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单元话题写作单元话题写作一、英汉互译一、英汉互译1.1. 发生故障发生故障2.be out of service 2.be out of service 3.3. 为为提供提供4.take.as. 4.take.as. 5.5. 对对取得一致意见取得一致意见6.keep silent 6.keep silent 7.7. 毕竟毕竟; ;终究终究; ;还是还是8.thanks to. 8.thanks to. 9.9. 为为而争吵而争吵/ /争斗争斗10.rather than 10.rather than 不在服务区不在服务区; ;有故障有故障break downbreak downprovide.for.provide.for.把把作为作为agree onagree on保持安静保持安静after allafter all多亏多亏; ;由于由于fight over.fight over.而不是而不是;(;(宁可宁可) )也不愿也不愿二、根据汉语意思完成句子二、根据汉语意思完成句子11.11.另一个队很强另一个队很强, ,但是你们打败了他们。但是你们打败了他们。 The The team was strong,butteam was strong,but you you . .12.12.我试着给你打电话了我试着给你打电话了, ,但是你的电话不在服务区。但是你的电话不在服务区。 I tried calling you,butI tried calling you,but your phone was your phone was . . . .13.13.我们彼此住得那么近我们彼此住得那么近, ,你为什么不过来敲我的门呢你为什么不过来敲我的门呢! ! We We each other,soeach other,so why didn why didnt yout you come over and knock at my door! come over and knock at my door!14.14.你知道这个比赛对我来说多么重要你知道这个比赛对我来说多么重要! ! You knew You knew the game was to me!the game was to me!otherotherbeatbeatoutoutofofserviceservicethemthemlivelivecloseclosetotohowhowimportantimportant15.15.为了为洪水做准备为了为洪水做准备, ,诺亚造了一艘大木船。诺亚造了一艘大木船。 the flood,Noahthe flood,Noah made a large made a large ship of wood. ship of wood.16.16.你曾经和好朋友吵过架吗你曾经和好朋友吵过架吗? ? Did you ever Did you ever a good friend?a good friend?17.17.他们彼此不想看对方他们彼此不想看对方, ,也不想讲话。也不想讲话。 They wonThey wont look at each other,andt look at each other,and . . wants to talk.wants to talk.18.18.丹尼丹尼, ,我不是有意要那样做的。我不是有意要那样做的。 Danny,IDanny,I didn didnt t it.it.19.19.昨天昨天, ,我们开了个会。我们开了个会。 We We yesterday.yesterday.20.20.我们都想要和平而不是战争。我们都想要和平而不是战争。 We all want peaceWe all want peace fighting.fighting.ToToforforhavehavea apreparepreparefightfightwithwithneitherneitherofofthemthemmeanmeantotododoheldhelda ameetingmeetingratherratherthanthan三、根据汉语提示写出单词或短语三、根据汉语提示写出单词或短语 About three years ago,I felt very lonely.I didn About three years ago,I felt very lonely.I didnt like my t like my classmates,my parents or anyone else.Iclassmates,my parents or anyone else.I didn didnt do anything t do anything except 21.except 21. ( (沉默沉默).My classmates didn).My classmates didnt want to talk t want to talk to me and my parents were always saying that other kids were to me and my parents were always saying that other kids were better than me.better than me. One day,I One day,I 22. 22. ( (为为而争吵而争吵)a little thing )a little thing with one of my classmates.I was so angry that I almost hit him with one of my classmates.I was so angry that I almost hit him in the face.Just at that moment,ain the face.Just at that moment,a boy stood up and jumped in to boy stood up and jumped in to 23.23. ( (使分离使分离) us.He) us.He was the 24. was the 24. ( (会长会长)of )of the student council as well as the monitor of our class.Hethe student council as well as the monitor of our class.He behaved like a 25.behaved like a 25. ( (绅士绅士).In the end,we).In the end,we reached an reached an 26.26. ( (同意同意) to be friendly to each other.) to be friendly to each other.silencesilencefought overfought overseparateseparatepresidentpresidentgentlemangentlemanagreementagreement After that,he After that,he often 27. often 27. ( (提供提供) help for me.) help for me.Whenever I got angry or sad,he would help me to cool down.My Whenever I got angry or sad,he would help me to cool down.My life began to change.I have become happier with people and life began to change.I have become happier with people and things.And it seems that people around me have changed,toothings.And it seems that people around me have changed,too. .28.28. ( (多亏多亏)the boy,my)the boy,my best friend. best friend. But 29. But 29. ( (前天前天),he was ill and is ),he was ill and is staying in hospital now.I hope he will be all right and come staying in hospital now.I hope he will be all right and come back to school soon.Iback to school soon.I value the 30. value the 30. ( (友谊友谊) ) between us.between us. providedprovidedThanks toThanks tothe day before yesterdaythe day before yesterdayfriendshipfriendship四、写作练习四、写作练习 假如你叫李华。假如你叫李华。JackJack和他的好朋友和他的好朋友PeterPeter吵架了吵架了,Jack,Jack很苦恼很苦恼, ,于是发于是发e-maile-mail向你诉说。请你给他回信向你诉说。请你给他回信, ,提出建议提出建议, ,帮他解决问题。帮他解决问题。 提示提示: :安慰他安慰他; ;建议他采取一些方式沟通来弥补无意的过失。建议他采取一些方式沟通来弥补无意的过失。 要求要求: :1.1.词数词数:80:80左右左右;2.;2.邮件的开头和结尾已给出邮件的开头和结尾已给出, ,不计入总词数不计入总词数;3.;3.文中不得出现真实的人名和地名。文中不得出现真实的人名和地名。Dear Jack,Dear Jack, Yours,Yours,Li HuaLi Hua One possible version: One possible version:Dear Jack,Dear Jack, Don Dont be sad about your fight with your good friend.t be sad about your fight with your good friend.Everybody may have trouble.I think youEverybody may have trouble.I think youd better do your best to d better do your best to make up with Peter.Perhaps you can have a good talk with him and make up with Peter.Perhaps you can have a good talk with him and say sorry to him.You can also write a letter to show your say sorry to him.You can also write a letter to show your kindness.Maybe he is sad like you.If you are shy,youkindness.Maybe he is sad like you.If you are shy,you can ask a can ask a friend who knows both of you to help you.friend who knows both of you to help you. I hope you can solve your problem as soon as possible. I hope you can solve your problem as soon as possible.Yours,Yours,Li HuaLi Hua
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