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UNIT 1 MY TRAVEL DIARY1. 掌握以时间或地点为线索的记叙文写作方法。2. 培养自我纠错、自我赏析、自我反思的写作策略。3. 培养深入了解不同文化的意识和国际主义精神。 以叙事为主的记叙文,侧重以时间为线索描述事情所涉及的人物、地点、事件经过、结局等相关内容。 命题作文是依据所给题目,确定中心,选择材料,写出符合题意,内容表达具体、充分的文章。写命题作文通常要注意以下几点:(1)审准题目:文章的中心要对题目的分析来确定,一定要弄清主题的内涵,确立与文章联系的主题思想,表达不能游离于主题,否则即使内容再精彩,也是“跑题”作文,得分将会大打折扣,因此,写命题作文最重要的是先审清题目,确立要表现的中心。命题作文型的写作(2)构思结构:就是开放思路,启动联想,构想表现形式,勾勒出文章的结构层次,依次写出引言段,主题句,发展段和结尾句,努力使之新颖,别致。(3)选择材料:这一点很重要,一定要围绕想表现的中心去选择组织材料,所选的材料必须典型精要。命题作文型的写作(4)表达:就是用最确切明了的语言贯穿材料,表达自己的思想,力争用符合英语语法规则。英语表达习惯,最顺畅自然的词、句、段去表达中心思想,与表现中心无关的话即使再生动形象也不要去写。命题作文型的写作1 1Unit topic languages(单元元话题语言)言) 以以连线、标序号等形式列序号等形式列举本本单元与本元与本话题写写作相关的作相关的词块、句子。、句子。 名名词/ /动名名词词块: : the fun park the next day another two hoursLANGUAGE BOX(语言工具箱)动词词块:go to the mountains, go to summer camp, go somewhere interesting, ride bicycles, buy something special, learn something important,arrive inLANGUAGE BOX(语言工具箱)介介词词块:in the countrysideafter three hoursalong the wayLANGUAGE BOX(语言工具箱)名词/动名词词块: ()游乐场,()再多两个小时()第二天QUIZ: READ ALOUD THE CHUNKS ABOVE AND TRY TO MATCH THE MEANING BY NUMBERING.()爬山()参加夏令营,()学到一些重要的东西()到达()去某个有趣的地方,()买些特别的东西()骑自行车 动词词块:动词词块:()沿途()三个小时以后()在乡下介词词块 We got to/arrived in . We decided to . I went somewhere interesting/quiet/relaxing . Because (of); so .that . My father didnt bring enough money to .(2)PATTERNS(句型) I wonder . It seemed to be . I like/dislike . There were too many/ much . I found it enjoyable .(2)PATTERNS(句型)2. EXTENSIVE LANGUAGES(拓展性语言)Famous saying,proverbs, aphorisms and Classical sample sentences(名言、(名言、谚语、警句与经典例句)谚语、警句与经典例句)(1)Travel broadens the mind. 旅游开阔眼界。(2)Read ten thousand books,travel ten thousand miles. 读万卷书,行万里路。(3)Life can be likened to a journey with an unknown destination. 生命可以被比作一次不知目的地的旅行。(4)The world is a book and those who do not travel only read one page.世界就像一本书,那些从不旅行的人只读其中一页。(5) East or west, home is best. 金窝银窝不如自己的草窝。 假设暑假期间,你和你的家人外出旅行,请以旅行日记的形式,向大家介绍你的旅行经历。要求:1. 内容完整,语句连贯,语法准确;2. 词数70个左右。写作任务1. 审题想一想,填一填。审题审题体裁:体裁:_人称:人称:_时态:时态:_第一人称第一人称 一般过去时一般过去时记叙文记叙文(1) Where did you go for vacation? And how did you go there?(2)What was the weather like there?(3)What did you do there?(4) How did you feel about the vacation? 2. 内容要点列一列,回答下列问题。 3. 写一写: 写初稿4. 查一查请依据下表,检查、修改自己的文章。1. Is there a topic sentence or an ending? YES / NO2. Does your travel diary cover all the points?YES / NO3. Did you use the simple past tense? YES / NO4. Are there any spelling or grammatical mistakes? YES / NO5. Is your handwriting good?YES / NO请交交换习作互相欣作互相欣赏,用,用红笔笔划出划出对方的亮点方的亮点,并并对 不足的地方不足的地方进行适行适当修改。当修改。你能你能给同学什么建同学什么建议,使得,使得对方的方的习作更好呢?作更好呢?根据根据worksheet上的上的评分分标准,准,给同伴的同伴的习作打分。作打分。 5. 同伴互赏我欣赏,我快乐!修改修改习作作时可使用可使用这些符号:些符号:优美句子;美句子;漏漏词 ;错处:;删除;除;语法法错误 G ;人称人称错误 P;时态错误 T;拼写拼写错误Sp 请和同伴交换习作,依据以上提示和下列评价表,相互欣赏与修改习作,然后给对方的习作打分。评分表项目项目标准标准自我自我评价评价同伴评价同伴评价教师评价教师评价结构(3分)段落合理 (2 分) 衔接自然 (1分) 内容(8分)要点齐全(7分)旅行地点、交通方式、天气(各1分) 旅途中的活动(4分) 旅行感受(1分) 拓展合理 (1分) 语言(3分)词汇丰富 (1分) 句法正确 ,语言优美( 2分) 卷面(1分)书写工整( 1分) Monday, July 20thI had a nice day in Zhanjiang today. I went to a local restaurant for breakfast as soon as I got here by train. In the afternoon I visited Jinsha Bay Beach, one of the most famous scenic spots in Zhanjiang. I enjoyed the view there, but the weather was so hot that I didnt spend much time by the sea. Then I took a taxi to Dongfeng Market to have seafood. It was great, especially the crabs and shrimps. They were big, fresh but not very expensive. I really enjoyed my first day here!文章结构完整,条理清楚,文章使用了开文章结构完整,条理清楚,文章使用了开门见山式的开头,并给出了关键词门见山式的开头,并给出了关键词“nice”。而文章的主体部分也紧密地围。而文章的主体部分也紧密地围绕绕nice一词对旅行过程进行描写。一词对旅行过程进行描写。使用使用“as soon as, so.that., but, especially”等连接词使文章衔接连贯自然,同等连接词使文章衔接连贯自然,同时又使用时又使用“one of., spend., ”等句式使文章等句式使文章语言丰富流畅,亮点突出。语言丰富流畅,亮点突出。在结尾部分,作者使用了在结尾部分,作者使用了“enjoy”一词与开一词与开头的头的“nice”相呼应,起到首尾呼应的作用。相呼应,起到首尾呼应的作用。Monday, July 20thToday, I went to Hong Kong with my family. We arrived there at noon by plane. After that, we had a quick lunch at a local canteen because we planned to visit Disneyland in the afternoon. When we get to Disneyland, we saw so many people having fun there. Because of the good weather, we could enjoyed ourselves in the theme park. We had dinner in the restaurant of Micky Mouse and watched the fireworks at night.All in all, it was an unforgettable day for me! I really want to go there again some day.本文思路清晰,结构完整,内容简明扼要本文思路清晰,结构完整,内容简明扼要。文章使用了开门见山式的开头。通过时间文章使用了开门见山式的开头。通过时间顺序,描述了作者在香港一天的行程。顺序,描述了作者在香港一天的行程。文章中使用了不少连接词,如:文章中使用了不少连接词,如:after that, because, because of, when,all in all等,等,使行文流畅。同时,作者也使用了时间状语从使行文流畅。同时,作者也使用了时间状语从句和原因状语从句,使文章句式多样。句和原因状语从句,使文章句式多样。最后作者使用了最后作者使用了unforgettable一词作为总结,一词作为总结,并表达了希望再次到香港迪士尼游玩的愿望,并表达了希望再次到香港迪士尼游玩的愿望,起到了画龙点睛的作用。起到了画龙点睛的作用。Summary1. How to write a travel diary. 2. Learn some of the writing skills.写写 查查想想 列列评评The world is a book and those who The world is a book and those who The world is a book and those who The world is a book and those who do not travel only read one page.do not travel only read one page.do not travel only read one page.do not travel only read one page.Polish your travel diary, post it to your class WeChat or your QQ Zone and see how many “ ” can you get.
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