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Unit1:Howdoyougotos.p.(某地)?Igotos.p.by+交通工具.Unit2:Whereisthes.p.?Itis+方位短语/方位介词+s.p.Unit3:Whatareyougoingtodo?Imgoingto.我步行去学校。Igotoschoolonfoot.Howdoyougotoschool?他骑自行车去公园。Hegoestothezoobybike。Howdoeshegotothezoo?1.How do you go to school? I go to school by bike.2. How does he go to work ? He goes to work by car.1.3. How does Sarah go to the park? Sarah goes to the park on foot.4. How do they go to Beijing? They go to Beijing by plane.问一问gogoesgoesgo1.I go to the zoo by bus. (对画线部分提问)对画线部分提问)How do you go to the zoo?2.He usually goes to work by car.How does he usually go to work ?3.She can go to the hospital by subway.How can she go to the hospital?1.Usually I go to the bookstore by bus. 2.He goes to school on foot. 4.She goes to Shanghai by subway.How does he go to school?How does she go to Shanghai?How do you usually go to the bookstore?改错并纠正。1.Howdoyougoschool?_2.Igotohomebybike._3.Iusuallygotoschoolbyfoot._4.IgototheUSAbybus._5.Doyougoonbike?_gogo togo togobyonbusplaneonby1.How do you go to Beijing?IgotoBeijingbyplane.2.How does she go to Canada?ShegoestoCanadabyship.we、yourparents、herconsin、histeacherbybusbikeplaneshiptrainsubwaycar公共汽车公共汽车自行车自行车飞机飞机 船船 火车火车 地铁地铁 小汽车小汽车用这些人称和交通方式回答红黄绿A Slow down and stop! 减速并停下B Stop and wait! 停下并等待C Lets go! 走吧!ABCtrafficlights填空Therearealwayslights:,yellowand.means“Stopandwait”,yellowmeans“,andmeans“Go”.threeredgreenRedSlowdownandstopgreen同样的例子:以Does开头的问句的回答方式是怎样的呢?Yes,_does.No,_doesnt.Doesyourmothergotoworkbycar?Yes,shedoes.这里的人称是she、he还是it,有问句的人称决定Doeshehaveabook?Yes,hedoes.No,hedoesnt.巧学妙计一般将来时,将要发生事谓语不一般,begoingto加动原说完活动后,再把时间状语填你来说,我来填。单元知识记心间主语+begoingto+动词原形+时间状语记一记记一记本单元重点句型:本单元重点句型:Whereareyougoing?Imgoingto+地点Whatareyougoingtodo?Imgoingto+动原Whenareyougoing?Imgoing(onTuesday/at9oclock)Whatareyougoingtodo+时间状语?Imgoingtodomyhomework(+时间状语). 今天你打算做什么?今天你打算做什么? 我打算去拜访我的祖父母。我打算去拜访我的祖父母。 What are you going to do today?I am going to visit my grandparents . I am going to visit my grandparents today.2、明天,麦克将有一节英语课。1、今晚,我打算去看电影。3、今天下午,我们打算去买书。Iamgoingtoseeafilmtonight.MikeisgoingtohaveanEnglishlessontomorrow.Wearegoingtobuybooksthisafternoon.watchTV一般将来时就就事情事情提问提问的特殊疑问句用What今天晚上你打算干什么?我打算写作业今天下午你的姑姑打算干什么?我的姑姑打算做月饼.Whatareyougoingtodotonight?Iamgoingtodomyhomework.Whatisyourauntgoingtodothisafternoon?Myauntisgoingtomakemooncakes.isis一般将来时就就时间时间提问提问的特殊疑问句用WhenWhenareyougoing?-Thisafternoon-Iamgoingthisafternoon.注意!:两种不回答都可以。可以直接回答也可以省略你什么时候去?今天下午一般将来时就就地点地点提问提问的特殊疑问句用Where你将要去哪里?我要去书店。Whereareyougoing?Iamgoingtothebookstore.明天,你的母亲将要去哪里?Whereisyourmothergoingtomorrow?is1.Whereareyougoingthisafternoon?2.Whenareyougoing?Imgoingtothecinema.Nextweek.Iamgoingnextweek.choose“where,what,when”“哪里、什么、何时”_areyougoingtodo?Imgoingtovisitmygrandparents._areyougoing?ImgoingonSaturdaymorning._areyougoing?ImgoingtomygrandparentshomeWhenWhatWhereLet_(she)_(get) there on foot.Let_(they)_(sit) here.Let_(we)_(去电影院去电影院).Let us = Lets 让我们让我们Let sb(宾格)(宾格) do sth 让某人做某事让某人做某事hergetthemsitusgo to the cinema情景交际,选出正确的选项。()1、当你建议和朋友一起去动物园的时候,你应该说:A.Letsgotothezoo.B.Howdoyougotothezoo?C.Whereisthezoo?()2、当你问别人乘怎样的交通工具去北京时,你应该说:A.LetsgotoBeijingbycar.B.HowdoyougotoBeijing?C.DoyougotoBeijingbycar?AB1.I must pay attention to the traffic lights.A. 注意注意 B. 交通灯交通灯 C. 遵守遵守2. How can I get to the park?A. 得到得到 B. 到达到达 C. 经过经过3. Stop and wait at a yellow light.A. 停下来停下来 B. 等待等待 C. 停下等待停下等待4. Take the No. 57 bus over there.A. 乘坐乘坐 B. 经过经过 C. 那边那边5. Come and have a look.A. 过来玩玩。过来玩玩。 B. 过来看看。过来看看。 C过来听听。过来听听。1. I go to Hainan from Beijing _ plane.A. on B. by C. at2._ to the park and play with us.A. Come B. Coming C. Comes3. -_ can you get to the library? -By bike.A. Where B. How C. When4. Let _ read this for you.A. I B. me C. my5. How_ Wu Yifans father go to work?A. do B. does C. did1. _ the USA, people on bikes must wear a helmet.A. On B. In C. At2. Dont go at the _ light. A. red B. green C. yellow3. I must _ attention to the traffic lights.A. pay B. paying C. pays4. -How can I get to the hospital?-_ the No. 60 bus.A. Buy B. Take C. On5. Come_ have a look.A. with B. and C. or1. go, the, light, red, at, Dont (!)2. stop, We, and, must, wait (.)3. I, How, can , to, get, hospital, the (?)4. must, I , attention , pay, to, lights, traffic, the (.)Dontgoattheredlight!Wemuststopandwait.HowcanIgettothehospital?Imustpayattentiontothetrafficlights.1.ZoothetheImtoweekendgoingon(.)_2.goingarethisWhereyouevening(?)_3.grandparentsthisgoingImweektomyvisit(.)_4.youeveningArecinemagoingthetothis(?)_Imgoingtothezooontheweekend.Whereareyougoingthisevening?Imgoingtovisitmygrandparentsthisweek.Areyougoingtothecinemathisevening?英汉翻译英汉翻译1. The bus is coming. 公共汽车来了。公共汽车来了。2. So many pictures of bikes! 这么多自行车的照片!这么多自行车的照片!3. Dont go at the red light ! 不要闯红灯!不要闯红灯!1.那是个很好的锻炼。那是个很好的锻炼。 Thats good exercise.2.让我们去自然公园吧!让我们去自然公园吧! Lets go to the nature park.1. 你想知道朋友怎么上学,你会问:你想知道朋友怎么上学,你会问:_A. How do you come to school?B. How can I come to school?C. How do you go home?2. 红灯亮了的时候,你会提醒你的同伴:红灯亮了的时候,你会提醒你的同伴:_A. Dont go at a red light.B. Stop and slow down at a red light.C. A and B.3. 你通常走路上学,你会说:你通常走路上学,你会说:_A. I usually walk to school.B. I usually come to school by bike.C. I usually come to school by bus.4. 如果你坐雪橇出去时,你应该做到:如果你坐雪橇出去时,你应该做到:_A. I must drive slowly.B. Dont let the dogs run too fast.C. A and B.()1、你告诉别人坐15路公共汽车去公园时,应该说:A.YoucangobytheNo.15bus.B.Youcangobybus.C.Youcangobysubway.()2、当你询问别人怎样去Australia时,应该说:A.DoyougotoAustraliabyplane?B.HowdoyougotoAustralia?C.WhereisAustralia?()3.-_?-Thefifthfloor,theroom5A.A.Whichfloor?B.Wherefloor?C.Whatfloor?ABA( )1.-_ are you going? -Im going to the cinema. A. What B. Where C. When( )2.Im going to visit my grandparents _. A. on Saturdays B. this weekend C. last weekend( )3.Why not _ on Tuesday? A. to go B. go C. going( )4.I am going to buy a comic book_ space. A. and B. with C. about( )5.Sarah _going to buy a book this afternoon. A. is B. am C. are选择恰当的答案选择恰当的答案1、HeandPeter_goingtoseeafilmtomorrow.AisBareCam2、Theyaregoingto_footballafterschool.AplayBplaysCplaying3、_areyougoingtodo?AWhatBWhereCWhen4、_areyougoing?-IamgoingtothecinemaAWhenBWhereCWhatA. visitB. filmC. seeA. tonightB. weekC. parkA. homeworkB. pictureC. drawA. tomorrowB. morningC. eveningA. artB. musicC. lesson一、选出不同类的单词,将代号填在上面。(每题一、选出不同类的单词,将代号填在上面。(每题1 1分,共分,共5 5分分) ()1.Iamgoingto_mygrandparentsnextweek.A.visitB.visitsC.visiting()2.-Whatareyougoing_onSundaymorning?-Iamgoingtoruninthepark.A.toB.todoC.doing()3.Imgoingtobuyan_.A.comicbookB.EnglishbookC.storybook()4.-Haveagoodtime!-_A.Thankyou.B.Good.C.Yes.()5.-HowisAmygoingtomorrow?-_A.BeijingB.ByplaneC.Ontheweekend单选题单选题()1.areyougoingtodothisafternoon?A.WhereB.WhatC.How()2.Whatareyougoingtodotheweekend?A.onB.atC.in()3、areyougoingthisafternoon?Imgoingtothebookstore.A.What、B.WhereC.When()4、areyougoingtobuy?Imgoingtobuyastory-book.A.WhatB.WhenC.Where()5_areyougoing?Imgoingat3oclock.A.What、BWhenC.Where读对话,完成句子。A:_ are you going this afternoon?B:I am going to the bookstore.A:_?B: Im going to buy a dictionary.A:_ are you going?B: Im going at 4 oclock.A:_ are you going there?B: Im going there by bike.A: _are you going with?B:I am going there with my sister.WhereWhatareyougoingtodoWhenHowWho读问句,选择正确的答语。读问句,选择正确的答语。( )1. What are you going to do this evening?( )2. When is your sister going to the park?( )3. Who are you going with?( )4. Where is your friend going?( )5. Is she going to have an art lesson?A. Im going to cook a big dinner.B. She is going there next Sunday.C. Hes going to the park.D. Yes, she is.E. Im going with my parents.ABECD 1.Sheisgoingtodoherhomeworktonight.(变一般疑问句并做肯定、否定回答)_._2.Imgoingat3:00.(对划线部分提问)_3.Mysisterisgoingtotakeatrip.(对划线部分提问)_Isshegoingtodoherhomeworktonight?Yes,sheisNo,sheisnt.Whenareyougoing?Whatisyoursistergoingtodo?根据汉语意思填空根据汉语意思填空1.我经常骑自行车去上学。我经常骑自行车去上学。 I_go to school by _ .2.你打算去买报纸吗?你打算去买报纸吗? 是的。是的。 Are you going _ _ _? -Yes, I am.3.我爸爸和妈妈明天将要去看望我的爷爷奶奶我爸爸和妈妈明天将要去看望我的爷爷奶奶. My father and mother _ going to_ my grandparents _.4.今天下午你要去哪今天下午你要去哪? -我要去书店我要去书店. _ are you going _ _? -I am _ _the bookstore.5.我要去买两本词典。我要去买两本词典。 I am going _ buy two _. oftenbiketobuynewspaperarevisittomorrowWherethisafternoongoingtotodictionaries按要求改写句子1.Wecangototheparkonfoot.(改成否定句)_._2.Iamgoingtodrawsomepictures.(变一般疑问句)_3.DriversdriveontherightinChina.(变一般疑问句)_4.Shegoestotheshopbybike.(对划线部分提问)_5.Lilygoestoschoolonfoot.(对划线部分提问)_WecannotgototheparkonfootAreyougoingtodrawanypictures?DodriversdriveontherightinChina?Howdoesshegototheshop?HowdoesLilygotoschool?
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