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课时练课时练2一、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。()1. A. afraidB. badC. very()2. A. go B. there C. make()3. A. now B. houses C. pigs()4. A. little B. come C. make()5. A. fat B. strong C. wolfCBAAC二、根据图片及首字母提示补全单词。1. The three pigs are lovely. ittle2. The girl feels hot . ow3. I always help my mum. Im not a girl. ad4. Look at my . Its beautiful. ouse5. She can a cake. ake6. I to school, Mum. o三、判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。()1. You cant come in. T()2. The house is not strong. F()3. Please open the door. T()4. The pig is not afraid of the wolf. F()5. I have a good idea. F()6. Help! The tiger is coming. T()7. Its hot. Lets have some ice cream. F四、单项选择。()1. Im afraid _ the wolf. A. forB. ofC. toB点拨:点拨:be afraid of意为意为“害怕害怕”。()2. Dont run away,_. A. wolf bad bigB. wolf big badC. big bad wolf点拨:点拨:big bad wolf意为意为“大恶狼大恶狼”。C()3. My house is strong. The thief _ come in. A. can B. cant C. is点拨:点拨:句意是句意是“我的房子很坚固,贼不能进我的房子很坚固,贼不能进来来”,故选,故选B。B()4. Its _ today. We can swim in the water. A. cool B. hot C. cold点拨:点拨:根据常识可知可以游泳的天气很热,根据常识可知可以游泳的天气很热,故选故选B。B()5. _ the good pupil?Its Alice. A. What B. Who C. Whos点拨:点拨:根据答语可知是对人提问,要用根据答语可知是对人提问,要用who。C()6. This is _ little pig. A. I B. me C. my点拨:点拨:形容词性物主代词作定语。形容词性物主代词作定语。C()7. _ the window, please. A. Open B. Opens C. Opening点拨:点拨:祈使句用动词原形开头。祈使句用动词原形开头。A五、连词成句。1. comeYouincant(. )You cant come in. 2. doorOpenlittlepigsthe(,. )Open the door, little pigs. 3. Myveryhousestrongis(. )My house is very strong. 4. makeNowyouryouhousescan(. )Now you can make your houses. 5. afraidWhostheofbadbigwolf(?)Whos afraid of the big bad wolf? 六、选词填空,补全短文,并根据故事的发展顺序给图片排序。Mother Pig 1. _ three little pigs. They 2. _ Tom, Tim and Jim. They 3. _ theirmakeis come inarehas afraid of seeshasaremakeown houses. Toms and Tims houses are not strong. But Jims house 4. _ very strong. One day, a big bad wolf 5. _ Tom and Tim. He runs after them. Tom and Tim run into Jims house. The big bad wolfmakeis come inarehas afraid of seesisseescant 6. _. Tom,Tim and Jim are not 7. _ the big bad wolf. makeis come inarehas afraid of seescome inafraid of() () ()() ()13542七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。One day, a sheep is drinking water near a river. A wolf comes to the sheep. The wolf wants to eat the sheep. He says to the sheep,“You make my water dirty(脏的). ” The sheep says,“Im far away from you. How can I make your water dirty?”()1. A sheep is drinking _ near a river. A. waterB. milkC. juice点拨:点拨:由短文第一句话可知一只羊在河附近由短文第一句话可知一只羊在河附近喝水,故选喝水,故选A。A()2. A _ comes to the sheep. A. lion B. tiger C. wolf点拨:点拨:由短文第二句话可知一只狼朝羊走过由短文第二句话可知一只狼朝羊走过来,故选来,故选C。C()3. The sheep _ far from the wolf. A. is B. isnt C. doesnt点拨:点拨:由羊说的话由羊说的话“Im far away from you. ”可知羊离狼很远,故选可知羊离狼很远,故选A。A()4. The wolf wants to _ the sheep. A. help B. eatC. play with点拨:点拨:由短文第三句话可知狼想吃羊,故选由短文第三句话可知狼想吃羊,故选B。B()5. The sheep _ the water dirty. A. doesnt makeB. makesC. making点拨:点拨:由短文内容可知羊没有弄脏水,故选由短文内容可知羊没有弄脏水,故选A。A
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