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book3unit3book3unit3高三一轮复习高三一轮复习1_ n. 出生地;故乡_ n. 出生2_ n. 小说;长篇故事 adj.新奇的;异常的novelist n. 小说家3_ n. 奇遇;冒险_ n. 冒险家_ adj.冒险的4_n. 商人_ n. 生意;商业5_ n. 耐性;忍耐_ adj.耐心的_ adv.耐心地_ n. 病人第13讲 基础梳理birthplacebirthnoveladventureadventureradventurousbusinessmanbusinesspatiencepatientpatientlypatient6_ vi.漫游;漫步;漂泊7_ vt.&vi.许可;允许;准许 n通行证;许可证;执照_ n. 允许;准许8_ vi.凝视;盯着看 第13讲 基础梳理wanderpermitpermissionstare. 短语检测1偶然;无意中;不小心2衣衫褴褛3前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说4盯着看;凝视5导致;做出解释6与此相反;正相反7冒险8关于;至于第13讲 基础梳理by accident/chance in rags go ahead stare at account for on the contrary take a chance as for scene 场,场景场,场景风景风景地点,现场地点,现场用scene, sight, view或sceneryThe cave is a very nice _ in that place.From the top of the hill you have a nice _ of the whole city.The _ in the mountains is very beautiful.Firefighters were on the _ immediately.sightviewsceneryscenepermit sth./doing sth. permit sb. to do sth. a drivers/driving permitwith/without ones permissionask for permission give sb. permission to do sth.permit sb. to do sth. (1)Are cats _ (permit) in your kitchen?(2)We dont permit _ (smoke) in any public areas.(3)Weather _ (permit),well go camping.(4)You cant take photos here without _ (permit)permittedsmokingpermittingpermissionspot sb. doing sth.be spotted withOn the spot (on the scene)put sb. on the spotspotless adj.spotlight n. 第13讲 单词点睛 This is the very spot _ (他在这儿被捕的)(arrest)where he was arrested seek (sought, sought)vt.&vi. (1)seek _ seek (sb./sth.) out seek sb.s advice/help seek to do sth.(try to do sth.)seek ones fortune seek shelter _ rain (2)seeker n. jobseeker 第13讲 单词点睛 for/afterfrom accountvt.&vi. n. e.g. She gave the police a full account of the incident open/close an account accountant n. on account of on no account take sth. into account/consideration The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.Young people account for more than 60 percent of the workers at the factory.(1)导致;是导致;是的原因的原因,解释解释(2)(在数量上在数量上)占占account for (1)Petrochemicals today _ (占四分之一) of all the chemicals made. (2)Most houses collapsed _ (因地震)(3)That may be OK, but everything must _(必须考虑)(4)On no account _ (我们绝对不应该错过这个机会)第13讲 单词点睛 account for one fourth on account of an earthquake be taken into account should we miss the chance 考点对接考点对接bring upThese are matters that you can bring up in the committee. We are brought up to respect others. Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt. He was so sick that he brought up everything. 第13讲 短语储存 提出提出 教育教育 养育,抚养养育,抚养 呕吐呕吐 考点对接考点对接inaboutaboutforwardoutupforwardon bring about bring back bring inbring out bring down bring forward 归还;使回忆起引起;导致赚得;引入出版;显现;生产降低将时间提前;提议用ahead短语的适当形式完成句子After a pause, he _ his speech.(继续)The new bridge was completed _.(提前) went ahead with ahead of timewithwithoutafteroffagainst He was on the way home when a stranger stopped him. He had made up his mind when George came and told him something new. 【句型解读】句中when为并列连词,(1)be (just) about to dowhen(2)be on the point of doing sth,when(3)be doing when(4) be on the way towhen(5)had just donewhen刚刚,这时(6)had hardly done sth when一就第13讲 句型透视 【活学活用】(1)They were just about to steal into the house, _ (此时一辆警车来了) and some policemen jumped off.(2)We were swimming in the lake _ (这时突然下起了暴雨)第13讲 句型透视 when a police car came when suddenly the storm started 微作文今天是重阳节。今天早上,我在街上溜达的时候,无意间碰到了以前的邻居。她向我不停的诉说,父母养我是多么的不容易。我粗鲁的打断了她的叙述。说实话,不是我不想听。相反,我很想她继续说下去。但是,我要赶着回家陪父母过节。DoubleNinthFestival
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