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Book7-Unit5-Book7-Unit5-Travelling-abroad-Travelling-abroad-Using-languageUsing-languageWhat would attract you most in a scenic spot?Mountain scenery? Ancient ruins?Museum? Local culture or custom?Local peoples lifestyle? Architecture? Today, we will go to visit a beautiful country in South America-PeruP42Answer the questions as quickly as possible.1. Which continent is Peru in?2. Which country once conquer Peru?3. Which mountains are in Peru?A.Rocky mountainsB.Andes MountainsC.Himalayas MountainsD.Alps MountainsAndes MountainsAndes Mountains4. Which is the national flag of Peru?ABCD5. Which city is the capital of Peru?6. What does Machu Picchu mean in Quechua (盖丘亚族人语盖丘亚族人语)language?A. Strong empireB. Hot placeC. Home near the seaD. Old mountain7. Which empire once existed in Peru?8. Which is the ancient capital of Inca?A. LimaB. PunoC. CuzcoD. AndesPeru is a country on the Pacific coast of South America.Three main geographical areas:narrow coastal beltthe Andes Mountainshigh,flat plains Cuzco ,the ancient Inca capital, and now is a lively city where both Indian and Spanish culture and art can be seen. PeruCapital _ PositionOn the Pacific coast of _A narrow _ belt _running parallel to the coast High, flat _ in the southeastHistory_ by Spain from the 16th century; Independent in _Resource A wide variety of plants and _ wildlifeLimaSouth AmericacoastalThe AndesplainsGoverned1821abundantMountainsReading1. Why is Cuzco popular with tourists?2. What is special about Lake Titicaca?3. What do you think the two official languages of Peru are?Cuzco is popular because it is close to Machu Picchu and is a good place to see both Spanish and Indian culture and art. Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world.Spanish and Indian.After enjoying these beautiful scenery,which place would attract you most?Now, imagining you were one of the following tourists, lets make a trip to Peru.Which tour line would you like to choose?And please help these people to choose the suitable tour line. Task:Try to find out the suitable tour for them!1.Mary,a designer,is planning to make a trip to a place,where she can enjoy the different architecture of this country and some excellent food.She also likes going shopping. 2.Bill,is a reporter who needs to make a report about the local peoples life of this country.3.Tony is an archeologist who like to go to a place, where he can do some researchs about ancient ruins and he likes to have an active holiday.4.Pete and Harry,whose major is biology, are always fond of exploring the jungles and learn more about the lifestyle of animals and birds.Tour 3Tour 2Tour 1Tour 4Read the text on page 44, and answer the following questions.Tour 1:1. What can people see on tour 1?2. In what way will people travel on tour 1?3. How long will tour 1 last?1.What can people see on tour 1?2. Jungle, wildlife, mountain scenery, ancient ruins, sunrise on Andes2. In what way will people travel on tour 1? On hike, train.3. How long will tour 1 last? Four daysTour 2:4. What places will people get to?5. In what way will people get there?6. What can people do on this tour?The floating islands of the Uros People4. What places will people get to?Cuzco, Puno, Lake Titicaca, floating islands of the Uros people, Lima 5. In what way will people get there?By bus, boat, plane6. What can people do on this tour?Fantastic view of highland, boat, stay with a local Uros family.Tour3:7. What places will people get to?8. What can people do on this tour?Andes, Cuzco, Machu Picchu( ruins)Learn about history, visit the museums, admire the Spanish architecture, enjoy excellent food, buy souvenirs, view the ancient ruinsTour4:9. What places will people get to?10. In what way will people get there?11. What can people do on this tour?Cuzco, Andes, Amazon jungleBy plane, boatEnjoy the view of Andes and explore the Amazon jungle, see many birdsDiscussion:What are the differences between the two introduction of Peru?1.The first is a factual report about the history and geography of Peru.The second is from a travel brochure and describes tours to places in Peru. 2. The first one is to give factual information about Peru and the second is to sell tours in Peru.1.parallel adj. 平行的 Language points:parallel line 平行线平行线ee.g.平行线不相交平行线不相交. Parallel lines never meet.be/run parallel to/with 与与.平行平行这条公路与铁路平行。这条公路与铁路平行。This highway is/runs parallel with/to the railway.2. Peru has a wide variety of plants from desert grasses to vast areas of jungle, and abundant wildlife. 秘鲁有大量的植物,从沙漠里的小草到大面积秘鲁有大量的植物,从沙漠里的小草到大面积的丛林,而且还有大量的野生动物。的丛林,而且还有大量的野生动物。abundant adj. 大量的,丰富的,充实的abundance n. 丰富丰富 all kinds ofThe country is abundant in natural resources. be abundant in 富于富于.,.很丰富很丰富in abundance 大量,充裕大量,充裕 an abundance of 很多的很多的.This country has an abundance of farmers.3.govern v.统治,控制,支配统治,控制,支配1)这个国家是由女皇来统治的。)这个国家是由女皇来统治的。The country was governed by the Queen.2)The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.供求规律决定商品的价格供求规律决定商品的价格government n.政府;内阁;管理政府;内阁;管理governor n.统治者,主管统治者,主管4.gain ones independence from .脱离脱离.而获得独立而获得独立印度于印度于1947年脱离英国获得独立。年脱离英国获得独立。India gained its independence from Britain in 1947.5.The capital of Peru is Lima,which is in the north on the coast.be in.lie in/on/to/off.be located in.be surrounded by.I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。1. It is well known that p_ lines never meet.2. However a_ certain natural resources are, they cannot reproduce themselves and are certain to be used up one day. arallel bundant3. There is no need to debate about who really g_ this country at that time.4. When we reached the d_ of our journey, we were almost tired to death.5. This palace is an example of early ancient Chinese _ (建筑风格建筑风格).overnedestinationarchitectureII. 用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。1. Macao, located _ the coast of the South China Sea, is a place I would like to visit most.2. The railway line to be built next year will run parallel _ the highway.onto / with4. Russia is the largest country in the world, which is abundant _ natural resources.5. I have decided to give my son some money for his independence _ the family.6. I spent a relaxing morning on the ship while watching the sunrise _ the sea.in / withfromover7. Have you decided how to go to Beijing, _ train or plane?8. Sometimes we stood on the beach and watched the boats traveling _ the lake.byonHomework基础写作基础写作假设你是香港某中学一学生,有许多假设你是香港某中学一学生,有许多外地游客到香港来旅游,请您为他们外地游客到香港来旅游,请您为他们口头介绍下香港的概况。口头介绍下香港的概况。1.香港香港位于位于中国东南端,中国东南端,毗邻毗邻南南海,海, 是个举世闻名的国际大都市。是个举世闻名的国际大都市。2.总面积总面积1100平方公里,平方公里,由由香港岛,香港岛, 新界,九龙半岛及一些小岛屿新界,九龙半岛及一些小岛屿组成组成。3.曾曾被被英国英国统治统治了长达了长达90年,年,1997年年 7月月1日日回归回归中华人民共和国。中华人民共和国。4.香港也是亚洲香港也是亚洲最受欢迎的最受欢迎的旅游城市旅游城市 之一,之一,被誉为被誉为“购物的天堂购物的天堂”。 Good staying with you! Thank you! The Andes Mountains“the”“the”用在用在用在用在江河湖海、山脉、江河湖海、山脉、江河湖海、山脉、江河湖海、山脉、群岛、海峡、沙漠群岛、海峡、沙漠群岛、海峡、沙漠群岛、海峡、沙漠等地理名词前。等地理名词前。等地理名词前。等地理名词前。runs parallel to the Pacific coast,and it is the longest mountains in the world.Lake TiticacaThe highest lake in the world, The boats can travel on it. The Andes MountainsUros Indians houses Uros floating IslandMachu Picchu,the famous Inca ruins 秘鲁印加遗址Machu Picchu Peru LOCATION Language points 1. Why does the travel agent advise her not to travel alone? 1) advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某建议某人做某事,不定式作补语。类似的动词还有事,不定式作补语。类似的动词还有: advise, allow, command, consider, declare, encourage, forbid, imagine, know, like, order, permit, persuade, remind, request, require, suppose. advise与与suggest两者的区别是:两者的区别是: advise后面加后面加somebody (not) to do.,而而suggest后面必须加后面必须加somebody (或或者者somebodys) doing.,当然两者都当然两者都 可以接宾语从句,注意宾语从句的动词可以接宾语从句,注意宾语从句的动词形式必须是形式必须是(should) (not) do.。 如下面三个句子:如下面三个句子: I advise my father to stop smoking. I suggest my father( fathers) stopping smoking. I advise/suggest (that) my father (should) stop smoking.辨析辨析: advice和和 suggestion advice与与suggestion是名词,都表示是名词,都表示 “建议、意见建议、意见”的意思。两者的最大区的意思。两者的最大区别在于别在于advice是不可数名词,表示是不可数名词,表示 “一一条建议条建议”用用a piece of advice, “一些建议一些建议”是是some advice;而;而suggestion则是可则是可数名词,表示数名词,表示 “一条建议一条建议”用用 a suggestion, “一些建议一些建议”是是some suggestions, “许多建议许多建议”是是many suggestions。进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会想起进入夏天,少不了一个热字当头,电扇空调陆续登场,每逢此时,总会想起那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用的一件物品。记忆中的故那一把蒲扇。蒲扇,是记忆中的农村,夏季经常用的一件物品。记忆中的故乡,每逢进入夏天,集市上最常见的便是蒲扇、凉席,不论男女老少,个个手持乡,每逢进入夏天,集市上最常见的便是蒲扇、凉席,不论男女老少,个个手持一把,忽闪忽闪个不停,嘴里叨叨着一把,忽闪忽闪个不停,嘴里叨叨着“怎么这么热怎么这么热”,于是三五成群,聚在大树,于是三五成群,聚在大树下,或站着,或随即坐在石头上,手持那把扇子,边唠嗑边乘凉。孩子们却在周下,或站着,或随即坐在石头上,手持那把扇子,边唠嗑边乘凉。孩子们却在周围跑跑跳跳,热得满头大汗,不时听到围跑跑跳跳,热得满头大汗,不时听到“强子,别跑了,快来我给你扇扇强子,别跑了,快来我给你扇扇”。孩。孩子们才不听这一套,跑个没完,直到累气喘吁吁,这才一跑一踮地围过了,这时子们才不听这一套,跑个没完,直到累气喘吁吁,这才一跑一踮地围过了,这时母亲总是,好似生气的样子,边扇边训,母亲总是,好似生气的样子,边扇边训,“你看热的,跑什么?你看热的,跑什么?”此时这把蒲扇,此时这把蒲扇,是那么凉快,那么的温馨幸福,有母亲的味道!蒲扇是中国传统工艺品,在是那么凉快,那么的温馨幸福,有母亲的味道!蒲扇是中国传统工艺品,在我国已有三千年多年的历史。取材于棕榈树,制作简单,方便携带,且蒲扇的表我国已有三千年多年的历史。取材于棕榈树,制作简单,方便携带,且蒲扇的表面光滑,因而,古人常会在上面作画。古有棕扇、葵扇、蒲扇、蕉扇诸名,实即面光滑,因而,古人常会在上面作画。古有棕扇、葵扇、蒲扇、蕉扇诸名,实即今日的蒲扇,江浙称之为芭蕉扇。六七十年代,人们最常用的就是这种,似圆非今日的蒲扇,江浙称之为芭蕉扇。六七十年代,人们最常用的就是这种,似圆非圆,轻巧又便宜的蒲扇。蒲扇流传至今,我的记忆中,它跨越了半个世纪,圆,轻巧又便宜的蒲扇。蒲扇流传至今,我的记忆中,它跨越了半个世纪,也走过了我们的半个人生的轨迹,携带着特有的念想,一年年,一天天,流向长也走过了我们的半个人生的轨迹,携带着特有的念想,一年年,一天天,流向长长的时间隧道,袅长的时间隧道,袅结束
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