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Recycle day 4 day 5 day 62021/7/2212021/7/2222021/7/2232021/7/224Recycle2021/7/225我们都有哪些课程?我们都有哪些课程?Chinese(语文语文)English(英语英语)Math(数学数学) Music(音乐音乐)Computer(电脑电脑)Art(美术美术)Science(科学科学)P.E.(体育体育)2021/7/226Weekdays(完全形式)(完全形式)(中文意思)(中文意思)Monday 星期一星期一Tuesday 星期二星期二Wednesday 星期三星期三Thursday 星期四星期四Friday 星期五星期五2021/7/227Weekend(完全形式)(完全形式)(中文意思)(中文意思)Saturday 星期六星期六 Sunday 星期日星期日2021/7/2282021/7/2292021/7/22102021/7/22112021/7/22122021/7/22132021/7/22142021/7/2215选择选择。( ) -What on Mondays? -I often watch TV.A. do you have B. do you do C. do you D. do( ) -Are you do homework on Sundays?-No, I dont. I am books.A. read B. do C. watch D. go( ) -I read books and play computer game in Saturday.Saturday is sweet_ me.A. to B. with C. for D. /( ) -Its eight oclock. Its time get up.A. for B. in C.at C. To5. ( ) -What day is it ? -It is Monday.A. today B. day C. Tuesday D. Wednesday6. ( ) -What do we in Tuesday? -We have Chinese, English, math, computer and art.A. has B. do C. have D./2021/7/22161、on what you do do Sundays (?) 2、day is what today Mum (?) 3, my I homework and do read books (.) 4、computer on I Saturday play I Saturdays like (, !) 连词成句连词成句2021/7/2217Go shopping Its a new school year, Zoom and zip must go to the supermarket buy some stationery.We have English on Monday and Wednesday. Buy some notebooks and pens. Zoom said.We have P.E. on Tuesday. Buy a pair of sneakers. Zip said.On Thursday we have art class. We need a box of crayons. Zoom saidWe have math on Friday. Zoom saidOh! We need some ruler and calculator. Zip said.阅读理解阅读理解2021/7/2218( ) Zoom and Zip must go to .A. school B. bed C. supermarket( ) They have English on .A.Monday and Tuesday B. Monday and Wednesday C. Monday and Thursday( ) They have on Friday.math B. music C. P.E.( ) In P.E. class, they need .A.a pair of sneakers B. a pair of boots C. a pair of slippers( ) In English class, they need .A.notebooks and pencil B. pens and paper B. C. notebooks and pens根据短文选择最佳答案 2021/7/2219Class is over! Bye!2021/7/2220个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论
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