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南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础CHAPTER 2The Supply Chain Management Concept供应链管理概念供应链管理概念第二章 供应链管理概念南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础CONTENTS OF CHAPTER 2nSection 0 Concept of SC and SCMnSection 1 Key Attributes of Supply Chain ManagementnSection 2 Barriers to Supply Chain ManagementnSection 3 Supply Chain Management and IntegrationnSummarynKey TermsnQuestions for Discussion and Review第二章目录第二章目录第二章第二章供应链与供应链管理的概念供应链与供应链管理的概念第一节供应链管理的重要特征第一节供应链管理的重要特征第二节供应链管理的障碍第二节供应链管理的障碍第三节供应链管理和整合第三节供应链管理和整合本章小结本章小结重要术语、讨论和复习题重要术语、讨论和复习题2南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Learning Objectivesn1. To learn about supply chains and their managementn2. To understand differences between transactional and relational exchangesn3. To realize the importance of leveraging technologyn4. To appreciate barriers to supply chain management本章学习目标本章学习目标第二章第二章 学习目标学习目标1.1.了解供应链及其管理了解供应链及其管理2.2.理解交易型交换和关系型交理解交易型交换和关系型交换的区别换的区别3.3.认识杠杆技术的重要性认识杠杆技术的重要性4.4.重视供应链管理的障碍重视供应链管理的障碍3南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Section 0 Concept of SC and SCMn1. Concept of Supply Chain n2. Concept of Supply Chain Management供应链和供应链管理的概念供应链和供应链管理的概念4南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础1 Concept of Supply Chain nA supply chain “encompasses all activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods from the raw material stage (extraction), through to the end user, as well as the associated information flows.”供应链包括与产品从原材料阶段(提炼)到最终用供应链包括与产品从原材料阶段(提炼)到最终用户之间的流动和转化相关的所有活动以及相关的信户之间的流动和转化相关的所有活动以及相关的信息流动。息流动。供应链和供应链管理的概念供应链和供应链管理的概念5南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础2 Concept of Supply Chain ManagementnSupply Chain Management encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all logistics management activities. Importantly, it also includes coordination and collaboration with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers, and customers. In essence, SCM integrates supply and demand management within and across companies.供应链管理包括涉及供应和采购、转化活动和所有供应链管理包括涉及供应和采购、转化活动和所有物流管理活动的计划和管理。重要的是,它还包括物流管理活动的计划和管理。重要的是,它还包括供应商、中介、第三方服务提供商和顾客等渠道伙供应商、中介、第三方服务提供商和顾客等渠道伙伴的协调和合作。本质上,供应链管理整合了公司伴的协调和合作。本质上,供应链管理整合了公司内和公司间的供需管理。内和公司间的供需管理。供应链和供应链管理的概念供应链和供应链管理的概念6南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Section 1Key Attributes of Supply Chain Management供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征第一节 供应链管理的重要特征南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Section 1 Key Attributes of Supply Chain ManagementnWhat attributes does Supply Chain Management have? 第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征8南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Section 1 Key Attributes of Supply Chain Management第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征Key Attributes of SCM1. Customer power2. Long-term orientation3. Leveraging technology4. Enhanced communication across organizations5. Inventory control6. interorganizational coordination供应链管理的重供应链管理的重要特征:要特征:1.顾客权力顾客权力2.长期定位长期定位3.杠杆技术杠杆技术4.跨组织沟通的跨组织沟通的增强增强5.库存控制库存控制6.组织间协作组织间协作9南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础1 Customer powernIn recent years, the customer has gained tremendous power over buying decisions, in large part because of greater access to information. 第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征顾客获得了极大的购买决顾客获得了极大的购买决策权力,大部分原因是有策权力,大部分原因是有更好的获取信息的机会更好的获取信息的机会10南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础1 Customer powercustomersInternetTVRadio productsorganizationsInformationFast and agile supply chainPower buying decisions第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征11南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础1 Customer powernIncreased power of customers has important implications for:The design and management of supply chain. Customer-centric, pull-oriented supply chains should replace factory-driven, push ones. 第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征不断增加的顾客权力对供应链的设计和管理有重要不断增加的顾客权力对供应链的设计和管理有重要的影响,还促使以顾客为中心的拉动式供应链取代的影响,还促使以顾客为中心的拉动式供应链取代传统工厂驱动的推动式供应链。传统工厂驱动的推动式供应链。12南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础1 Customer powerIncreased power of customersthe design and management of supply chainCustomer-centric, pull-oriented supply chainsFast supply chainPerfect ordersAgile supply chain第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征13南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础2 Long-term orientation第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征Why companies tend to emphasis on long-term performance?14南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础2 Long-term orientation第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征Short-term orientationTransactional exchangesLong-term orientationRelational exchangesFocus onFocus on长期定位关注关系型交换,需要参与成员之间信息共长期定位关注关系型交换,需要参与成员之间信息共享,短期定位关注交易型交换,获取短期收益。享,短期定位关注交易型交换,获取短期收益。Short-termbargainsInformation sharingtakeneed15南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Relational exchanges, transactional exchangesnDifferences between relational exchanges and transactional exchanges:第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征不同之处:信任、不同之处:信任、承诺、依赖、投承诺、依赖、投资和利益共享资和利益共享Differencestrustcommitment dependenceinvestmentShared benefits16南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础2 Long-term orientationnPartnerships: long-term relationships between supply chain participants.第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征高度依赖高度依赖共享信息共享信息一致的目标一致的目标共同信任共同信任共享利益共享利益基于价值的购买决策基于价值的购买决策Partnership characteristicsHigh Inter-dependenceShared informationCompatiblegoalsMutual trustShared benefitsBuying decisionsbased on value17南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础3 Leveraging technologynTechnology has been at the center of changes taking place that effect the supply chain. Two key factors of this change:(1) Computing power(2) The internet第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征技术是对供应链产生影响的变化的中心,这其中两个技术是对供应链产生影响的变化的中心,这其中两个最关键的因素是计算能力和互联网。最关键的因素是计算能力和互联网。18南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征3 Leveraging technologyThe internet has important implications for both business-to-consumer links and business-to-business links within supply chains, such as instantaneous visibility makes supply chain become more proactive and less reactive, lower inventories and improved profitability. (2) The internet: The introduction and continued development of the computer chip now allows for fast, low-cost mathematical solutions to complex supply chain issues.(1) Computing power: instantaneous visibility 即时可见性proactive 事前控制profitability 盈利能力Now, can you understand these sentences?19南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础4 Enhanced communication across organizationsnIt is essential that huge quantities of real-time information can be seamlessly transmitted across supply chain partners. nFor example: (1) retail point-of-sale information(2) real-time inventory information第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征巨量的实时数据能在供应链成员之间无缝传递是至关巨量的实时数据能在供应链成员之间无缝传递是至关重要的,例如销售时点数据、实时库存信息重要的,例如销售时点数据、实时库存信息20南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础5 Inventory controlnAspects of inventory control in SCM:(1) is to move from a pattern of stops and starts to a continuous flow (2) involves a reduction in the amount of inventory in the supply chain 第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征JAZ (just about zero) approachReducing the bullwhip effect供应链管理中的库存供应链管理中的库存控制一方面是从间断控制一方面是从间断模式转变成连续流,模式转变成连续流,减少牛鞭效应;另一减少牛鞭效应;另一方面是供应链中库存方面是供应链中库存数量的减少,即零库数量的减少,即零库存方法。存方法。21南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础bullwhip effectJAZ (just about zero) approachnbullwhip effect 牛鞭效应牛鞭效应characterized by variability in demand orders among supply chain participant the end result of which is inventory lumps. nJAZ (just about zero) approach零库存方法零库存方法Inventory can be reduced in a number of ways, such as smaller, more frequent orders; the use of premium transportation; demand-pull; and the elimination or consolidation of slower-moving product. 第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征22南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础6 interorganizational coordinationnBecause a primary objective of SCM is to optimize the performance of the supply chain as a whole, collaboration among supply chain participants is essential. nThere are myriad definitions of Supply chain collaboration. 第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征23南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础One definition of Supply chain collaborationnCooperative, supply chain relationships formal or informal between manufacturing companies and their suppliers, business partners or customers, developed to enhance the overall business performance of both sides. 第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征供应链协作是制造公司和它供应链协作是制造公司和它的供应商、商业伙伴或顾客的供应商、商业伙伴或顾客之间建立的正式或非正式合之间建立的正式或非正式合作的供应链关系以提高双方作的供应链关系以提高双方的整体商业绩效。的整体商业绩效。24南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Figure: Levels of Supply chain collaborationRelationship TypeDefinition Examples of Data ExchangedTransactional Integrate and automate the flow of information to align with product flowpurchase orders; invoicesTactical information sharingShare information before or after a purchase is madeorder status; product pricesStrategic Joint buyer/seller processes, decision-making and measurement forecasts; fulfillment processes第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征供应链协作关系类型可以供应链协作关系类型可以是交易的、战术信息共享是交易的、战术信息共享的或战略的。的或战略的。25南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Summary of Section 1 nNow, have you understand the key attributes of Supply Chain Management?nDiscuss your opinions with your classmates.第一节第一节 供应链管理的重要特征供应链管理的重要特征26南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Section 2Barriers to Supply Chain Management供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍第二节 供应链管理的障碍南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Section 2 Barriers to Supply Chain ManagementBarriers to SCM1 Regulatory and political considerations2 Lack of top management commitment3 Reluctance to share, or use, relevant data4 Incompatible information systems5 Incompatible corporate cultures6 Globalization第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍:供应链管理的障碍:1.管制和政治因素管制和政治因素2.缺乏管理高层的缺乏管理高层的承诺承诺3.不愿分享或使用不愿分享或使用相关信息相关信息4.不兼容的信息系不兼容的信息系统统5.不相容的公司文不相容的公司文化化6.全球化全球化28南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础1 Regulatory and political considerationsn(1) supply chain arrangements, many of them in use today would have been considered illegal several decades ago.n(2) Political considerations, such as war and governmental stability.第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍管制和政治因素障碍:管制和政治因素障碍:(1)供应链约定。比如今供应链约定。比如今天应用的许多供应链约定在几十年前的某些管制中天应用的许多供应链约定在几十年前的某些管制中是违法的。(是违法的。(2)政治考虑。战争和政府稳定性等)政治考虑。战争和政府稳定性等也是供应链管理的障碍。也是供应链管理的障碍。29南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础2 Lack of top management commitmentnTop management commitment is absolutely essential if supply chain efforts are to have any chance of success.第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍Do you agree with this perspective? Why? Or why not?供应链活动想要成功,供应链活动想要成功,高层高层管理的承诺是绝对必要的。管理的承诺是绝对必要的。30南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础2 Lack of top management commitmentnSenior management commitment to SCM occurs in only one of every three organizations.第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍Do you know the reasons? 实际上只有实际上只有1/3企业的管理高企业的管理高层会对层会对SCM作出承诺作出承诺。31南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础3 Reluctance to share, or use, relevant datanSome organizations are reluctant to share information, particularly information that might be considered proprietary in nature.This reluctant can contribute to supply chain problems, like bullwhip effect. nAdvances in computer now permit copious amounts of information to be processed and analyzed relatively quickly, like data mining technology.第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍32南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础data mining technology.nA technique that looks for patterns and relationships in relevant data, allows companies to lend order and meaning to their data. 数据挖掘技术是一种在相关数据中寻找模式和关数据挖掘技术是一种在相关数据中寻找模式和关系的技术,它使公司可以从相关数据中发现订单系的技术,它使公司可以从相关数据中发现订单信息及隐含的信息。信息及隐含的信息。第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍33南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础4 Incompatible information systemsnToday, a major barrier to interorganizational collaboration is incompatible computer software. nA key question is to: choose a single integrator approach or choose a best-of-breed approach第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍当前跨组织协作的主要障碍时不兼容的计算机软当前跨组织协作的主要障碍时不兼容的计算机软件。一个主要的问题是选择件。一个主要的问题是选择单一集成者方法单一集成者方法还是还是单项优势方法单项优势方法。34南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础4 Incompatible information systemsnIn a single integrator approach, all relevant software applications are provided by a single vendor. nIn a best-of-breed approach, organization choose the best application for a particular function.在在单一集成者方法单一集成者方法中,所有相关软件应用由单一中,所有相关软件应用由单一供应商提供。而在供应商提供。而在单项优势方法单项优势方法中,组织选择某中,组织选择某一个功能的最佳软件应用一个功能的最佳软件应用第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍35南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础5 Incompatible corporate culturesnBecause of long-term orientation and partnerships, it is important that the supply chain participants be comfortable with the companies they will be working with.第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍Do you know what is corporate culture? What about the corporate culture of Haier?36南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础5 Incompatible corporate culturesncorporate culture: refers to “how we do things around here”, and reflects an organizations vision, values, and strategic plans. nPotential differences of corporate culture may negatively affect supply chain effectiveness and efficiency. 第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍企业文化企业文化指指“我们在这里如何做事,反映了一个组我们在这里如何做事,反映了一个组织的愿景、价值和战略规划。织的愿景、价值和战略规划。企业文化的潜在差异可能会负面影响供应链效率和企业文化的潜在差异可能会负面影响供应链效率和有效性。有效性。37南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础5 Incompatible corporate culturesnFor example: participative management style might not mesh very well with autocratic management style.第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍participative participative management style management style 参与参与式管理风格式管理风格autocratic management autocratic management style style 独裁式管理风格独裁式管理风格38南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础6 Globalizationn(1) Challenges are even greater in global supply chains due to cultural, economic, technological, political, spatial and logistical differences.第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍由于文化、经济、技术、由于文化、经济、技术、政治、地理和物流差异,政治、地理和物流差异,全球供应链的挑战性更大。全球供应链的挑战性更大。39南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础6 Globalizationn(2) Longer and more unpredictable lead times increase the chance that customer demand might not be fulfilled. n(3) global supply chain glitches drive up supply chain costs and potentially jeopardize customer satisfaction.第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍更长的和更不可预计的交货提前期增加了顾客需求更长的和更不可预计的交货提前期增加了顾客需求不能满足的几率。不能满足的几率。全球供应链的失误增加了供应链的成本并有可能损全球供应链的失误增加了供应链的成本并有可能损害顾客满意度。害顾客满意度。40南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Summary of Section 2 nNow, can you tell me the barriers to Supply Chain Management?nWrite down your answer and explain.第二节第二节 供应链管理的障碍供应链管理的障碍41南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Section 3Supply Chain Management and Integration供应链管理与整合供应链管理与整合第三节 供应链管理与整合南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Section 3 Supply Chain Management and IntegrationnSupply chains are integrated by having various parties enter into and carry out long-term mutually beneficial agreements. 第三节第三节 供应链管理与整合供应链管理与整合43南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Section 3 Supply Chain Management and Integration第三节第三节 供应链管理与整合供应链管理与整合Long-term mutually beneficial agreementspartnershipsStrategic alliances Third-party arrangements Contract logistics长期互惠协议包括:长期互惠协议包括:伙伴关系伙伴关系战略联盟战略联盟第三方协定第三方协定合同物流合同物流44南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Section 3 Supply Chain Management and IntegrationnOrganizations can pursue three primary methods when attempting to integrate their supply chains.(1) vertical integration(2) formal contracts(3) informal agreements第三节第三节 供应链管理与整合供应链管理与整合组织企图整合它们组织企图整合它们的供应链时,可以的供应链时,可以使用三种主要方法:使用三种主要方法:(1)垂直整合)垂直整合(2)正式合同)正式合同(3)非正式合同)非正式合同45南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Section 3 Supply Chain Management and Integrationn(1) vertical integrationOne organization owns multiple participants in the supply chain.For example: some lines of paint and automotive tires.第三节第三节 供应链管理与整合供应链管理与整合供应链整合的第一种方法是垂直整合,是一个组织供应链整合的第一种方法是垂直整合,是一个组织拥有供应链中的多个参与者。最常见的例子是一些拥有供应链中的多个参与者。最常见的例子是一些油漆和汽车轮胎业,油漆和汽车轮胎业,46南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Section 3 Supply Chain Management and Integrationn(2) formal contractsUse formal contracts among various participants.One of the more popular uses of contracts is franchising 第三节第三节 供应链管理与整合供应链管理与整合供应链整合的第二种方法是在不同参加者之间使用供应链整合的第二种方法是在不同参加者之间使用正式合同。较流行的合同之一是特许经营。正式合同。较流行的合同之一是特许经营。47南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Section 3 Supply Chain Management and Integrationn(3) informal agreementsinformal agreements among the various organizations to pursue common goals and objectives, with control being exerted by the largest organization in the supply chain. 第三节第三节 供应链管理与整合供应链管理与整合供应链整合的第三种方法是在不同组织间建立非正供应链整合的第三种方法是在不同组织间建立非正式合同以追求共同的目的和目标,其控制由供应链式合同以追求共同的目的和目标,其控制由供应链中最大的组织来执行。中最大的组织来执行。48南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Summary of Section 3nReview what we learned in this section and discuss.第三节第三节 供应链管理与整合供应链管理与整合49南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Summary of chapter 2 n1. Concept of supply chain and SCMn2. Key attributes of SCM, such as customer power, a long-term orientation, and leveraging technologyn3. Various barriers to SCM, such as lack of top management commitment. n4. Integration in SCM本章小结本章小结50南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Key TermsAgile supply chain 敏捷供应链Bullwhip effect 牛鞭效应Carrier selection policy 承运人选择策略Channel partners 渠道伙伴Contract logistics 合同物流Customer relationship management 顾客关系管理Customer service management 顾客服务管理重要术语重要术语51南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Key TermsDemand management 需求管理Data mining 数据挖掘Fast supply chain 快速供应链Fourth-party logistics (lead logistics provider) 第四方物流(领先物流提供商)GSCF全球供应链论坛Information flow 信息流Manufacturing flow management 制造流程管理重要术语重要术语52南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Key TermsMarket share 市场份额, 市场占有率Multinational company 跨国公司Order fulfillment 订单履行Partnerships 合作伙伴Perfect order 完美订单Product development and commercialization 产品开发和商品化Raw material stage 原材料阶段Returns management 退货管理重要术语重要术语53南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Key TermsSCOR 供应链运作参考Slow moving items 滞销品Supplier relationship management 供应商关系管理Supply chain 供应链Supply chain collaboration供应链协作 Supply chain management (SCM) 供应链管理Supply chain performance 供应链绩效重要术语重要术语54南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Key TermsThird-party logistics 第三方物流Third party service provider 第三方服务提供商Transportation routing decision 运输路线决策Value-added 增值重要术语重要术语55南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Questions for Discussion and Reviewn1. What are four key attributes of supply chain management?n2. Why do contemporary supply chains need to be fast and agile?n3. What is the difference between relational and transactional exchanges? Which is more relevant for supply chain management? Why?n4. This chapter suggests that technology has been at the center of changes taking place that affect the supply chain. Do you agree or disagree? Why?n5. Discuss the impact of the Internet on supply chain management.第二章第二章 讨论和复习题讨论和复习题56南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础Questions for Discussion and Reviewn6. How might regulatory and political conditions act as barriers to supply chain management?n7. Why is top management commitment necessary for successful supply chain management?n8. Discuss the best of breed and single integrator approaches.n9.Do you think corporate cultures are relevant for supply chain management? Why or why not?n10.Discuss the three primary methods that organizations can use to integrate their supply chains.第二章第二章 讨论和复习题讨论和复习题57南昌工程学院 现代物流管理基础THE END OF CHAPTER 2Thanks for Your Cooperation
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