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高一英语备课组高一英语备课组Unit 3 Canada- “The True North”-Language points2021/6/71预习案:预习案:1. 他住在一所四周都是美丽花草的房子里。他住在一所四周都是美丽花草的房子里。(be surrounded by) He lives in a house _.2. 就像他的父亲一样,他也有音乐天赋。就像他的父亲一样,他也有音乐天赋。(have a gift for)Just like his father, he .3. 司机没能及时看见另一辆车。司机没能及时看见另一辆车。(catch sight of) The driver .4. 你认为你能在一小时内完成这项工作吗?你认为你能在一小时内完成这项工作吗?(manage to do) Do you suppose / think / believe_? alsohasagiftformusicalsohasagiftformusicsurroundedbybeautifulflowerssurroundedbybeautifulflowersfailedtocatchsightofanothercarintimefailedtocatchsightofanothercarintimeyoucanmanagetoyoucanmanagetofinish it within an hourand grass2021/6/725. 他一路冲往车站,结果还是误了火车。(all the way) He _.6. 听到这个令人兴奋的消息,他哭了而不是笑了。(rather than) .7. 他计划在乡下定居。(settle down)He planned to .8. 杰克比班里任何一个学生都高。 (any other)Jack is . rushed all the way to the train station, only tosettle down in the countrysideHearing the exciting news, he cried rather than laughedtaller than any other student in classfind it had left2021/6/73课内探究:1. The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. that引导从句。The news _ our athletes won another gold medal was reported in yesterdays newspaper. A. which B. whether C. what D. that同位语同位语2021/6/742. 许多人认为温哥华是加拿大最美的城市,因为它被大山包围,濒临太平洋。surround vt. 包围, 围绕; 圈住The police surrounded the house.警察包围了这幢房子The oceans and seas surrounding the islands are deep blue and many of its cities lie on the bay.We could see the buildings _ by trees.A. being surrounded B. surrounded C. to be surrounded D. surround People think it is Canadas most beautiful city surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.2021/6/753. 落基山脉可以滑雪,海港供你扬帆,这些使得温哥华成为加拿大最受欢迎的居住城市之一。本句结构是:主语()+ 谓语()+ 宾语()+ 宾语补足语()。本句用作主语。在宾语补足语中,动词不定式to live in作定语,修饰。skiingand sailingmakeSkiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailing in the harbour make Vancouver one of Canadas most popular cities to live in.Vancouverone of Canadas most popular cities to live in现在分词现在分词cities2021/6/764. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres. so . that 和such . that是常见的引导结果状语从句的句型,具体用法如下:仿写 _他吓得几乎睡不着觉。It was _ that she couldnt finish it by herself. A. so difficult a work B. such a difficult work C. so difficult work D. such difficult work Mrs. London has _ that she is unable to get a good job. A. such small educationB. so little education C. a such little educationD. a so small education He was so frightened that he couldnt fall asleep.2021/6/775. Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes.have a gift for. .老师对她舞蹈的天份大感惊奇。6. . Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world. 句中的more . than any other .是用比较级表示最高级含义。China is larger than any country in Africa. 中国比非洲的任何一个国家都大。 The teacher was amazed at her gift for dancing.对有天赋2021/6/78仿写 _在我们学校,他的舞跳得最好。Lung cancer is the worst killer in America, taking _ lives each year than _ cancer. A. more; any B. most; any other C. many; other D. more; any other In a special report on deaths caused by cancer, the blacks are more diagnosed with it than _ in America. A. any of the other B. any races C. the other race D. any other race He dances better than any other student in our school.2021/6/79I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. Passengers checked their b_ before boarding the plane. 2. My kids spend hours _ (闲聊) on the phone to their friends. 3. We began our _ (向东的) journey at dawn. 4. The government was urged to take _ (措施) to fight the spread of AIDS. 5. They were the last two to go a_ the ship. 6. They were near the _ (边界) between France and Germany. 7. The boss decided to pass over his _ (轻微的) mistakes. 8. In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to u_ areas. 9. The police s_ the house after a murder happened last night. 10. During the windstorm the ships stayed in the h_. aggagechattingeastwardmeasuresboardborderslightrbanurroundedarbor2021/6/710 II. 选用方框内合适的词或短语,并用其适当形式填空。settle down; catch sight of; have a gift for; slightly; border; rather than 1. _ go straight on to university why not get some work experience first?2. Jackson went to the road that _ the gardens on the left.3. Elena sure _ telling stories.4. Theyd like to see their daughter _, get married, and have kids.5. I _ her hurrying away but I didnt try to speak to her. 6. The milk should be _ heated before you drink it.Rather thanborderedhave a gift forsettle downcaught sight ofslightly2021/6/711部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!
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