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BY : Karry Chen荷兰王国(正式形)地理位置:Northwest of Europe 东部与德国相邻,Land area:4.15万平方公里(不足三个北京大 )lOCATION首都BRIEF INTRODUCTIONthe National Day:4.30Official language:DutchCurrency:EuroReligion:Christian Catholic国旗 国徽King威廉亚历山大Willem Alexander 2013年4月30日,他接替母亲贝娅特丽克丝女王出任国家元首,成为荷兰123年以来的首位男性君主。Prime Minister马克吕特Mark Rutte自由民主人民党领导人。两度赢得荷兰大选。国徽(National Emblem) 国旗 National FlagCurrencyDutch guldenBe replaced by Be replaced by EuroEuroHolland treasures Four treasuresWindmill Tulip Cheese Klompen荷兰人用风车来磨米发电、排水、改沧海为良田。这些风车不停地吸水、排水,保障了全国三分之二的土地免受沉沦。Tulip 郁金香古代有位美丽少女住在雄伟的城堡里,三位勇士同时爱上了她,一个送她一顶皇冠,一个送给她一把宝剑,另一个送了一块金子。她不忍伤害他们任何一个人,只好向花神祷告。花神便将皇冠变为鲜花,宝剑变成绿叶,金子变球茎根,这样合起来便成了一朵郁金香。奶酪 cheeseOutput: 650 million kilos of cheese per year. On average the Dutch eat 14,3 kilos of cheese per person per year. No wonder Holland has a worldwide reputation for being a cheese country.木鞋 Klopen在游客眼里,荷兰木鞋不过是一种工艺品,实际上,自古以来木鞋对于荷兰人来说有着重要的实用价值,因荷兰土地太湿,而木鞋就变成了人们防湿的最好选择TaboosTaboosAvoid“13” and“Friday”as taboos.“13” symbolizes misfortune.“Friday” is a symbol of disaster . Do not want to talk about the U.S. political, economic and other personal problems.EtiquettesuGetting acquainted: When meeting family, friends and acquaintances it is common that everyone gives each other three kisses on alternating cheeks. Men in general shake each others hand.EconomyEconomyThe Netherlands is known as a politically stable country with a sound financial policy. The Netherlands is one of the most open economies in the world and is one of the worlds top 5 biggest exporters. EconomyHomosexuality在2001年,荷兰是世界上第一个同性婚姻合法化的国家。多年以来,同性恋社区已经收到了越来越多的权利和尊重。这些天来,一个荷兰人口的绝大多数支持同性恋者的宽容和平等的权利。The first couple homosexuality
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