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What would you like ?凯二小学凯二小学 贾蔓贾蔓陕西旅游版小学英语五年级上册候眷撩逼订僻界菏畏矢拒栓豌丛洒稽企宝硷析嗅柄价谊锌篇土嫩都叉和隙陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册WhatwouldyoulikeI. Contents:II. Teaching aims1. Aims on the abilities1). To help Ss to say which drink or fruit they like.2). To develop Ss s ability of speaking.3). To foster Ss s ability of communication and their innovation.2. Aims on the knowledge1). To enable the Ss to understand and say five phrases about the fruits and food. a cup of tea, a glass of water, a bottle of milk a pear and an apple2) To help the Ss to use the sentence “Id like a cup of tea.”凶盟檀带苗玲擎犀依突讲苟救樱息士皂靛灯弛篙叁灶鄙镍喻托盂胶郴缉短陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册WhatwouldyoulikeIII. Key-points of this lesson1). To help the Ss to grasp the five phrases about the drink and food.2). To develop Ss interests in learning.IV. Difficult points1). To lead Ss to say the clothes with the colour. Such as: pink skirt2) To lead Ss to tell which clothes they like. Such as: I like the blue sweater with the white skirt.倡详去咨含斥歉家克娘靛瞧昭狂茧华卯与备烟丈售啦豹终域蔷矫排舀十邓陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册WhatwouldyoulikeV. Teaching praise1). Ill divide the Ss into f groups. Each group show a short talk. Lets see which group can get the most points.2). Each S does a good job can get a big hand “good, good, very good.” and a sticker.VI. Teaching methodsAs we know: the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupils basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson Ill mainly use “playing games” and “Task-based” teaching methods. It helps to improve Ss interests in learning and the ability of speaking. Ill arrange four kinds of actions: singing songs, playing games, free talk and the fashion show. 腰干疽茂去糟阐租没枣陨谋幸恨跨想淮鲜鬃腿冲褂累颊阔绕蛊徘陇阮侯悟陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册WhatwouldyoulikeVII. Learning methodsIll let the Ss learn by singing songs, playing games, free talk. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in the happy atmosphere and the real situations.韩榴酚悟盼什俘纬光够灯企逝佐左陡置唤匪框炬溢吐竿荷侵俏婉圃冯祁淤陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册WhatwouldyoulikeVIII. Teaching procedures and purposes of my design.Ill finish this lesson in six steps.Step 1. Warm-up and preview1. Free talk between T and Ss about things at school. Such as: Whos on duty today?2. Sing the song together: “Ten little Indian boys”. 3. Review the the last lesson.Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by singing and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.饺疙烫瓣寄涨澎悼堆收阶饰缮屋贺家液谰登雾另捍凭肩莉嗓毒虹捂逗搪腻陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册WhatwouldyoulikeStep 2. Presentation1. Learn the new words. During this part, Ill show the words step by step. First, the real drink. Second, the picture. Then, the word. Use different drinks let Ss say: milk, tea, water,. And I will put the new words in the sentence: “Id like milk.” After learning each word, Ill ask one of the Ss to put the word card under the picture.Purpose: To present the key words step by step is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings. Putting the word cards under the pictures helps the Ss to recognize the words easier.2. Read after the tape.Purpose: To improve Ss ability of listening.财乒款疯务狄教湛逮蛊只坑班婆刮揣灰弹桅咀黍患峰兰叙躲传侮阿衡弘殴陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册WhatwouldyoulikeStep 3. PracticeIll play three games to practise the new words and for each game we have a competition.1.“Who is missing”: There are there big pictures of drink and fruits in my hand. Ill Takes away one after Ss look clearly .Then Ill ask Who is missing“ like this. 围轨缄匹冗桐拽竞汉桥寂植蚊电朽俭舰奴内祝画乘苦嚣数笼府章搐冰身国陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike今妄欧无贾床夹些遣愁估蚀膊疤疲客迎匆侦廊戈溯辫糙国咎倘獭酚粤咕澈陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike奋槐炕峨相人剩毒蹬冠树瓮廓狡缨孵糖虑麦跟现衰泻警举格惩枪宇渭砧鱼陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike勉头畦压逗歇广十筒奔铱卸胁泡带挨庶农墨琴晰遂氏鞍第喷唾冶友僚钩刀陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike宏梁蹲绍壬碰散蔷睹醚抗姬疵浮顺菊刑膨茬子昨到产朋斋阁塑选妹鹅扣杖陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册WhatwouldyoulikePropose: All the kids love games. Playing games let the Ss “learning by playing, playing in learning”. It makes the “learning” and the “playing” together. Proper competition can arouse the Ss interests in English learning.颤潮裸呵绝磐叠庄锌沧滋也扔库浅仿奏供涯糠异蔫趁椅君抓坡林戴气荚邪陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册WhatwouldyoulikeStep 4. Extension.1. Free talkIll show the drinks I prepared. Such as “Id like a cold bottle of milk.” I ask Ss “What would I like?”. At last, they choose “a cold bottle of milk.” for me. I drink it and say “I d like the cold milk .” Then T leads the Ss to choose the drinks for themselves. And ask them What would you like ?.We have two ways:A. Ss Say in the group. (When they say in the group, Ill write the sentence on the blackboard.)B. T asks some of them to say.捅们熙妓疹瘫砖掣述节府羡贿佐刑越桌傍犹吞室存珊洽呀浩复遮框旦耘商陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册WhatwouldyoulikeStep 5. Homework1). To review the new words after class.2). Ask your friends or your parents which drink do they like.Purpose: Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as possible in class and after class. It is necessary for them to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.So much for my speaking. And this is my design of the blackboard. Thank you for listening.匀粉朝境敷这唉住阐囱芬酬狼泞杰呕赞训滁锗乍噶焊强椰胞猾耗计高攘以陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike陕西旅游版五年级英语上册Whatwouldyoulike
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