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What would you like ?李晓庆Unit 5A lets learnLets chantBread,bread .Can I have some bread?Sure,sure.Here you are.Chicken,chicken.Can I have some chicken?Sure,sure.Here you are.Milk,milk.Can I have some milk?Sure,sure.Here you are.Apples,apples.Can I have some apples?Sure,sure.Here you are.Can I help you?Zhang Peng,Amy and Chen Jie go to the restaurant(饭店), Zip is the waiter(服务员)。Yes. Can I have some ,please?Sure .Yes. Can I have some ,please?Zhang Peng,Amy and Chen Jie go to the restaurant(饭店), Zip is the waiter(服务员)。Id like some( ( ( (我想要我想要我想要我想要) ) ) )What would you like, Zhang Peng?Id like some Look and say quickly.Pair work(两人一组两人一组) 假如你是饭店的服务员假如你是饭店的服务员假如你是饭店的服务员假如你是饭店的服务员(waiter),(waiter),(waiter),(waiter),你的同桌你的同桌你的同桌你的同桌是客人是客人是客人是客人(customer),(customer),(customer),(customer),编一个对话。编一个对话。编一个对话。编一个对话。What would you like?Id like some Id like some We should reasonable arrangement diet in our life. 在生活中,我们应该合理安排饮食。在生活中,我们应该合理安排饮食。Group work (四人一组四人一组) 能仿照能仿照Zhang Peng,Amy,Chen Jie Zhang Peng,Amy,Chen Jie 和和ZipZip的对话进行表演。的对话进行表演。 在仿照在仿照Zhang Peng,Amy,Chen Jie Zhang Peng,Amy,Chen Jie 和和ZipZip的对话进行表演的基础上有创新,的对话进行表演的基础上有创新,能加上自己的想法进行表达。能加上自己的想法进行表达。Can I help you ?Sure .Here you are .Can I have some . ?What would you like ?Id like some . .How much?. yuan .Mm. .Yummy!你可以用下面的句子来表达你可以用下面的句子来表达:听音标号听音标号 fish fish beef beef vegetablevegetable rice soup noodles rice soup noodles 2 2 5 5 4 4 6 6 3 3 1 1看图选择( ) 1( ) 1、 What would you like for lunch? What would you like for lunch? I Id like_.d like_. A fish and rice B milk and bread A fish and rice B milk and bread C hot dog and juice C hot dog and juice( ) 2( ) 2、Can I have some_, please?Can I have some_, please? A watermelons B vegetables A watermelons B vegetables C noodles C noodlesA AC CHomework(家庭作业家庭作业) 听磁带(听磁带(P58P58),并大声模仿朗读。),并大声模仿朗读。 为你的家人设计他们的喜欢的三餐,下节课交流。为你的家人设计他们的喜欢的三餐,下节课交流。 搜集生活中各个种类的搜集生活中各个种类的soup,noodles,vegetables(soup,noodles,vegetables(任任选一种选一种) ),下节课交流。,下节课交流。breakfastlunchsupper
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