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广州新版英语词汇语音过关五年级上册词汇学习 四会 要求:会 认读:最初新词可通过音标或老师或设备领读模仿熟练直至一看词形便能立刻反射出声音懂 意思:知道中文意思及词性能 拼写:注意单词中有哪些元音字母 或元音字母组合 ,结合 自然拼音法 知道 对应 的字母 或组合 发什么音活运用:结合课本原句或文段的语境去记它的中文意思和用法在练习题的句子中积累新词汇(平时尽力去尝试运用新学的词汇,定期回顾朗读所做的练习、课文、记笔记)词形词 性读音中 文 意 思基本用法课本原句(组词造句) (读准音 ) (句)(字母 &组合 )(文句)(巩固记忆 )(巩固记忆 )(巩固记忆 )3 Unit 1 Whats your hobby?4 hobby h ?b?爱好;嗜好5 model m ?dl模型6 collect k ?lekt收集7 stamp st?mp邮票8 more m ?更、更多9 than e? n比0 more than 多于 . country k ?ntr ?国家1 keep ki?p保持;饲养2 animal ? n?m( ?)l动物3 every evr ?每4 during dj ? r?在.期间5 6 1 Unit 2 His hobby is drawing2 coloured k ?l?d彩色的3 sky ska ?天空4 place ple ?s地方精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页5 drawing dr ?(r)?画6 7 8 Unit 3 I can swim very fast 9 That s right.对的0 together t ?gee ?一起far f ?遥远的1 2 3 Unit4 Can you do my homework ?4 talkt ?k讲话;谈话5 speak spi?k说6 thing ?东西7 count ka ?nt数、数数8 9 0 Unit 5 Where is Ben?maybe me ?bi?; -b ?可能1 find fa ?nd找到2 look for 寻找3 Ice cream ,aiskri:m冰淇淋4 5 6 Unit 6 At the weekend1 weekend wi?kend; wi?-周末2 busy b ?z?忙的3 wake up 醒来4 early ?l?早的、早地5 Mrs misiz太太6 market m ?k?t市场7 son s ?n儿子8 palace p? l?s宫殿9 Children s Palace少年宫0 out a ?t外面have (some) fun 娱乐1 cinema s ?n?m ?; -m ?电影院2 seldom seld ?m极少地3 stay ste ?停留;待在 .(地方 ) 4 5 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页6 Unit 7 Do you want coffee or tea?7 coffee k ?f?咖啡8 tea ti?茶9 drink dr ?k喝、饮料0 cup k ?p杯a cup of 一杯 . 1 milk m ?lk牛2 something s ?m ?某事、某物3 cold k ? ld冷的4 hot h ?t热的、辣的5 coke k ? k可乐6 sure ?r; ?r确信、肯定的1 bottle b ?t( ?)l瓶子2 a bottle of 一瓶 . 3 juice d ?u?s果汁4 glass gl ?s玻璃杯5 can k? n罐6 7 8 Unit 8 Lets have both9 both b ?(两者)都0 should ?d应该rice ra ?s米,饭1 dumpling d ?mpl ?饺子2 noodle nu?d(? )l面条3 enjoy ?nd ?; en-欣赏 ;喜欢4 bread bred面包5 sandwich s? n(d)w ?d?三文治6 hamburger h? mb ?g?汉堡包7 chips t ?ips炸薯条8 worry w ?r?担心9 starter st ?t?第一道菜0 tomato t ?m ?t?西红柿egg eg鸡蛋、蛋1 soup su?p汤2 main me ?n主要的3 main course 主菜4 meat mi?t肉5 vegetable ved ?t?b(?)l蔬菜6 potato p ?te ?t ? 马铃薯精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页1 dessert d ?z?t甜品2 hope h ? p希望3 everyone evr ?w?n每一个人;所有人4 chocolate t ?k(?)l?t巧克力5 start st ?t开始;出发6 7 8 Unit 9 It smells delicious9 smell smel闻起来0 delicious d ?l?s好吃的;美味的come on 来吧1 first f ?st首先;第一2 sweet swi?t甜的;糖果3 salty s ?lt?咸的4 quite kwa ?t相当地;非常5 What do you think of.? 你认为 .怎样 ? 6 healthy hel ? 健康的7 hungry h ?gr? 饿的8 wait we ?t等待9 fresh fre ?新鲜的0 tastete ?st吃起来;尝起来;口味1 2 Unit 10 Different tastes3 different d ?f( ?)r(?)nt不同的4 western west( ?)n西方的5 chopstick t ?pst ?k筷子6 bowl b ? l碗1 plate ple ?t盘子;碟2 knife na ?f刀3 fork f ?k叉4 example ?gz ?mp(?)l例子5 for example 例如6 sour sa ? 酸的7 most m ? st最;大多数8 also ?ls? 也9 plenty of 大量的0 pancake p? nke ?k薄饼terrible ter ?b(?)l可怕的1 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页2 3 Unit 11 Whats the weather like today?4 weather wee ?天气5 cloud kla ?d云6 cloudy kla ?d?多云的7 rain re ?n雨、下雨8 again ?gen; ?ge ?n再;再一起9 wet wet湿的;潮湿的0 England i?l?nd英格兰;英国sun s ?n太阳1 sunny s ?n?阳光充足的2 warm w ?m温暖的;使.温暖3 dry dra ?干燥的4 outdoor a ?td ?户外;室外5 windy w ?nd ?刮风的6 cool ku?l凉爽的1 wear we ?穿2 some day 某一天3 snow sn ? 雪;下雪4 snowy sn ? 下雪的;多雪的5 snowman sn ? m? n雪人6 7 8 Unit 12 Four seasons in one day9 season si?z(? )n季节0 dear d ?亲爱的report r ?p ?t报告1 said sed(say 的过去式)2 temperature tempr?t?(r)温度3 degree d ?gri?度4 put on 穿上5 before b ?f?.之前6 went went(go 的过去式)7 outside ,a ?tsa ?d在外面8 quickly kw ?kl?迅速地;飞快地9 change t ?e?n(d) ?改变0 away ?we ?离开turn t ?n转;转变1 shine ?a?n(阳光)照耀精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页2 lunchtime l ?n(t) ?ta?m午餐时刻3 hard h ?d猛烈地;努力的4 had h? d(have has 的过去式)5 umbrella ?mbrel?雨伞6 thought ?t(think的过去式)1 finish f ?n?完成2 walk w ?k走路3 true tru?真实的4 yours j ?z你的,你们的5 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页
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