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1 名词专项练习和讲解一可数名词(1)规则变化 : 一般在单数名词词尾加-s。如: map maps, boy boys, horse horses, table tables. 以 s, x, ch,sh 结尾的词加 -es.如: class classes, boxboxes, watch watches, dishdishes. 以 o 结尾的名词 , 有生命的加 -es, 如: tomato tomatoes potato potatoes, heroheroes; 无生命的加 -s 如: photophotos, pianopianos.【快速记忆:词尾字母若是o,常用三个已足够,要加-es 请记好, hero, tomato, potato 。(英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿)。 】 以辅音字母加y 结尾的名词 ,变 y 为 i,再加 es。如: family families, city cities; 以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词 ,变 f 或 fe 为 v,再加 es。如: wolf wolves, life lives, knife knives.以 -f 或-fe 结尾的名词, 单数变为复数时, 大多将 -f 或-fe 变为 -ves, 常见的有:“ 小偷 (thief)的妻子 (wife) 用小刀 (knife) 和树叶 (leaf)把狼 (wolf) 放在架子 (shelf)上,劈成了两半(half), 结束了它的生命(life)。”以 -f 或-fe 结尾的名词 ,直接在词尾加 -s 的有:海湾 (gulf gulfs)农奴 (serf serfs)信 (belief beliefs)酋长 (chief chiefs),悬崖 (cliff cliffs)证据 (proof proofs)上顶房 )即房顶、屋顶roof roofs) ( 2)不规则变化变元音字母: man-men; woman-women; goose-geese; foot-feet; tooth-teeth; mouse-mice 单复数同行: fish; deer; sheep 特殊: child-children this-these( 这些 ) that - those(那些 ) 国人: Chinese Japanese ;Englishman- Englishmen ;Frenchman-Frenchmen; German-Germans变中心词: lookers-on(旁观者);brothers-in-law (n. 姐/ 妹夫 ) passers-by(过路人,行人) 没有中心词的在词尾加s。如: go-betweens( 媒人 );grown-ups(成人 ) ;精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页2 以 man 或 woman+n. 构成的复合词,两个名词都变复数.如 : men drivers; women doctors 二.不可数名词一般没有复数形式,说明其数量时,要用有关计量名词。量化单位通常有pair, piece, cup, bottle, glass, box, bag 等等。如:a bag of rice two bags of rice, a piece of paper three pieces of paper, a bottle of milk five bottles of milk. 三.在汉语中属于可数范畴,但在英语中为不可数名词的某些词advice:忠告 bread :面包chocolate:巧克力equipment: 设备damage:损坏food: 食物information: 消息furniture: 家具knowledge: 知识homework : 作业housework: 家务 water: 水paper:纸progress:进步rice:米population: 人口milk: 牛奶四.有些名词虽然形式上是单数,但只看成复数mankind 人类people 人民police 警察五.多数集合名词,即可看作单数(作为一个整体),做主语时,谓语动词要用单数。也可看作复数(表示集体中的各个成员),做主语时,谓语动词用复数。army 军队family 家group 小组eg: 1.Her family was well known in the region. 她家在该地区是名门望族。2. His family all work in the city. 他的家人都在这个城市上班。3. The family is not large. 这个家庭不大。 (指家庭这个整体)4. The family are all music lovers. 这家人都是音乐爱好者。(指家庭成员)六.表示时间、距离、金钱、度量的名词可以与数词一起组成定语的复合结构,中间用连字符号连接,并且名词只能用单数形式。a three-year study 一项为期三年的研究a ten-dollar bill 一张十美元的钞票七. 名词所有格名词所有格表示所属关系, (相当于汉语 “ 的” ), 在句中作定语、 宾语或主语。 其构成法如下:(1)表示人或其它有生命的东西的名词常在词尾加s。如:Childrens Day(儿童节 ), my sisters book( 我姐姐的书 ) (2)以 s 或 es结尾的复数名词,只在词尾加 “ ” 即可。如: Teachers Day; his parents room (3)在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,名词所有格的后面常常不出现其它所修饰的词如: the barbers 理发店the doctors (候诊室)(4)如果两个名词并列,并且分别有s,则表示 “ 分别有 ” ;只有一个s,则表示 “ 共有 ” 。如:Johns and Marys room (两间)John and Marys room (一间)(5)复合名词或短语,s 加在最后一个词的词尾。如:a month or twos vacation (6 双重所有格: of + 名词性物主代词of+ 名词 s 如:a friend of mine ( 我的一位朋友 ) , a friend of my fathers ( 我父亲的一位朋友) (7)无论表示有生命还是无生命的东西的名词,一般均可用介词of 短语来表示所属关系。如:a good daughter of the Party( 党的好女儿 ); the title of the song(歌名 );the cover of the book(书的封面 )。(8)有些表示时间、距离以及世界、国家、城镇等无生命的名词,也可在词尾加 s. 如:todays newspaper( 今天的报纸 ), ten minutes walk(十分钟的路程), Chinas population( 中国的人口 ). 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页3 一可数名词的复数规则变化1.map_ girl_ pen_ bag_ car_ 2.bus_ brush_ watch_ box_ 3.baby_ city_ country_ 4.hero_ potato_zoo_tomato_ photo_ 5.knife_ leaf_wolf_wife_ life_ 6.child_foot_ tooth_ mouse_ man_ 7.German_ Englishman_ Chinese_ 8.deer_ sheep_ yuan_ 中等题1.There are two_ over there. (watch)2.I like taking _. (photo)3.l can see a _and two _ standing there. (man, woman)4.There are two baskets of_ on the floor. (apple)5.Look at those_. (child)6.He doesnt like these_. (glass)7.How many _can you see? (radio)8.There are more and more _ drivers in Shanghai now. (woman)9.Give me some _, please. (water)含性别的复合名词1.There are twenty _ in our hospital. A. woman doctors B. women doctor C. women doctors D. woman doctor 2._ are usually careful in doing exercises. A. Girl students B. Girls students C. Girls students D.Girl s students可数名词复数不规则变化1. -What are these? -They are _. A. deers B. radios C. Radioes D.tomatos 2. How many _ are there in these _? A. tomatos, photos B. tomatoes, photos C. tomatoes, photoes D.potatos,photoes 3. Mr. Chen has two _. A. tooths B. teeth C. teeths D.toothes 4. Here are _ for you, Sue. A. potatos B. some potatoes C. three tomatos D. some tomato 5. Then the _ began to eat the green _ of young trees. A. deer, leafs B. deer, leaves C. deer, leaf D. deers, leafs 国人复数变化专项1.I met some _ in the park and talked with them the other day. A. Japanese B. American C. Chineses D. English 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页4 2. - Excuse me, are you _? - Yes, I m from _. A. Japan, Japanese B. China, Chinese C. England, English D.American, America 3. A group of _are talking with two_ over there. A. Frenchmen, Germans B. Frenchmen, Germen C. Frenchmen, German D. Frenchmanes, Germans 4. Yesterday a few _ came to visit some_ in Shantou. A. German, places of interest B. Germans, places of interests C. Germans, places of interest D. Germen, places of interest。5. Two _ and five _ are studying Chinese at Beijing University. A. German, English B. Germans, English C. Germans, Englishmen D. Germen, Englishmen 复合名词1.The delicious dishes are cooked by _. A. women cookers B. women cooks C .woman cooks D. woman cookers 2. Julie went to the _ to buy a pair of shoes. A. shoes store B. shoe s store C. shoe store D. shoes store 简单题1.After moving to their new house, the Lees bought some _ in the mall nearby. (08上海 ) A. furniture B. chair C. table D. shelf 2.We haven t got much _ for our picnic. Will you go and get some? (07上海 ) A. apple B. tomato C. bread D. biscuit 3.He knows _ Chinese and has _ Chinese friends. A. much, many B. many, much C. much, much D. many, many 4.I m thirsty. I think I ll buy some _.A. water B. bread C. eggs D. apples 5.-Would you like some _? -Oh, yes, just (只)a little. A. pears B. oranges C. milk D. grapes 6. Look ! There are some _on the floor. A child B boxes C water D girl 7. There are many _ in the fridge. A. fish B. fruit C. eggs D. bread 8. Don t hurry! We still have _ time left.A. little B. few C. a little D. a few 中等题1.Take some _ to school. It s so hot and you may feel thirsty.A. meat B. bread C. juice D. orange 2.We see many _ and _ on the hill. A. horses; sheeps B. horse; sheep C. horses; sheep D. horse, sheeps 4. -Could I have something to eat? - Sure. Here s some . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页5 A. chicken B. tomatoes C. orange D. Potato 2.There are _students playing in the playground. A. a great deal of B. a large amount of C. a large quantity of D. a number of 3. There is _milk and _apples in the fridge. Let s get some.A. little, a few B. little, few C. a little. few D. few. a little ?不可数名词简单题1.I ve read _ sports news about the F1 race today.A. two B. pieces C. two pieces D. two pieces of 2.My teacher game me _. A. a good advice B. some good advices C. some good advice D. good advices 3.Usually, young people have black _ and old people have white _. A. hairs, ones B. hair, one C. hair, ones D. hairs, one 4.Peter was busy with his work yesterday. He didn t get _.A. much sleep B. many sleeps C. more sleep D. most sleep 5.I think it is a wonderful _. A. work B. information C. idea D. news 6.Have you found some _ on the leaves? A. drops of water B. drops of waters C. drops water D. drop of waters 7. I want to buy _. A. two bottles of ink B. two bottle of ink C. two bottle of inks D. two bottles of inks 中等题1.How many _ did you have for breakfast? A. loaves of bread B. loaves of breads C. loafs of bread D. loaf of bread 2.We are very happy with our _ in our studies. A. great progresses B. great progress C. many progress D. lot of progress 3.Please pass me _. I will correct them. A. the test paper B. some pieces of test paper C. the test papers D. some piece of test paper 4. I d like to have a glass of milk and _. A. two breads B. two pieces of breads C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread 5. He bought _. A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoes C. two pairs of shoe D. two pair of shoe 抽象名词具体化1.They had _ climbing up to the top of the hill. A. good time B. the good time C. a good time D. good times 2.She has given us _. A. a great help B. many helps C. a large number of help D. a lot of help 3.I have to write _, but I have _ to write _. A. a paper, no paper, on B. paper, no paper, with C. a paper, not any papers, on D. a paper, not a paper, on 简单题4.This is _ room. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页6 A. Tom and MarysB. Tom s and Mary s C. Tom s and Mary D. Tom and Mary 5._ mothers couldn t go to the meeting, because they have gone to Chengdu.A. Li Lei and Lucy s B. Li Lei s and Lucy s C. Li Lei and Lucy D. Li Lei and Lucy 6._ came to visit us this morning. A. My father friend B. friend of my father C. A friend of my fathersD. One of my father s friend7.It s only ten _ break.A. minutes B. minute s C. minutes D. minutes s 5. Tom won the boys _ race in our school sports meeting. A. 15000-metre B.15000-metres C.15000-metre s D.1500 meters 6. Look at the shoes with adjustable heels. They are my _. A. sister B. sister s C. sisters s D. sisters 7. You must finish the work in_. A. three weeks time B. three weeks time C. three week s time D. three-weeks time 8. - Whose room is this? - It s _. A. Li Ming B. Li Ming s C. Li Mings D. Li Mings 中等题3.Look at the shoes. They are my _. A. sister B. sisters C. sisters s D. sisters 4.This is _ room. Come in, please. A. John and Joan of B. John and Joan s C. John s and Joan s D. John s and Joan3. We sell _ in our shop. A. woman and child s clothesB. women and children T shirts C. women s and children s jackets D. woman s and child s coats4. We had a good time during our _ holiday. A. two weeks B. two-weeks C. two-week s D. two weeks 5. _ room is on the 5th floor. A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lily s C. Lucy s and Lily D. Lucy s and Lilys5.I like that son of _. A. John s sister B. John sister s C. John s sister s D. John s sisters 6.On _, all the children can play games all day. A. Children s Day B. Childrens Day C. The Children s Day D.children day7.This is not my cap, but my _. A. brothers B. brother s C. brothers D. brother 4. Toms car is more beautiful than_. A. his brothers and sister B. his brother and sister C. his brothers and sisters D. his brothers and sisters 5. I ll go and call at _ right after school.A. the doctor B. the Smiths C. Smith D.my uncles精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页7 ( )1.The old woman has on her nose. A. a glass B. a glasses C. a pair of glasses D. a pair of glass ( )2.Maths not easy to learn. A. be B. are C. is D. were ( )3. room is very big. A. Toms and Johns B. Toms and John C.Tom and Johns D.Tom and John ( )4.Sheep white and milk also white. A.are; is B.is; are C. is; is D. are; are ( )5.These are new books. They are books. A. students B. studentss C. students D. student ( )6.What does the teacher say about lesson? And what about ? A. Jim; you B. Jims; your C. Jims; yours D. Jims; yours ( )7.Theres here. Please sit over there. A. not a room B. not the room C. no rooms D. no room ( )8.Are there on that farm? A. a hundred sheep B. hundreds of cows C. a few hundreds of horse D. hundreds of sheeps. ( )9.June 1st is . A. children day B. Childrens Day C. Childrens Day D. Childrens Day ( )10.That pair of expensive. A. glass is B. glass are C. glasses is D. glasses are( )1.The teachers name is John Henry Brown. His students call him . A. Mr Brown B. Mr John C. Mr Henry D. Mrs Brown. ( )2.Please pass me . A. two glass of water B. two glasses of water C. two glasses of waters D. two glass water ( )3.They got much from those books. A. ideas B. photos C. information D. stories ( )4.There are a lot of down there but hardly any . A. sheeps; people B. sheep; people C. Sheeps; peoples D. sheep; peoples ( )5.In time, there are a lot of trees on those mountains. A. a few year B. a few years C. few year D. a few years ( )6.I usually go to a to borrow some books. A. shop B. cinema C. hospital D. library ( )7.September 10 is in China. A. Teachers Day B. Teachers Day C. Teacher Day D. Teachers Day ( )8.Han Meimei and Lucy are good friends. They are in . A. Class Three B. Three Class C. Class Third D. third Class. ( )9.Uncle Wang bought two yesterday. A. watchs B. watches C. watch D. watching ( )10.There are some here. You may eat them. A. orange B. apple C. bread D. bananas 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页8 1-2 CA 1-5 BBBBB 1-5 ADACC 1-2 BC 简单: 1-8 ACAACBCA 中等: 1-5 CCADB 简单: 1-7 DCBACAA 中等 :ABBCA 抽:CDA 简单: ABCCA B/DBB 中等 :DBCDB AABDD 三 . 5.CCCAC 610.DDBCC 五. 15.ABCBB 610.DBABD ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页
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