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译林版小学英语四年级上册译林版小学英语四年级上册Unit8 Dolls Fun time Checkout timeWinnie Boy doll Girl dollLook at this girl doll.Her is .Her are .Her and are .She is . beautifulbigsmalleyesnosemouth Girl doll Boy dolllong hairLook at this boy doll.He is .coolHis is .His and are .But his is .His are too.short hairsmalleyesnosebigmouthbigears Boy doll Girl dollGood memory 考考你的记忆力。考考你的记忆力。 Girl dollLook at this girl doll. is . are . are .Her hair long Her eyes big Her nose and mouth small Boy dollLook at this boy doll.Good memory 考考你的记忆力考考你的记忆力 is .His hair short and are .His eyes nose smallBut is .his mouth bigHis are too.ears bigQuick response 看看谁的反应快!看看谁的反应快!She . is beautifulHe . is coolLook at this doll.She/He is Her/His isHer/His areHer/His andareTip:描述人物特征时可以按照一定的顺序,一般来描述人物特征时可以按照一定的顺序,一般来说,先整体,再按从上到下的顺序描写。说,先整体,再按从上到下的顺序描写。Try to say 运用这些句型,运用这些句型,把把dolls 介绍给介绍给Winnie吧。吧。 Have a test 说一说说一说Story time中学到的五官类单词中学到的五官类单词。Think, think, think.思考一下。思考一下。Magic mirror 魔镜魔镜Hes . fat /ft/Hes .thin /n/Magic mirror 魔镜魔镜tall /tl/Hes . Hes . short说一说说一说Winnie 和他的好朋友们,男女生比赛,看谁说的和他的好朋友们,男女生比赛,看谁说的多又不重复。多又不重复。Try to describeHe/She isHis/Her is/areHis/Herand areBut his/heris/are snow雪雪/ 男男/ 人人manThe snowman is .The snowman is .Listen and draw画一画画一画Winnie的雪人。的雪人。Step2Step1Step3Step4Lets check 看看你画的对不对。看看你画的对不对。The snowman is tall.His mouth is big.His eyes are small.His nose is big and red.Lets read 来读一读吧。来读一读吧。Look at Winnies .He is .His mouth is .His are .His nose is and .Describe Winnies snowman描述一下描述一下Winnie的雪人。的雪人。Girls PK Boys规则:规则:1.1.请两位同学到黑板上来画一画,男女生比一比谁请两位同学到黑板上来画一画,男女生比一比谁画得又快又对。画得又快又对。 2. 2.老师指派四个同学发指令,请积极举手吧!老师指派四个同学发指令,请积极举手吧!Notice:Say loudly. (大声说!)Listen carefully.(仔细听!仔细听!)Design a funny snowman 设计一个有趣的雪人,给设计一个有趣的雪人,给Winnie展示一下。展示一下。1.1.四人一组,合作设计一个四人一组,合作设计一个有趣有趣的雪人。的雪人。2.2.每人设计一个雪人的五官,并把你设计每人设计一个雪人的五官,并把你设计的部分用一句话描述出来。的部分用一句话描述出来。3.3.向向Winnie展示一下你们设计的雪人。展示一下你们设计的雪人。Notice:English only. (只能用英文说哦!)Timing.(音乐结束,请停止作业音乐结束,请停止作业.)Listen,read and choose听一听,读一读,选一选哪个是听一听,读一读,选一选哪个是Winnie的好朋友。的好朋友。Look at my dog friend. He is small and thin. His ears are long. His nose is big. His tail is short.A.B.C.听一听,读一读,选一选哪个是听一听,读一读,选一选哪个是Winnie的好朋友。的好朋友。Listen,read and choose听一听,读一读,选一选哪个是听一听,读一读,选一选哪个是Winnie的好朋友。的好朋友。/tel/尾巴尾巴Listen,write and choose听一听,填听一听,填 一填,选一选哪个是一填,选一选哪个是Winnie的好朋友。的好朋友。C.A.B.Look at my cat friend. She is fat. Her eyes are , but her ears are . Her tail is .bigsmalllongearsbigshortbigsmalllongCheckout time打开书打开书5555页,填入所缺单词,写好后自己读一读。页,填入所缺单词,写好后自己读一读。洋娃娃是我们的好朋友。洋娃娃是我们的好朋友。
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