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嘉兴听力教学点评王笃勤wangduqinsina.cn 观测点整体效果 教师的语言基本功课堂中师生互动课堂气氛课堂的丰富、变化性课堂组织、学生不能回答时教师的处理能力学生的表现语音语调,语言准确性What do you feel about it?How can Tony and Betty do to make him comfortable?观测点:目标达成教学目标课堂操作目标达成输入因素输入因素情景学生教材语言认知目标是否合适?听力教学的目标Teaching aims/Knowledge aims/ability aims/learning objectivesStudents will be able to understand sentences involving the verb “can, could”.Students are able to use the comparatives to express opinions about sports.Students will be able to know how to give first aid to someone who is in desperate need of medical help.Students will be able to share information about how to deal with an accident.Other objectivesStudents will be able to use listening strategies to complete listening tasks.Students will be able to focus their attention on first aid ways.It is important to prevent ourselves from getting hurt and cherish ourselves.The students will be able to use the key words and expressions learned in this lesson to talk about the proper first aids to accidents (Product).目标是否达成米志东Use the comparative to express opinions about sports.肖奇Share information about how to deal with an accident.徐薇Know how to give first aid to someone who is in desperate need of medical help.教学设计及实施情况教学过程设计学习准备:学习准备:warming up/lead in多层次听力理解多层次听力理解听的拓展:口头交际听的拓展:口头交际Procedure (王杉) Step 1 Watching video to lead inStep 2 Listen and answerStep 3 Pronunciation Step 4 True of falseStep 5 Cloze (completion according to the dialogue)Step 6 Make a surveyProcedure (米志东)Step 1Video + chant to lead inStep 2 Learn new words with the help of picturesStep 3 Action to reinforce newly learned wordsStep 4 Listen and chooseStep 5 Listen and matchStep 6 instruction in comparative degree of adjectives Step 7 practice of comparative degree of adjectives( individual words)Step 8 read and decide right or wrong (text book activities)Step 9 reading of letters from a Spanish girl.Procedure (肖奇)Step 1 单词教学(借助图片)Step 2 Listen and answer what accident is mentioned.Step 3 Listen and decide which is mentioned.(细节听力,how to offer first aid)Step 4 Read and answerStep 5 Discuss (应该是同伴训练)Step 6 Discuss what to do(小组)Step 7 Vocabulary (为step 8做准备)Step 8 Complete the passageProcedure (徐薇)Step 1 Share one Chinese saying福祸相依呈现accidentsStep 2 呈现课文的三幅图片,引出话题;要求学生ask and answer in pairs(与教材中的work in pairs要求是不同的)Step 3 Listen and complete (micro-listening)Step 3 导入新课Step 4 Free talk (what first aid to give)Step 5 Listen and complete a tableStep6 Read after the tape and tell whyStep 7 Read and decideStep 8 Complete the passage Step 9 How to report an accident or ask or aid (为Step 10中学生的问答做准备。不过内容太难)Step 10 Pair work关注过程、注重细节反馈时(米老师)不能只是关注学生的回答是否正确,应该关注如何获取信息,比如关注信息的出处。听前活动应该能facilitate listening(肖老师听前的处理)活动的组织小组讨论还是同伴训练如何给学生提供应有的训练机会Led in/warming up中什么时候用同伴活小组活动Unit 1 That could be harmful!徐薇Step 1 Share one Chinese saying福祸相依呈现accidentsStep 2 呈现课文的三幅图片,引出话题Where could accidents happen?要求学生ask and answer in pairs,活动组织不当听力前,词汇教学阶段学生还不能应用,无法问答。接着老师听写。要注意听力前的微听力目的是什么Step6 Read after the tape and tell why学生逐句跟读集体朗读跟读是必要的。是否可以考虑与语音结合集体朗读不利于语音语调的形成能针对学生把握不好的地方再次领读是可以的Step 5 Discuss1:25 Discuss What could happen?He could cut/hurt/fall 两幅图片What must you do if hes hurt?Wrap the wound/lift up the hand/call活动处理不到位,提示很清楚,布置任务不够明确,没有真正的学生讨论或者训练Step 3 Talk and listen1:14给出图片(摔倒)if he hurts, what can we do to help them?学生讨论,然后lets share your ideas.提问几个学生后,教师给出可以参考的几个选项,让学生听判断。到这里才引出first aid的话题。听前能够激活图式,提示语言信息,facilitate listening.Step 6 Nip in the bud防患于未然1:29What should we do when were On the stairsTo/In the dining room?On the way home/to school?In the classroom?介绍任务后能够给学生时间由学生讨论反馈时应该以小组为单位尊重认知规律Step 1 图片呈现运动词汇(如何呈现,信息提供的时机)Step 2 表演猜测运动项目Step 3 再次呈现图片,学生集体回忆呈现、训练的词汇听力活动的设计活动的适切性:活动的变化性:活动的参与性:活动的关联性:反馈的得体性:难易适中、兴趣匹配难易适中、兴趣匹配输入、输出、组织形式多样输入、输出、组织形式多样个体活动、同伴活动、小组活动个体活动、同伴活动、小组活动形成序列、认知递进形成序列、认知递进语言、非语言(图片、语言、非语言(图片、行为、汉语)行为、汉语)教材的处理增加:听前的视频、图片;听选择、匹配等舍弃:教材中的用所给单词完成句子(Mi)、短文填空(Mi),读前的词汇教学(示范课)调整:听前词汇教学(Mi), talk about he picture with the words given改为看图认识单词(肖)替换:短文填空(示范课)如何处理教材中的语言现象听前听中听后Step 4 Free talk2:06 p.m.Step 1 What first aid or basic medical help can you give?Step 2提问学生后,教师给出答案呈现答案时还要讲单词,领读单词。Have trouble in, ambulance等。如何处理听力中的语言现象听力课还是综合课听力课中是否可以有口语教学听力课中是否可以有阅读听力课中是否可以有语法教学听力课中是否可以有写作教学如何处理不同Step 4 Read and answer1. 1:20 老师领读为什么不让学生模仿录音呢?2. 领读后让学生自己读。小组的必要性。3. Answer the questions.Who knows first aid better, Tony or Betty?Can you explain what “first aid” is?Is an imagined accident a real one or not?信息应该是通过听获取,而不是阅读,也不是朗读。Do you like watching games at home or at the stadium?10:07 首先教师呈现图片,说一下自己的感受。讲述过渡到Sports + good diet = healthy虚拟Meggie, from Spain的来信,学生一小组为单位阅读read the letter, 屏幕上教师给出提示meggie信中都提到什么信息。5分钟后呈现四个问题,要求学生写回信。由于时间不够,作为作业布置。那么,课堂上阅读的目的又是什么?How to involve the students?给学生一个参与的理由让学生对活动感兴趣给学生角色让学生动起来增加活动的变化性
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