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跨文化交际跨文化交际Unit 6 Culture and Nonverbal CommunicationwThose who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know. Keep your mouth closed. Guard your senses. Temper your sharpness. Simplify your problems. Mask your brightness. Be at one with the dust of the Earth. This is primal union. He who has achieved this state Is unconcerned with friends and enemies, With good and harm, with honor and disgrace. This therefore is the highest state of man.An idiomwThere is language in her eyes, her cheeks, her lip, nay, her foot speaks. ShakespeareLearning objectives :1.to understand the significance of nonverbal communication 2.to perceive the definition of nonverbal communication3.to describe the functions of nonverbal communication4. to summarize the categories of nonverbal communication What will happen? QUESTION: What?wEvery culture has rules about the CORRECT use of space. The proxemic (relating to the study of space) rules are unwritten and never taught- but they are very powerful wa. She will ask them to sit somewhere else. wb. She will stare at the space invaders defiantly, but she will not move .wc. She will leave, saying nothing to the three people who invaded her personal space.FlightwFlight is the most common response to spatial invasions, and only 2% of the invaded people in proxemics experiments ever say anything to those who invade their personal space. The invasion is stressful for the invaded, making an early departure is almost certain.No gesture has the same meaning!wthere is no international language of gestures. Instead, cultures have developed systems of unique gestures, and it is almost never possible for us to understand intuitively the gestures from another culture. French gesture for I dont believe you , Who won the game of one-on-one basketball? wa. The man on the leftwb. The man on the rightThe man on the rightwHe seems confident, poised and modest-all qualities that suggest he is the winner of the game. 1. 1. Nonverbal CommunicationNonverbal CommunicationNonverbal codes refer to communicative messages which are not in word form.More than 55% messages are communicated nonverbally! We make important judgments and decisions concerning the internal states of othersstates they often express without words. The Importance of Nonverbal Communication黄淮学院外语系wNonverbal communication is also important because we use the actions of others to learn about their affective or emotional states.黄淮学院外语系wNonverbal communication is significant in human interaction because it is usually responsible for first impressions.黄淮学院外语系wNonverbal communication has value in human interaction because many of our nonverbal actions are not easily controlled consciously.黄淮学院外语系wFinally, nonverbal communication is important to the study of intercultural communication because a great deal of nonverbal behavior speaks a universal language.黄淮学院外语系wBesides, nonverbal behavior is significant because nonverbal communication can be open to many interpretations.This gesture means OK in the U.S and many cultures, while it means zero in France, and means money in Japan. 黄淮学院外语系Definition of Nonverbal CommunicationThe Functions of Nonverbal Communication 黄淮学院外语系 Definition and Functions of Nonverbal Communication1.Definition of Nonverbal Communication The messages sent without using words are called nonverbal communication.黄淮学院外语系Definition: (1)w“Metacommunication (beyond the usual commmunication), paralinguistics, second-order messages, the silent language, and the hidden dimension of communication.” (Hall, 1959)Definition: (2)wNonverbal communication involves all nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that is generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that has potential message value for the source or receiver. (Samovar and Porter, 2004)Definition in Chinesew非言语交际包括在交际中认为的和环境非言语交际包括在交际中认为的和环境产生的对于传播者或受传者含有潜在信产生的对于传播者或受传者含有潜在信息的所有的刺激,简单地说就是息的所有的刺激,简单地说就是“不用不用语言的交际语言的交际”,被称作,被称作”无声的语言无声的语言“。Definition in Chinesew非语言交际在人类交际中非常重要。因非语言交际在人类交际中非常重要。因为它最能反映一个人的情感或情绪状态。为它最能反映一个人的情感或情绪状态。w一个人(或多个人)不利用言语形式或一个人(或多个人)不利用言语形式或只利用副语言形式所传达的信息被另一只利用副语言形式所传达的信息被另一个人(或多个人)接收的交际行为。个人(或多个人)接收的交际行为。 What may “body language” refer to?gesturesFacial expressionsEye contactBody movementsBody positionsSpace keeping/touch2. 2. Functions of Functions of Nonverbal CommunicationNonverbal CommunicationRepeatingComplementingSubstitutingRegulatingContradicting黄淮学院外语系Why do we use body language?How does nonverbal help verbal?a. RepeatingPeople use nonverbal communication to repeat, clarify, and empasize their point of view. For example, nod as saying yes.黄淮学院外语系b. ComplementingNonverbal communication cues can add to or complement a verbal message. For example, scratch head.黄淮学院外语系黄淮学院外语系Nonverbal messages may substitute verbal ones in certain settings. There are situations in which words cannot be used. In a very noisy street, for example, police officer might use hand gestures to replace spoken messages.c. Substitutingd. RegulatingNonverbal behaviors can help control verbal interactions by regulating them, such as turn-taking signals (hand raised) in conversations黄淮学院外语系e. ContradictingCertain nonverbal behaviors can contradict spoken words. 黄淮学院外语系Nonverbal Communication and CulturewLearning about the alliance between culture and nonverbal behavior is useful to students of intercultural communication for a number of reasons:w1. by understanding important cultural differences in this behavior, you will be able to gather clues about underlying attitudes and values.w2. the study of nonverbal behaviors can assist us in isolating our own ethnocentrism.黄淮学院外语系wMost classifications divide nonverbal messages into two comprehensive categories:wThose that are primarily produced by the body (appearance, movements, facial expressions, eye contact, touch, smell, and paralanguage);wAnd those that the individual combines with the setting (space, time, and silence).黄淮学院外语系Body BehaviorwGeneral Appearance and DresswBody Movements: KinesicswPosturewGestureswFacial expressionswEye Contact and GazewTouchwSmellwparalanguage黄淮学院外语系 General Appearance and Dress Although Western business dress has been widely adopted among other cultures, you may wish to learn cultural distinctions in appropriate business attire (服装). When visiting Saudi Arabia, for example, the Saudi might wear the traditional Arabic white flowing robe and headcloth. The use of clothing and physical appearance to communicate is more obvious. Clothing can reflect cultural heritage.黄淮学院外语系Muslin girls usually wear scarves to cover their heads, and in most instance, “girls are not allowed to participate in swimming classes because of the prohibitions against exposing their bodies.” Modesty is highly valued among Arabs.黄淮学院外语系Perhaps nowhere in the world is the merger between attire and a cultures value system more evident than in Japan. “The proclivity(倾向倾向,癖性癖性 ) for conservative dress styles and colors emphasizes the nations collectivism and, concomitantly(同时同时地)地), lessens the potential for social disharmony arising from nonconformist attire.”黄淮学院外语系Body Movement: kinesics ( (身势语行为身势语行为) ) The study of how movement communicates is called kinesics.It can send messages about:1)Our attitude toward the other person,2)Our emotional state,3) our desire to control our environment.黄淮学院外语系PostureA man and a woman met on the train platform. Will the woman accept the mans greeting friendly?黄淮学院外语系She wont!Man:“half smile” expression a relaxed position“snap” gesturebody orientationWoman:“frowning” expression“chin up” facial position“backing” postureLegs togetherFeet pointing inwards黄淮学院外语系wYou dont just “ read ” others body language;wYou observe, analyze and interpret before you decide the possible meaning!Match the following descriptions with the behaviors:1.The person is very relaxed, but he/she is ready to move at any time.2.The person is in deep thinking. He/she thinks that may be a good idea and is ready to move after the thinking.3.The person is very glad to see the other. Actually he/she thinks that person is important.4.The person is very confident. He/she thinks he/she is more important than the other.5.The person has made up his/her mind. He/she is very angry, but tries to control him-/her-self.6.The person determines to control his/her feelings, trying to calm down.7.The person presents him-/her-self as an important man. But he/she tries to be friendly to others.DEAFCGBSitting or Standing?In western countries, people who stand are more important than those who sit (unless there is a table between them), because the former could control the latter.Bowing in JapanIn Japan, mutual bowing is largely determined by rank.“bowing contest”Bend slightly to ones rightBecoming automatic movement, e.g. bow when making phone call Gestures can be emblems or regulators (ones face turns red with embarrassment). Gestures are used to add emphasisor clarity to an oral message. Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural CommunicationGesturesGestureswDo you know what the following gestures means? w Number 1 is used together with the verbal message “Lets keep our fingers crossed” in the United States, England, and Sweden to mean that the person is hoping for good luck. But in Greece and Turkey it means the breaking of a friendship, and in parts of Italy it means “O.K.”.wNumber 2 is normally used when talking privately about a third person, meaning that person is crazy, often in a joking way.Number 3 indicates “I have no idea.” / “I dont know.”The gesture in Picture 4 means that “I cant / didnt hear you.”Number 5 means “Thats enough. Its all over for me.”In Picture 6 the “thumbs down” sign indicates “rejection” or “refusal”, “defeat” or “no good” or “bad news” to Americans. “Something is a bit suspicious / odd here.”l“Come here.”Number 9 is widely used in the US to mean “Great, perfect, acceptable, O. K.” But is Belgium and France, it means “zero”; in Turkey, Brazil, Greece, and Malta, it has an obscene meaning; and in Tunisia, it is used as a threat.Number 10 is used in Italy to say “Hello.” For Indonesians, Malaysians, and some speakers of Arabic, it signals “Come here.”Number 11 means “Oh, I forgot.” or an expression of surprise.The gesture in Number 12 means “Slow down, relax or wait a second.”Number 13 is used to show that someone is a champion or a winner, usually in sports. This gesture caused a serious international misunderstanding in 1959. Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet leader, was visiting the US and used this gesture, which means friendship in Russia. American newspapers printed it on page one. And the American people understood it to mean the opposite: that the Soviet Union would defeat the US.Picture 14 is one of the few gestures which seems to be used only in the US, and many people feel it is not as common as it once was. This gesture is made by moving one index finger against the other. It is usually used with children. Or adults do it as a joke. It means “You did something bad; shame on you.”Finger(1)In the United States, the index finger is used to point to objects and even at people.Germans point with the little fingerJapanese point with the entire hand, palms upIn much of Asia, pointing with the index finger is considered rudeFinger(2)英语国家的人有不少手语,其一就是cross ones fingers或keep ones fingers crossed。Cross ones fingers. 即把中指放在食指上,作有点像十字架的交叉状。十字架在西方代表上帝,所以cross ones fingers有祝福、祈求好运的意思,例如:I am crossing my fingers that nothing untoward will happen to him.(我祈求不幸的事不会降临他身上)。Keep your fingers crossed for him. 即为他祝福吧。留意cross your fingers是说的多,确实做这手势的少。 Finger(3)说到手指,不能不谈谈伸出中指这个下流手势,英文叫做give someone the finger,例如:The presidential candidate appeared quite unperturbed when a few in the audience gave him the finger.(听众席上有些人向总统候选人伸出中指,但他若无其事)。要说得幽默一点,把gave him the finger改为gave him one-finger salutes(一只手指的敬礼)也无不可。Thumb此外还有thumbs up(拇指向上)、thumbs down(拇指向下)的手势。古罗马斗士战败,观众做出拇指朝上手势,是说可以饶他性命;做出拇指朝下手势,则是说杀却。今天,thumbs up常用来表示嘉许或接受,thumbs down则表示不满或反对,例如:The authorities have given the thumbs up. / thumbs down on our plan.(当局接受 / 否决了我们的计划)。 Facial expressionLook at the following pictures, try to tell who is1. The most kind-hearted?2. The most artistic?3. The most smart?Facial expressionHappinessSurpriseFearAngerSadnessDisgustContemptInterestBewildermentdeterminationIndifferenceDisrespectDisappointmentSuspectconcernWhat messages can we get from facial expressions?Facial expressionAbout smile:America - intelligent Japanese acceptable under certain circumstances Korean rarely do “The man who smiles a lot is not a real man.” Thailand “the land of smiles” Eye contactIf a white teacher reprimands a young black male, and the student responds by maintaining a downward glance, rather than looking directly at the teacher, what do you think the teacher may feel at his reaction?Oculesics (目光接触) not only differs in countries but also in cultural background and depends on the communicational atmosphere. Do you understand the common black phrase“dont look at me in that tone of voice”?Eye Contact and Gazew“Thou tellst me there is murder in mine eye”w“Your eyes said more to me that night than your lips would ever say”w“Your lips tell me no, no, but theres yes, yes in your eyes.”wdirect, sensual, sardonic, expressive, intelligent, penetrating, sad, cheerful, worldly, hard, trusting, suspiciouswEyes serve six important communication functions:w1) indicate degrees of attentiveness, interest, and arousal;w2) influence attitude change and persuasion;w3)regulate interaction;w4) communicate emotions;w5) define power and status relationships;w6) assume a central role in impression management. Touch Haptics or touch refers to communicating through the use of bodily contact. In Thailand and Laos, it is rude for a stranger or acquaintance to touch a child on the top of the head because the head is regarded as the home of the spirit or soul. It is believed that a childs spirit or soul is not strong enough to be touched and has tendency to become ill if patted. Even placing a hand on the back of an Asian workers chair is considered inappropriate. White Muslims hug another person around the shoulders, Korea young people do not touch the shoulders of their elders. Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural CommunicationJourard sat in coffee shops in four different cities. Whenever he saw people touch, he recorded the touch. His records are as followed: Sainthorn (Porto Rico): 180 Paris: 102 Gynswere (Florida): 2 London: 0Each culture has a well-defined system of meanings for different forms of touching. Some generalizations can be made with regards to high-touch versus low-touch cultures. Americans, the English, Germans and Northern Europeans are said to belong to low-touch cultures, exhibiting very limited tactile contact in public. Hispanics (西班牙人西班牙人), people of Eastern European descents, Italians, the French, Arabs, and Jews are all said to belong to high-touch cultures. Paralanguage Three kinds of vocalization: vocal characterizers (laughing, crying, yelling, moaning, whining, belching, yawning) ; Vocal qualifiers (volume, pitch, rhythm, tempo, resonance, tone); Vocal segregates (“un-huh,” “shh,” “uh,” “oooh,” “mmmh,” “humm”).Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural CommunicationwArabs speak very loudly because loudness for them connotes strength and sincerity.wFor Israelis, increased volume reflects strong beliefs toward the issue under discussion.wFor Thai people, a loud voice is perceived as being impolite.wIn Japan, raising ones voice often implies a lack of self-control.wWhen interacting with Americans, people from cultures that speak softly often believe that Americans are angry or upset because of their relatively loud speech.Space and Distancew1) personal spacew2) seatingw3) furniture arrangement c. Personal space1. In the United StatesHall reports that psychologists have identified four zones from which U.S. people interact: the intimate zone, the personal zone, the social zone, and the public zone.2. In India In India, there are elaborate rules about how closely members of each caste may approach other castes. 3. In Arab Arabs of the same sex do stand much closer than North Americans. An Arab entering an elevator may stand right next to another person and be touching even though no one else is in the elevator. Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural CommunicationNorth Americans distance habit050cm: intimate lovers and family members 50120cm: friends (personal distance) 120270cm: acquaintances (social distance) 270cm: public space, not belong to oneself Behind: strangers speaking from behind are allowed to stand much more nearer.Culture and Space keeping P147 跨文化商务沟通案例教程跨文化商务沟通案例教程 作者:庄恩平出版社:上海外语教育出版社作者:庄恩平出版社:上海外语教育出版社Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural CommunicationSeating In the United States, they tend to talk with those opposite them rather than those seated or stand beside them. The Chinese often experience uneasiness when they face someone directly or sit on opposite side of a desk or table from someone. Where to sit?Choose the seat and describe whyChapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication Furniture arrangement French space is a reflection of French culture. Everything is centralized, and spatially the entire country is laid out around centers.In Germany, where privacy is stressed, office furniture is spread throughout the office.In Japan, where group participation is encouraged, many desks are arranged hierarchically in the center of a large, common room absent of walls.Chinese geomancy (泥土占卜), feng shui, is the art of arranging the physical environment to establish harmony with the natural environment to achieve happiness, prosperity, and health. Time w1) informal timew2) perceptions of past, present, and futurew3) Halls monochronic and polychronic classificationswThou tellst me there is murder in mine eye. - ShakespearewYour lips tell me no, no, but theres yes, yes in your eyes. - Musical balladInformal TimewHow late is “late”?w5 minutesw15 minutesw30 minutesw2 hoursPast, Present, and FuturewPast-orientated cultures such as the British place much emphasis on tradition and are often perceived as resisting change.wFilipinos and Latin Americans are present oriented and emphasize living in the moment.wThe third orientation, which puts great faith in the future, is the one most Americans have.Time systems (Hall, 1976):Do you still remember time orientation?1)Monochronic Time (M-Time) 2)Polychronic Time (P-Time) 美国人类学家霍尔(美国人类学家霍尔(Edward Hall)在)在超超越文化越文化(Beyond Culture)一书中首次区)一书中首次区分了两种不同的时间观念分了两种不同的时间观念,即即“单向计时制单向计时制”(monochronic time)和)和“多向计时制多向计时制”(polychronic time)a. Monochronic time (M-time) b. Polychronic time (P-time) Polychronic time means being involved with many things at once. Monochronic time means paying attention to and doing only one thing at a time. Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communicationw Monochronic and polychronic views of time Monochronic Time (M-Time) It schedules one event at a time. In these cultures time is perceived as a linear structure just like a ribbon stretching from the past into the future. e.g. American People “单向计时制重视日程安排、阶段时间和准时”, 认为“时间是线性的、可分割的,就象一条道路或带子向前伸展到未来,向后延伸到过去”。 Monochronic Time (M-Time)在我们看来,同时做两件事几乎有点不道德。” 持有这种时间取向的英美人士把时间看成具体实在(tangible)的东西, 可以节省(save)、花费(spend)、赚得(earn)、浪费(waste)、失去(lose)、弥补(make up)、计量(measure)、 甚至当成商品一样买卖(buy, sell)和拥有(have)。 美国人特别强调把时间分割成不同的时段来安排活动,强调守时, 严格按照日程一次做一件事情(do one thing at a time) Polychronic Time (P-Time) P-time schedules several activities at the same time. It is more flexible and more humanistic. People from P-time system emphasize the involvement of people more than schedules. They do not see appointments as ironclad commitments and often break them. e.g. Chinese, Latin American, Arab and most Asian cultures Polychronic Time (P-Time)霍尔还认为,“多向计时制的特征是同时进行好几件事情”, 强调人们参与并做完事情,不僵守预先安排的日程表。“多向计时制往往被看成一个时点而不是一条带子或道路”。多数亚洲民族持有这种非线性的时间取向,做事不太严守时间日程,安排比较灵活, 而且不把时间看得那么具体、实在。Monochronic PeoplewDo one thing at a time.wConcentrate on the job.wTake time commitments (deadlines, schedules) seriously.wAre committed to the job.wAdhere to plans.wAre concerned about not disturbing others; follow rules of privacy.wShow great respect for private property; seldom borrow or lend.wEmphasize promptness.wAre accustomed to short-term relationships.Polychronic PeoplewDo many things at once.wAre easily distracted and subject to interruptions.wConsider time commitments an objective to be achieved, if possible.wAre committed to people and human relationships.wChange plans often and easily.wAre more concerned with people close to them (family, friends, close business associates) than with privacy.wBorrow and lend things often and easily.wBase promptness on the relationship.wHave strong tendency to build lifetime relationships.AssignmentTranslate the facial expressions: 皱眉,打呵欠,嗤笑,苦笑, 面无表情的, 严肃的Thank you for your Attention
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