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语语 法法 点点 击击实实 战战 演演 练练模块语法聚焦六模块语法聚焦六语语 法法 点点 击击表示方位的介词表示方位的介词 当表示当表示“某人或某物在什么地方某人或某物在什么地方”时,要用到表示方位的介词。时,要用到表示方位的介词。常见的方位介词常见的方位介词(短语短语)归纳如下:归纳如下: in在在里面;里面; on 在在上面;上面; over 在在上面;上面; above 在在上面;上面; below在在下面;下面; under在在下面;下面; near在在附近;附近; beside在在旁边;旁边; next to靠近靠近; on the left/right在在左边左边/右边;右边;opposite在在对面;对面; across from在在对面;对面; betweenand在在和和之间;之间; among 在三者或三者以上之在三者或三者以上之间;间; in the middle of在在中间;中间; on the corner of在在拐角处;拐角处; in the corner of在在(内部内部)的角落里;的角落里; behind在在后面;后面; in front of在在前面;前面; in the front of在在前部前部实 战 演 练.用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空1Shanghai is _ the east of Anhui.2Theres a picture _ the wall.3Go _ the street, and youll find it _ your right.模块语法聚焦六模块语法聚焦六toonacrosson4I sit _ you _ Jim.5Theres a TV set_ the corner of my room.6Tom is tall and Mike is short. So Tom sits _ Mike. 7The lowest temperature is_ zero;its cold.8He will arrive_ Beijing tomorrow afternoon.模块语法聚焦六模块语法聚焦六betweenandinbehindbelowin.单项填空单项填空()1.I cant see the screen clearly because two tall boys are sitting _ me.AbehindBin front ofCbeside Dnext to()2.Who is that girl _ your mother, Jenny? My cousin. A. in the front of B. onC. between D. next to B模块语法聚焦六模块语法聚焦六D()3.There isnt a bridge _ the river. We have to go there by boat.Aunder BoverCon Din()4.2015益阳益阳The bank is _ the bookstore and the post office.Aat the front of BamongCbetweenB模块语法聚焦六模块语法聚焦六C()5.Dalian is a beautiful city _ the north of China.Aof BonCwith Din()6.2014天津天津 Cambridge is a small city _ the east of England.A. between B. with C. in D. underD模块语法聚焦六模块语法聚焦六C()7. 2013内江内江 The old man is a good swimmer, and even now he often swims _ Tuojiang River after supper.A. over B. throughC. to D. across解析解析 D此题考查介词的用法。此题考查介词的用法。over意为意为“在在上面上面”;through意为意为“从中间穿过从中间穿过”;to意为意为“到达到达”;across意为意为“从表面穿过从表面穿过”。表示。表示“横在江河横在江河”,应用,应用across,故,故选选D。模块语法聚焦六模块语法聚焦六()8. 2015恩施恩施There are some apples_ the tree and some birds are singing _ the tree.Aon; on Bin; on Con; inC模块语法聚焦六模块语法聚焦六.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Our house is_(在在右边右边) the park. 2There is a museum_ _ (在在对面对面) the square. 3There is a big library_ (紧挨着紧挨着) our school. 4The teacher is standing_(在在中间中间) the classroom. 5The USA is_ (在在另一边另一边)the sea. on the right of 模块语法聚焦六模块语法聚焦六opposite/across fromnext to in the middle of on the other side of整整 体体 感感 知知实实 例例 分分 析析模块主题写作六模块主题写作六整整 体体 感感 知知 话题分析话题分析 本模块以本模块以“出行旅游出行旅游”为话题,通过大量的语言材料集中为话题,通过大量的语言材料集中展示了问路、指路、对某一区域进行描述的语言表达方式,同展示了问路、指路、对某一区域进行描述的语言表达方式,同时对伦敦的一些著名景点和标志性建筑物作了简单介绍。通过时对伦敦的一些著名景点和标志性建筑物作了简单介绍。通过本模块的学习,学生要学会正确运用方位介词,能读懂对地图本模块的学习,学生要学会正确运用方位介词,能读懂对地图和对某一地方的描述。和对某一地方的描述。模块主题写作六模块主题写作六常用表达常用表达 1. Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?2. Go across Dong Changan Jie, go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left.3. There is a big bookshop over there, opposite the bank.4. How can I get there?5. Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?6. It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames.7. When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat.8. Get off the boat at Tower Bridge.实 例 分 析模块主题写作六模块主题写作六下面我们就结合实例加以分析。下面我们就结合实例加以分析。 典型例题典型例题 假假设设你你(肖肖伟伟)的的新新同同学学Mike刚刚搬搬到到你你所所在在城城市市的的某某个个小小区区,他他想想到到电电影影院院看看电电影影,但但不不知知道道路路。请请你你给给他他写写一一封封60词左右的电子邮件,告诉他去电影院的路。词左右的电子邮件,告诉他去电影院的路。destinationturn left/right intogo along/up/down/past/acrosstake a bus/taxi思路点拨模块主题写作六模块主题写作六1. 注意书信格式。开篇点题,表明写此封邮件的目的:告注意书信格式。开篇点题,表明写此封邮件的目的:告诉对方去电影院的路线。诉对方去电影院的路线。2. 介绍具体路线,注意选用正确的介词。介绍具体路线,注意选用正确的介词。3. 结束语。结束语。连句成篇连句成篇 Dear Mike, Let me tell you the way to the cinema. Its not far from your house. Walk out of your house, turn right and go along Zhonghua Road. Walk till you reach a bridge. After you go across the bridge, turn right into Xiaoqiang Street. Then walk along the street, and turn left at the second turning. And you will see a shop. Walk past the shop, and you can see the cinema on your left.Good luck!YoursXiao Wei模块主题写作六模块主题写作六自我展示自我展示 假如你叫假如你叫Alice, 你想邀请你的朋友你想邀请你的朋友Amy本周末到你家做客。本周末到你家做客。请你给她写一封信,请你给她写一封信, 信中需指明从汽车站到你家的路线:信中需指明从汽车站到你家的路线: 从从汽车站坐汽车站坐3号公交车到达东郊广场,号公交车到达东郊广场, 穿过广场,穿过广场, 在那能看到在那能看到一家图书馆,一家图书馆, 沿着彩龙街往前走,沿着彩龙街往前走, 在第一个十字路口左转,在第一个十字路口左转, 在那可以看见一个游泳池,在那可以看见一个游泳池, 它的旁边有一棵大树,它的旁边有一棵大树, 树的后面树的后面就是你的家。就是你的家。要求:要求: 1.根据以上提示写一篇短文,根据以上提示写一篇短文, 不少于不少于60词。词。2条理清楚,条理清楚, 意思连贯,意思连贯, 语句通顺,语句通顺, 标点正确。标点正确。模块主题写作六模块主题写作六One possible version: Dear Amy, Welcome to my home this weekend. Im glad to show you the way to my home. First, you can take a No. 3 bus from the bus station to the Dongjiao Square, then you go across it and youll find a library. Then you walk along the Cailong Street and turn left at the first crossing. Youll see a swimming pool. There is a big tree beside it. Youll find my house behind the big tree! Im looking forward to your coming. Yours, Alice模块主题写作六模块主题写作六
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