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第一轮复习第一轮复习 语法专题语法专题专题十五专题十五 定语从句定语从句考考 点点 梳梳 理理中中 考考 链链 接接广广 东东 真真 题题考考 点点 精精 练练 广东真题广东真题( ) 1. Running Man is a very relaxing TV program _ is hot among the young people. A. what B. which C. who D. whom (2015广东) ( ) 2. When Robinson Crusoe got to the island, the first thing _ he did was to look for some food. A. who B. that C. which D. whom (2014广东)BB( ) 3. The young lady _is interviewing Lin Zhixuan about the program I Am a Singer is from 21st Century Talent Net. (2013广东) A. who B. whom C. which D. whose( ) 4. There will be a flower show in the park_ we visited last week. (2012广东) A. who B. when C. what D. whichD 广东真题广东真题A( ) 5. The first thing _ my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter. (2011广东) A. which B. that C. why D. who( ) 6. Pauls uncle is the man_ taught us math last year. A. where B. which C. who D. when(2010广东)BC 广东真题广东真题 考点梳理考点梳理1. 定义:在复合句中修饰名词或代词,在句子中起定语作用的从句叫定语从句。2. 概念: He is the boy who often goes to school late. (定语从句) 先行词 关系词 3. 原则: a. 定语从句一般紧跟在先行词后面,修饰先行词。翻译时,先翻译定语从句后翻译先行词。b. 定语从句必须用关系词来引导,关系词在定语从句中作某种句子成分。考点一:关系代词:考点一:关系代词:that,who,whom,which ,whose1. that既可指人又可指物,可作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略)。 The bike that you wanted to buy was not good. (作buy的宾语,指物) The old man that teaches chemistry in a college is a professor. (作主语,指人)2. who指人,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略)。 The man who/whom/that I talked with is our teacher. (作with的宾语,指人) A person who/that steals things is called a thief. (作主语,指人)3. whom指人,作宾语 (作宾语可省略,如介词提前则不能省) The man (whom/who) I talked to is Mr. Li.The man to whom I talked is Mr. Li. who、that在许多情况下可以通用,但有时宜用who,而不用that.(1) 先行词是one(s),anyone,someone,those等表人的不定代词时,关系词使用who. Those who want to go to the Great Wall sign up here.(2) 在there be 句型中,先行词指人,关系词用who. There is an old man who wants to see you. There are many young men who are against him. 4. which 指物,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略, 如介词提前则不能省) A plane is a machine that/which can fly. (作主语,指物) The room (that/ which) I live in is very big. (作宾语可省略,指物) =The room in which (where) I live is very big. 但在下列情况下,一般用that而不用which.(1) 先行词为all,everything,nothing,something,anything,little,much 等不定代词时。 I am sure she has something that you can borrow.(2) 先行词被all,every,no,some,any,little,much等修饰时。 Ive read all the books that are not mine.(3) 先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。 This is the first book that he has read. (4) 先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last修饰时。 This is the very book that belongs to him.(5) 当先行词既有人又有物时。 I wont forget the school and the students that I visited last year. 5. whose指人也可指物,在句中作定语。 I saw a woman. Her bag was stolen.I saw a woman whose bag was stolen. The house is my uncles. The wall of the house is red.The house whose wall is red is my uncles. 6. “介词+ 关系词”的定语从句: 介词放在关系代词前面时,只有介词+which(指物)和介词+whom(指人),这时关系代词一律不能省略。 The box is full of bottles. He is standing on the box.The box on which he is standing is full of bottles. The man is our school master. You shook hands with the man just now.The man with whom you shook hands is our schoolmaster. A D考点再现考点再现考点再现( ) 1. -Is there anyone here _ name is Betty? - Sorry, I dont know. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose( ) 2. - Where did you go last week? - I went to Zhang Aipings hometown and visited the house_ he was born in. A. that B. there C. who D. whose( ) 3. The first thing _ my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter. A. which B. that C. why D. whoB 考点二:关系副词:考点二:关系副词:when,where,why1. 关系副词在定语从句当中只能充当状语,当一个句子能够完整地表达一个意思时,我们就可以给这个句子加上特定的关系副词。when 作时间状语,where作地点状语,why作原因状语。 This is the park that we visited last year.(作宾语) This is the park where we held a birthday party. (作地点状语) She wont forget the days that she spent on the island. (作宾语) She wont forget the days when they stayed together. (作时间状语) That was the reason that he gave me yesterday. (作宾语) That was the reason why he gave me a note yesterday. (作原因状语)2. 关系副词when,where,why可以用适当的介词+which来替代。when=in/on/at+which, where=in/on/at+which, why=for+which. 介词的位置非常灵活,介词有时放在关系代词之前,有时放在动词之后,目的为了强调。I wont forget the date when (=on which) I was born.This is the room where (=in which) I lived. = This is the room which I lived in.I dont know the reason why (=for which) he havent come. AB考点再现考点再现考点再现( ) 4. I cant forget the time _ the earthquake happened in Yushu. A. when B. which C. where D.that( ) 5. This is the school _ I worked seven years ago. A. in which B. in that C. which D. that( ) 6. The dictionary _ he paid 50 yuan is very useful. A. which B. for which C. on which D. about whichA1-5 DBAAC 6-10 ADBAB11-15 DADBC 16-20ABCCA 中考链接中考链接1-5 AADBA 6-10 DBBCA11-15 CCDAD 16-20 DABCA 考点精练考点精练
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