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Unit6PartAlettalkUnit6PartAlettalk时时能听.说,认,读以下单词 T:Are the mice goodS: No,theyre bad T:Why? S:Because they often eat our food.They hurt people. T:The mice hurt people.Who can help people?S:Yes,the cats are good.They can chase the mice. mouse 老鼠(单数)Mice老鼠(复数)The mice are bad.老鼠是坏的This is a good girl. Shes friendly This old woman is bad I feel ill.我觉得不舒服cold outside.Sam is talking with Sarah.外面很冷。山姆和莎拉说话 Listen and circle.听并圈出。1.Where are they?他们在哪里? A. At home B.At school.2.What will they do?他们将做什么? A.Eat some fruit.吃一些水果。 B.Watch films.看电影。 这幅漫画是关于什么的?这幅漫画是关于什么的?这是一个关于一只猫。这只猫是一个警察。这是一个关于一只猫。这只猫是一个警察。酷酷他追老鼠。老鼠他们害怕他他追老鼠。老鼠他们害怕他为什么?为什么?因为老鼠是坏的。他们伤害人因为老鼠是坏的。他们伤害人猫和他们生气。猫和他们生气。也许我们的猫捉老鼠了!也许我们的猫捉老鼠了!为什么猫和老鼠生气吗?为什么猫和老鼠生气吗?看并告诉你的伴侣,这些图片让你感觉如何?Read and fill(根据所给汉语提示补充句子) 1.Because they often eat our food.They 伤害people.2.The cats are good.They can 追赶 the mice.3. Because the 老鼠are 坏的. 家庭作业题(Homework) 1.听录音,跟读对话. 2.完成活动手册配套练习. 结束结束
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