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医学英语翻译疑难点Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望理解第一理解第一Even so, those clinicians who have seen largenumbers of cases of typhoid are familiar with the dull, torpid appearance of the patient, thefurred tongue, some degree of abdominal distension(usually slight), and the presence of coarse crepitations or rhonchi on auscultation of the chest.初译: 即使这样,那些已见过大量伤寒病 例的临床医生对患者迟钝而麻木的面貌、 舌苔、某种程度的腹膨胀以及胸部听诊时 的沙声咿轧音或干罗音都是司空见惯的。改译: 即使如此,经验丰富的临床医生还 是十分了解伤寒患者常有的征象:表情淡 漠、反应迟钝、舌苔厚腻、轻度腹胀以及 胸部闻及捻发音或干罗音。反复校对反复校对Obesity is one of extremes of the “Leaness-fatness”.初译: 肥胖是“瘦-胖”连续统一体的一个极端。改译:肥胖症即过度肥胖,与消瘦相对。简洁原则简洁原则1 1The patient was taking a lot of middle-of-night The patient was taking a lot of middle-of-night trips to the bathroom.trips to the bathroom.初译:患者在夜间频繁地上厕所。初译:患者在夜间频繁地上厕所。改译:改译: 患者夜尿频繁。患者夜尿频繁。2. Admission to hospital due to severe asthma 2. Admission to hospital due to severe asthma indicate thatindicate that the dinical medicines used have failed.the dinical medicines used have failed.初译:严重哮喘入院治疗表明,门诊中所用的药初译:严重哮喘入院治疗表明,门诊中所用的药物均未起到作用。物均未起到作用。改译:严重哮喘入院的指征是门诊药物治疗无效。改译:严重哮喘入院的指征是门诊药物治疗无效。3We should suspect anyone suffering from cholecystitis who is female, fat and forty or more and has some associated manifestations.初译:我们应当怀疑一个女性的、肥胖的、40岁以上的并具有相关症状的人得了胆囊炎。改四、译:反40岁以上的肥胖女性出现相关症状,均应疑及胆囊炎。词性转换词性转换The preventive measure include elimination of snails, control of excreta, provision of safe water supplies, and proper and prompt treatment of the patients and cattle.初译: 预防措施包括螺钉的消灭、排泄物的管理、安全水源的供应以及患者与病畜及时有效的治疗。改译: 预防措施包括消灭螺钉、管理粪便、提供安全水源以及有效治疗患者和病畜。同词异译法同词异译法1. A heavy person with heavy complexion was breathing heavily and in a heavy condition due to heavy drinking last night.2.The epidemic problem in the United States was recognized only after the epidemic was well under way, beyond the point when the pattern of epidemic spread could be studied with any assurance.参考译文: 一位体态臃肿的人因昨晚酗酒而呈现痛苦面容与呼吸困难的危急状况。参考译文: 艾滋病在美国的流行问题直至蔓延后才被认识,此时对传播方式才有了确切的认识。 被动与主动被动与主动 Many of the important allergens can be identified by taking a careful history.初译:许多重要的变应原可通过仔细询问病史加以了解。改译: 仔细询问病史可了解许多重要的变应原。 英语不及物动词译为汉语及物动词英语不及物动词译为汉语及物动词 Many more years passed of Plasmodium falciparum malaria, destruction of parasites and healthy erythrocytes, release of parasite and erythrocyte material into the circulation, and secondary host reaction occur.初译:在恶性疟疾急性期,寄生与健康红细胞破坏、疟原虫与红细胞物质释入循环、第二宿主反应发生。改译:在恶性疟疾急性期,会出现寄生与健康红细胞破坏、疟原虫与红细胞物质释入循环以及第二宿主反应。前后关系前后关系 Many more years passed before anyone suspected that germs could cause diseases.初译:在人们怀疑细菌可能会致病之前,又有许多年过去了。改译:许多年以后人们才怀疑细菌可能会致病。非人称主语非人称主语 The syphilis closed down the communal bath house of sixteenth century Europe.初译: 梅毒关闭了16世纪欧洲的公共浴室。改译: 16世纪欧洲因梅毒而关闭了公共浴室。 翻译专业化翻译专业化Brief Loss of Vision in One Eye初译: 一只眼睛暂时瞎了改译: 一过性单眼失明
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