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第10讲八年级(下)讲八年级(下)Units 12feetlaylainlyinghurthurtinghithittingsicknessclimberknivesmeaningmeaningfulimportancedecisiondeathdeaddieddyingcheerfulvolunteerstronglyweakfeltfeelingsatisfactionsatisfiedownerbrokebrokenbrokenabilitydisabledisabledimaginationdifficultytrainingtrainerkindnesshave a coldlie downhave a fevertake breaksget offright awayget intotake risksrun outcut offget out ofin control ofgive upclean upcheer upoutcome up withput offoutcall upused tocare fortry outfix upgive awaytake afterset upmake differenceput upWhats the matterhave a stomachachewithtaketemperatureTo his surpriseThanks toin timehad problemsAsused to takingmaking a planat the same timeto helpsimilar toit possible forhelpedoutADto reduceBDAdeaddieddeathdead/dyingAThanks for taking/showingCBraiseblindunderstandimaginedecisiontook aftergave awayThanks toput offis in control ofBBDDAI have a sore neck,because I watched TV all the time without having a rest.To my surprise,she hurt herself seriously.Thanks to Mr. Huang,he sent me to the hospital quickly and I received treatment in time.Exercise is good for health,so that we should exercise every day.Thank You!请完成考点跟踪请完成考点跟踪突破突破10
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