in the body is derived from innate qi that is transformed from the kidney essence inheriting from the parents, and acquired qi from both food nutrients that are transformed by the spleen and stomach and fresh air that is inhaled by the lung. 3.The innate essence depends the essential qi stored in the kidney to takes effect. 4.The nutrients from water and food are transformed and absorbed through the function of the spleen and stomach in transportation and transformation. 5.Qi is a sort of refined substance with powerful activity. 6.Body temperature is maintained with the warming function of Qi. 7.In terms of its defensive function, qi mainly protects the whole body and prevents exogenous pathogenic factors from invading the body. 8.Qi prevents blood and body fluid from losing. 9.Failure of qi to control blood may lead to various kinds of bleeding. 10.Qi transformation refers to changes caused by qi movement. 11.Qi flows all through the body to promote and stimulate various physiological functions of the body. 12.The organs and tissues like viscera and meridians are all the places where qi ascends and descends as well as exits from and enters into the body. 13.If qi stops ascending, descending, exiting and entering, it will lead to an end of life activities. 14.The primordial qi is the most essential and important qi and is the primary motive force of life. 15.Innate weakness or improper care after birth or prolonged illness will lead to deficiency and decline of the primordial qi, and consequently causing various diseases. 16.The thoracic qi is accumulated in the chest and functions to invigorate the heart and regulate heart rate and the rhythm of heartbeat. 17.The nutritive qi comes from the nutrients transformed from water and food by the spleen and stomach. 18.The nutritive qi is distributed in the blood vessels and flows to the whole body as part of the blood. 19.The defensive qi flows outside the blood vessels with strong force and high speed. 20.The nutritive qi pertains to yin because it maintains inside the body while the defensive qi pertains to yang because it governs the surface of the body. 9 课1.Qi, blood and body fluid are the basic substances for maintaining life activities. 2.Since qi pertains to yang because it is active in nature while the blood pertains to yin because it is static in nature, the relationship between qi and the blood can be understood according to the relationship between yin and 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载yang. 3.The production of blood depends on the qi transforming activities of several viscera. 4.The idea that qi commands the blood means that qi governs the blood and keeps it to flow inside the vessels. 5.The blood and body fluid depend on each other and transform into each other physiologically and influence each other pathologically. 6.Both the blood and body fluid, pertaining yin in nature as compared with qi, are liquid substances that nourish and moisten the body. 7.The spleen and stomach play an important role in the production of body fluid. 8.The blood is composed of fluid and nutritive qi. That is why fluid is an important part of the blood. 9.The metabolism of body fluid is characterized by opening and losing activities under the promotion and transformation of qi. 10.The body discharges fluid through urination and sweating. 11.The body fluid transforms into qi, the mechanism of which is the same as that of the blood in generating qi. 12.Pathologically excessive consumption of body fluid and profuse fluid oozing from the vessels will lead to emptiness of the vessels. 13.Sweating therapy cannot be used to treat patients with deficiency of blood and insufficiency of body fluid because profuse sweating will further consume body fluid. 14.The blood and body fluid not only depend on each other and transform into each other, but also share the same source of production. That is to say that they all come from the nutrients of water and food. 15.Metabolism of fluid depends on qi to promote and transform. 16.The state and flow of qi influence the movement of body fluid. 17.Clinically herbs for supplementing qi are often used together with other ones to treat patients with blood deficiency 18.The production, distribution and discharge of body fluid depend on the lung, spleen, kidney and triple energizer to transform qi. 19.If qi fails to command body fluid because of deficiency, it will lead to abnormal discharge of urine and sweating with the manifestations of incontinence of urine, enuresis and profuse sweating, etc. 20.Qi can promote the production and flow of the blood and command the blood. That is why it is said that “qi is the commander of the blood ” . 课 10 1.Meridians are the pathways for qi to circulate in the whole body. 2.The meridians, which are the major trunks in the system of meridians and collaterals, mainly run in the deep regions of the body. The collaterals, which are the branches of the meridians, run in the shallow regions of the body or just beneath the skin. 3.The twelve regular meridians start from and end at certain points, run through or along certain regions, follow certain orders to connect with each other, distribute in the limbs with rules and are directly associated with the internal organs. 4.The eight extraordinary vessels include the governor vessel, conception vessel, thoroughfare vessel, belt vessel, yin heel vessel, yang heel vessel, yin link vessel and yang link vessel. 5.The twelve branches of meridians, which stem from the twelve regular meridians, start from the four limbs, run deep in the viscera and emerge from the shallow region of the neck. 6.The branches of the yang meridians stem from the meridians proper, run inside the body and finally merge into the meridians proper. The branches of the yin meridians stem from the meridians proper, run inside the body and merge into the yang meridians that are internally and externally related to the yin meridians. 7.Collaterals can be divided into three categories, i.e. divergent collaterals, superficial collaterals and minute collaterals. 8.The minute collaterals are the smallest collaterals. That is why they are literally called grandson-collaterals. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载9.According to the theory of meridians, tendons of meridians where qi of the meridians stays, accumulates, dissipates and associates with other parts of the body in the musculature and joints. 10.Similarly pathological changes of the viscera can manifest over the surface of the body through meridians. 11.The Plain Conversation says, “Liver disease is characterized by hypochondriac pain involving the lower abdomen and lung disease is characterized by panting, cough, adverse flow of qi and pain in the shoulders and back.”12.Generally speaking, cough due to disorder of the lung meridian is accompanied by lung distension, chest oppression and pain in the superclavicular fossa; cough due to disorder of the kidney meridian is often accompanied by throbbing sensation in the heart like being hungry and frequent fear. 13.The theory of meridians studies the physiological functions and pathological changes of meridians and their relationships with the viscera. 14.The main physiological function of the twelve meridians is to strengthen relationship between the two meridians that are internally and externally related to each other. 15.The skin of the whole body is the region over which the functional activities of the twelve meridians are manifested. 16.Since the three yang meridians of hand and the three yang meridians of foot are connected with each other over the head, the head is the place where all kinds of yang meets. 17.Therapeutically, the acupoints located in the meridians that are internally and externally related to each other can be used alternately. 18.Qi and blood in the meridians circulate in cycles. 19.Under pathological condition, meridians become the pathways that transmit pathogenic factors and manifest pathological changes. 20.Clinically the places where symptoms manifest and the regions through or along which the meridians run and associate with the viscera are taken as the evidences for diagnosing diseases. 11 课1. Etiology refers to the cause of diseases resulting from imbalance (between yin and yang) within the body. 2. The six pathogenic factors are a collective term for exogenous pathogenic wind, cold, summer-heat, dampness, dryness, and fire. 3. Exogenous pathogenic wind invades the body through the skin, hair and muscles, producing syndrome of exogenous wind. 4. The exogenous diseases caused by pathogenic wind are characterized by sudden onset and rapid transmission. 5. Pathogenic cold attacks the skin and muscles and leads to the stagnation of defensive-yang, which is called “ cold damage” . 6. Endogenous cold is a pathological manifestation of insufficient yang qi failing to warm the body. 7. The attack of pathogenic summer-heat on the body usually leads to a series of yang symptoms, such as high fever, dysphoria, flushed cheeks and full pulse. 8. Pathogenic summer-heat usually accompanies pathogenic dampness to invade the body. 9. Exogenous dampness is primarily caused by such external pathogenic factors as humid climate, moist location and drenching or wading. 10. Endogenous dampness is a morbid state due to dysfunction of the spleen and retention of water and fluid. 11. Attack of exogenous dryness on the body tends to consume body fluid and leads to deficiency of yin-fluid. 12. Pathogenic dryness tends to attack the body through the mouth and nose, so it is liable to damage lung fluid. 13. Pathogenic fire-heat tends to consume the body fluid and leads to deficiency of it. 14. Pestilence is a kind of highly contagious pathogenic factors, characterized by sudden onset, severe conditions, fulminating infection and widespread transmission. 15. The seven abnormal emotions often directly impair their related internal organs, leading to disorder of visceral qi, disharmony between qi and blood, and consequently bringing on diseases. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载16. Improper diet mainly impairs the spleen and stomach, leading to dysfunction of them. 17. Overstrain will impair qi, and eventually lead to deficiency of qi, fatigue and weak constitution. 18. Phlegm and fluid are both pathological substances caused by retention of water and fluid. 19. The diseases caused by blood stasis vary according to the location and cause of the stasis. 20. Pain caused by blood stasis is usually marked by stabbing, fixed and unpalpable pain that worsens in the night. 12 课1.The course of many diseases is a process of combat between pathogenic factors and healthy qi as well as the ebb and flow of their strengths. 2.Predominance of pathogenic factors leads to excess while depletion of essence results in deficiency. 3.Healthy qi triumphs over pathogenic factors, leading to improvement of or recovery from an illness. 4.Yang deficiency refers to the morbid state of insufficient or hypofunctional yang qi failing to warm the body. 5.Yin deficiency refers to the morbid state of depleted essence, blood and fluid leading to relative hyperactivity of yang. 6.Loss of yin or yang refers to the critical state of sudden, profuse loss of yin-fluid or yang-qi. 7.The disorders of qi include insufficient production of qi, excessive depletion of qi, hypofunction of qi and abnormal movements of qi. 8.The topical stagnation of qi may lead to such symptoms as distension, pain, or even blood stasis and retention of water, fluid, or phlegm 9.Qi adverseness refers to the morbid state of abnormal ascending and descending of qi and adverse, upward flow of visceral qi. 10.Blood deficiency refers to the morbid state of insufficient blood failing to nourish the body. 11.Blood stasis refers to the morbid state of slow and unsmooth flow of blood. 12.Blood heat refers to the morbid state of heat in the blood hastening the blood flow. 13.Blood stasis due to qi stagnation means that the unsmooth flow of qi leads to disturbance of blood circulation. 14.Impairment of thin-fluid often develops to depletion of thick-fluid, and depletion of thick-fluid is a result of insufficient thin-fluid. 15.Qi stagnation due to fluid retention refers to the morbid state of disturbance of fluid metabolism and retention of water, dampness, phlegm and fluid lead to stagnation of qi. 16.Stirring of endogenous wind refers to a morbid state due to hyperactivity of yang qi within the body. 17.Endogenous dampness is mostly caused by deficiency of the spleen, so it is also called “ dampness due to spleen deficiency” . 18.Endogenous dryness can be manifested in any organs or tissues, especially the lung, stomach and large intestine. 19.The prolonged deficiency of yin-fluid of the lung often involves the kidney and results in simultaneous deficiency of the lung-yin and kidney-yin. 20.The obstruction of the urinary bladder is called “ uroschesis” and the incontinence of urine is called “ enuresis” . 13 课1.Inspection is a diagnostic method of observing general or local changes of spirit, complexion and physical conditions. 2.The listening-smelling method refers to an approach to diagnosis by listening to the voices of the patients and smelling the odors emitted from the patients. 3.Inquiry is a diagnostic method used to understand the occurrence, development, present subjective symptoms and other things concerning the diseases by asking the patients or their companions. 4.Pulse-taking and palpitation refer to the diagnostic method of feeling the pulse and palpating the stomach and abdomen, foot and hand as well as other regions of the patients. 5.Local pathological changes may involve the whole body and the viscera, which can be manifested in various aspects. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载6.The four diagnostic methods were developed gradually in the long-term medical practice. 7. “ With spirit” is a manifestation of sufficient essence, abundant qi, and full vitality. 8. “ Without spirit” is a manifestation of impaired essence, deficient qi, and dispiritedness. 9. “ False spirit” is a false manifestation of temporary vitality during the critical stage of a disease. 10.Normal complexion refers to the facial colors under physiological conditions. 11.Bluish color indicates cold syndrome, pain syndrome, blood stasis and infantile convulsion. 12.Inspection of physical conditions can provide information about the state of visceral qi and blood, strength contrast between yin and yang or pathogenic factors and healthy qi, as well as prognosis and location of the diseases. 13.Vomiting is caused by adverse rising of stomach qi. 14.Bulgy tongue is usually caused by retention of water, dampness, phlegm and fluid. 15.Mirror-like tongue is primarily caused by depletion of stomach yin and impairment of stomach qi. 16.Yellow tongue coating is caused by fumigation of pathogenic heat and usually indicates interior syndrome and heat syndrome. 17.Greasy tongue coating, usually caused by interior accumulation of damp-turbidity and stagnation of yang qi, mainly indicates retention of phlegm-fluid, damp-turbidity, food, damp-heat and obstinate phlegm, etc. 18.Pressing diagnosis includes pulse-taking and palpation. 19.The variation of pulse that reflects the state of a disease is known as morbid pulse. 20.Clinically, only combined use of the four diagnostic methods can enable one to perform the correct diagnosis. 14 课1.Pulse-taking is a miraculous and typical Chinese diagnostic method. 2.Pulse-taking is so complicated that it has developed into a unique diagnostic system. 3.The pulse is divided into three parts known as cun, guan and chi. 4.The optimal time of pulse-taking is in the morning when the sun rises. 5.During pulse-taking, the patient should relax himself, breathe naturally, and keep in calm. 6.When taking pulse, the doctor should keep in calm, breathe naturally, and focus on the whole process. 7.One or several pulse manifestations would reveal a typical disease. 8.The floating pulse pertains to yang, and commonly indicates diseases caused by invasion of the six exogenous pathogenic factors. 9.A floating soggy pulse indicates sunstroke. 10.A floating hollow pulse indicates bleeding. 11.The sunken pulse pertains to yin and indicates internal damage due to the seven abnormal emotions. 12.A sunken-slippery pulse indicates indigestion. 13.Traditional Chinese medicine relies on pulse-taking to diagnose diseases, and it holds that the analysis of pulse manifestations can predict the occurrence of diseases. 14.If the pulse manifestation in bronchus diseases is floating and small, it will be easily cured. 15.If hollow, small and slow pulse manifested during bleeding, the prognosis will be favorable. 16.Sparrow-pecking pulse and roof-leaking pulse indicate unfavorable prognosis. 17.Fish-swimming pulse and shrimp-darting pulse indicate that the patient is in critical condition. 18.The seasonal characteristics of pulse manifestation are wiry in spring, surging in summer, floating in autumn, and sunken in winter. 19.The pulse characteristics of over-weighted people are sunken and hastening. 20.The pulse manifestation of infants is characterized by rapidity, and there are seven beats in one respiration. 15 课1.The manifestations of diseases, though complicated, can be generalized into certain patterns in the light of the eight principles. 2.In the light of the eight principles, the complicated clinical manifestations can be generalized into four pairs of 精选学习资料 - 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- - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载channels. 16.Most herbs have to be used in combination except a few special ones. 17.Proper combination of herbs can reinforce the curative effects or reduce toxicity. 18.Overuse of herbs with acute toxicity will cause side-effects or intoxication. 19.Special attention should be paid to the contraindication of herbs for medication in gestational period. 20.The dosage of a singularly-applied herb should be small while the dosage of herbs in a compound prescription should be large. 17 课1.The science of prescription aims to study the compatibility, formulating rule, and clinical application of different herbs in a prescription as well as the pharmacology of compound prescription. 2.Modification of herbs refers to the changes of prescription effect by adding or deducting one or several herbs, or by changing the compatibility of different herbs in a prescription. 3.The function and indication of a prescription vary with the modification of herbs in the prescription. 4.The compatibility of Mahuang and Shigao aims to clear away and disperse stagnated heat. 5.Under the circumstances of unchanged main syndrome, one or several herbs could be added or deducted according to the changes of symptoms. 6.Though there are certain rules for the formulation of prescriptions, the application of the prescriptions is very flexible. 7.The advantage of decoction is that the effective elements can be easily absorbed after being taken. 8.Herbs with the function of promoting sweating to relieve the exterior syndrome are not suitable for long-term decoction in that the main substances of these herbs are volatile oil. 9.For some fresh herbs, they are usually taken by extracting juice. 10.Pills are commonly used in chronic diseases because they are slow in absorption. 11.The powders for external application, made by grinding medicinal herbs into minute substances, are often spread or pasted on affected areas of the body for topical treatment. 12.Medicated wine can generally activate blood to dredge collaterals and expel wind to stop pain, so it is often used to treat rheumatalgia or pains due to sprain, etc. 13.Exterior syndrome-relieving prescription, mainly composed of pungent herbs with the function of dispersing exterior pathogenic factors, is used to treat exterior syndromes. 14.Mahuang Decoction is very effective in diaphoresis, so it is used only to treat exterior-excess syndrome due to wind-cold. 15.Guizhi Decoction is effective in expelling exogenous pathogenic factors from the skin and muscles and harmonizing yingfen and weifen. 16.Wind-expelling prescription is mainly composed of herbs with the function of expelling wind-cold or herbs with the function of eliminating wind-damp. 17.The herbs used in wind-expelling prescriptions are mostly bitter in flavor, warm and dry in property, and yang-lifting in function. 18.Dampness-expelling prescription, mainly composed of herbs with the function of expelling pathogenic dampness, is used to treat rheumatism. 19.Heat-clearing prescription, mainly composed of cool or cold natured herbs, is used to treat heat syndrome and fire syndrome. 20.Purgative prescription, mainly composed of herbs with the function of purgation, is used to purge interior-excess. 精选学习资料 - 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