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-特殊疑问句练习题特殊疑问句练习题常用的特殊疑问词常用的特殊疑问词、wat, 问什么,问职业;2、o问怎么,问身体好吗;3、wer问地点;4、who问谁,是主格;5、who问谁,是 who 的宾格形式6、ose问谁的7、which问哪一个8、whn问什么时候,是一个较大或较笼统地的时间9、wa ime问具体时刻1、at ay问星期几11、hats heda问具体日期12、wlong问多长一段时间,问时间段3、how ar问距离14、ow on问多久1、how fte问频率,多么经常16、hw ol问多大年龄7、ho any问可数名词多少18、howmuch问不可数名词多少;问价钱19、haolo问什么颜色一、选择正确的单词填空一、选择正确的单词填空(wh(wh,wherewhere, w we e) )1_ is atptt r?She s my ise.2._are Ja andT?he are behin yo.3._do yoo sch? I go to scol from ny tday.4._ has a eautful fower?Jh has aeutfulfowe._ are hey?Tyar my prens.6._ other?Shes in the livingroom.7_ are o gin?We regino hebakry(面包坊)._do Jm andeny payall? he lay bll n the afteroo.9._des e jog? He jgsin the ark.10._ ar yo fro? Im from Chachu city.1 _ isubrtay?On a nd.12、_ ryu ?- I i te ofce.1are ou ?-Im lic.二用(二用(hat time, whahat time, wha colcol, what, what ayay, whatwhat)填空。)填空。1. A: _ _ is ?:I isnineo ck.2: _ _oes yur moher gt up?B: M moher get up at 6:0. A: _ d you gotobd?: I gotbedat 1:00.4 : _ _ Diaa ad ionappr?: Dianaad ioa hvesper t 18:0.-5. A:_s t?B: It i puple6. :_ _ is the sk?B: T ky s bue.7.A: _ is yourcat?B: y oat i lack.8. A:_ _ istdo?B: Te dog iswhite.9. :_ _is today? B: oday is Monay.10. A: _ _ s toorow? B: Tomorrowis Tuesdy.1. A: _ _was yerday? B: Yetera was Sunday12.A: _ yoke? B: likee.13. A: _ isths? Tis is a cmutr.4 A:_ re you dong? B: Wearelyi asketball15. : _ doyor other do? : moher isa liceoman.1A: _ae those?B: hoear epers(辣椒).1. A: _ is i the ? : A loely dls in the box.1. :_is ontheable?B:Theappe thetable三三, ,将下列每组词各组成一句特殊疑问句将下列每组词各组成一句特殊疑问句1.(yo are hw). _?. (ld hw Ben i)_?3. col ur i w yo rs irt_ _ _ _?4. (cn see ht teo ou ek ) _?. (like wad yu)_?四、就画线部分提问(一四、就画线部分提问(一) )1.H i y fthe.Thy are uer te tre. Ioften t Taftdinner.4. Lily swimn heswmmigp.-. Speranfli n he ky6 ofe brh my teethithe evening.7. Alan ies pin with ill.8. T suermarktsnearthe schooJenni has ofarings.1 he floersare flowerot.11 Th ony leep atnight.就画线部分提问(二就画线部分提问(二) )1Thy bya w ke.2he isa eacer 3She is my eacher4t is y oa .5I ge uptix .6I am from Hubei .7I o t schol ate,bcausege up ate.8. bag red 9.The book L Hua.1.I like Enli best.五五. .选择题选择题1.Exusem_is thebokshp?sover here.A. howB. what. werD wh. _ s a enci?Abutfive un .AHw dB. How manyC. Ho chD. How on3 _ are y oig? m gon t thlbray.A. Wh WihC WhtD.hr4_ tea d yo hav?w ups.A. ow manB.omuchC. HoD. hih六连线:六连线: (Match)Match)(一)(一)1. atsonthe cir?Theri a ooki ebag.2.How is you father?These rpples.Wat are these?Igoto shoo bbs-4. ha is in tebag?Te radoi n thchr.How do you goshoo?M far is fie.6. H muchi t?I as my fce nthemorning. Wha tie it? havetw had.Whe do yo ashyur face?Iturocl.9. How ma had do youhav?It is 5B(人民币)10 n oyae luch?I haveluncat non连线连线: :(MatMat) )(二(二) )B1、Wts u na?Its a o2、What clss re youin?My nam is Btty3、Wereryo fm?Im O.2.4、What this English?m inClass Two5、has oan oe?Its to.6、Watsyour nube?Im from Chia七、选择正确的单词填空七、选择正确的单词填空w wo, o, where,where, whewhe, , whwh ime,ime, whatwhat cocoor,or, whwh d dy, y,what,what, hyhy,whosewhose,o o much, how many , howmuch, how many , howofofen,en, o o, ,w wc c. A: _ _ is t?B:I nine olock.2. : _ _ do yourmtr get up?: My mote getsu at 6:3 A:_ _do yougo to bed? : t bed at 10:0.A: _ _it?B:t is prple. A: _ _ihe ky?: Thesk is ble6. A: _ _ is tday? B: Tday s oday.7 A:_ _ i tomorow? : Toorow is Tuesday8.A: _ _ws ystray(昨天)? B: Yesterdy was Snay9 A:_are you doing? B: W r playing asketbl.-1. A:_ des yourmthe do?B: Mmote a picewman.1:_ is nthe tabe?: he apeis on the tabl12_i that pretygrl?She is ser13._ ae ack Tom? The are ehinyou.14 _ d yu o schoo?Igot schofrom Mondayto Fa.15_ aethey?he arey pares.16_ mmtr? Shei in th iving room.17._ ae you goin? We reoing tohebaker(面包坊)8_ Jim and ndy plbll? he play l in theaferoon_ do yugo to schoo? I go to chool by bu0._d ou lieart?eae iis f.21._dnt come ystay?Bcause I assi.22_ s hered weate?Its eigt doar.3._student re thee n yo ss?Therere 6.特例:当句子的主语被划线提问的时候,例如:He iom.- o s Tom?在此句中,因为是就主语提问,所以在确定特殊疑问词后,后面的照抄, 没有用一般疑问句的语序。做题:He ies English划线部分提问? _注意: 当谓语和宾语被划线提问的时候, 句子中的动词划掉了,要添上动词 d或者oin。如果划掉的动词是 in的形式,就要添 doing,如果划掉的动词不是in的形式,那就要添o。例句:He las fooball veyay.我们要变成:What doese d eryday?其中,does 是我们为了在 w后面加上一般疑问句而加上的助动词。do 是为了使本句中有谓语动词而加上的。做题: ohool every. 划线部分提问_-变现在进行时的句子时,要注意,划线部分是现在分词时,如:He s simmng 要加上ding如:His siming. 划线部分提问 Wais h don?做题:I am swimig. 划线部分提问,_ hat 引导的特殊疑问句Wats our ather? He is a doctor.你爸爸是干什么的?他是一名医生。Wht doouoften n Snays?星期天你都是干什么?练习:你房间里有什么?有一辆自行车。 _你最喜欢什么?我最喜欢音乐。 _你能看到什么?我能看到一只小船。 _你在干什么?我在看书。_ wh, wh, hos引导的特殊疑问句wo 对主语进行提问;ho对宾语进行提问;whose 对表语进行提问。例如:Who sth an? His myule.那个人是谁?他是我叔叔。o ryoucalling? I calli om.你在给谁打电话?我在给汤姆打。Woe ag istis?Itmy moters.这是谁的包?这是我妈妈的。练习:你是谁?我是一名警察。_你给谁买的花?给我好朋友。 _那是谁的茶杯 ?那是我哥哥的。 _你在教谁?我在教我的弟弟。_ i引导的特殊疑问句这种疑问句主要对主语宾语进行提问。例如:Wich iures yos?哪一幅画是你的?(对主语提问)Whih would u le? I wouldike th on你想要哪一个?我想要这个。 (对宾语提问)练习:哪一件礼物是给我的(fom)?_-你更喜欢 (prefe)哪一个?我更喜欢那个_wh、ere、why、 ow 引导的特殊疑问句这种疑问句主要用于对状语进行提问。例如:When o y goo school?你什么时候去上学?Where shal we meet?我们将在哪里碰面。Why did yo goee yesterday昨天你为什么去那里?Ho d you usuallygo o wr?你通常怎样去上班?练习:你什么时候去上学?_我的 手提包在 哪? _ _ _你为什么不高兴?_你通常怎么去上学?我步行去上学。_-
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