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课题:Unit6 A PE lesson第 3 课时【教学目标】知识:能听说读写短语 puton技能:能听说读短语 stand on, sit on(D 部分)give orders, follow the orders,stand in a line, do some exercise, put your feet together, jump up and down (A 部分) 。掌握日常交际用语:Now listen carefully. Do thistimes能力:能用现在进行时描述图片的内容或人物的动作情意:培养学生乐于开口说英语,并用英语进行交流的习惯【教学重难点】1、能听说读写短语 puton,并在不同的语境和句式中组织相应的语句2、 能听说读短语stand on, sit ongive orders, follow the orders, stand in a line, dosome exercise, put your feet together, jump up and down;能用现在进行时描述图片的内容或人物的动作。【教学准备】投影片,录音机,挂图【教学过程】1、Warming-up1) Ask the students several questions about their daily life and ask them to try to givethe correct answers and see if they can be well mastered.2) Give the students a topic about the job they will do in the future and ask them to doa group to discuss and try to say something about it.2Listen and act.Touch yourwith yourTurn left and right.Lie on your back.Liftup your legs.在教学的过程中,老师可以向学生渗透祈使句。为接下来的教学做好准备。在教学的过程中,老师可以向学生渗透祈使句。为接下来的教学做好准备。3教师边把书放在头上边说:Look, I can put the book on my head. 然后把书放在手臂上并说: I can put the book on my arm. 教学短语 puton, 让学生自由组短语,然后指名学生展示自己的才能,用 I can puton my. Can you putonyour? 其余学生边回答边做出相应的动作。老师可以创设一些教学情境,让学生在情境中造句,提高学生学习的兴趣。老师可以创设一些教学情境,让学生在情境中造句,提高学生学习的兴趣。4读 E 部分对话,理解句子的含义。在熟读的基础上可引导学生复述或者表演对话,进一步巩固短语 puton的用法。设计意图:通过多种形式,让学生能够真正的掌握课文的内容。设计意图:通过多种形式,让学生能够真正的掌握课文的内容。给学生一些时间背诵这些地名和词组给学生一些时间背诵这些地名和词组, , 然后再加强朗读的训练。然后再加强朗读的训练。教师用动作提示学生说出其他和 on 有关的短语,如:教师站在椅子上, stand onthe chair;教师坐在课桌上,sit on the desk。5出示 D 部分图片,先观察,再决定用哪个动词短语,最后注意所用动词的现在分词形式,学生独立完成填空后校对答案。1.The boy is standing on the mans shoulders.2.The girl is sitting on the womans knee.3.The man is putting the plate on his finger.4.The girl is touching the flowers with her mouth.在校对答案的过程中,老师可以和学生一起复习现在进行时,并出示一些相应在校对答案的过程中,老师可以和学生一起复习现在进行时,并出示一些相应的题目,让学生可以得到巩固。的题目,让学生可以得到巩固。设计意图:单词与句型的操练,可以培养学生的英语口语水平,同时也为设计意图:单词与句型的操练,可以培养学生的英语口语水平,同时也为 C C 部部分的学习打好基础。分的学习打好基础。6 出示对话图一, 引导观察并回答: Who are they?(Theyre Mr Ma and his students.)What are they doing?(Theyre having a PE lesson. Theyre doing some exercise.)教师顺势补充:Yes, the students are in the sports hall. They are having a PE lesson. Theteacher is giving orders. The students are trying to follow the orders.然后教学短语give orders, follow the orders,注意比较两个短语的异同并熟练记忆。听录音一遍后看图描述图中人物的动作,教学短语 stand in a line, put your feet together, jumpup and down, put your hands on your head, turn left and right. 练习朗读对话前半部分。7.作业:抄写 D 部分四个句子;熟读 A 部分所学的。板书:Unit6 A PE lessonputonstand on, sit ongive orders,follow the orders, stand in a line,do some exercise, put your feet together, jump up and downDo this times.
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