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成 都 信 息 工 程 学 院 通 信 工 程 学 院本 科 毕 业 论 文 设 计英文中文翻译论文题目红外光通信系统设计姓名邓谋专业通信工程班级2010 级一班学号2010101039 指导教师赵建日期2014 年 02 月 27 日精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页英文原件内容:Introduction Infrared remote control system is mainly composed by the remote control transmitter, integrated receiver head, microcontroller, interface circuit shown in Figure 1. The remote control is used to generate the remote encoder pulse drive infrared emission control output of the infrared remote control signal, the remote control receiver on the remote control signal amplification, detection, shaping, demodulation remote encoder pulse. The remote control encoder pulse is a serial binary code for the infrared remote control system, the serial code input to the microcontroller, its internal CPU instruction decode on the remote control, and perform remote control functions. Using the remote control as the input of the control system, we need to address the following key questions: how to receive the infrared remote control signal; how to identify the infrared remote control signal, and decoding software design, design of control procedures.SCM history SCM was born in 1971, has gone through three major phases of the SCM, the MCU SoC.It consists of computing device, controller, memory, input output devices.Its full name is a single-chip microcomputer, is typical of embedded micro-controller (Microcontroller Unit), the commonly used letters of the abbreviation MCU single-chip, and it was first used in the field of industrial control.Master microcontroller technology to enable more people in the industry, students, enthusiasts, product developers, the question arose due to the extensive application of SCM in the field of industrial control, microcontroller development board, the more famous such as e-DZR-01A microcontroller development board.Microcontroller chip dedicated processor developed from the CPU.The first design concept by a large number of peripherals and CPU integrated in a single chip, the computer system is smaller, more easily integrated into complex and require strict control equipment on the volume.Single-chip, also known as single-chip microcontroller, it is not the completion of a logical function of the chip, but a computer system integrated onto one chip.Equivalent to a mini-computer and computer, microcontroller only the lack of I / O devices.SCM rely on the program is running, and can be modified.Different 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 10 页functions through different programs, especially the special unique function, which is the other devices require much effort to do, while others make great efforts it is difficult to do.A not very complex functions using pure hardware to get the words of the 1950s developed 74 series, or 60 during the CD4000 series, the circuit must be a big PCB board!If successful on the market in the United States in the 1970s series of microcontrollers, the result will be different!Just because a program written by the MCU through you can achieve high intelligence, high efficiency and high reliability! Microcontroller for cost sensitive, so accounting for the dominance of the software or the lowest level assembly language, which is the lowest level than binary machine code language, since such low-level why use it?A lot of high-level language has reached a level of visual programming, why not?The reason is simple, is the microcontroller does not have a home computer as the CPU, also not as hard as mass storage devices.A visual high-level language to write small programs inside even if there is only one button, will reach tens of K of size!Nothing in terms of home PCs hard drive, but for SCM in terms of is not acceptable.SCM in the utilization of hardware resources must be high, so the compilation of the original while still in heavy use.The same reason, if the computer giants operating system and application software to get home PC run up to the home PC can not afford. It can be said that the twentieth century across the three power era of the electrical era, the electronic age and has now entered the computer age.However, such a computer, usually refers to a personal computer, or PC.It is by the host, keyboard, monitor, and so on.Another type of computer, not how most people are familiar with.This computer is smart to give a variety of mechanical microcontroller (also known as micro-controller).The name suggests, the smallest of this computer system using only one IC to make a simple calculation and control.Because of its small, usually hidden in a controlled mechanical stomach.Throughout the device, it plays like the role of the human mind, it is wrong, the entire device was paralyzed.Now, this single chip field of use has a very wide, such as smart meters, real-time industrial control, communications equipment, navigation systems, home appliances and so on.A variety of products using the SCM, you can play the effect of product upgrades, often preceded by an adjective in front of the product name - smart, such as smart 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页washing machines.Some factories or other amateur electronics developers to engage in out of certain products, not the circuit is too complicated, too simple and can easily be imitation.The reason may be stuck in the product does not use a microcontroller or other programmable logic devices. Microcontroller applications MCU to infiltrate all areas of life, almost difficult to find which areas of the microcontroller trail.Navigation device of the missile, aircraft, various instrument control, computer network communications and data transmission, industrial automation and process real-time control and data processing, widely used smart card IC, civil luxury car security system, VCR,cameras, the control of automatic washing machines, and program-controlled toys, electronic pets, etc., which are inseparable from the microcontroller.Not to mention the field of automatic control, robotics, intelligent instruments, medical equipment.Therefore, the learning, development and application of the SCM will create a number of computer applications and intelligent control of the scientists, engineers. The microcontroller is widely used in the field of instrumentation, home appliances, medical equipment, aerospace, equipment for the intelligent management and process control, generally can be divided into the following categories: 1. On smart instrumentation The microcontroller has a small size, low power consumption, and control functions, and expansion of the advantages of flexibility, miniaturization and easy to use, widely used in instrumentation, combined with different types of sensors can be realized such as voltage, power, frequency, humidity, temperature,flow, speed, thickness, angle, length, hardness, elements, pressure and other physical measurement.SCM makes the digital instrumentation, intelligent, miniaturization and more powerful function than the use of electronic or digital circuits.Such as precision measuring equipment (power meter, oscilloscope, analyzer). 2.In industrial control applications MCU can constitute various forms of control systems, data acquisition systems.Such as factory assembly line of intelligent pipe 3.in Household Appliances 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 10 页 It can be said of home appliances is basically using the MCU control, electric rice praise, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, color TVs, and other audio video equipment, then the electronic weighing equipment, varied, omnipresent. 4.in the field of computer networks and communication Modern microcontroller with universal communication interface can be easily and computer data communications, provides excellent material for use in computer networks and communication devices, communication equipment basically to the MCU intelligent control from themobile phones, telephones, small program-controlled switchboards, building automated communications call systems, train radio communications, and then to the ubiquitous mobile phones in their daily work, trunking mobile communication radios. 5.Chip in the field of medical equipment The microcontroller uses in medical devices is also quite extensive, such as medical ventilator, a variety of analyzers, monitors, ultrasound diagnostic equipment and hospital beds call system and so on. 6.Modular applications in a variety of large appliances Some dedicated microcontroller designed for specific functions, modular applications in a variety of circuit, without requiring the use of personnel to understand its internal structure.Integrated single-chip, such as music, seemingly simple function, miniature pure electronic chip (as opposed to the principle of the tape drive), you need a complex similar to the principle of the computer.Such as: the music signal in digital form in memory (similar to the ROM), read by the microcontroller into analog music signal (similar to the sound card). In large circuits, this modular application greatly reduce the size, simplifying the circuit, reducing the damage, error rate, is also convenient to replace. 7.Chip in the field of automotive equipment The microcontroller is widely used in automotive electronics, such as automotive engine controllers, intelligent electronic controller based on CAN bus automotive engine, GPS navigation system, abs anti-lock systems, braking systems, etc. In addition, the microcontroller business, finance, scientific research, education, defense, aerospace and other fields has a very wide range of applications, microcontroller development prospects are very objective. Speaking in general terms: the MCUs small size, light weight, inexpensive, and provide favorable conditions for learning, application and development.At the same time, learning to use the microcontroller is the best choice for the understanding of computer theory and structure.SCM is the best choice for people to study and application of related technologies. Master chip AT89S51 The AT89S51 ATMEL Corporation in the United States low-power, high-performance CMOS8 bit microcontroller, on-chip containing 4k bytes of system programming of flash read-only program memory, the device using ATMEL high density nonvolatile memory technology to produce compatiblestandard 8051 instruction set and pin.It combines the Flash program memory can Programming (ISP) can also be used the traditional method of programming and general-purpose 8-bit microprocessor on a single chip. Features Overview AT89S51 provides the following standard features: 4k bytes of Flash flash memory, 128 bytes of internal RAM, 32 I / O port lines, Watchdog Timer (WDT), two data 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页pointers, two 16-bit timer / counters, a fivetwo vector interrupt structure, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry., AT89S51 can be reduced to the 0Hz static logic operation, and supports two software selectable power saving modes.Free way to stop the CPU, but allows the RAM, timer / counters, serial communication port and interrupt system to continue to work.The power down mode to save the contents of RAM, but the oscillator is stopped and prohibited all other parts of the work until the next hardware reset. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页对应的中文翻译:介绍红外遥控系统主要由遥控发射器、一体化接收头、单片机、接口电路组成,如图一所示。遥控器用来产生遥控编码脉冲,驱动红外发射管输出红外遥控信号,遥控接收头完成对遥控信号的放大、检波、整形、解调出遥控编码脉冲。遥控编码脉冲是一组串行二进制码,对于一般的红外遥控系统,此串行码输入到微控制器,由其内部CPU完成对遥控指令解码,并执行相应的遥控功能。使用遥控器作为控制系统的输入,需要解决如下几个关键问题:如何接收红外遥控信号;如何识别红外遥控信号以及解码电路的设计、控制程序的设计。在本片文章中我们主要介绍单片机以及主选芯片的介绍。单片机芯片单片机诞生于 1971 年,经历了 SCM 、MCU 、SOC 三大阶段。它由运算器 , 控制器, 存储器 , 输入输出设备构成。它的全称是单片微型电脑,是典型的嵌入式微控制器 Microcontroller Unit,常用英文字母的缩写MCU 表示单片机,它最早是被用在工业控制领域。由于单片机在工业控制领域的广泛应用,为使更多的业内人士、学生、爱好者,产品开发人员掌握单片机这门技术,于是产生单片机开发板,比较有名的例如电子人DZR-01A单片机开发板。单片机由芯片内有 CPU 的专用处理器发展而来。最早的设计理念是通过将大量外围设备和CPU 集成在一个芯片中,使电脑系统更小,更容易集成进复杂的而对体积要求严格的控制设备当中。同时单片机又称单片微控制器,它不是完成某一个逻辑功能的芯片,而是把一个电脑系统集成到一个芯片上。相当于一个微型的电脑,和电脑相比,单片机只缺少了I/O 设备。单片机是靠程序运行的,并且可以修改。通过不同的程序实现不同的功能,尤其是特殊的独特的一些功能,这是别的器件需要费很大力气才能做到的,有些则是花大力气也很难做到的。一个不是很复杂的功能要是用美国50 年代开发的 74 系列,或者 60 年代的CD4000系列这些纯硬件来搞定的话,电路一定是一块大PCB板!但是如果要是用美国 70 年代成功投放市场的系列单片机,结果就会有天壤之别!只因为单片机的通过你编写的程序可以实现高智能,高效率,以及高可靠性!由于单片机对成本是敏感的,所以目前占统治地位的软件还是最低级汇编语言,它是除了二进制机器码以上最低级的语言了,既然这么低级为什么还要用呢?很多高级的语言已经到达了可视化编程的水平为什么不用呢?原因很简精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页单,就是单片机没有家用电脑那样的CPU ,也没有像硬盘那样的海量存储设备。一个可视化高级语言编写的小程序里面即使只有一个按钮,也会到达几十K的尺寸!对于家用PC的硬盘来讲没什么,可是对于单片机来讲是不能接受的。 单片机在硬件资源方面的利用率必须很高才行,所以汇编虽然原始却还是在大量使用。一样的道理,如果把巨型电脑上的操作系统和应用软件拿到家用PC上来运行,家用 PC的也是承受不了的。可以说,二十世纪跨越了三个“电”的时代,即电气时代、电子时代和现已进入的电脑时代。不过,这种电脑,通常是指个人电脑,简称PC机。它由主机、键盘、显示器等组成。还有一类电脑,大多数人却不怎么熟悉。这种电脑就是把智能赋予各种机械的单片机亦称微控制器。顾名思义,这种电脑的最小系统只用了一片集成电路,即可进行简单运算和控制。因为它体积小,通常都藏在被控机械的“肚子”里。它在整个装置中,起着有如人类头脑的作用,它出了毛病,整个装置就瘫痪了。现在,这种单片机的使用领域已十分广泛,如智能仪表、实时工控、通讯设备、导航系统、家用电器等。各种产品一旦用上了单片机,就能起到使产品升级换代的成效,常在产品名称前冠以形容词“智能型”,如智能型洗衣机等。现在有些工厂的技术人员或其它业余电子开发者搞出来的某些产品,不是电路太复杂,就是功能太简单且极易被仿制。究其原因,可能就卡在产品未使用单片机或其它可编程逻辑器件上。单片机的应用领域目前单片机渗透到我们生活的各个领域,几乎很难找到哪个领域没有单片机的踪迹。导弹的导航装置,飞机上各种仪表的控制,电脑的网络通讯与数据传输,工业自动化过程的实时控制和数据处理,广泛使用的各种智能IC 卡,民用豪华轿车的安全保障系统,录像机、摄像机、全自动洗衣机的控制,以及程控玩具、电子宠物等等,这些都离不开单片机。更不用说自动控制领域的机器人、智能仪表、医疗器械了。因此,单片机的学习、开发与应用将造就一批电脑应用与智能化控制的科学家、工程师。单片机广泛应用于仪器仪表、家用电器、医用设备、航空航天、专用设备的智能化管理及过程控制等领域,大致可分如下几个范畴:智能仪器仪表上的应用单片机具有体积小、功耗低、控制功能强、扩展灵活、微型化和使用方便等优点,广泛应用于仪器仪表中,结合不同类型的传感器,可实现诸如电压、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页功率、频率、湿度、温度、流量、速度、厚度、角度、长度、硬度、元素、压力等物理量的测量。采用单片机控制使得仪器仪表数字化、智能化、微型化,且功能比起采用电子或数字电路更加强大。例如精密的测量设备功率计,示波器,各种分析仪。 2. 在工业控制中的应用用单片机可以构成形式多样的控制系统、数据采集系统。例如工厂流水线的智能化管3. 在家用电器中的应用可以这样说,现在的家用电器基本上都采用了单片机控制,从电饭褒、洗衣机、电冰箱、空调机、彩电、其他音响视频器材、再到电子秤量设备,五花八门,无所不在。4. 在电脑网络和通信领域中的应用现代的单片机普遍具备通信接口,可以很方便地与电脑进行数据通信,为在电脑网络和通信设备间的应用提供了极好的物质条件,现在的通信设备基本上都实现了单片机智能控制,从,机、小型程控交换机、楼宇自动通信呼叫系统、列车无线通信、再到日常工作中随处可见的移动,集群移动通信,无线电对讲机等。5. 单片机在医用设备领域中的应用单片机在医用设备中的用途亦相当广泛,例如医用呼吸机,各种分析仪,监护仪,超声诊断设备及病床呼叫系统等等。6. 在各种大型电器中的模块化应用某些专用单片机设计用于实现特定功能,从而在各种电路中进行模块化应用,而不要求使用人员了解其内部结构。如音乐集成单片机,看似简单的功能,微缩在纯电子芯片中有别于磁带机的原理,就需要复杂的类似于电脑的原理。如:音乐信号以数字的形式存于存储器中类似于ROM ,由微控制器读出,转化为模拟音乐电信号类似于声卡。在大型电路中,这种模块化应用极大地缩小了体积,简化了电路,降低了损坏、错误率,也方便于更换。7. 单片机在汽车设备领域中的应用精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页单片机在汽车电子中的应用非常广泛,例如汽车中的发动机控制器,基于CAN 总线的汽车发动机智能电子控制器,GPS 导航系统, abs 防抱死系统,制动系统等等。此外,单片机在工商,金融,科研、教育,国防航空航天等领域都有着十分广泛的用途,所以单片机的发展前景非常客观。概括的讲:单片机的体积小、质量轻、价格廉价、为学习、应用和开发提供了便利条件。同时,学习使用单片机是了解电脑原理与结构的最正确选择。单片机是人们学习和应用相关技术的最正确选择。主控芯片 AT89S51AT89S51是美国 ATMEL 公司生产的低功耗,高性能CMOS8 位单片机,片内含 4k bytes的可系统编程的Flash只读程序存储器 ,器件采用 ATMEL 公司的高密度、非易失性存储技术生产,兼容标准8051指令系统及引脚。它集Flash程序存储器既可在线编程ISP也可用传统方法进行编程及通用8 位微处理器于单片芯片中。功能概述:AT89S51 提供以下标准功能: 4k 字节 Flash 闪速存储器, 128 字节内部RAM ,32个 I O 口线,看门狗 WDT ,两个数据指针,两个16 位定时计数器,一个 5 向量两级中断结构,一个全双工串行通信口,片内振荡器及时钟电路。同时, AT89S51可降至 0Hz的静态逻辑操作,并支持两种软件可选的节电工作模式。空闲方式停止CPU的工作,但允许 RAM ,定时计数器,串行通信口及中断系统继续工作。掉电方式保存RAM 中的内容,但振荡器停止工作并禁止其它所有部件工作直到下一个硬件复位。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页
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