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Therebe句型have:there be:某人拥有某物某人拥有某物某地存在某物,并没有某地存在某物,并没有属于的意思。属于的意思。01I have a picture. 我有一张图画。There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有一幅图画。02变身魔术变身魔术魔术师魔术师 Be单数单数复数复数isare02There is a house in the picture.There are some flowers near the window.Whats in the picture?02 Be快来帮我变身吧!快来帮我变身吧!There _ a pen on the desk.There _ two cats under the bed.isare02There _ a cat and two dogs under the tree. Beis我是近视眼啊!我是近视眼啊!There isThere areThere is a clock on the desk.There is a window next to the picture.There is a bed near the desk.There are some books on the desk.There is a picture on the wall.There are two balls under the desk.Whats in the bedroom?03合体魔术合体魔术 be + not isnt arent单数哦!单数哦!复数哦!复数哦!03 There isnt a girl under the tree. There arent any apples on the tree.There isnt/ There arentABThere isnt a window near the picture.There arent any books on the desk.There arent any balls under the desk. be there is areIs there a cat near the window?Yes,there is.No,there isnt.Are there any books on the desk?Yes,there are.No,there arent.Is thereAre thereYes,there is/are.No,there isnt/arent.1. There _ a clock on the table. A. is B. are 2. _ there a computer on your desk? A.Are B. Is 3. _ there a map on the wall? Yes, there _. A. Are / isB. Is / areC. Is / isD. Are /are 4. There _ some students in the classroom. A. are B. is 5. There _ a pencil, a book and two pens on the table. A.is B. are 大练兵大练兵谢谢观赏!
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