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Section A (3a3c) 一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1You should not eat so much _(甜食)2My grandfather often practices Chinese kungfu in the _(花园)3Mary is an excellent girl. We _ (仰慕) her very much.4These hens _ (下蛋) a lot of eggs every day.5The man was very angry because his son _(偷) money from home yesterday.dessertgardenadmirelaystole1The old man _out a newspaper on the beach and sat down on it.2Please give my best _to your parents.3Chinese people have been _the MidAutumn Festival for centuries.4David _his friends invitation to the picnic in order to stay at home and have a good rest.5Helping others is our countrys old _ laidwishescelebratingrefusedtradition三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1最后后羿射下了这九个太阳。Hou Yi _ the nine suns in the end.2无论是谁,都不可能长生不死。_ you are,you cant live _3在客人来之前,我母亲已经把碟子摆好了。My mother had _ dishes before the guests came.4看!鸟儿正从草地上飞起来。Look!The birds are _ from the grass.5当我到处都看不见汤姆时,我大声叫喊着他的名字。I _ his name when I couldnt see Tom anywhere.shot downWhoever foreverlaid outflying upcalled out四、单项选择。1We usually eat mooncakes and enjoy the full moon _ MidAutumn night.Afor Bin Con Dat2Look at the clouds,so beautiful!Wow,so many different _,horses,sheep,flowers.Asizes Bshapes Ccolors Dstyles3Ill take _ wants to go.Awhoever BwhateverCwhenever DwhereverCBA4Are you interested in this story?Sure. It is _ story I have ever heard.Avery touching Bmore touchingCmost touching Dthe most touching5_ do you like the story about Change?Well,I love it very much.AWhy BWhat CWhen DHowDD五、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。Paul:Andy,whats your favorite festival?Andy:The Spring Festival.Paul:It seems that the Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.1._Andy:We celebrate it in many ways.2._Paul:Whats your favorite then?Andy:Setting off fireworks,of course. It is very exciting.Paul:3._Andy:Youre right. So I will set off electronic fireworks. They are also beautiful.Paul:4._BCGFAndy:Its quite safe if you are careful. You can set them off with me this year.Paul:Really?5._AI cant wait for it.BHow do you celebrate this festival?CThere are lots of exciting activities,such as setting off fireworks and having a big meal.DHow do you like it?EBelieve it or not.FWell,I wonder if it is safe enough to set them off.GBut they are not good for the environment,right?A
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