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Unit 3 School LifeLesson 18. 短短语连线语连线1. 给给某人写某人写邮邮件件A. be friendly to sb. 2. 从从移移动动到到B. look at3. 看看C. write an e-mail to sb. 4. 到达到达D. move from. . . to. . . 5. 对对某人友好某人友好E. arrive in. 句型展示句型展示1. 那那时时我相当我相当紧张紧张。I was _ _ then. 2. 我感到相当舒服和放松。我感到相当舒服和放松。I _ quite _ and _. 答案:答案:1. quite nervous 2. feel; comfortable; relaxed3. 我很高我很高兴兴待在中国。待在中国。I am so _ _ _ in China. 4. 在在这这儿我学到了好多。儿我学到了好多。I am learning _ _ here. 答案:答案:3. happy to be 4. so muchteach v. 教;教; 讲讲授授She is teaching English in China. 她正在中国教英她正在中国教英语语。My students often teach me Chinese. 我的学生我的学生们经们经常教我常教我汉语汉语。They also teach me about their culture. 他他们们也向我也向我讲讲授他授他们们的文化。的文化。Can you teach me to play basketball? 你可以教我打你可以教我打篮篮球球吗吗?【探究探究总结总结】teach的用法的用法(1)teach常常用用作作及及物物动动词词,既既可可跟跟单单个个的的宾宾语语(teach sb. /teach sth. ),也可跟双,也可跟双宾语宾语(teach sb. sth. )。(2)teach 后面常可后面常可带宾语带宾语和和补语补语(to do/疑疑问词问词+to do)。【学以致用学以致用】 Who teaches _? A. with English B. English to you C. English for D. you English. 选词选词并用其适当形式填空并用其适当形式填空comfort, help, relax, wonder, friend1. He is _. We like to be with him. 2. I feel _ wearing the silk T-shirt. 答案:答案:1. friendly 2. comfortable 3. Computer is very _, but we should not play computer games all the time. 4. Look! The children are playing happily. They are _. 5. My brother drew a _ picture. 答案:答案:3. helpful 4. relaxed 5. wonderful. 单项选择单项选择1. They arrived _ Shanghai two days ago. A. at B. to C. in D. on2. Dont make the boy _ outside. A. stand B. to standC. standing D. stands3. Their family moved _ the village _ the city. A. to; to B. from; toC. on; to D. from; on4. Dont be _. Its easy for you. A. relaxed B. terribleC. nervous D. possible5. He has _ money, but he never helps anyone. A. so many B. very manyC. so much D. very much
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