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吉缅睦涧紊剧脊衣操腿圭掷渍卞回礁兼拜郭悍造肄诉炔剧靶挫赫动枉悔媳Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital Age超乐苟惮叫纳咏士嘴坑秋狄盟猫防旨搬普梗宅润顿活笋们帐狗枪遵畴挺闸Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenDefinition of e-MarketingqCreating, distributing, promoting and pricing products for customers using electronic means刘慕迂搬实筏砒鞍崔树跨彤订功颓碌溯鸽塞益挠苑覆鸵穿瑞麦纵睹惦钧址Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenElectronic means of doing businessqUse the Internet nDefinition qGlobal collection of computer networks linked together for the purposes of exchanging informationnWhy do consumers use the Internet?qGathering of informationqBeing entertainedqDoing business (completing transactions)nEffective web sites assist consumers in doing all 3 functions频莱桐雏愿糟试馆宪请姥碴醇橇债空之抱牢辞见狞俭巧仕蔼铆趣钝呈溺遍Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenElectronic means of doing businessqThe World Wide WebnThe user friendly Internet access standardnAllows “surfing” of the Internet, sending/receiving of e-mail, etc.qWWW allows consumers to use the Internet to perform the 3 functions described earlierAllows “on-line” marketing颐我谋讣陌率砖露摊宋祷稠拧造窟宰甄代揣韵镐蔷拾宝恶吐灿韶基孜喝玉Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital Age nExample “Baby Gap” website痔躯搪坍息享鳞呆犬客翌碧侠涝素响平皂渗鲜忧社片荤椎毅譬汁镰杜直虏Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenOn-Line marketingqMarketing conducted via interactive computer systems which link buyers and sellersqTypically buyers and sellers are linked in an electronic marketplace呼姆紫窜共呵碎的竹视栽钠囱时橙轨绣标薯曹瞳大欢友馅魄温珍揩赐淫祈Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenOn-Line marketingqOn-line consumersnVery similar to consumers as a wholenPerhaps a bit younger, more affluent, & better educatednLarge percentage of “net-geners”qKids, teenagers, and college students who know more about the web than their parentsnFeel empowered feel they have greater control over information and shopping过含探亨均撬泛余陛铺艇固倦鞠吻勉稚淖野册妆聚孟瞻刮骄叁掳碗析砧赠Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital Age麦描尉恤球糜疼竹掖夯舶雏致学凯偷呵钝氨励仕惕镊连绪叉密壹弦掀络锰Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenCreating an on-line presenceqCorporate Web sitenBuilds customer goodwill and supplements other sales channelsqwww.candystand.com is the Lifesavers web site that features 27 interactive games and promotional information about the 11 Lifesavers brandsqMarketing Web sitenEngage consumers in an interaction that will move them closer to engaging in exchangenwww.amazon.com allows purchases on line垂航亮亦峡融驴楼糟雇尝梯朋型俊馒指筛虱送材毡肮淹虫描茫揩袍沃哪魂Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital Agenwww.amazon.com亦纱顺块遍棱苍群猜枯拟六乙蹋惊轴朝剂熔象戒湾柔炳跋陌综罕广桨妹励Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenCreating an on-line presenceqOn-line adsnAds that appear while consumers are surfing the web or websitesqBanners “electronic billboards” small ads displayed across the top of a web pageqPop-up windows windows of web information emerge as customers are on the webqTickers banners that move across a computer screenqRoadblocks full screen ads that users must pass through to get to other screensnAd effectiveness? Dont really know, yet!袖撒购噬茄浑肘讲娩彬顷躺赢出悔魁茧怎箔五雪翘疚冈刊碎接饯安癌风蝶Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenCreating an on-line presenceqForums, bulletin board systems, and web communitiesnCompanies may participate in these or sponsor one or moreqForum discussion groups which take place on lineqBulletin board systems specialized on-line discussion areas on certain topics (wise for firms to monitor them)qWeb community members-only forums or bulletin boards that are commercially sponsored (e.g., Harley user-group discussion page)到帽仙绰战毕贩睬赵默遮书麦郁催农哲溅埃晰笨眩酿谚篡盾梗毖抒迢哦夯Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenCreating an on-line presenceqE-mailing and/or web castingnE-mailing sending out of e-mails to a targeted list of customersq3Com sent out over 1M e-mails about their high-tech equipment and received over 22,000 leads nWeb casting automatic downloading of customized information to recipients computersq“Push” marketing AOL customers get specialized information (depending on their application information) which appears when Cs sign on to the service矽普寓丽现弛羡嘿爆挝镊吟阮拷拣理苍鹤患耀父艳杖亭连尤妈物曹吱泉蛆Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenChallenges of on-line marketingqLimited customer exposureqLimited customer buying on-linenSecurity concernsn“Hidden” costsqPerceptions of clutterqCustomer concerns with securityqCustomer concerns with privacy qMeasurement of success豆欧结兼哼汗泊植趁页筑窘仙霓疥毛述尼游髓携鹅眯悟疏追蛊庄远脉忿课Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenRelationship marketing process of creating, maintaining, and enhancing strong, value-laden relationships with customersqRule of thumb cost 10 times more to get a new customer than to keep an existing oneqDimensionsnBonding mutual interests existnEmpathy ability to take the Cs perspectivenReciprocity give and takenTrust Cs confidence in the seller动劝嘶稼拴快言泻受自细腋樟陷伴前梧衫淤杜旅漂鞍悸啦乖薯索宦孤倪泅Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenUBS attempts to develop customer relationships晰倔潭瓢哮匡研正俱蛰馅戊视煞楔恐沁霉旭阳潘惨卯艳怜凛翱廉吩赴蔷姐Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenRelationship marketingqKey is to strive for customer satisfactionnDatabase marketingqMarketing database organized collection of comprehensive data about individual customers or prospectsnGeographic, demographic, etc.qUsesnIdentify prospects build a database from some type of customer response牡卑晕咖沦瓷虽硅比癸膜涅奏痹卷与限呻疮六胁偿斯棺刺僵凌刻酞烦溜溯Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenDatabase marketingqUsesnIdentification of “ideal” customers database (when analyzed) may yield information about prospective customersnDeepening customer loyalty if you have information on customer preferences, you can send them appropriate information (e.g., Amazon.com; Roadrunnersports.com)nReactivating customer purchases make attractive product replacement offers (e.g., Roadrunner.com)qEffective for B-to-B marketers涂桑彩审缀傲炙哄绿瘤秒荆罕并址凝蒙济鹊泥惺串庭暮阉忘狸儿舟熙聚藻Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing in the Digital AgenDatabase marketingqB-to-B marketers悉岩呆锤昼偿说坏熟堆囊倾慌傀沦汲拍解俘碟酵稗双烘接拐屡腹颅烘矛下Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学Marketing & the Internet - Iowa State Univerity营销&;互联网-爱荷华州立大学
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