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Module 3 Unit1Module 3 Unit1Collecting stamps is my hobby. 一、一、Lets chant.Daming has got postcards from China.What has Simon got?He has got some toy dogs.I have got some toy dogs.二、二、Activity 1: Read and answer.三、三、Look and say.What can you see?There is a / anThere areThese are stamps.What are these? 四、四、What can you hear?( ) toy ( ) stamp ( ) Canada( ) China ( )letter ( ) people五、五、Listen and answer .1. Does Simon collect stamps?Yes. Ive got lots of stamps.Collecting stamps is my hobby. 集邮集邮 爱好爱好stampsI have got lots of stamps.Collecting stamps is my hobby. album(集邮册集邮册)有,拥有有,拥有I _ lots of rubbers._ rubbers is my hobby. have got collectingI _ lots of pens._pens is my _.Collectinghobbyhave gotI _ lots of _. have gotCollecting stamps is my hobby. stamps 一些一些2. Has Simon got any stamps from Canada? 3. Has Simon got any stamps from China? 六、六、Read and underline.Yes, he has.Yes, he has. Yes, I have.These are stamps from China.这些是这些是 来自来自 This (这张这张)stamp is from China.And all of these stamps are from China too.A:Have you got any stamps? B: Yes, I have. / No, I havent. A: Have you got any _? B: Yes, I have. / No, I havent.e.g:1、Have you got any dolls ? . A、Yes ,I havent B、Yes, I have C、No, I have2、 you got any toy dogs? A、Has B、Have C、Had BBLearning tipshave got 表示有,拥有。表示有,拥有。I have got a toy dog.主语为第三人称单数时用主语为第三人称单数时用has got. She has got some stamps.Have you got a/any?你你/你们有一个你们有一个/一些一些吗?吗?肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes, I/we have.否定回答:否定回答:No, I/we havent.陈述句:陈述句:主语主语have /has got a/an/any 名词名词1、I an apple. 2、You lots of stamps .3、Daming many stamps .4、Sam and Simon a toy dogs .have gothave gothave gothas gotHave you got any stamps from _?Have you got any stamps from _? Canada Have you got any stamps from _?The UK China七、七、Read again then answer.4.What have the stamps got on them? They have got famous people on them.5.Can Simon have another Chinese stamp? 另一张另一张 Yes, he can. Now you can have another Chinese stamp.Translate1.你有一些中国的邮票么?是的,这张邮票来自中国。你有一些中国的邮票么?是的,这张邮票来自中国。 Have you got any stamps from China? Yes. This stamp is from China.2.西蒙有一些来自加拿大的邮票。他们上面有名人。西蒙有一些来自加拿大的邮票。他们上面有名人。 Simon has got some stamps from Canada. They have got famous people on them.八、八、Listen and read.Activity 3: listen and read.collect 收集收集stamp 邮票邮票hobby 业余爱好业余爱好 another 另一个另一个Canada 加拿大加拿大Words:collect stamps 集邮集邮lots of stamps= many stamps许多邮票许多邮票from Canada来自加拿大来自加拿大all of these stamps所有这些邮票所有这些邮票letters for you有你们的信有你们的信have another Chinese stamp得到另一张中国邮票得到另一张中国邮票 Im Simon. Ive got lots of _. _ stamps is my _. This stamp is from _. Its got a picture of the Great Wall. And these are stamps from _. They have got some famous _ on them. Have you got _ stamps?stampsCollectingpeopleChinaanyhobbyCanadacollecting people China any hobby stamps CanadaThese stamps are _.from ChinaThey _pandas _ them.八、八、Talk about these stamps. have gotonThese are some stamps from China.They have got famous people on them.These stamps are from China.This one has got a picture of the Great Wall on it.These stamps are from the US.This one has got a tiger on it.These stamps are from the UK.This one has got a picture of the queen on it.These stamps are from Canada.This one has got many people on it.Work in 4. Talk about activity 4.These stamps are fromThis one has goton it.
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