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练习题姓名_ 填空1.356-0181_my telephone number. A.is B. an B.are D. be 2. The man s name is Jonn Allan King . You can call him _. A. Mr Jonh B. Mr Allan C. Mr King D. Allan 3. His family_( be ) large. 4. My family_( be) very well. 5. These are two_(phone) 6 Mimi is the name _my cat. A. in B. for C. of D. to 7.Here_your books. A. am B. are C. is D .be 8. They like eating_(left). 9. These are many _(sheep) at the foot of the hill. A. cow B. horse D. sheep 10. Here _two photos of Li Mei. A. he B. are C. is D.am 11. Are these your brothers? A. Yes, these are. B. No, there are. C. Yes, they aren t D. No, they aren t. 12. There are some_(child) over there. 13. What s this in English? It s _ “ H” . A. a B. an C. the D. 14. -_Are you Jim? - No, I m not. A. Sorry . B. Excuse me. C. I m sorry . D. Never mind. 15. _ do you visit here? A. How B. How many C. How often D. Which 16. Please call Jane_833-8965. A. in B. at C. of D. for 17.Please buy me _books. A. a cup of B. a set of C. a bottle of D. a sets of 18. I lost _keys. A. a sets of B. a bottle of C. a set of D. a sets of 19. Where are _pens?Are _in the pencil-box? A. the;you B. her; his C. ;they D.my;they 20. The model plane is _. A. Jack B. Gina C. Gina is D. Gina s 21.She helped them_the room. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. is cleaning 22Could you use your book? Yes , you_. A. can B. could C. need D. should 23.Please take the football_your brother. A. of B. for C. to D. in 24. Jane, don t forget _your English book here tomorrow. A. take B. bring C. to take D.to bring 25. Runners eat very_every day. A. good B. well C. fine D. OK 26. Please _the books to your school. A. take B. bring C. have D. need 27. There is _ “ u” and _ “l” in the word “ ruler. A. a;a B. an;an C. a;an D. an;a 28.-Your pictures are very nice. -_ A. You are right. B. Thank you. C. You re OK. D. That s right. 29. Would you like_? Thank you.But I m not thirsty. A. any cakes. B. some bread C. any mooncakes D. some orange juice 30. He is often late for school. A. He is often_ _ _ _the cinema. 31. It s time _ A. for school B. to school C. for go to school D. go to school 32.Her present is the same _mine. A. for B. like C. as D. from 33.He is as _as his father. A. tall B. taller C. talls D. talling. 34.The book is _. We are _in it . A. interesting ; interested B. interesting; interesting C. interested; interesting D. interested; interested 35.It is an _film. A. interesting B. interest C. interested D. interests 36. That sounds _. A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. well 37. I m _( interest) in French. 38. That is an _(interest) book. 39. She likes_( football) games. A. watch B. watching C. see D. seeing 40. That s an_(question) A. interesting B.boring C. difficult D. really 41. Let s _it. H-A-L-L. A.spells B. spelling C. to spell D. spell 42. Can you draw pictures? No,I can t. It s very_. A.good B. nice C. difficult D. fun 43.It s a fine day. What about_to the park? A. go B. goes C. going D. to go 44. What s for dinner? How about some rice? _ A. Yes, I do. B. No,I don t C. Sounds good. D. Sorry, I can t. 45. The little girl can t write _. A. good B. nice C. to good D. to well 46. _do you like _breakfast? A. How.to B. Whatfor C. Whatto D. Howfor 47. How much_is there in the bottle? A. milk B. apples C. eggs D. pears 48. _? Yes, please. I want a T-shirt. A. Can I help you? B. What do you want? C. Can you help me? D. Do you buy something? 49. How s everybody doing? A. By bus. B. On foot. C. Just fine. D. Clean the room 50.What are you doing? A. Not much. B. It s OK. C. That s all right. D. All right. 51. _are these skirts? A. How old B. How much C. How many D. All right. 52. Everybody.Please turn to page_ and look at the_pictures. A. fifth five B. five fifth C. fifthfifth D. five five 53. What time do you usually get up , John? I usually get up at _ A. half past six B. half to six C. half after six D. thirty six 54.About _of the workers in the factory are young men. A. two-thirds B. two-third C. two-three D. second three 55. _students are girls in our class. A. Two-third B. Two-third C. Second-three D. Two-thirds 56.The story happened _ April 5the,2008. A.in B. on C. at D. of 57. Jack s birthday is _ A. September the fifteen B. September the fifteenth C. fifteen September D. fifty September 58. Mr Smith is _father. A. Jim and Kate B.Jim and Kates C. Jim s and Kate s D. Jim or Kate s 二根据答句写问句。1.A:You didn t go to school yesterday._ B:I went to visit my grandpa.He is not feeling well. 2.Mike:_ Tom s mom:Tom has a cold.He can t go out. 3.A:_ B:It s very far from Beijing .I am going to Kunming by plane. 4.A:_ B:Yes, I am going to read a book tomorrow. 5.A:_ B: My apples are 2kg 三根据图片的提示,描述一下上星期天的天气怎样,Amy 去了哪里,看见了什么,做了些什么,心情怎样。不少于5 句话。四阅读下面短文,选择最正确的答案,并将其字母编号填在括号内。Wang Jing and Wang Jie are sisters.Wang Jing is 14.She s 2 years younger than Wang Jie .But she s taller than Wang Jie ,Wang Jing is 46kg,She s 1kg heavier than Wang Jie . Wang Jing likes sports .She does sports every day,so she s stronger than Wang Jie.Wang Jing has short hair,but Wang Jie has long hair.They often wear the same size shoes.They wear size 36.They love each other. ( )1.Wang Jing has _sister. A. a younger B. an older ( )2.Wang Jie is _kg. A.45 B.47 ( )3.Wang Jie is _than Wang Jing. A. taller B. shorter ( )4. Wang Jie s hair _longer than Wang Jing s. A. is B. isn t ( )5.Wang Jing wear size _. A. 35 B. 36 勤劳的蜜蜂有糖吃
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