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Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 He is really the pride of China. Section CZhengZheng He was a Ming dynasty explorer. He was a Ming dynasty explorer.We Chinese people are proud of him.We Chinese people are proud of him. Zheng He was a Ming dynasty Zheng He was a Ming dynasty explorerexplorer whomwhom we Chinese people are proud of.we Chinese people are proud of. Zheng He led seven ocean journeys. He took over 200 ships and 27 000 people everytime. Zheng He who/that led seven ocean journeys took over 200 ships and 27 000 people every time. ZhengZheng He died on his way home in 1433. He died on his way home in 1433. We Chinese people respect him. We Chinese people respect him. ZhengZheng He He whom whom we Chinese people respect we Chinese people respect died on his way home in 1433.died on his way home in 1433. The ship is about 151.8 meters long and 61.6 The ship is about 151.8 meters long and 61.6 meters wide.meters wide. Its size was the biggest. Its size was the biggest. The ship The ship whosewhose size was the biggest is about size was the biggest is about 151.8 meters long and 61.6 meters wide.151.8 meters long and 61.6 meters wide. The journeys were to develop trade and The journeys were to develop trade and friendship between China and other countries.friendship between China and other countries. The journeys covered more than 30 countries The journeys covered more than 30 countries and areas.and areas. The journey The journey which /thatwhich /that were to develop trade were to develop trade and friendship between China and other countries and friendship between China and other countries covered more than 30 countries and areas.covered more than 30 countries and areas.1371 A.D.-1433 A.D.1451 A.D.-1506 A.D. Qian Xuesen the Father of Chinas Missilesn.导弹 He graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934. n.大学v.毕业 He received his Ph.D. degrees in both aerospace and mathematics in the United States.n.(大学)学位 His devotion to his country was expressed in his sayings.v.表达,表露1b-1. What happened to Qian Xuesen in the following years? Write them down. 1911:_1934:_1955:_1956:_ 2009:_1b-2. Answer the following questions.1. What happened after Qian Xuesen graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University? He traveled to the USA for further study. 2. Why did Qian Xuesen come back to his motherland from the USA? Because he loved his motherland.3. What contributions did Qian Xuesen make to the development of aerospace in China? In 1956, he set up the first research institute of rockets and missiles. From then on, he was in charge of developing Chinas missile, rocket and spacecraft research programs.录音录音P13-1aP13-1a1a Read and understand. 视频视频P13-1a1c Work in groups. Read the following words by Qian Xuesen and discuss what kind of person he is and what you can learn from him.1.My career is in China, my success is in China and my destination is in China. 我的事业在中国,我的成就在中国,我的归宿也在中国!2. My family name is Qian, but I dont like qian. 我姓钱,但是我不爱钱。 1. make important contributions to (doing) 1. make important contributions to (doing) sthsth. . 为为做出重要贡献做出重要贡献2. return to 2. return to 返回返回3. in charge of 3. in charge of 主管;负责主管;负责 2 Make up conversations by following the example and pay attention to the attributive clauses.Example:Example:A: Who is A: Who is QianQianQian XuesenXuesenXuesen? ? B: He is B: He is a scientist who was a scientist who was a scientist who was honored as “The Father of honored as “The Father of honored as “The Father of Chinas Missiles Chinas Missiles Chinas Missiles” ”. .A: What should we learn from him?A: What should we learn from him?B: His love and devotion to our countryB: His love and devotion to our country. . QianQian XuesenXuesen/scientist/scientist/be honored as be honored as “The Father of “The Father of Chinas MissilesChinas Missiles” ”A: Who is A: Who is ZhengZhengZheng H H He e? ? B: He is B: He is an explorer who led an explorer who led an explorer who led seven ocean journeys seven ocean journeys seven ocean journeys. .A: What should we learn from A: What should we learn from him? him?B: His devotion to our countrys B: His devotion to our countrys sailing and trading. sailing and trading. ZhengZheng He/explorer/ He/explorer/lead seven lead seven ocean journeysocean journeysA: Who is A: Who is ConfucConfucConfuciusius? ? B: He was B: He was a thinker who had greata thinker who had greata thinker who had great influence on Chinese education influence on Chinese education influence on Chinese education. .A: What should we learn from him?A: What should we learn from him?B: His ideas about kindness and B: His ideas about kindness and good manners. good manners. Confucius/thinker/Confucius/thinker/have great influencehave great influence on Chinese education on Chinese educationA: Who is A: Who is Yuan Yuan Yuan LongpingLongpingLongping? ? B: He is B: He is a scientist who a scientist who a scientist who developed hybrid rice developed hybrid rice developed hybrid rice. .A: What should we learn from him?A: What should we learn from him?B: His devotion to the science. B: His devotion to the science. Yuan Yuan LongpingLongping/ /scientist/scientist/develop hybrid develop hybrid ricericeQianQian XuesenXuesen/scientist/scientist/be honored as “The Father of be honored as “The Father of Chinas Missiles”Chinas Missiles”3 Choose one famous person who has influenced you a lot and write a short passage about him or her.Yuan Yuan LongpingLongping/ /scientist/scientist/develop hybrid ricedevelop hybrid riceZhengZheng He/explorer/ He/explorer/lead seven lead seven ocean journeysocean journeysConfucius/thinker/haveConfucius/thinker/havegreat influence on great influence on Chinese educationChinese education Words and phrases: university n. 大学 degree n.(大学)学位 express v. 表达;表露 make important contributions to (doing) sth. 为做出重要贡献 return to 返回 in charge of 主管;负责Sayings:Sayings:1.1.My career is in China, my success is in China My career is in China, my success is in China and my destination is in China. and my destination is in China. 我的事业在中国,我的成就在中国,我的归宿也在我的事业在中国,我的成就在中国,我的归宿也在 中国!中国!2. My family name is 2. My family name is QianQian, but I dont like , but I dont like qianqian. . 我姓钱,但是我不爱钱。我姓钱,但是我不爱钱。 1. Finish the written work. 2. Search for some information about the Four Great Inventions of ancient China.
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