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pilotn.飞行员1return v. 回,返回回,返回他刚从国外回来。他刚从国外回来。 Hes just returned from abroad.return fromto从从回到回到Her father will return from the US.他的父亲即将从美国回来。他的父亲即将从美国回来。回到(先前的状态,话题等),恢复回到(先前的状态,话题等),恢复return toLets return to our topic.言归正传。言归正传。return to life 归还;退还归还;退还 return sth. to sb.return sb. sth.Remember to return this book to the library.Remember to return the library this book.记住把书还回图书馆。记住把书还回图书馆。n.in return作为回报作为回报return ticket往返票往返票2flyv. 飞行fly in the plane乘飞机飞行He has never flown in a plane.他从未乘坐过飞机。fly fromto从飞到fly into pieces散成碎片n.飞行a long fly长途飞行have a fly in a plane乘飞机飞行苍蝇butterfly 蝴蝶dragonfly 蜻蜓3pilot v. 飞行飞行return n. 纽约纽约New York n. 东京东京Tokyo n. 飞行员飞行员Madrid n. 马德里马德里fly (flew, flown) v. 返回返回 4until prep.直到till 多用于口语I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.有时候我躺在床上直到午饭时间。The street is full of cars from morning till/to night.这天街上从早晨到晚上都是车。conj. 直到为止,后面加句子I stayed in bed until he woke me up.I didnt get up until he woke me up.直到他叫醒我我才起床。I will wait for you until you come back.I wont leave until you come back.直到你来了我才离开。5outside n.外面the outside of the house屋子的外面adj.外边的an outside help外援adv.外面(作状语)He is waiting for me outside.他在外面等我。It is dark outside.外面很黑。prep. 在之外Its outside my business.这是我的份外!inside6ring (rang,rung) v. (铃、电话等)响注这种响是刺耳的,往往是提醒人做某事The telephone/door bell rung just now.电话/门铃刚响了。给打电话ring sb(up)call sb. (up)phone sb.telephone sb.give sb. a phone call给某人打电话ring off挂断电话n. give sb a ring打电话Remember to give me a ring.= Remember to ring me.记住给我打电话戒指,环状物a wedding ring结婚戒指ring finger 无名指thumb, index/the first finger/pointer, middle finger, little finger/pinkie7aunt n.姑,姨,婶,舅母unclen.姑父,姨夫,伯伯,舅舅cousin堂兄妹(不分男女)nephew外甥niece外甥女8repeatV. 重复说,或写某事物,反复重申“ Im having breakfast,” I repeated.“我在吃饭,”我重复道。I have repeated the question several times.我已经重复这个问题好多次了。repetitionn. 重复,反复,重说,重写9Lesson 93Our new neighbour10Nigel is our new next-door neighbour. Hes a pilot. He was in the R.A.F. The Royal Air Force皇家空军navy 海军army 陆军11He will fly to New York next month.The month after next hell fly to Tokyo. At the moment, hes in Madrid. He flew to Spain a week ago. Hell return to London the week after next. return from从返回12Hes only forty-one years old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world. Nigel is a very lucky man. But his wife isnt very lucky. She usually stays at home!13Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐?14It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. 鼓励某人Never give up.别放弃。 Never say die.永不言败。early adj./adv.The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。捷足先登。15sometimesadv.有时候some times 几次,几倍some time一段时间sometime将来或过去的某一时间I will be somebody sometime in the future.将来总有一天我会变成一个大人物。16lateadj./adv. 晚的/晚地Im sorry for being late.stay up late熬夜,醒着,不去睡lately, recently 最近Have you been abroad lately?最近你出国过吗?I bought a new car lately.最近我买了一辆新车。lately通常用在现在完成时和一般过去式中。17I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. What a day! I thought. Its raining again. Just then, the telephone rang.It was my aunt Lucy. look into 向里看调查Look out!当心18What a day!What a terrible day!What a lovely/ wonderful /beautiful day!感叹句感叹句What +a/an +adj. +n.+主+谓!What a terrible day (it is)!How+ adj. +a/an +n.+主+谓!How terrible a day (it is)!She is a beautiful girl!What a beautiful girl she is!How beautiful a girl she is!19Ive just arrived by train, she said. Im coming to see you. But Im still having breakfast, I said. What are you doing? she asked. Im having breakfast, I repeated. Dear me, she said. Do you always get up so late? Its one oclock! 天哪!My god!Good heavens!Goodness me!20by train坐火车by plane/by air坐飞机by ship/ by sea/by water坐船by car坐汽车on foot步行take a train/bus/car/plane/ship21Thank you!22
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