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成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 选修选修8 The Tang PoemsModule 61.1.1集合的概念第三课时第三课时Cultural Corner & Task 1.1.1集合的概念Module 6课内合作探究课内合作探究 2巩巩 固固 提提 升升3课后强化作业课后强化作业 4课前自主预习课前自主预习1写写 作作 指指 导导5课前自主预习课前自主预习.重点单词1地区;区域(n.)_2独立(n.)_独立的(adj.)_3想象;空想(n.)_想象(v.)_4典型地,有代表性地;向来,一向(adv.)_典型的(adj.)_5反映,显示;表达(v.)_6外科医生(n.)_zone independence independent imagination imagine typically typical reflect surgeon .重点短语1be interested_对感兴趣2fight_为而战in for课内合作探究课内合作探究1independence nU U独立Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898.古巴于1898年脱离西班牙而获得独立。Having a job gives you financial independence.有一份工作就能保证经济的独立。知识拓展independent adj.独立的;自主的India became independent in 1947.印度于1947年独立。I used to be dependent on my parents.Now Im independent of them.我从前依赖父母;现在我独立了。即学即用介词填空Susan wanted to be independent_her parents.She tried living alone,but she didnt like it and moved back home.答案:of2express v表示;表达adj.特快的She expressed her thanks to us.她向我们表示感谢。She can express herself clearly in English.她能用英语清楚地表达自己的意思。He expressed his wish that he would go there on an express train.他表达了他想坐特快列车去那儿的愿望。知识拓展(1)express oneself表达自己的思想感情express.as.把表示为express.in.用/以表示(2)expression nC词语;C,U表示;表达expressive adj.富有表现力的即学即用完成句子我想对给予我帮助的所有人表示感谢。Id like to_to all those who have helped me.答案:express my thanks3reflect vt.& vi.(1)反射A mirror reflects a picture of you when you look in it.当你照镜子时,镜子映出你的形象。The books and paintings in her library reflect her considerable cultivation.她的图书馆内的书和画反映了她有相当程度的修养。(2)(常与that,how连用)表达,反映Does this letter reflect how you really think?这封信是否表达了你真实的想法?(3)(常与on,upon连用)仔细考虑You must reflect on what answer to give.你必须仔细考虑怎么答复。即学即用完成句子(1)群山倒映在平静的湖水中。The mountains_the still water of the lake.(2)他有时间反思他的成功和失败。He had time to_his successes and failures.答案:(1)were reflected in(2)reflect on1The English Romantic poets,as they are now known,were very interested in what was happening in the rest of the continent.正像现在人们所知道的那样,英国浪漫主义诗人对发生在大陆其他地方的事情非常感兴趣。as they are now known 是非限制性定语从句作插入语。as引导的非限制性定语从句可以在句首、句中和句末。As we know,the earth is round.The earth is round,as we know.众所周知,地球是圆的。Here is the English grammar book which,as Ive told you,can help improve your English.正如我告诉你的那样,这就是那本能帮助提高英语水平的英语语法书。知识拓展as与which两者可引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句,有时可互换。但as引导的非限制性定语从句可以在句首、句中和句末,而which引导的非限制性定语从句通常只放在句末;其次,as常可译成“正如”,后面的谓语动词多是see,know,expect,say,report,announce,mention等,而which意思是“这件事,这一点”。I said nothing,which made him still more angry.我一声不响,这使他更加生气。As everybody can see,the ear of the elephant is like a fan.正如大家所见,大象的耳朵像扇子。即学即用语法填空The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things,_is often the case in other countries.答案:as2Typically,the Romantic poets lived hard and died young.浪漫主义诗人向来生活艰难,英年早逝。(1)typically adv.典型地,代表性地;一般Schools in the area typically start at 830.这个地方的学校一般830上课。(2)young adj.“年轻的”,在句中作伴随状语。形容词在句子中可以用作状语,表示原因、结果、时间、伴随等,相当于一个状语从句。此时的形容词可位于句首,也可位于句末。Brave,good and strong,Xiulian is the character we care about most.Because Xiulian is brave,good and strong,she is the character we care about most.秀莲是我们最关注的角色,因为她勇敢、善良、坚强。辨析形容词与副词作状语的区别:副词修饰动词、形容词、其他副词、句子及介词短语,一般在句中作状语。形容词作状语,一般强调人或物的状态。Surprisingly,he didnt pass the exam.真奇怪,他没有通过考试。即学即用语法填空Jack is late again.It is_(typically)of him to keep others waiting.答案:typical3As he grew older,he became less interested in political ideas.随着年纪渐长,他对政治观点的兴趣渐弱。as he grew older 是时间状语从句,as表示“随着”。as引导时间状语从句,强调两个动作同时进行或表示两种趋势同时变化发展。As we walked,we talked.我们边走边谈。As he grew older,he became more and more interested in English.随着年龄的增长,他对英语越来越感兴趣。辨析as与with都有“随着”之意,但with是介词,通常后接名词或动名词,不能引导句子。With the development of industry and agriculture,peoples living standards are becoming higher and higher.随着工农业的发展,人们的生活水平越来越高。即学即用完成句子(1)它随着季节的变化而变化。It changes_the season.(2)我们随着年龄的增长而变得更加聪明。We get wiser_we get older.答案:(1)with(2)as巩巩 固固 提提 升升.句型转换1Whether he comes or not,it makes no difference.It doesnt matter_.2How I wish I could buy a house like that._I could buy a house like that.3It is known to all that Taiwan is part of China._,Taiwan is part of China.答案:1.Whether he comes or not2.If only3.As is known to all.单项填空1Although the country has had political_for over a century,economically it needs the support of its neighbours.AsequenceBindependenceCexistence Dabsence答案:B句意:虽然该国政治上已独立100多年了,但是经济上它仍然需要邻国的支持。independence“独立”,符合题意。sequence“顺序;连续镜头”;existence“存在”;absence“缺乏;没有”。2Seans strong love for his country is_in his recently published poems.Arelieved BreflectedCresponded Drecovered答案:B句意:肖恩最近发表的诗歌反映了对自己国家强烈的爱。reflect“反映;表达”,符合题意。relieve“缓解;减少”;respond“回答;响应”;recover“恢复”。3“I must go.”Claudia said,_at her watch.Alook BstareCglancing Dglaring答案:C根据句式结构,可知考查非谓语作状语和词组辨析,排除A、B两项。glance at瞥了一眼;glare at怒视。句意:克劳迪娅看了一下表说,“我该走了。”4What!Beef again!You_be more thankful!Ive been cooking all morning.Amust BwillCmight Dcan答案:C考查情态动词。might在这里用来对某人未做某事表示不满,可译为“应该”。再如:I think you might at least offer to help!我认为至少你应该主动帮忙吧!5What do you think we can do for our aged parents?You_do anything except to be with them and be yourself.Adont have to Boughtnt toCmustnt Dcant答案:A答句意为:除了与父母在一起并做好本分的事不需要再做别的什么事了。dont have to“不必,不需要”。6Can I pay the bill by check?Sorry,sir.But it is the management rules of our hotel that payment_be made in cash.Ashall BneedCwill Dcan答案:A根据句意“我们旅馆规定要用现金结算费用”可知,此处表示规定,带有强制性,故用shall。课后强化作业课后强化作业(点此链接)(点此链接)写写 作作 指指 导导如何谈谈你对一首唐诗的读后感典题示例题目:请阅读唐朝诗人李白的赠汪伦,体会它的意境,谈谈你的看法。赠汪伦李白李白乘舟将欲行,忽闻岸上踏歌声。桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。To Wang LunIm on board;Were about to sail,When theres stamping and singing on shore;Peach Blossom Pool is a thousand feet deep,Yet not so deep,Wang Lun,as your love for me.要求:1不得照抄短诗原文;2必须结合短诗的内容,发挥想象,适当展开;3必须突出短诗主题,结构完整,语意连贯;4短文不能写成诗歌形式;5词数:120个左右。审题立意项目结论体裁_话题_时态_人称_遣词造句1赠汪伦是由杰出诗人李白写的。赠汪伦_由书写_杰出_翻译此句:_2在离别时刻,李白看到他最好的朋友很激动。在离别时刻_激动做某事_一句多译(简单句和原因状语从句):a_b_3我喜欢这首诗,因为它能使我意识到友谊是很有价值的。意识到_友谊_有价值的_一句多译(原因状语从句和定语从句):a_b_写作提醒1仔细推敲原文,真正体会作者的写作意图。2不是复述原文,而是读后真正有感而发,但是必须遵循原文,而不是偏离文章的本来主题。3要挖掘所给文章的积极、主动的一面。4写作时可以先找出关键的词语和所能用的句型;用好衔接词,组织文章严谨,避免时态错误。连句成篇_ 【参考答案】【审题立意】读后感李白的赠汪伦一般现在时态第三人称【遣词造句】1To Wang Lunwritten bystand outTo Wang Luna,is written by Li Bai who among other poets stands out.2at this leaving momentbe excited to do sth.a.Li Bai is very excited to see his best friend at this leaving moment.bLi Bai is very excited because he sees his best friend at this leaving moment.3realizefriendshipvaluablea.I love this poem,because it makes me realize that friendship is valuable.bI love this poem,which makes me realize that friendship is valuable.【连句成篇】To Wang Lun is written by Li Bai who among other poets stands out in the halls of glory.One day,Li Bai goes on board.He is about to sail when theres stamping and singing on shore.Oh! Here comes Wang Lun to see him off,who is Li Bais best friend.Li Bai is very excited to see his best friend at this leaving moment.But he is sad,too.So he cant say a simple sentence.He knows that words cant express their friendship.Although the Peach Blossom Pool is one thousand feet deep,it cant match Wang Luns love for him.I love this poem,because it makes me realize that friendship is valuable and we need true friendship.I hope everyone can find true friends.
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