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Xiaji Middle School Chen ShiweiDifferent kinds of petstortoisedog rabbitgoldfishparrotmousecatsnake7B Unit 6 复习主要内容:复习主要内容:写作部分写作部分重点句型重点句型重点词组重点词组语法回顾语法回顾巩固提高巩固提高课文复习课文复习词汇识记词汇识记基础强化基础强化Choose which to do first on your own! Thanks for joining us! Goodbye!课文复习课文复习Read the text carefully in two minutesPlay games and chase each otherswim aroundsleep anywhereLearn to speakFeed her carrots,soft,lovelyCan you remember them in the text?1.My dog often _ when someone _ the dorrbell. A. barks, rings B. bubbles, calls C. miaos, rings D. bites, shouts2.The fish are easy _. A. to look after them B. for looking after C. to look after D. for looking after themA. barks, ringsC. to look after3. Animals dont like _ cages. A. live in B. live C. living in D. livingC. living in 词汇识记词汇识记finscalefeatherwingbeak词汇识记词汇识记tailwhiskerspawfur词汇识记词汇识记 watch it swim aroundswim around给那大象喂香蕉给那大象喂香蕉给他拍照给他拍照忙于工作忙于工作敲笼子的门敲笼子的门在他的膝盖上睡觉在他的膝盖上睡觉看它游来游去看它游来游去在阳光下读书在阳光下读书教这鹦鹉说话教这鹦鹉说话按门铃按门铃她从不惹麻烦她从不惹麻烦梳理皮毛梳理皮毛保暖保暖向某人征求建议向某人征求建议确保确保在缸的底部在缸的底部好好照看她好好照看她 feed the elephant bananas sleep on his lap read in the sun teach the parrot to speak knock on the cage door be busy at work take photos of him take good care of her ring the doorbell she isnt any trouble brush the fur keep warm ask sb for adviceat the bottom of the tank make sure重点词组重点词组 prepare forprepare for把某物握在手中把某物握在手中关于中医的报告关于中医的报告一个兔笼子一个兔笼子在在的边缘的边缘和她一起玩和她一起玩为为作准备作准备发出许多噪音发出许多噪音六米宽六米宽 hold sth in ones hand play with her make much noise six meters wide on the edge of a rabbit hutch a report on Chinese medicine重点词组重点词组坐在饭桌旁坐在饭桌旁 sit at the table 重点句型重点句型 1. 1. 我将照顾它一生。我将照顾它一生。 1. I will look after him until the end.I will look after him until the end. 2. 2. 昨天直到会议结束他才离开学校。昨天直到会议结束他才离开学校。 2. He didnt leave school until the meeting was over.He didnt leave school until the meeting was over.3. The dog is easy to look after.3. The dog is easy to look after.4 .Many people are afraid of dogs Many people are afraid of dogs because they think dogs might bite them.because they think dogs might bite them. 4. 4. 许多人害怕狗因为他们认为狗会咬人。许多人害怕狗因为他们认为狗会咬人。 3. 3. 照看那狗很容易。照看那狗很容易。5. 5. 它游的时候把眼睛睁得大大的。它游的时候把眼睛睁得大大的。5. It swims with eyes open wide.5. It swims with eyes open wide.句型转换1. You ought to take her out to the park. 2. To clean the rabbits hutch every day is necessary.(同义句) 3. You mustnt talk in class.(改为祈使句)重点句型重点句型 ought not toought not toIt is necessary to clean the rabbits hutch every day.It is necessary to clean the rabbits hutch every day.Do not talk Do not talk in classin class. .语法回顾语法回顾1)肯定祈使句:用动词原形开头,可通过please使命令的口气变得客气一点。Please可放在句首,或放在句尾时,通常用逗号与句子的前面部分隔开。祈使句祈使句 giving instructionsPlease come earlier next time.Stop talking, please.Dont be too noisy. Dont frighten the cat看例句,总结规律2) 否定祈使句:用Dont + 动词原形。语法回顾语法回顾 3)祈使句的反意疑问句Put the book over there, _ ?Dont leave your pet alone, _ ?Lets clean the fish tank, _ ?will youwill you shall we语法回顾语法回顾1. Dont play on the road again, will you? - _. A. Yes, I dont. B. No, I wont. C. No, I will D. Yes, I wont.2. Lets not pull its tail, _?(反意疑问句)巩固基础巩固基础 shall we“should” ,ought to & “must”情态动词情态动词mustmust意为意为“ “必须必须” ”, ,表示一种义务,主动表示一种义务,主动去承担去承担. .否定否定mustntmustnt表示表示“ “不许可不许可” ”, ,表示一种禁表示一种禁止止.must.must只有现在式只有现在式, ,但可表示现在或将来的情况但可表示现在或将来的情况. .疑问式的否定回答常用疑问式的否定回答常用” ”neednt”.neednt”.表示自然规律表示自然规律, ,或必然结果或必然结果. .表示表示“ “揣测揣测” ”, ,只用于肯定句只用于肯定句, ,语气比语气比maymay肯定得多肯定得多. .对现在的情况表示揣测对现在的情况表示揣测, ,结构为结构为must+must+动词原形动词原形( (状态动词状态动词) ) e g. e g. He must be sick for he looks so pale.He must be sick for he looks so pale.语法回顾语法回顾1. -_ I1. -_ I finish the homework now, Ms. Zhao? -No, you _ .You may finish it tomorrow. A. Must, mustnt B. Must, neednt C. May, may not D. May, neednt2. His bike is broken, so he _ walk home. A. have to B. has to C. must D. may语法回顾语法回顾Do some exercisesShould 和ought to 意思相同,ought to 语气要重些。在生活交际中人们多用should.但是有时ought to 有针对性,should 则表示一般忠告。 e g. You should be polite to the old. You ought not to be so careless. 语法回顾语法回顾My My favouritefavourite pet petIts name is Its name is It is always very friendly.It is always very friendly.It Looks like It Looks like It likes/ It doesnt like It likes/ It doesnt like It lives in It lives in We should / we shouldntWe should / we shouldntWe must/ we mustnt We must/ we mustnt 写作部分写作部分A presentation on A presentation on your favourite petyour favourite petWrite down your Write down your own presentation on own presentation on your your favouritefavourite pet petHurry up! You have Hurry up! You have only 4 minutesonly 4 minutes 基础强化基础强化填入词的适当形式1.“Open your mouth _ (大点). Let me see whats wrong with your teeth? ”The doctor said to me.2. Kate doesnt like dogs because theyre very _ (noise) and need a lot of care.3. We should always keep our classroom _ (clean) and dry.4. People hate all _ (mouse) except one mouse - Mickey mouse.widenoisycleanmice基础强化基础强化5. A tortoise has four legs and it has a shell, too. But it moves very _ (slow)6. This bike belongs to me, I am the _ (own) of this bike.7. It says that we eat about 27,000 kilos of food during our lives. Thats the _ (weigh) of about six elephants.8. English is used _ (wide) in the world. 9. Is there anybody _ (hide) behind the door?10. The young man feels worried about _ (end) work. slowlyownerweightwidelyhidingendless巩固提高巩固提高巩固提高巩固提高1. It has lots of _ and sleeps _ .1. It has lots of _ and sleeps _ . A. furs, a lot of B. fur, much time A. furs, a lot of B. fur, much time C. fur, a lot D. furs, many times C. fur, a lot D. furs, many times2. The old man is too old to _ himself.2. The old man is too old to _ himself. A. look for B. look at A. look for B. look at C. look after D. look like C. look after D. look like3. _ fantail goldfish _ is bad for it.3. _ fantail goldfish _ is bad for it. A. Feed, much B. Feeding, many A. Feed, much B. Feeding, many C. Feed, many D. Feeding, much C. Feed, many D. Feeding, muchCCD4. _ goldfish swim around is very interesting. _ goldfish swim around is very interesting. A. watch B. To watch C. Watches D. Watching A. watch B. To watch C. Watches D. Watching选D Watching. 一般说来,动词-ing形式表示一般性、习惯性的动作或抽象性的动作,时间概念不强;而动词不定式to do表示的往往是具体的或者一次性的动作,特别是将来的动作。中考相关语法链接1. Cars, buses and bikes _ stop when the traffic light is red. A. can B. must C. may D. need2. -_ I fill in the check-in form right, sir? -No, you neednt. You can complete it this afternoon. A. May B. should C. Must D. Would3. _ I have to show the school report to my parents, Miss King? A. Must B. Do C. Can D. May BCB4. -Must I return the book tomorrow morning? -No, you_. You _ keep it for a day. A. mustnt, may B. mustnt, must C. neednt, can D. neednt, must5. -May I go surfing alone this afternoon, Dad? -No, you _. It is dangerous. A. may not B. cant C. neednt D. dont6. Alice has been in China for several years. She _ be a big girl now. A. need B. must C. can D. may CBB7. Look ! Mr Hu is on the other side of the street. - It _ be him. He has gone to Yangzhou. A. mustnt B. cant C. shouldnt D. wont B
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