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8B Unit5 Grammarenough to & tootoe.g. to describe a persons personality and abilities句型句型: be + adj.+ enough + to-infinitiveYou are old enough to learn about manners. If you are in their way, British people willbe polite enough to wait till you move.to beadj. enough to -infinitive主语主语beadj.enough to do sth.用来描述主语的人品和能力,表示用来描述主语的人品和能力,表示“某人某人在某方面已经能够达到做某事的程度在某方面已经能够达到做某事的程度”。eg: You should be brave enough to do the things alone.该句型常用描述该句型常用描述人物特征的人物特征的形容词。如:形容词。如: good kind nicecleverright carefulrudewise foolishstupidselfish carelesswrong honest generous1. enough是副词是副词, 修饰前面的形容词。修饰前面的形容词。 enough用作副词时用作副词时, 位置在被修饰词的后面。位置在被修饰词的后面。 He is old enough to go to school. Andy is strong enough to be a player. Pay attention2. 在使用本句型的时候,要注意主语和在使用本句型的时候,要注意主语和be动动 词的一致性。形容词前没有任何诸如词的一致性。形容词前没有任何诸如very, quite等之类的修饰词。等之类的修饰词。 The room is big enough to hold 20 people. generousshare her things with othershelpfulhelp his friendsbravebe a group leadercarefultake care of her friends bravedo things by himselfbe + adj. + enough + to doproud2.Millie is patient enough to listen carefully when others speak. 3.Sandy is careful enough to notice small changes around her.4.Kitty is generous enough to share her things with others. 5.Simon is polite enough to queue in public.6.Amy is funny enough to make everyone laugh after class.Suzys friends句型句型: be + adj.+ enough + to-infinitivePage70 1. patient (adj.) 耐心的耐心的 不耐心的不耐心的 e.g. 他总是有足够的耐心回答我的问题。他总是有足够的耐心回答我的问题。 对某人有耐心的对某人有耐心的: patient (n.) : 病人病人 照顾病人照顾病人 2. listen carefully 认真倾听认真倾听 e.g. 认真倾听别人的问题认真倾听别人的问题3. 够细心注意身边细小的变化够细心注意身边细小的变化4. 使某人大笑使某人大笑impatientHe is always patient enough to answer my questions.be patient with sb.look after patientslisten to others problems carefullybe careful enough to notice small changes around sb.make sb. laugh e.g. British people are very polite. They do not shout loudly in public. too to British people are too polite to shout loudly in public.e.g. The UK is very far away. Jenny cannot go there on her own. The UK is too far away for Jenny to go there on her own.to betoo+ adj. to -infinitivehouseThey are _.They are _. Their house is _. too poor to buy delicious food too poor to buy new clothestoo broken to live in be + too + adj. + to doclothesfood1. 她年龄太小了不能去上学。她年龄太小了不能去上学。2. 这房间太小了我们不能住这房间太小了我们不能住。She is too young to go to school.The room is too small for us to live in.句型结构句型结构:be + too+ adj. +for sb.+ to -infinitiveexpress a negative result 1.Suzy was too shy to join the discussion. 2.Simon was too excited to express himself clearly.3.Peter was too slow to write down all the main points. 4.Amy was too careless to take her hat with her when she left.5.Kitty was too busy with her dancing lesson to listen to the radio.Page71 After the radio show1. 加入讨论加入讨论 e.g. I want to _ (talk about) your study with you. Lets have a _ (讨论讨论). join the discussionn.v. discussdiscussdiscussion2. 清楚地表达自己清楚地表达自己 e.g. 微笑表达了她听到这个消息时的喜悦心情。微笑表达了她听到这个消息时的喜悦心情。 A smile _ her joy at the news. 我觉得很难表达我的意思我觉得很难表达我的意思 I find _. (n.) expression 表达;表达法,短语;表达;表达法,短语; e.g.The views are beautiful beyond expression. Lets learn some useful expressions by heart. express oneself clearlyexpressedit hard to express my meaning风景美得无法表达。(不可数)风景美得无法表达。(不可数)让我们记住一些有用的表达法。(可数)让我们记住一些有用的表达法。(可数)3. 写下所有的要点写下所有的要点 4. 忙于某事忙于某事 忙于做某事忙于做某事 e.g. 他的父母太忙与做生意而不能好好照顾他。他的父母太忙与做生意而不能好好照顾他。5. 独自独自 e.g. 这道数学题对于我来说太难这道数学题对于我来说太难, 而不能独自解答。而不能独自解答。 His parents are too busy with business to look after him well.His parents are too busy doing business to take good care of him.on ones own= by oneself= aloneThe Maths problem is too difficult for me to work out on my own. write down all the main pointsbe busy with sth.be busy doing sth. People here do not have much money. Sometimes they are _ have enough food. Sometimes they have to do much farm work, so they are _their children. Sometimes their children need to do a lot of housework, and they are _. Today, we are here to help. We should be _enough to _ do some housework. We should be_ enough to help them _. With our help, they will have a better life. too poor totoo busy to look aftertoo tired to study help themtake care of babieskindhelpful1. sb. + adj.+ enough to do sth. 某人足够某人足够做某事做某事2. sb. + be too +adj. + to do sth. 某人太某人太而不能做某事。而不能做某事。 _ + be too +adj. + _ to do.sth. for sb. 1. David is curious. He asks his parents many questions every day. David is _ _ _ _ his parents many questions every day. 2. Kitty is clever enough to make all kinds of kites. Kitty is _ _ _ she_ _ all kinds of kites. curious enough to askso clever thatcan make同义句转换同义句转换Practice3. Andy is too weak to carry the big box. Andy is _ _ _ to carry the big box. Andy is _ _ _ she _ carry the big box.not strong enoughso weak that cant4. Its very kind of you to tell me this news. You are _ _ to tell me this news.5. This problem is too difficult for her to work out. This problem is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. kind enoughnot easy enoughfor her to work outThis problem is so difficult that she cant work it out.6. Amy is very careless. She cant find her glasses on her desk. Amy is _ _ _ _ her glasses on her desk. Amy is _ _ _ she _ _ her glasses on her desk. Amy is _ _ _ _ _ her glasses on her desk. too careless to findso careless thatcant findnot careful enough to find be + adj. enough to do sth 可以和可以和 be so +adj. + that 从句从句 (肯定句肯定句) 互换互换 be too +adj. to do sth 可以和可以和 be not +adj.(原来形容词的反义词原来形容词的反义词) enough to do sth或或 be so + adj. + that从句从句 (否定句否定句) 互换互换 Translation:1. 他够上学年龄了。他够上学年龄了。2. 她真慷慨,为我们买了这多礼物。她真慷慨,为我们买了这多礼物。3. 这个盒子太重,小男孩搬不动。这个盒子太重,小男孩搬不动。4. 昨天他太兴奋了,都不能清楚表达自己了。昨天他太兴奋了,都不能清楚表达自己了。He is old enough to go to school.She is generous enough to buy us so many presents. The box is too heavy for the little boy to carry. He was too excited to express himself clearly.5. 这男孩年龄太小,不能照顾自己。这男孩年龄太小,不能照顾自己。6. 他们太慢了,赶不上这辆公交车了。他们太慢了,赶不上这辆公交车了。This boy is too young to look after himself.They are too slow to catch the bus.句子翻译句子翻译1. 教室里太吵了我不能认真学习。教室里太吵了我不能认真学习。2. 市中心太远了我们不能走着去。市中心太远了我们不能走着去。3. 他太懒了不能早起。他太懒了不能早起。4. 我们太忙不能按时完成这项任务。我们太忙不能按时完成这项任务。The classroom is too noisy for me to study hard.The city centre is too far for us to walk.He is too lazy to get up early.We are too busy to finish this work on time.选用左栏中的形容词和选用左栏中的形容词和右栏中的词组,加右栏中的词组,加enough,回答问题,回答问题1.Is Mike generous?2. Is that story interesting?3. Is he good at swimming?4. Is Alice very hard-working?5. Can Simon write stories?interestingfastgenerouscleverhard-working to be the first of his classto make me laughto share his things with othersto get good marksto write many interesting stories
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