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知识点大全IV. (Phrase Practice)1.They lived up to the true spirit of sportsmanship throughout the games. live up to: to keep to the high standards of e.g. Did the film live up to your expectation?(=Was it as good as you expected?) 2.We started off at dawn and headed for the sea for surfing. head for: move towards; go to e.g. “ Where are you heading for?” “ Manchester.”3.They tried to seek out the truth in what was said in the newspaper. seek out: If you seek out someone or something or seek them out, you keep looking for them until you find them. e.g. 对于当地公司来说,现在是时候去欧洲寻求商机了。Now is the time for local companies to seek out opportunities in Europe. 4.You have to take your daughter to hospital, as a rash has broken out on her face and hands. break out: (of war, fighting, disease, or similarly undesirable things) start suddenlye.g. 印度尼西亚爆发了森林火灾。Forest fires have broken out across Indonesia. 5.In the darkness, I _ the right box. groped forgrope for: feel or search about uncertainly (for something) by hands; search uncertainly or with difficulty (for a solution, answer, etc.) e.g. 我在黑洞洞的屋里摸索着寻找电灯开关。I grope for the light switch in the dark room. 6.I warned him repeatedly that it was no good _ that kind of tricks _ me. trying ontry on: put on (an article of clothing) to find out whether it fits or is suitable; test the effect or result of e.g. 你可以试试这件新上衣。You can try on this new coat. 人们为什么热衷于摸彩票?Why do people like to try their luck on lottery? 7.Our heartfelt sympathies _ the relatives of the victims. go out to(one s heart or sympathy) go out to sb.: feel sympathy towards sb. and think about them e.g. 他非常同情布莱克曼夫人和她那没有父亲的孩子。His heart went out to Mrs. Blackman and her fatherless child. 8.The drug traffickers were arrested after the police were _ by the local residents. tipped offtip off: give an advance warning or hint toe.g. 他向警察告密,揭露了恐怖分子的阴谋。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页知识点大全He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot. V. (Synonym / Antonym)1. Adding to my distress was the distinct impression that everyone on campus was watching me. ?Antonyms: indistinct, vague 2. With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing (and then ever so discreetly) at the campus map clutched in my hand. ?Synonyms: carefully, meticulously 3. What confidence, what reserve, what muscles! ?Synonyms: self-restraint, self-control 4. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture without having to ask dumb questions about its whereabouts. ?Antonyms: clever, intelligent, sensible 5. Freshmen manuals advised sitting near the front, showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor. ?Synonyms: manner, behaviour 6. I was even more surprised when I saw who the poor soul was: the very composed, very upper class football player I d seen just days before ?Antonyms: excited, agitated 7. I expected him to slink out of the cafeteria as I had, but instead he turned around and began preparing another tray. ?Synonym: sneak 8. What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naive freshman had been merely a moment of college fun. ?Antonyms: mature, sophisticated VI.1.became popular 2.respect 3.keep up 4.lead to 5.understand 6.found 7.use 8.start 补充:though,although 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 10 页知识点大全Though 作连接词时,表示“ 虽然 ” 、“ 尽管 ” 之意,与另一连词although 相同,但在使用场合上有所不同。(一)although 的语势比though 强,大都用于正式的文体,指已成立的事实;though的语势较弱,一般指设想和假定的情况。例:He wouldnt take an umbrella although it was already raining虽然当时已在下雨,他还是不愿意拿雨伞。He wouldnt take an umbrella though it should rain cats and dogs虽然有可能会下大雨,他还是不愿意拿雨伞。在西方,不少学者认为,although 是 though 的强调式,正如until 是 till 的强调式; upon是 on 的强调式一样。(二) although 在句中大都放在句首的位置,如放在句中(如上面一例),则表示强调的意味;though 放在句首和句中均可 (如上面一例, 可将 though it should rain cats and dogs移至句首)。though 若要加强语势时,可将位置移后形成倒装,例如:Though he is young ,改为Young though he is,;Though he is poor,改为 Poor though he may be, ;但不能用 although。(三) although 只能作连词使用;though 除作连词外, 还可用作副词, 表示 “ 然而 ” 、“ 但是” 等义,这时候, though 一般放在句末。 例:Annies grandfather loves to smoke And he likes beer tooIts impossible for him to live to be 100 It was true, though安妮的祖父喜欢抽烟, 又喜欢饮啤酒, 他不可能活到一百岁,然而,这却是真的, 他活到了一百岁。值得注意的是,中国学生由于受汉语“ 虽然 但是 ” 的影响,常犯though( although)之后与 but 连用的错误,但是之后可与nevertheless, still 连用。见下例:Though be was ill , but he went to school (错)Though he was ill , he went to school (对)如果说话人一定要强调“ 但是 ” 之意,可以在he went to school 之前加个副词yet。另一点要注意的是,词组as though、even though 的 though 不能改作although,因为它们是固定词组。在近代英语中,though 作连词使用时,与although 的差别已有日渐缩小的倾向,一般说来, though 比 although 使用得普遍得多。nevertheless “尽管如此,然而,不过,仍然”精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页知识点大全e.g. He was tired, but he kept working nevertheless. = He was tired; nevertheless, he kept working. 尽管他累了,但他还继续工作。(Pp. 10-12)课本语法练习答案如下:I. 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.f 5.a 6.e 7.h 8.g II. 1.My decision to resign was wise. 2.Their readiness to accept the peace agreement really surprised the diplomatic world. 3.My determination to pass the test helped me. 4.Her failure to get into college disappointed her parents. 5.My willingness to cooperate was appreciated. 6.His refusal to help surprised me. 7.The proposal that we should import more equipment is to be discussed at the meeting. 8.Who can have told you that puzzles me. III. 14 DBCC 58 ABDB IV. 1.I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture. 2.He wore glasses and a false beard so that nobody would recognize him. 3.The stranger spoke very slowly so that I could understand what he said. 4.She locked the door so that she wouldn t be disturbed.5.John whispered so that others couldn t hear him.6.Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time. 7.John has bought a bicycle so that he may save money on bus travel. 8.The lecturer showed some slides so that he might illustrate his point. V. 1.Although/Though 2.yet 3. however/though 4.however/nevertheless/though 5. Although/Though ;still/nevertheless 6.Despite/In spite of 7.although/though 8.however 9.However 10.Despite/In spite of VI. 1.We have to get the car fixed no matter how much it costs. You can t go inno matter who you are. 2.He fi nished all the paper work at five o clock, getting up, refill ing the teapot, then his cup. And adding a touch of skimmed milk. The children ran out of the room, laugh ing and talking merrily. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 10 页知识点大全Writing(p.15) Essay Writing 1.An Introduction Different kinds of essays: descriptive, narrative, expositive, persuasive (or argumentative) Structural features: a definable beginning, middle and ending; a central idea (or the thesis) What makes a good essay:Task Response Coherence and Cohesion Lexical Resource Grammatical Range and Accuracy Fully and appropriately explain / prove / discuss the thesis with clear, relevant and well-supported ideas in required length Information and ideas are well organized, presented and linked A wide range of vocabulary used in an accurate and appropriate manner for the task A wide range of structures used in an accurate and appropriate manner for the task 2.Sample Why King s College?This paragraph will explain why I am going to King s College. The first reason I go to KC is that it is small. The classes are easy to get to on time, and if I have to run to the library, I can get there quickly. Second, KC is located in a small town. I can walk anywhere I want to go. Third, the cost of going to KC is low, and most of the books are checked out to the students in the library. Fourth, the instructors are friendly and easy to find during their office hours.This paragraph has explained why I am attending King s College. Sample Analysis The sample is a one-paragraph essay. Sentence constitutes the beginning of the essay and also serves as its thesis. Sentences- are supporting ideas and make up its body. Sentence is the end of this essay and reiterates its main idea. 3.Practice Write a one-paragraph essay on the given topic: Why I Kept _ as My Pet. Sample Why I Kept a Cat as My Pet Most people choose to keep cats as their pets for some similar reasons. First and foremost, I think cats are cute. I love to see my cat mewing to be fed. And it seems cats can do a lot of things 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页知识点大全with their body. They curl up and bury their face when they sleep. They arch their back in a frightened and defensive mode. And even fashion models try to imitate “ cat s walk” . Second, cats are clean animals. They do a tidy-up after they eat. They can be trained to use cat litter when they have to pee and shit indoors. Third, cats are better than dogs in a sense that you don t have to walk them, which can save me a lot of trouble. Keeping pets can be a rather personal choice and my first pet cat was given by my father as a birthday gift. Translation(P.13) I. 1. 事实上,不管我如何摆出一副成熟的样子,我感觉自己还是有一点大一新生的菜鸟气。2. 新生手册上建议坐在前排,在教授面前摆出一幅聪敏、朝气的架势。3. 整整三天,我独自品尝的只有耻辱和羞愧。偏巧门口有台快餐机,于是那三天我吃的全是里面各色垃圾食品。4. 我曾以为那些笑声是恶意捉弄菜鸟新生的,原来那不过是大学校园里的开心一刻。II. 1. 听到他屡遭失败的消息,我感到很难过。(distress)Explanation If you distress someone, you upset them by doing or saying something that causes them to feel unhappy or alarmed. Translation It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures. Practice 如果我问了你的这一切使你感到苦恼,我很抱歉。I m sorry if I ve distressed you by asking all this. 请不要自寻烦恼。Please don t distress yourself. 2. 他虽然失去了老板的欢心,但仍然装出一副高兴的样子。(assume) Explanation: If you assume a particular expression or way of behaving, you look or behave in this way deliberately in order to give people a particular impression. Translation He assumed an air for cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss. Practice 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页知识点大全文职官员们装出一副军人的样子。Civil servants assume a certain military air. 他装出一副悔过的样子。He assumed an expression of penitence. 3. 格列佛( Gulliver )经历了冒险奇遇,见到了各色奇异的人物。(assortment)Translation Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people. 4.如果你再犯同样的错误,他会对你非常生气的。(furious) Explanation When you are furious with / at sb. or sth., you are extremely angry or annoyed with him / at it. Translation He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake. Practice 他为没有更早明白这件事而对自己非常生气。He was furious with himself for not realizing it sooner. 他因为她所做的事情而大发雷霆。He was furious with her at what she had done. 5. 我们都被他的坦率的观点、幽默的语言和亲切的态度所深深吸引。(draw) Explanation If something draws you, it is so interesting or noticeable that you look at it or move towards it. Translation We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner. Practice收音机的声音吸引了孩子们的注意。The noise of the radio drew the children. 这部好莱坞大片为了吸引大批观众,动用了许多大牌明星。The Hollywood blockbuster has used many big stars to draw a large audience. 6. 等到欢呼的掌声平息下来,那位诺贝尔奖获得者开始演讲。(die down) Explanation If something dies down, it becomes very much quieter or less intense. Translation After the cheering applause died down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech. Practice 她等到笑声渐渐停止。She waited until the laughter had died down. 既然这名妇女已经死了,这些闲言碎语也将很快消失。The gossip will soon die down now that the woman is dead. 7. 他天生有一种特别的洞察力和预见力,因此,他很少随大流。(run with the crowd) Translation He is gifted with a sort of insight and foresight, so he rarely runs with the crowd. 8. 我发现现实毕竟是非常严酷的,一个人难以完全按照自己的理想去生活。(live up to) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页知识点大全Explanation If someone or something lives up to what they were expected or desired to be or do, they are as good as they were expected or desired to be. Translation I feel realities are after all very harsh, so one can hardly live up entirely to his ideals. Practice 这部电影没有我期望的那么好。The film didnt live up to my expectations. 你没能实现自己的诺言。You have failed to live up to your promises. III. 我上大学的头几天颇为难忘。爸妈驾车离开,将我独自留在校园里,我手足无措。不管如何努力装成熟,我就是摆脱不了大一新生的感觉。我花了好几个小时,搞清了我选修课程所在的各个教室。 第二天早上, 我坐在教室的前排,打开美国文学选集,抖擞精神准备听课。但老师却说“欢迎选修生物课”,我意识到自己坐错了教室。我用铁一样的意志,摆出了一幅生物专业学生的姿态,一直坚持到讲座结束。下课以后,我感到我的胃需要加点营养,于是匆匆赶往自助餐厅。但不幸的是,当我端着餐盘朝着桌子走去时,脚底一滑,盘子翻倒,我失去了平衡,扑倒在地上。好几天,我都倍感羞辱。过后,我渐渐地意识到自己把这种微不足道的小事看得过重了。在大学里,重要的是做自然的“我”,发现真正的“我” ,而不是试图把一切都做得尽善尽美。Exercises for Integrated Skills (p.14) 1. DictationThere are generally two educational methods: / the lecture method and the group learning method. / In a lecture classroom, / the teacher dominates the class /by doing most of the talking. / Students listen and take notes. / This method is best at passing on content to students. / It prepares students for a society / that values discipline and self-control. / The problem is that students forget most of the facts / that they have mechanically memorized. / In contrast, / the teacher of a group learning classroom / appears to have no definite role at all, / wandering about from group to group. / Students do not memorise information, / but they actively generate their own ideas, / each contributing insights for the success of the group. / This method prepares students for a society / that values creative ideas. / The disadvantage is that /students have not memorised enough basic facts. 2. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.Academic success (1) _ in many forms. For most students, it s a stellar transcript that opens doors into great jobs or great graduate schools. For (2)_, academic success also includes (3) _ happens outside of the classroom. With so much (4) _ on in college, though, how can you make sure you re headed down a path toward true academic success and toward a truly rewarding college experience? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页知识点大全You may arrive at college knowing that you are destined to become a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor, or an engineer. Or you may arrive (5) _ having the slightest idea about what you want to major in. No matter which end of the spectrum you re on, however, you should let yourself explore everything that your school has to (6) _ academically. Take classes in a subject you ve never taken before. Follow a passion that doesn t (7) _ to your major. Just let yourself really learn from your environment. There will undoubtedly be a lot of people giving you advice about what you should do during and after (8) _. And while you may be in school to learn, you will, at some point, have to draw your own line in the sand. Pick a career and course of study that suits you, (9) _ your parents. Pay attention to the fire in your belly and learn what you re truly passionate about. Make sure you re happy at your school. And once you ve made a choice, feel confident in your decision and do all you can to (10) _ from the resources around you. Keys (1) comes (2) others (3) what (4) going (5) not (6) offer (7) relate (8) college (9) not (10) learn 说明:(1) This sentence lacks a predicate of intransitive verb, meaning “ to happen” or “ to occur”. (2) After for most students, here an echoing structure is naturally expected. (3) Grammatically speaking, in this sentence, includes needs an object whereas happens outside the classroom at the same time requires for a subject. In terms of the meaning, it can be inferred from the context as “ academic success also includes the thing that happens outside the classroom” . A pronoun, which leads an object clause and functions as “ the thing that” , is required here. (4) Here following with so much , a noun or gerund is expected. In college is a separate phrase, leaving on pending to combine with the previous missing word, which hints at a phrase that means a lot of things are taking place or happening. (5) You may arrive at college knowing something, “ or ” you may arrive not knowing anything. Or here strongly suggests a contrast in meaning, which is also suggested by the following expression end of the spectrum you are on. In the meantime, the slightest often collocates with negations, and not to have the slightest idea is a natural expression to mean “ to have no idea” . Here, before the ing participle having, a word of negation is expected. (6) After the infinitive marker “ to ” , the basic form of a verb is naturally expected. “ That ” leads in an attributive clause to modify “ everything” , which serves as the object of this verb . The next sentence indicates an antonym of “ take ” is required here.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页知识点大全(7) This sentence further illustrates the previous sentence Take classes in a subject you ve never taken before. Naturally, the passion and your major should not be related. After “ doesn t ” , the basic form of a verb is naturally expected. And it must be able to collocate with “ to ” . (8) After the two prepositions during and after , a noun or gerund is needed. The whole passage talks about life in college. It can be inferred from the context that the advice people give you concerns with your life during and after college. (9) How to draw your own line in the sand? The next sentence should further explain this idea and “ your own line” stresses the contrast between your own decision and your parents choice. So a negation is naturally expected here. (10) Judging from the context and the logic of the passage, this sentence echoes the repeated message in the previous part, e.g. “ Just let yourself really learn from your environment ” . After the infinitive marker “ to ” , the basic form of a verb is naturally expected.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页
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