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高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态1 / 14 高三英语语法复习教案-动词时态语态【时态的基本概念】时态是表示谓语动作时间概念的动词形式。英语中的时态专指谓语动词而言,不同时间概念的谓语动作有不同的时态,每一个时态又有各自不同的动词形式。高中阶段要求学生熟练掌握八种时态,此外现在完成进行时在高中教材中反复出现,也应列入应知应会 的范围。1.一般现在时:经常发生的动作或规律性的动作。Each person needs water and a diet of healthy food. (P.2, Senior Book1B) The moon travels round the earth once every month. (P. 8, Senior Book2B) 在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来的概念。引起时间状语从句的连词有: when, after, before, until, as soon as;引起条件状语从句的连词有:if, unless; so(as)long as。I will not stop my fight against slavery until all slaves are free. (P.52, Senior Book1A) 2.一般过去时: 过去发生过了的动作,这个动作的全过程已经结束。诸如 yesterday, last ago都是典型的一般过去时的时间状语。Fortunately, I was in time for the interview. (P.34, Senior Book2B) The interview went well and I told the company about my experiences and answered their questions as honestly as I could. (P.34, Senior Book2B) 3.一般将来时:将要发生的动作。-Its a bit windy today, isnt it? -Yes, it is. Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine. (P.43, senior Book2B) Besides, you will not find coral near the mouths of rivers either because the river water has too much soil in it or because it is polluted. (P.20, Senior Book2B) Do you think our manager is going to have a new factory built? (P.24, Senior Book2B) 4.现在进行时:说话时正在发生的动作。Im doing a word puzzle in this newspaper. Im trying to find the name of a famous person. Can you help me? (P. 1, Senior Book2B) 现在进行时同always 配合使用时,带有厌恶、批评,不喜欢等感情色彩。They also have bad teeth, because of the sugar which they are always eating. (P.3, Senior Book1B) 5.过去进行时 :过去某一时间或某段时间正在进行的动作。He bought a coffee and as the train was traveling fast and moving from side to side , he decided to drink it there and not to carry it back to his seat. (P.32, Senior Book2B) Over 500 people were working in the building when the fire broke out on the 11th floor. (P.6, Senior Book1B) 6.现在完成时:与现在有联系的过去的动作。Mr. Ball has just called on Mrs. Zhu to give her a message. (P.13, Senior Book2B) 同现在的联系是:刚刚探访了朱夫人,给她带了口信,这件事距现在时间很近,没有多长时间。We shall have to make a decision about Ms King, whose story I have just told you. (P.19, Senior Book1B) 同现在的联系是:现在你们已经知道有关她的经历,不会影响做出决定。7.过去完成时:比过去的一个参照动作或时间更早的动作,作为参照的过去的动作或时间有时在句子中直接表述出来,有时通过上下文暗示。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 14 页高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态2 / 14 Her parents were dead and had left her a lot of money. (P.14, Senior Book2B) 本句中 had left her a lot of money 发生在 her parents were dead之前,比较容易看出 过去的过去,应该不会产生理解上的困难。Einstein had always been fond of music and had learnt music as a young boy. (P.3, Senior Book2B) 课文一直在叙述爱因斯坦的经历、成就, 使用的都是一般过去时。或者我们可以说一般过去时是课文的基础时态。课文的最后又倒叙爱因斯坦少年时代的事情,这是比基础时态一般过去时更早的动作,因此两个并列的谓语动词都用过去完成时。在这类句子中, 作为参照的动作或时间需要我们通过对文章的整体理解才能体会出来。8.过去将来时:以过去某一时间为参照,将要发生的动作。在宾语从句中由于时态呼应的要求,经常会用到过去将来时。I thought it was going to be fun. (P.54, Senior Book1A) 针对I thought 这个过去的动作而言的将来。9.现在完成进行时:由过去开始,延续到现在并且可能继续进行的动作。现在完成进行时在句子中一般可以翻译成一直 。People have been talking of it a lot recently. (P.25, Senior Book2B) 最近人们一直在大量地谈论这件事。Pippas parents have been waiting for them. ( P.61, Senior Book2A) Pippa 的父母一直在等他们。For years we have been dreaming better housing and jobs. (P.37, Senior Book2B) 多年来我们一直梦想着更好的住房和工作。【相关知识及运用】1. 一般过去时、现在完成时、过去完成时的区别。上述三个时态在使用中容易混淆是因为他们有相近的地方,这个相近之处就是过去 。现在完成时和过去完成时的概念都同过去 有关, 彼此之间的混淆便由此产生。只有抓住他们的不同,才能熟练地将这三种时态区别开。一般过去时只用以陈述过去发生过的事情。In a poor district in Paris, in the year 1775, there was a wine shop, the owner of which was Monsieur Defarge. (P.56, Senior Book2B) 向读者陈述1775 年所发生的故事的地点、人物等有关信息。现在完成时表达的动作虽然发生在过去,但说话时要强调的是这个过去的动作与现在有关系,语意的重心着眼于现在。这种过去的动作同现在的联系有两种情况:a)过去的动作对现在仍具有影响。-Would you go to see the film with me this evening? -Sorry, I have seen it before. have seen the film 的动作肯定发生在过去,对现在的影响是我不想和你去看了。b)过去的动作延续到现在。表示这种延续时经常会用到for、since 一类时间状语。I have worked in Beijing since I graduated from the university. (从毕业一直延续到现在) We have lived in Beijing for about 20 years. (20年前发生的live ,一直延续到现在) 过去完成时必须有一个过去的动作作为参照点,由此发生了同一般过去时混淆的问题。过去完成时是一种相对的时态,它必须有一个过去的动作为参照,比这个过去的参照动作更早的动作才能用过去完成时。如果没有这个过去的参照的动作,就没有过去完成时,即使是一亿年前的动作也是一般过去时。When I got to the cinema, the film had begun. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 14 页高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态3 / 14 got to the cinema 是过去的动作,had begun 则发生在 got to the cinema 之前。进行时态的两种概念现在进行时和过去进行时都具有两种不同的时间概念:瞬间概念和阶段概念。现在进行时的瞬间概念就是说话的时候 。表示瞬间概念时,现在进行时的时态特点是,动作已经开始,正在过程中,但尚未结束。基于这一特点,下列句子通常用现在进行时,以表达动作没有结束。Our country is getting stronger and stronger. Im getting on well with my English. 过去进行时的瞬间概念通常用表示点时间 的时间状语表达出来。I was doing my homework this time yesterday. Mother was cooking when I came home. 阶段概念的时间状语是段时间 ,表示在一段时间内一直在做的动作,至于动作是否结束则不是说话者所关心的。He is writing a new novel these days. 这些天他一直在写一本新小说。(没有干其他的事情)The workers were building a bridge last year. 这些工人们去年一直在修建一座桥。2. 将来时的五种动词形式1.will(shall)+ 动词原形,用以表示预见 和主观意图 Go through the gate and you will find the entrance to Bear Country on the other side. (P1, Senior Book2A) (表示 预见 )Lets go together then. I will meet you at the theatre at six-thirty. (P.19, Senior Book2A) (表示 主观意图 ) 2.be going to + 动词原形,用以表示打算做某事 或已经有迹象将要发生的情况。Im going to cut this tree down. (P.25, Senior Book1B) It is going to rain. ( 有迹象表明将要下雨) 3.be to +动词原形,用以表示按照计划、安排即将发生的动作或表示命令、禁止。The message is this: you are to go to the hotel where rooms have already been booked for you. (P.33, Senior Book2B) 4.will be doing ,在当代英语中用以表示纯粹的将来。Who will be taking over her job? Everybody else will be wearing jewellery. (P.13, Senior Book1B) 5.用进行时的动词形式表示将来的概念。这种用法通常仅限于瞬间动词,因为瞬间动词不可能有 进行 的概念,所以不会产生歧义。How many of you are making the trip? (P.9, Senior Book1B) Is anybody seeing you off? (P.13 Senior Book1A) 【语态的基本概念】语态是表示主语、 谓语和宾语之间相互关系的动词形式。在英语中有主动语态和被动语态之分。主动语态所表达的主、谓、宾之间的关系是:主语发出或执行谓语动作,谓语动作的对象或承受者为宾语。即主语同谓语具有语意上的逻辑关系,谓语同宾语具有语意上的逻辑关系。被动语态所表达的关系是:动作的承受者做句子的主语,这时句子的主语和谓语之间具有逻辑上的动宾关系。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 14 页高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态4 / 14 Satellites for broadcasting are used to send radio and TV programmes from one part of the world to another. (P.8, Senior Book2B) 谓语动词use同主语 satellites for broadcasting 具有逻辑动宾关系,因此使用被动语态。我们可以将这个句子恢复成正常的主、谓、宾关系:We use satellites for broadcasting to send radio and TV programmes from one part of the world to another. 【相关知识及运用】1.被动语态的动词形式问题:在语言实践中, 语态和时态总是结合在一起使用,每一个时态都有同它相对应的被动语态形式。被动语态的基本形式:语态助动词be + 过去分词。凡需进行时态变化时,只将be 变为与其相应的时态形式,过去分词永远不变。动词 do 的时态、语态形式变化对照表主动语态被动语态一般现在时do ( does ) am(is, are )+ done 一般过去时did was(were )+ done 一般将来时will(shall) do will be + done 现在进行时am(is are )doing am(is,are)being+done 过去进行时was(were) doing was(were)being+done 现在完成时have(has) done have(has)been+done 过去完成时had done had been+done 过去将来时would do would be + done 现在完成进行时have(has)been doing 没有被动形式过去完成进行时Had been doing 没有被动形式Many of them are well received, such as Follow Me; Follow Me to Science.(P.46, Senior Book1A) Ships and planes can be warned so that they can keep out of the path of the hurricane. (P.9, Senior Book2B) They are already being used in agriculture and industry. (P.26, Senior Book2B) Computer will be used more and more in transport. (P.26, Senior Book2B) A new government programme has been designed to help disabled people . (P.46, Senior Book2B) 2.高考试题实例分析直接考查时态、 语态知识的试题主要体现在单项选择和改错两个题型中,而且几乎每年都会考到,因此必须将时态、语态问题作为复习的重点内容,务求达到深刻理解,熟练运用。近年来高考命题的特点是,在特定的语言环境中考查对时态、语态的理解。 试题的意图往往隐蔽、 迂回,迷惑项的设计技巧很高,容易干扰考生的思维。如果没有对时态概念的深刻理解,没有对语言应用环境的综合分析,便会对试题感到困惑。下列试题可以帮助我们领悟高考命题的趋势。例 1:Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _ so rapidly.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 14 页高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态5 / 14 (2001 年高考试题)A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change 答案为 A。试题没有把考查的意图定位于对时态概念的简单理解,考生必须对现在进行时的本质特征 -动作尚未完成,仍在过程中- 有深刻的理解,否则将思路仅仅局限在正在变化、已经变化 或将要变化 ,难于得出正确的结论。例 2:I _ ping-pong quite well, but havent had time to play since the new year. (2001 年高考试题)A. will play B. have played C. played D. play 答案为 D。but 分句使用现在完成时,将谈话的时间概念限定在当前 。如果选C,前一分句说 过去 ,后一分句说 现在 ,不合逻辑。 本句的意思是说乒乓球一向打得好,只是最近一段时间没有打, 乒乓球打得好是一种技能,选用一般现在时,是经常发生的动作这一概念的扩展和延伸。例 3:- You havent said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it? - Im sorry I _ anything about it sooner. I certainly think its pretty on you. ( 2002 年高考试题)A. wasnt saying B. dont say C. wont say D. didnt say 答案为 D。sorry 的原因是早先没有说到这件事,因此必须用一般过去时。例 4:The price _, but I doubt whether it will remain so.(1999 年高考试题)A. went down B. will go down C. has gone down D. was going down 答案为C。目前价格的状况已经低下来,至于 价格下降 始于何时同谈话的内容无关。试题意在考查对 过去的动作对现在的影响的理解。时态语态基础训练1 I. 用所给动词的适当的过去时或将来时的形式填充。1. Lets keep to the point or we _ never_ (reach) any decisions. 2. My mind wasnt on what he was saying, so Im afraid I_ (miss) half of it. 3. I dont think Jim saw me; he _ just _ (start) into space. 4. I _ (ask) you not to move my dictionary-now I cant find it. 5. Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when people _ (begin) to enjoy the advantages of this new technology. 6. -George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding? -No, I _ _ _ (invite). Did they have a big wedding? 7. Shirley _ (write) a book about China last year but I dont know whether she has finished it. 8. John and I have been friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we _ _(see) each other a couple of times before that. 9. His wife _ _ (hope) to catch the first train but she was too late. 10. I _ _ (catch) in the heavy rain on the way to the cinema. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 14 页高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态6 / 14 11. I found the sentence _ _ (not read) smoothly. 12. What he had said at the meeting _ (prove) true. 13. -Did you see Tom at the party? - No. He _ _ (leave) by the time I arrived. 14. - How time flies! Its already 10 oclock. - Oh, I _ _ (not realize) it at all. 15. - Im sorry that I shouldnt have been so rude to you. - You did_ (lose) your temper but thats OK. II.用所给动词的适当的过去时或将来时的形式确翻译下列各句:1. The thief tried to break away from the policeman who _ _(一直抓着 ) him but failed. 2. -What were you doing when Tony phoned you? -I had just finished my work and _ _(正准备开始 )to take a shower. 3. -You were out when I dropped in at your house. -Oh, I_ _( 在等候 )for a friend from England at the airport. 4. - Why havent you asked her to come here? - She _(正在做工 ) an important experiment when I found her and she hasnt finished it. 5. - What were you up to when she dropped in? - I_ _( 刚玩了一会儿)for a while and _ _ _ _( 正打算看书 ) some reading. 6.Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _often_(会看到 ) advertisement showing happy families. 7. - What place is it? - Havent you seen that we are back where we _( 回到了原地 )? 8. - Tomorrow is my birthday. Id like you and Jane to come. - Im not sure if she _ _ ( 将)free. 9. The crazy fans _ _ _(一直在等 )patiently for two hours and they would wait till the movie star arrived. 10. You_ _( 要求你 ask) not to move the desk-now it is broken. 时态语态基础训练2 1. By the time I saw the angry expression in his face, I _ exactly what I was having to face. But not for a moment _ I should quit. A. had known ; I thought B. have known ; had I thought C. would know ; I would think D. knew ; did I think 2. In such a fierce competition, a person h as to make every effort if he _. A. has succeeded B. is to succeed C. should succeed D. will succeed 3. The man opened his eyes and moved his lips, as if _ that he had something to tell the doctor. A. saying B. having said C. to say D. to have said 4. - Is the meeting held in Room 302 or 303? - It should be 302. But I hear that it _ till tomorrow. A. was put off B. will put off C. has been put off D. is put off 5. The University of Tokyo is the oldest university in Japan and has always been in the lead when 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 14 页高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态7 / 14 it comes to _ new challenges. A. be faced B. face C. facing D. faced 6. In fact, more and more people _ to live a greener, healthier and more environmentally green life. A. chose B. choose C. are choosing D. have chosen 7. Our car _ at the present speed until it reaches Qingdao at about nine oclock tonight. A. went B. is going C. goes D. will be going 8. China is _ to_ continued help to Iraq in its reconstruction. A. willingly ; give B. willing ; giving C. willing ; offer D. will ; offering 9. - I thought you were going to leave early today to take your son to the show. - I _, but I cant leave until I finish typing all the letters. A. had planned to B. planned to C. am still planning to D. was still planning to 10. Unfortunately, when we dropped in, Doctor Li _ for Indonesia to rescue the injured there, so we only had time for a few words. A. has just left B. was just leaving C. had just left D. just left 11. - Is the radio bothering you ? - It certainly is. Id like it _. A. turned off B. to turn off C. being turned off D. turning off 12. The teacher seldom let an opportunity to teach his students or to help them make up for the days of schooling they had missed _. A. pass B. passing C. to pass D. being passed 13. Recently quite a lot of experts _ that another law on wildlife protection _ as soon as possible. A. suggested; must be passed B. have suggested; be passed C. were suggested; must be passed D. suggested; being passed 14. He _ fault with other people though he doesnt do his work properly. A. always finds B. has always found C. is always finding D. always found 15. I _ for three hours when I suddenly became sick. A. had been working B. would work C. have worked D. am working 16. - Has George returned from Japan yet? Id like to meet him. - Im terribly sorry, but he _ back here only for last weekend. A. has been B. would be C. had been D. was 17. Im very disappointed with my neighbor. She said she would keep her cat off my grass, but she _. A. didnt B. hasnt C. wouldnt D. hadnt 18. - Why do you look so upset? - There are so many troublesome problems _ . A. remaining settled B. remained settled C. remaining to be settled D. remained to be settled 19. The house keeper mentioned that the dog _ her daughter more than once. A. would attack B. was attacking C. was attacked D. had attacked 20. -Why were you not at the concert ? -I _ a close game between two European football teams. A. watched B. had watched 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 14 页高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态8 / 14 C. was watching D. have been watching 时态语态强化训练1 I in a foreign trade company for five years. Still, I dont regret giving up the well-paid job. Aworked Bhave worked Cwas working Dhad worked 2-Were you told to attend the meeting? I didnt see you anyway. - , but I had an accident on the way. AI was going BI would CI should have DId like to 3. -Youve agreed to go? So why arent you getting ready? -But I _ that you would have me start at once. A. dont realize B. hadnt realized C. didnt realize D. am not realizing 4. -Where is your daughter working? -In the same company as I. I would rather she _ here. A. had not worked B. not work C. doesnt work D. did not work 5. -You havent said a word about my new hair-style, Molly. Do you like it? -Im sorry I _ anything about it sooner. I certainly think its pretty. A. wasnt saying B. dont say C. wont say D. didnt say 6.-Have you ever visited the Slender West Lake ?-Yes. When I was in Yangzhou, I it twice. A. have visited B. visited C. had visited D. would visit 7. The little boy _ asleep while watching TV . His mother carried him to bed. A. had fallen B. fell C. was falling D. would fall 8. -We would have arrived there much earlier in your car. -I agree. But it _. A. was repaired B. was repairing C. had been repaired D. was being repaired 9At this time tomorrow over the Atlantic. Awere going to fly Bwell be flying Cwere flying Dwere to fly 10 -When the next train leave for Boston, please? - Usually at 13:15 but because of a small accident on the line, it at 13:45. Adoes; is going to start Bwill; starts Cdoes; will start Dwill; is to start 11. -How about my food? I _ here for almost half an hour. -Im sorry, sir. It must be ready by now. A. have been sitting B. am sitting C. had been sitting D. was sitting 12. -Remember the first time we met, Susan? -Of course I do. You _ in the library. A. read B. had read C. were reading D. would read 13. The number of people hurt in the traffic accident _ to 95, the news agency reports. A. has increased B. have increased C. has been increased D. have been increased 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 14 页高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态9 / 14 14. It seems that you _ this report or you can see what I questioned just now. A. dont read B. didnt read C. havent read D. hadnt read 15. -Hello, Jim. I to see you today. Sonia said you ill. -Oh Im OK. A. didnt expect; were B. dont expect; were C. havent expected; are D. are not expecting; are 16. We were very busy yesterday. Otherwise we _ part in the discussion. A. would take B. did take C. had taken D. would have taken 17. - My flight _ . Id better be on my way. Goodbye. - Bye. Happy landing! A. was announced B. is being announced C. has announced D. is announced 18 - Why! Where is the key to the meeting room? Can I have left it in the taxi? - Dear me! You anything in the taxi! A. had never left B. have never left C. would never leave D. never leave 19. This time next week, we _astronauts from the Challenger trying to deal with the mechanical problems. A. will see B. will have seen C. will be seeing D. shall see 20. Hey, Lee. I _ you never took interest in anything like this. What a surprise! A. dont think B. didnt think C. think D. thought 21. George had thought of paying a visit to the zoo with his children last Sunday, but he just _ he would have so little time to spare. A. hadnt known B. wouldnt know C. knew D. didnt know 22. Those who were late for school this morning, down your names on the blackboard! A. write B. wrote C. are writing D. will write 时态语态高考题2007 年高考1. The flowers were so lovely that they _ in no time. (全国卷I)A. sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. would sell 2. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I _ there several years ago. (全国卷I)A. are going B. had been C. went D. have been 3. -Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad. -Oh, nothing much. In fact, I _ of my friends back home. (全国卷II)A. have just thought B. was just thinking C. would just think D. will just be thinking 4. -Tom, you didnt come to the party last night? -I _, but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do. (全国卷II)A. had to B. didnt C. was going to D. wouldnt 5. -Did you tidy your room? (上海卷)- No, I was going to tidy my room but I _ visitors. A. had B. have C. have had D. will have 6. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances _ in the past years. (上海卷)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 14 页高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态10 / 14 A. discovered B. have discovered C. had been discovered D. have been discovered 7. They_ two free tickets to Canada, otherwise theyd never have been able to afford to go. (山东卷)Ahad got Bgot Chave got Dget 8. -Did Peter fix the computer himself? -He _, because he doesnt know much about computers. (安徽卷)A. has it fixed B. had fixed it C. had it fixed D. fixed it 9. They became friends again that day. Until then, they _ to each other for nearly two years. (安徽卷)A. didnt speak B. hadnt spoken C. haven t spoken D. haven t been speaking 10. -How can I apply for an online course? -Just fill out this form and we _ what we can do for you. (北京卷)A. see B. are seeing C. have seen D. will see 11. I got caught in the rain and my suit_. (北京卷)A. has ruined B. had ruined C. has been ruined D. had been ruined 12. -It was really very kind of you to give me a lift home. -Oh, dont mention it. I _past your house anyway. (北京卷)A. was coming B. will come C. had come D. have come 13. -I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening. (福建卷)-Impossible. She TV with me in my home then. A. watched B. had watched C. would watch D. was watching 14. Danny hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular. (福建卷)A. works B. is working C. has worked D. worked 15. As the years passed, many occasions-birthdays, awards, graduations-_ with Dads flowers. (湖南卷)A. are marked B. were marked C. have marked D. had marked 16. Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she _ English for a year. (湖南卷)A. studies B. studied C. is studying D. has been studying 17. At the end of the meeting, it was announced that an agreement _. (江苏卷)A. has been reached B. had been reached C. has reached D. had reached 18. -_ you _ him around the museum yet? (江苏卷)-Yes. We had a great time there. A. Have shown B. Do show C. Had shown D. Did show 19. -Ouch! You hurt me! -I am sorry. But I any harm. I to drive a rat out. (江西卷)A. didnt mean; tried B. dont mean; am trying C. havent meant; tried D. didnt mean; was trying 20. -I have got a headache. -No wonder. You in front of that computer too long. (江西卷)A. work B. are working C. have been working D. worked 21. I there little more than a week when I set to work with the scientist.(陕西卷)A. would be B. have been C. had been D. will be 22. The unemployment rate in this district from 6% to 5% in the past two years. (上海春)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 14 页高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态11 / 14 Ahas fallen Bhad fallen Cis fall in Dwas falling 23. John had to have his car repaired in a garage because it seriously. (上海春)Adamaged Bwas being damaged Chad damaged Dhad been damaged 24. When you get the paper back, pay special attention to what _ . (四川卷)Ahave marked B. have been marked Chad marked Dhad been marked 25. -Did you see a man in black pass by just now? -No, sir. I _ a newspaper. (四川卷)A. read B. was reading C. would read D. am reading 26. If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what _ in science and technology. (天津卷)A. had discovered B. had been discovered C. has discovered D. has been discovered 27. -Jack bought a new mobile phone the other day.(浙江卷)-_? Thats his third one in just one month. A. Had he B. Did he C. Does he D. Has he 28. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where _ yet.(浙江卷)A. hasnt been decided B. havent decided C. isnt being decided D. arent decided 29. The play had already been on for quite some time when we _ at the New Theatre. (浙江卷)A. have arrived B. arrived C. had arrived D. arrive 30. -Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday? -Yes, he did. He _ his old friends for a long time. (重庆卷)A. didnt see B. wouldnt see C. hasnt seen D. hadnt seen 31. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) _birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free. (重庆卷)A. is said to be buying B. is said to have bought C. . had said to buy D. has said to have bought 32. -Do you have any idea what Paul does all day? -As I know, he spends at least as much time playing as he _. (重庆卷)A. writes B. does writing C. is writing D. does write 33. When I called you this morning, nobody answered the phone. Where_? (重庆卷)A. did you go B. have you gone C. were you D. had you been 34. -Have you handed in your schoolwork yet? -Yes, I have. I guess it _ now. (辽宁卷)A. has graded B. is graded C. is being graded D. is grading 35. -Has your father returned from Africa yet? -Yes, but he _ here for only three days before his company sent him to Australia. (辽宁卷)A. was B. has been C. will be D. would be 2008 年高考1. -Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time? (全国 I 卷)-Yes, since she _ the Chinese Society. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 14 页高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态12 / 14 A. has joined B. joins C. had joined D. joined 2. The wet weather will continue tomorrow, when a cold front _ to arrive. (全国 I 卷)A. is expected B. is expecting C. expects D. will be expected 3. -Did you watch the basketball match yesterday? (安徽卷)-Yes, I did. You know, my brother _ in the match. A. is playing B. was playing C. has played D. had played 4. I like these English songs and they _many times on the radio. (安徽卷)A. taught B. have taught C. are taught D. have been taught 5. So far this year we _ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent. (福建卷)A. saw B. see C. had seen D. have seen 6. I called Hnnah many times yesterday evening, but I couldnt get through. Her brother _ on the phone all the time! (湖南卷)A. was talking B. has been talking C. has talked D. talked 7. - Do you have any problems if you _ this job? - Well, Im thinking about the salary . (湖南卷)A. offer B. will offer C. are offered D. will be offered 8. -Im sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final. -I think so. He _ for it for months. (江苏卷)A. is preparing B. was preparing C. had been preparing D. has been preparing 9. By the time he realizes he _ into a trap, itll be too late for him to do anything about it. (山东卷)A. walks B. walked C. has walked D. had walked 10. - Do you think we should accept that offer? (江西卷)- Yes, we should, for we _such bad luck up till now, and time _ out. A. have had; is running B. had; is running C. have; has been run D. have had; has been run 11. We first met on a train in 2000. We both felt immediately that we _ each other for years. (辽宁卷)A. knew B. have known C. have known D. know 12. -Have you got any job offers? -No. I _. (辽宁卷)A. waited B. had been waiting C. have waited D. am waiting 13. If the weather had been better, we could have had a picnic. But it _ all day. ( 全国 II) A. rained B. rains C. has rained D. is raining 14. The moment I got home, I found I _ my jacket on the playground. (陕西卷)A. had left B. left C. have left D. was leaving 15. If their marketing plans succeed, they _ their sales by 20 percent. ( 全国 II) A. will increase B. have been increasing C. have increased D. would be increasing 16. -Did you go to the show last night? (陕西卷)-Yeah. Every boy and girl in the area _ invited A. were B. have been C. has been D. was 17. Though we dont know what discussed, yet we can feel the topic_. (陕西卷)A. had changed B. will change C. was changed D. has been changed 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 14 页高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态13 / 14 18. The telephone _, but by the time I got indoors, it stopped. ( 四川卷 ) A. had rung B. was ringing C. rings D. has rung 19. I dont believe youve already finished reading the book - I _it to you this morning! (浙江卷)A. would lend B. was lending C. had lent D. lent 20. -Whats that noise? (浙江卷)-Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine _ A. was tested B. will be tested C. is being tested D. has been tested 21. -Have you read book called Waiting for Anya? -Who _ it? (北京卷)A. writes B. has written C. wrote D. had written 22. The hotel wasnt particularly good. But I _ in many worse hotels(北京卷) . A .was staying B, stayed C. would stay D. had stayed 23. No decision about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed. (北京卷)A. will be made B. is made C. is being made D. has been made 24. He _ football regularly for many years when he was young. (天津卷)A. was playing B. played C. has played D. had played 25. Judy is going to marry the sailor she _ in Rome last year. (重庆卷)A. meets B. met C. has met D. would meet 26. He _ as a national hero for winning the first gold metal for his country in the Olympics. (重庆卷)A. regarded B. was regarded C. has regarded D. had been regarded 27. Teenagers _ their health because they play computer games too much. (重庆卷)A. have damaged B. are damaging C. damaged D. will damage 28. Do you know if Terry will go camping this weekend? (上海卷 ) Terry? Never! She _ tents and fresh air! A. has hated B. hated C. will hate D. hates 29. In recent years many football clubs _ as business to make a profit. ( 上海卷 ) A. have run B. have been run C. had been run D. will run 参考答案时态语态基础训练1 I. 1. will never reach 2. missed 3. was; staring 4. asked 5. began 6. hadnt been invited 7. wrote 8. had seen 9. had hoped 10. was caught 11. didnt read 12. proved 13. had left 14. didnt realize 15. lose II. 1. was holding 2. was starting 3. was waiting 4. was doing 5. had played; was going to do 6. will; see 7. were 8. will be 9. had been waiting 10. was asked 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 14 页高三英语语法复习教案设计-动词时态语态14 / 14 时态语态基础训练2 1-10 DBCCC CDCCB 11-20 AABCA DBCDC 时态语态强化训练1-5 BCCDD 6-10 ABBDB 11-15 ACACA 16-21 DBBCD 21-22 DA 时态语态高考题2007 年高考1-5 CCBCA 6-10 DBCBD 11-15 CADCB 16-20 DBADC 21-25CADBB 26-30 DBABD 31-35BBCCA 2008 年高考题1-5 DABDD 6-10 ACDCA 11-15 CDACA 16-20 ABBDC 21-25CDABB 26-29 BBDB 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 14 页
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