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Section Warming up & ReadingLanguage points课前自主预习.重点单词1_ n探险;探测explorer n探险者;勘探者;考察者explore v勘探;探索;调查研究exploratory adj.探索的;探究的2_ n地平线;视野horizontal adj.水平的;与地面平行的;横的horizontally adv.水平地;与地面平行地;横地3_ vt.加速;促进acceleration n加速accelerator n加速器;油门4_ adj.安全的;可靠的securely adv.安全地;可靠地security n安全;可靠explorationhorizonacceleratesecure5_ adj.任意的;随便的randomly adv.随便地;任意地randomness n随便;任意randomize vt.使随机化6_ adj.难使用的;笨拙的awkwardly adv.笨拙地;尴尬地awkwardness n笨拙;尴尬7_ v使简化;使简易simplification n简化,简化的事物simplicity n简单;质朴;方便8_ adj.便携式的;手提的portability n轻便9_ n趋向;倾向;偏好tend v趋向;走向tendentious adj.倾向性的randomawkwardsimplifyportabletendency10_ adj.可靠的;可信赖的;可依靠的reliably adv.可靠地reliability n可靠reliance n依赖;依靠;信任rely v依靠;信赖reliable.重点短语1_受支配;任处置2_计算出;制订出3_也4_而不是5_与有关;涉及at the mercy ofwork outas well asrather thanin relation to.重点句型1How _seamen found their way before modern accurate methods of navigation were invented?2We may well wonder how seamen explored the oceans before latitude and longitude made _ possible _.do you thinkitto plot a ships position on a map3This seems _the first and most useful form of exploration which carried the minimum amount of risk.4Nobody knew that the earth moved westwards 15 degrees every hour,but sailors _an approximate method of calculating longitude using speed and time.to have beendid know课内研析探究voyage nC 航海,航行The voyage from England to India used to take six months.过去从英国航行到印度要用6个月。This ship will make an aroundtheworld voyage.这艘船要做一次环球航行。go on/make/take a sea voyage去航海旅行voyager n航海者,航行者(2)journey多指远距离陆上旅行。come/go on a journey来/去旅行send sb.on a journey送某人旅行We had a long journey ahead of us.我们前面的旅程还很长。(3)travel“旅行,游历(用单数形式,不加定冠词)”。指“(国外的)游历、游记”时常用复数形式,但前不加many或数词修饰。它也可以用作动词。Foreign travel never really appealed to him until he retired.他到退休后才真正对出国旅行产生了兴趣。(4)tour“周游,旅游,观光”,指周游若干地方,有一定的旅行路线,最后又回到出发地点。We went on a 10day tour of central Africa.我们到中非游玩了10天。(5)voyage强调较远距离的水上、空中旅行。This is a voyage of exploration.这是一次探索之旅。 “旅游”妙辨口诀长途陆路用journey,短途短期用trip;观光游玩用tour,海上航行用voyage;travel用法最普遍,特别用于指“游记”。mercy(1)n.U 仁慈;宽恕They showed no mercy to their hostages.他们对人质丝毫不讲仁慈。(2)n.C 幸运;恩惠Its a mercy that the explosion happened after the theatre.爆炸发生在散戏以后,真是不幸中之大幸。He is at the mercy of his wife.他任凭他妻子摆布。She treated her stepson without mercy.她毫不留情地对待她的继子。minimum (1)n.C 最小量,最小数,最低限度,最小值You must get a minimum of 40 questions right to pass the examination.你最少必须答对40道题才能通过考试。The minimum pass mark in the examinations is 60 out of 100.考试的最低及格分数是100分中答对60分。(2)adj.最小的,最少的,最低的a minimum charge/price最低收费/价格horizon nC地平线;(常pl.)视野,眼界,见识The sun sank below the horizon.太阳落到了地平线下。She wanted to travel to broaden her horizons.她想旅行,以开阔眼界。on the horizon很可能即将发生;已露端倪broaden ones horizons开阔某人的眼界nowhere adv.无处,任何地方都不;无目的;无结果(放于句首时,句子要用倒装语序)He is nowhere to be seen.任何地方都见不着他。Nowhere is the book to be found.这本书在任何地方都找不着。That will take (get) you nowhere.你那样做不会成功的。(那会使你一事无成)。get/go nowhere没有结果;没有进展be nowhere一无所得,一事无成secure(1)adj.安全的,可靠的;无忧虑的,安心的Our house is secure from flood.我们的房子没有被淹的危险。At last they were able to feel secure about the future.他们终于觉得不必为将来而担忧了。(2)vt.使安全,保卫Some measures are needed to secure the bank from a flood.这道堤防需要采取一些措施,免得被洪水冲坏。securely adv.牢固地,稳固地security n保护措施,保安部门precise adj.准确的,精确的,明确的,细致的,认真的Can you give a more precise definition of the word?你能给这个词下个更确切的定义吗?Doctors found it hard to establish the precise nature of her illness.医生们难以判定她的确切病因。to be (more) precise确切地说,准确地说precisely adv.准确地,恰好地more precisely更确切地说,更严格地说This room is about 20 sqmswell,19.5 sqms,to be more precise.这个房间约20平方米,嗯,确切地说,19.5平方米。simplify v使简化,使简易The application forms have now been simplified.申请表格现已简化了。I hope his appointment will simplify matters.我希望他被任命以后事情会好办一些。simplification n简化,简化的事物simplicity n简单(性),质朴,简单之处,方便形simple简单的complicated复杂的动simplify简化complicate使复杂化形simple单一的complex复杂的,合成的名simplicity简易性complexity复杂性update v使现代化,更新,向提供信息Its high time we updated our software.我们的软件应该更新了。update sb.on sth.向提供最新信息update on sth.关于的最新情况I called the office to update them on the days developments.我给办公室打电话告诉他们当天最新的发展。work out 算出,制定出,处理,解决Itll work out cheaper to travel by bus.算起来还是乘公共汽车旅游便宜些。Can you work out the problem?你能处理这个问题吗?I couldnt work out where the music was coming from.我弄不清这音乐是从哪里传来的。I have worked out a new way of doing it.我想出了做这事的一个新方法。out of work失业at work在工作;上班He has been out of work for months.他失业已经好几个月了。be used to do sth.被用来做某事Cloth is used to make clothes.布料被用来做衣服。get/become used to (doing) sth.逐渐习惯于(做)某事used to过去常常(做某事)There used to be过去常常有be used for.被用于be used as被当作来用This room is used for reading.这个房间用于阅读。Dont be used as a tool by others.别让他人当作工具而使用。in relation to关于,和相比I have some comments to make in relation to this matter.关于这件事我有几点看法。Its brain is small,in relation to its body.和它的身体相比,它的大脑很小。have good relations with与保持着良好的关系bear no relation to与没有关系They have good relations with their neighbours.他们与邻居关系融洽。.用voyage,trip,tour,journey travel填空1Do you like a days_?答案:trip2Well make a sightseeing_next week.答案:tour3They went on a long train_across India.答案:journey4The novel is based on his_ along the Silk Road.答案:travels5The Titanic sank on its maiden_.答案:voyage.完成句子1We were_(拿天气没办法)答案:at the mercy of the weather2The work was done with_(没费什么劲)答案:the minimum amount of effort3The class needs_(最少6名学生) to continue.答案:a minimum of six students4I could see a ship _(在天水交接处)答案:on the horizon5Taking part in school activities can_(开阔我们的眼界)答案:broaden our horizons6Nowhere_(政府政策的效果) more apparent than in agriculture.答案:is the effect of government policy7安装了锁和防护栏后,窗户很安全了。The windows_locks and bars.答案:were secured with8Complaints have led to_(规则简化)答案:(a)simplification of rules9This is a kind of_(故事简写本) for young children.答案:simplified version of the story10He wrote a letter to me and _(向我提供) the recent activities of himself.答案:updated me on11I have nothing further to say_(关于) this matter.答案:in relation to12The price the meat is sold for_(与无关) the price the farmer receives.答案:bears no relation to.单句语法填空1She was working_her hair in front of the mirror.答案:on2You should work_a plan for study as soon as possible.答案:out3If he goes on working hard_his lessons,hell surely make progress.答案:at5I will have to work_till the report is ready.答案:on6_(lucky) she wasnt seriously hurt.答案:Luckily7The application forms have now been_(simplify)答案:simplified8At last they were able to feel _(security) about the future.答案:secureHow do you think seamen found their way before modern accurate methods of navigation were invented? 你认为在现代准确的航海技术发明之前水手们是怎样航行的?本句是含有do you think的双重疑问句;其结构为:特殊疑问词do you think其他成分。Which do you think was easier to work out;latitude or longitude?你认为经度和纬度哪一个更容易算出来?(1)用该句式结构的动词除think外,还有believe,suppose等。(2)do you know后接特殊疑问句时不需要把特殊疑问词提前。We may well wonder how seamen explored the oceans before latitude and longitude made it possible to plot a ships position on a map. 我们很可能感到奇怪,在经纬度被用来在地图上标出船只位置之前,海员是如何对海洋进行探索的。句中it为形式宾语,代替不定式to plot a ships position on a map;possible为宾语补足语;不定式为真正的宾语。Sometimes he found it very hard to like Fellows.有时他觉得很难喜欢弗洛斯。She soon found it possible to do this regularly.很快她发现经常干这事是有可能的。This seems to have been the first and most useful form of exploration which carried the minimum amount of risk. 这似乎已是最早的、最有用的探险方式,所冒的风险也最小。to have done为不定式的完成时态,表示发生在谓语动词所表达的动作之前的动作。动词不定式的完成时态的被动式为to have been done。We were proud to have found the cave carvings.我们为我们发现了岩洞雕刻而感到骄傲。Its not like her to have missed two days of classes.缺两天课这样的事不像是她干的。Nobody knew that the earth moved westwards 15 degrees every hour,but sailors did know an approximate method of calculating longitude using speed and time.以前没有人知道地球每小时向西移15度,然而海员们确实知道用速度和时间来计算经度的近似标准的方法。本句中know前面的did用来表示强调。通常一般现在时强调谓语动词需要在动词的前面加do(第三人称单数用does),一般过去时中,在动词前加did。Do come here this evening.今晚一定要来。He did write to you last week.上周他确实给你写信了。Tom does study hard now.现在汤姆确实学习很努力。完成句子1你认为学英语时什么最难?_the most difficult in learning English?答案:What do you think is2你所做的使得我能从容地提前完成此事。What you did_for me_finish it ahead of time.答案:made it easy;to3However,a terrible accident _ (的确发生了) yesterday.答案:did happen4He _(确实喜欢) singing and he is popular in our class.答案:does like 5Robert is sai_(study) abroad,but I dont know what country he studied in.答案:to have studied谢谢观看!谢谢观看!
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