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Module 6 Unit 2Remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle.Look at the pictures. Say which things are better for the environment and why.1. It is better for Chinese people to buy Chinese products than products from abroad.2. It is better to use a lunch box and china cup than a paper bag and paper cup, because they are reusable. Paper cups can only be used once and have to be thrown away.3. It is much better to recycle used things than burn them. In this way, we can use less energy; also, burning pollutes the air.Look at the title of the passage and the words in the box. What suggestions do you think the passage will make? abroad energy last necessary plastic produce pollute recycle repair Check () the things you should do.1. buy the latest fashion2. choose local products3. waste energy when things are made 4. buy things from abroad5. repair things6. use paper cups and bags7. throw things away8. burn thingsRead the passage again and give reasons for what you should or shouldnt do.1. You shouldnt buy the latest fashions because it wastes energy to make them.2. You should choose local products because that saves energy.3. You shouldnt waste energy because its precious.4. You shouldnt buy things from abroad because its costs a lot of energy to bring them to you.5. You should repair things because it saves resources.6. You shouldnt use paper bags and cups because they have to be recycled.7. You shouldnt throw things away because they should be recycled.8. You shouldnt burn things because that pollutes the air.1. What can we reuse? We can reuse a lot of things, such as paper, water.2. What can be recycled? Paper, cloth, batteries and glass can be recycled.Work in pairs and answer the questions.3. What cant we throw away? If things can be used for a longer time, we shouldnt throw them away.4. What takes a lot of energy to make? If things can be used for a longer time, we shouldnt throw them away.5. What pollutes the air and water? Things made out of plastic and rubber.LANGUAGE POINTS1. Do you buy things produced locally instead of made abroad? 你是否你是否买国国产商品而不商品而不买进口商品呢?口商品呢? instead of意意为“代替代替, 而不是而不是”, 其后其后应接名接名词、代、代词或或v-ing形式。本句中形式。本句中instead of后面接后面接过去分去分词, 这是是为了避免了避免与前文重复而省略了与前文重复而省略了things。如:如: I will go instead of you. 我替你去。我替你去。 He had a glass of water instead of tea. 他喝了杯水而没有喝茶。他喝了杯水而没有喝茶。【拓展】【拓展】instead也有也有“代替代替, 顶替替”之意之意, 但两者的用法有区但两者的用法有区别。(1) instead用作副用作副词, 通常位于句末通常位于句末, 说明用明用 来来顶替的人或物。替的人或物。如:如:Tony isnt here. Let his father go instead. 托尼不在托尼不在这儿,儿,让他爸爸替他去吧。他爸爸替他去吧。(2) instead of后面必后面必须接接宾语, 说明被代替明被代替的人或物。的人或物。如:如: Well ask Li Mei instead of Mary. 我我们要去要去问李梅而不李梅而不问玛丽。2. do harm to sth./sb. 对有害有害处 do good to sb./sth. 对 有好有好处如如: Alan would never do harm to his classmates. 3. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. 虽然我然我们年年龄还小小, 但我但我们还是能是能够做些做些事情来帮助事情来帮助(保保护环境境)。 在本句中在本句中though相当于相当于although, 表示前后表示前后两句两句为转折关系折关系, 但它不能和但它不能和but同同时出出现在一个句子中。在一个句子中。如:如: Though I failed, Ill try again. = I failed, but Ill try again. 虽然我失然我失败了了, 但我但我还要再要再试一次。一次。4. When we do buy things, choose local products if possible. 当我们确实要买当我们确实要买东西时,尽可能地选本地产品东西时,尽可能地选本地产品 助动词助动词do在本句中表示强调,常译在本句中表示强调,常译为为“确实,的确确实,的确”。如:如: He does know the place well. 他的确很熟悉这个地方。他的确很熟悉这个地方。5. reducegoing into sth. 减少某物避免减少某物避免进入某物中入某物中如如: We should reduce dirty water going into the rivers.6. asas 和和一样一样如如: Maybe the old clothes as good (as the new ones). Flowers are as beautiful as butterfly. be not so as 和和不一样不一样7. repair sth. if sb. can instead of doing sth. 如果能修理如果能修理而不做而不做如如: We should repair TV set if we can instead of buying new ones.repair和和mend都有都有“修理修理”的意思,但的意思,但它们的用法有区别它们的用法有区别: 1) repair是指需要一定的技术,对比较是指需要一定的技术,对比较复杂的东西进行复杂的东西进行“修理修理”。它的宾语通。它的宾语通常是汽车、房子、机器等。常是汽车、房子、机器等。如如:Can you repair my TV set? 你能修一下我的你能修一下我的电视机机吗?2) mend则指不用复指不用复杂的技的技术和工具和工具进行行的的“修理修理”, 比如修比如修补破洞破洞, 裂痕等。裂痕等。它的它的宾语通常是衣服通常是衣服, 桌椅和玩具等。桌椅和玩具等。如如: He often mends toys for his little brother. 他他经常帮弟弟修玩具。常帮弟弟修玩具。8. take energy 消耗能量消耗能量如如: Running every day takes energy of your body so you can stay slim.9. be better than doing. 比比好好如如: Recycling is better than throwing things away.Make a list of things you can recycleStep 1:newspaper glass bottlesdrink cans old clothesold electric equipmentsStep 2:Find power at homeLights cooker fridge air condition oven1. All of us take an active part in recycling programmes. We use or buy products made from recycled material. Such as, Why do we recycle them? Because(your opinion).2. We dont waste things. It means that we save money and reduce pollution. how to do.(show your idea) Keeping the world green is our duty.Example writingExample writingEXERCISES请根据各根据各题后的要求改写下列句子后的要求改写下列句子, 每每空一空一词(含含缩写写)。1. Maria practises playing the piano every day. (改改为一般疑一般疑问句句)_ Maria _ playing the piano every day?Doespractise2. The man is very rich, but he is not happy. (改改为同同义句句) _ the man is very rich, he is not happy. 3. You can use the cups again. (同上同上) You can _ the cups.4. Read the book loudly. (改改为否定句否定句) _the book loudly.reuse Though / AlthoughDont read5. Its better to cross the street quickly now. (同上同上) Its better _ cross the street quickly now.6. She bought a shirt because it was nice and cheap. (对划划线部分提部分提问) _ she _ a shirt?buynot toWhy did1. Finish making a poster.2. Master the key words and expressions.3. Learn to carry out 3R. Homework
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