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Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighborhood 一、根据首字母或所给提示用所需词的适当形式填空。1. According to the recent s_, the number of workers in Shenzhen has doubled in the last two years. 2. The noise upset the entire n_, so they wrote to the government. 3. The _( 当地的 ) government called on the people to fight against the drought. 4. The prices of the apartments are too high, as a result many people decide to move to the_.(郊区)5. Xiao Li s h_ is a lively city on the coast. 6. We often eat in that restaurant, because the food there is so _(attract) to us. 7. It seemed to go wrong at first, but f_, everything worked out all right in the end. 8. The quality of homemade cars is _ (相当) good. 9. His voice s_ strange on the phone. 10. A great number of _(tour) form all over the world come to visit the pyramids every year. 11. Would it b_ you if I put on some music here? 12. In the summer there are so many people that they can be a n_. 13. The _ (租金) for an apartment in downtown Shenzhen is high. 14. Our school is located in Baoan d_. 15. Christmas is _ (approach ) ,and we are looking forward to the holiday. 16. The typhoon kept us in h_ until the afternoon. 17. Gulangyu Island is g_ with some interesting a_. 18. Many animals die of _(starve) every year because their habitats have been destroyed. 19. There were so many cars around the square that I couldn t find anywhere to p_ mine. 20. You were late again; you must have got caught in the rush hour t_. 21. He is an old man working for the neighborhood c_. 22. It is the college that has helped Ann with the o_ of the event. 23. Those who have no work experience are usually u_. 24. H_ refers to all the people who live in a house. 25. Please write your name, age and _(职业) in the blank. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 26. Even though she hadn t received any_( 专业的 ) training, her performance surprised all the judges. 27. The school offers _ (手工的 ) training to the students. 28. In some companies, diploma is a must to _.(就业)29. The art _ (画廊) across the street is full of students in the weekend. 30. You can e_ your currency for dollars in the hotel. 31. The idea of traveling through time sounds absolutely _(fascinate) to the children. 32. I have just one thousand yuan in my pocket, so I can t a_ such a computer. 33. more than a hundred people were killed in the crash and only five passengers_(幸存) 。34. I will _ (联系) you by telephone. 二、选择表格中短语的适当形式填空。put up, so far, up to now, till now, get away from, a great many, a number of, go up 1. More and more people choose to live in the countryside to _ _ _ the noise and polluted air. 2. Unemployment in this country _ _ _ by 25% in the last ten months. 3. Several new office buildings_ _ _ _in the center of the town since last year. 4. Helen has _ _ _ friends indeed, but she does not think she has any she can believe in. 5. I sent an application to the company but have received no reply from it _ _. 6. _ _ _ students are against the decision. While only few students agree. 7. _ _ _, we have stayed in Senior High for two months. 8. We have been friends _ _. 三、语法练习。1. 这是我第一次听他唱歌。2. 他的叔叔去世两年了。(用过去时态和完成时态写)3. 他参加工作一年了。(用过去时态和完成时态写)4. 你来这儿有多久了?5. 自从他离开队伍已经十年了。6. 这是我到过的最有吸引力的地方之一。名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 7. 我们的教学楼刚刚建设完工。8. 深圳在过去的三十年发生了巨大的变化。9. 截止到现在我们已经学了七个单元了。10. 我已经看了这本鲁迅写的小说。11. 我从来没有在这么多人面前做过演讲。12. 他们刚刚买了很多礼物。13. 自从她丈夫出国后她一直一个人生活。14. 我们已经在二外生活了三个月了。15. 我还没有把这个消息告诉其他人呢。四、课文句型练习,一空一词。1. We haven t seen each other for nearly ten years. _ _ nearly ten years since we last saw each other. 2. My mother seemed to have known the result of my exam. _ _ that my mother _ _ the result of my exam. 3. This is a house and there is a small garden in front of it. This is a house _ a small garden in front of it. 4. How is the climate in Hainan? _ the climate _ in Hainan? 5. 那个新景点很吸引游客。The new tourist spot _ very _ _ _. 6. 你的主意听起来是合理的。Your idea _ _. 7. 这是我第一次参观长城。This is _ _ _ that I _ _ the Great Wall. 8. 如果你有任何问题的话,请不要犹豫,立即跟我联络。Please don t hesitate to _ _if you _ _ _. 9. 城市的美和乡村的美是截然不同的。The cities are never beautiful _ _ _ that the countryside is beautiful. 10. 另外一个问题是农民从他们的农场赚钱越来越困难。Another problem is that _ _ becoming _ _ _ difficult for the farmer to 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - _ _ from their farms. 11. 所有这些事情意味着西欧的很多农村是在挣扎中生存。All these things _ _ many villages in western Europe are _ _ _. 12. 由于房价上涨,很多人现在还买不起房。As the price of homes _ _, many people can t _ _ _ _ _. 五、本单元常用词组英汉对照。五层楼的公寓a five-storey apartment 二手书second-hand books 吸引某人的注意attract one s attention 麻烦做某事bother to do sth. 饿死starve to death 许多a great many/a(great) number of 感到幸运做 feel fortunate to做调查carry out/conduct a survey 小区apartment block 公寓租金rent for an apartment 高楼大厦high-rise buildings 商业区business district 购物大厦shopping malls 非常好pretty good 鼓浪屿Gulangyu Island 小区委员会neighborhood committee 总人口total population 一家不错的渔家饭馆a nice little fish restaurant 处理问题的方法approach to the problem 与 sb交换 sth exchange sth. with sb. 以交换exchange for建造put up 写下put down 推迟put off 忍受put up with 到目前为止up to now/till now/so far 上升go up 例如for example/such as 仍然漂亮remain pretty 加入委员会join a committee 听起来像sound like 买得起房子afford to buy a house 在地震中幸存survive an earthquake 西欧western Europe 的原因reason for/reason why 在周末at weekends 摆脱get away from 在海边on the coast 联系某人contact sb. 由制造be made of/from 被制成be made into 由组成be made up of 六、写作。写作一: 今年暑假,你和你们班同学对学校附近的祥和社区进行了调查,请以A report of our 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - neighborhood为题,写一篇词数为100 左右的英语调查报告,内容如下:社区名称:祥和社 (Xianghe Community) 地理位置:学校附近目前状况:生活区:有30 座高楼, 1000 户人家,人口数量约有4000;服务区:有医院,邮局,银行;休闲区 (社区公园 ):有花草树木,绿化占总空间的40%,环境优美。存在的问题:文体活动少;居民环保意识不强。建议: 常用词汇 :community residents district living section service section flat 居住单元 ,套房high buildings skyscraper 摩天楼rubbish urban 市区的suburb 近郊区bookstore bazaar,market集市junk shop 旧货店newsstand 报摊theatre museum 博物馆art gallery 画廊zoo town hall 市政fun fair 游乐园stadium 体育场botanical garden public telephone public lavatory 公厕national highway 国道traffic light 交通灯常用短语和句型:1. 描写地理位置: be located in, lie in the south of ., cover an area of . square kilometers, be surrounded by . 2. 描写社区状况: there be ., including ., be divided into ., be made up of, be shaped like ., take on a new look . 3. 描写问题和建议:become more and more serious, influencing ., taking everything into consideration, we should do ., take some effective measures to do ., consider it important to do ., think it ones duty to do ., pay attention to, only in this way can we do .范文:A report of our neighborhood This summer our class made a survey about Xianghe Community located near our school. The result is as follows: Xianghe Community is made up of three parts: living section with 30 high buildings, 1,000 households and about 4,000 people; service section including a post office, a hospital and a bank; and Community Park with flowers and trees, taking up 40% of the community area. But there is no 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - bookstore or activity centre there. Whats more, we can see some rubbish here and there.Considering everything, we think some cultural and sports activities should be provided and the environment should be protected. Only in this way can the residents here live a happy life. 写作二:常用词汇:Adj. interesting attractive impressive fascinating beautiful amazing Great bright lovely famous nice extrodina名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 答案一、根据首字母或所给提示用所需词的适当形式填空。1. survey 2. neighborhood 3. local 4. suburb 5. hometown 6. attractive 7. fortunately 8. pretty 9. sounds 10. tourists 11. bother 12. nuisance 13. rent 14.district 15. approaching 16. harbor 17. gorgeous; architecture 18. starvation 19. park 20. traffic 21. committee 22. organization 23. unemployed 24. Household 25. occupation 26. professional 27. manual 28. employment 29. gallery 30. exchange 31. fascinating 32. afford 33. survived 34. contact 二、选择表格中短语的适当形式填空。1. get away from 2. has gone up 3. have been put up 4. a great many 5. so far 6. A number of 7. Up to now 8. till now 三、语法练习。1. This is the first time I have heard his singing. 2. His uncle dies two years ago. His uncle has been dead for two years. 3. He began to work a year ago. It is/has been one year since he began to work. He has been worked for one year. 4. How long have you been here? 5. It is/has been ten years since he left the army. 6. This is one of the most attractive palaces I have been to. 7. Our teaching building has just been completed. 8. Great changes have taken place in Shenzhen in the last/past thirty years. 9. We have learned seven modules up to now. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - 10. I have already read the novel by Lu Xun. 11. I have never made a speech in front of so many people. 12. Theyve just bought a lot of presents. 13. She has lived by herself ever since her husband went abroad. 14. We have lived in Shenzhen Second Foreign Languages School for three months. 15. I haven t told the news to others yet. 四、课文句型练习,一空一词。1. It is 2. It seemed; has known 3. with 4. Whats; like 5. is; attractive to tourists 6. sounds reasonable 7. the first time; have visited 8. contact me; have any problem 9. in the way 10. it is; more and more difficult; make money 11. mean that; fighting to survive 12.goes up; afford to buy a house 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -
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