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XXXX 年成人学位英语考试阅读理解通关练习年成人学位英语考试阅读理解通关练习凡成大事者都有超乎常人的意志力、忍耐力,也就是说,碰到困难险阻或陷入困境,常人难以坚持下去而放弃或逃避时,有作为的人往往能够挺住,挺过去就是胜者。以下是为大家搜索整xx 年成人学位英语阅读理解通关练习,希望对正在关注的您有所帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!(76) Some people argue that the pressure oninternational sportsmen and sportswom-en kills the essenceof sport-the pursuit of personal excellence. Children kicka football around for fun. When they get older and play forlocal school teams, they bee peti-tive but they still enjoyplaying. The individual representing his country cannotafford to think about enjoying himself, and he has to thinkonly about winning. He is responsible for an entirenations hopes, dreams and reputation.A good example is the football World Cup. Football isthe worlds most important sport. Winning the World Cup isperhaps the summit of international sporting suess. MentionArgentina to someone, and the chances are that hellthink of football. In a sense, winning the World Cup putArgentina on the map.Sports fans and supporters get quite irrational aboutthe World Cup. People in Eng-land felt that their countrywas somehow important after they won in 1966. Last yearthousands of Scots sold their cars, and even their houses,and spent all their money travel-ing to Argentina, wherethe finals were played.So, am I arguing that international petition kills theidea of sport? Certainly not!(77) Do the Argentinian reallybelieve that because eleven of their men proved the mostskilful at football, their nation is in every way betterthan all others?Not really. But its nice to know that youwon and that in one way at least your country is the best.1.What is the authors main purpose in the passage?A To prove that football is the worlds most importantsport.B To show that Argentina is better than all others.C To pare Scotland with Argentina.D To explain the role of sport.答案:D此题考查的是考生对文章总体观点的认识。Football is theworlds most important sport 是第二段中的原话,这只是文章中普通的一句话,并不代表作者的观点,因此A 项认为本文的目的是去证明这句话显然是错误的。Do the Argentinian reallybelieve that because eleven of their men proved the mostskilful at football,their nation is in every way betterthan all others? Not really.仅仅因为阿根廷足球队的 11 名队员证明了他们是在足球领域技艺最高超的,阿根廷的人们就认为阿根廷在各个方面都是世界上最好的吗?不是这样的。从以上这句话可以看出 B 项也是错误的。文章中根本没有拿阿根廷和苏格兰做比拟,C项显然不对。因此此题应该选择 D。2.In the second paragraph, the word summit means .A highest pointB mountain topC awardD summary答案:A此题考查的是对词义的猜想。Winning the World Cup isperhaps the summit of international sporting suess.假设这句话我们只认识前半句,即“赢得世界杯是”。很显然赢得世界杯就是赢得冠军.也就是站到了足球领域的最高点,因此sum-mit 的意思是 A 项。3.Aording to the passage, Argentina is world-famousbecause of its .A large number of sports fans and supportersB suess in the football World CupC obvious position on the mapD excellence at most important sports答案:B此题其实考查的是对 winning the World Cup“put Argentinaon the map”这句话的理解,把阿根廷放到地图上其实就是说让全世界的人都知道阿根廷,而获得世界杯是让阿根廷知名度提升的原因。理解了这句话,这道题的答案 B 也就不说自明了。4.Aording to the passage, if a sportsman only thinksabout winning, he will .A fail to sueedB be suessfulC lose enjoymentD be irrational答案:C这道题考查的是对第一段中这句话的理解:The individualrepresen-ting his country cannot afford to think aboutenjoying himself.and he has to think only about winning.代表国家参加比赛的个人根本无法考虑从比赛中得到乐趣,他们不得不考虑如何去获得胜利。所以说只想着去获得胜利的人是得不到体育本身的乐趣的。因此此题应该选择 C。5.What is the authors attitude towards internationalgames?A Nations that meet on a football field are unlikely tomeet on a battlefield.B Nations that win the football World Cup are regardedas the best in all aspects.C Nations that win in international games prove thebest on the sports field at least.D Nations that give much attention to internationalpetitions are world-famous in many ways.答案:C此题是考查作者观点的题目。想做对此题,应该找到最后一段中的这句话:But its nice to know that you won and that inone way at least your country is the best.但是,知道你的国家获胜是很令人快乐的一件事情,这说明至少在一个领域中你的国家是最好的。在四个选项里面只有 C 项和这句话相符。因此应该选择 C。If you smoke-particularly cigarettes-you are far morelikely than a non-smoker to suffer or die from severalmajor diseases-notably lung cancer.One smoker in four dies prematurely (过早的) because ofhis smoking. The risk of dy-ing for a heavy smoker (betweenthe ages of 35 and 55) is roughly equal to the risk run bya non-smoker 10 years older.Cigarette smoking-and to a lesser degree pipe and cigarsmoking-may aggravate (使恶化) or be partly responsiblefor the development of a wide variety of other diseases,which include cancers of the mouth and throat, pepticulcers (胃溃疡), and loss of teeth.(78) Women who smoke during pregnancy produce babies onaverage about 5 to 8 ounces lighter than those who dont.Take lung cancer for example.Britains lung cancer figures are the highest in theworld, and still rising. Niy peo-ple die every day, 33,000in 1969. Almost all these deaths can be attributed directlyto to-bao smoking. (79) The prospects of a cure for lungcancer are, at present, remote, and it is impossible toestimate when, if ever, someone will find one. You would befoolish to rely on someone finding a cure before you neededit.One man in eight who die between the ages of 35 and 64is killed by lung cancer. The figures for women in this agegroup are lower, about 1 in 20. This is partly becausewomen smoke less, and have not smoked as long. But thefigures are still very high.6.Aording to the passage, lung cancer.A is the major cause of death between the ages of 35and 55B is most often caused by smokingC never affects non-smokersD has nothing to do with smoking答案:B倒数第二段中给出证据:Almost all these deaths can beattributed di-rectly to tobao smoking。7.Women who smoke during pregnancy produce.A lighter babies than those who dontB heavier babies than those who dontC babies who cant live longD babies who suffer from heart diseases答案:A原文第四段画线句子给出了答案。
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