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Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.Tuesday 星期二星期二(Section A 3a3c)一、核心词汇noise,policeman,wolf (Section A 3a3c)二、重点短语each other互相;something unusual一些不寻常的事情;have fun doing sth. 很开心做某事; run away逃跑;have no idea不知道,不了解 (Section A 3a3c)三、经典句子1. Nothing much ever happened around here. 这附近没有太多事发生。2. I think it was too big to be a dog. 我认为它太大不可能是狗。 (Section A 3a3c)3. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood,but what is it?一定有什么东西闯入了我们街区,但那会是什么呢?4. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood. 这个噪音制造者正以在街区制造恐惧为乐。 (Section A 3a3c)四、基础复现天天练:智擒小偷 (Section A 3a3c)题型题型体裁体裁词数词数难度难度建议建议完成完成时间时间正确正确率率短文填空记叙文 240 words8 min _/10 Nothing much ever happened around this small town. But one day,a man came to the judge(法官)Chen and told him that 1. _ had stolen all his money and ran away. The police caught a number of people,but they had no idea 2. _ the thief was. (Section A 3a3c)Chen thought very hard 3. _ then he had an idea. He told all the people who had been caught,“I know of a magic 4. _. It can tell who the thief is. You see,5. _ a thief touches the bell,the bell will ring out and make some noises. (Section A 3a3c)But if an honest man touches the bell,it will 6. _ silent. ” The men looked at each other surprisedly. They thought it was too crazy to be believed. But they did it. Chen gave the bell to one of the policemen. The policeman painted the bell 7. _ black ink. (Section A 3a3c)Chen then put the bell behind a curtain and spoke once more to the men that were caught. “I want 8. _ of you to come forward,put your hand through the curtain and touch the bell,” he said. After they had all done this,he looked at the peoples 9. _. (Section A 3a3c)Everyones hands had ink marks on them 10. _ for one. He was the thief. He had not touched the bell because he was afraid it would ring out. (Section A 3a3c)1._ 2._3._ 4._5._ 6._7._ 8._9._ 10._someone /somebody who andbellifkeepwith each hands except (Section A 3a3c) (Section A 3a3c)难点释疑难点释疑a number of许多。如:There are a number of books in the library. 图书馆有许多书。have an idea有主意。如:Mike has an idea on how to work out this problem. Mike在解决这个问题上有了主意。 (Section A 3a3c)tell分辨。如:Can you tell the differences between the twin brothers? 你能分辨出这对双胞胎兄弟的不同吗?ring out(铃声)响。如:Jack didnt get up though he heard the ring out. Jack听到了铃声响也没起床。 (Section A 3a3c)forward adv向前。如:He stepped forward to get the teachers attention. 他向前踏步来引起老师的注意。谢谢观看!同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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