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定语从句及经典例题汇编作者 : 日期 : ?高 考 英 语 语 法 复 习 :定 语 从 句概 念 : 在 复 合 句 中 , 用 来 修 饰 某 个 名 词 、 代 词 或 整 个 句 子 的 从 句 叫 做 定 语 从 句 。一、定语从句一般由关系代词和关系副词引导:1、关系代词 :ho, wh, whose, c, tha, as 2、关系副词 :he, wr, why 二、限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句: 1、限制性定语从句:从句与主句关系密切,去掉从句,主句意义不完整,甚至不合逻辑。e. I wa e onlypeso in ou office who wa ii (去掉定语从句,意思就不完整)2、非限制性定语从句 :从句对先行词关系不密切,去掉定从句,意思仍然完整。形式上用逗号隔开,不能用ht 引导。.g. m ather, who isve sixty, stllwork ar dy d night.(who 引导非限制性定语从句,整个句子可分成两句来翻译) 三、关系代词的用法:1h指人(引导限制性定语从句可做主语和宾语; 引导非限制性定语从句只做主语) wom 指人 (作宾语 ) a.e eron_ _issani at te shool gateism bes frind. .The person _they arealing about ismy s frie. 2that 指人、物(作主语、宾语、表语只能引导限制性定语从句 ) a.The pers n_ is sta digat the school ts m bestriend. b.The pe on _they re talkin aboutis my est frien. c.Mymeown s no lonehe place _ it wstenyasao. dHe s no thean _ he dto e3.wic 指物(作主语、宾语)T boo _ I eaigiswrittn by Toms. 4.whoe 指人、物(作定语 ) 1.H li es n ig oue_ owcsthsea =He l e in a bi hue hwndoo wichfacs tese. =He esin a b house f ich he wdowfce he s a2.rSmith , _ house was obe ,rportedt to the p . =Mt ih , theose f wom arbed, rported tt the plice. =M Smth , ofom h houe s robbed , reoted t to te olice5.s 指人、物(作主语、宾语、表语 ) 与 te sme/ such / 连用,引导限制性定语从句Here is so ig tonea n oecaift. Hereisuc a big stas no one c n lift This s th se en as I lt yesterday(同样的但不是同一支 ) Thiis the same enthatI ls yetedy(是同一支 ) 引导非限制性定语从句 , 既可放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,用来修饰整个句子as 常用在以下结构中。 (而 which引导的非限制性定语从句放在主句之后或主句之中) as+主语+sekno/epct/imaine/supose a s seen/ nwn/ expetd/ iagined pped/ anounceas ofen apens s as been s ifre/as isoften h ce As is wn toall,Tiwn i par of Cna./s Enges pointed, r cread mn himsl. / en brod,as e expcted【即学即用】They would tage tosel thehouse to us at the sam price_te had proised,_ was ater disappointig. A whih; as B as; tha s; whcD tat; tt B.Wenevr et er, _ ws farl ftn,e greted mewit sweetsml. hat iC wht D when 注意事项 :.tat 与 wih 的区别1)用 tt 而不用 which 的情况 : 先行词为不定代词all,ayhng, nhg, ; 先行词有最高级修饰, 有序数词修饰 ; 先行词有 te onl, he very, any等词修饰 ;先行词既有人又有物时;当主语是以wo,whch等开头的特殊疑问句时,用that .g Ther is nothin tat c revet im from diit. he first pcethatthe visitd n Guiln wsElephantTrunk Hll. This is hbest film thatI e ev seen Mr Smhis he only foeger thae knows.Who is he rl a is hrrying to scho? 2)用hch 而不用 that 的情况 :引导非限制性定语从句代表整个主句的意思介词+ 关系代词。e.g. Hehadailed inth math exm, _made is faher very ngyThis is theoom _ y fathr lved as yar关系代词在从句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词单数还是用复数应由先行词决定。.g. Te an h_(lve) downtair spaksEnlish uenly. . eudentsho _(be) iGraThree aeg g to cimb the hlltomrrow. 四关系副词的用法when, wee ,wy在从句中分别作时间、地点和原因状语=介词+wih 1.Dyu stilememb r the ay _e first et in ajin? 2.his s h roo_e lied las yero yo kow te re_heresed to o Marysbirtdayarty五经典特例 : He is on oftpeso wh_(inite)theball./Hi he onl ono the persons _(inie) to the ball. 2 dnt like the a _ talk./I dont wn todot nteway _ h tld e. 3 Isthis the actry _ Ivisitedla yea?s this ct y _I visite ast year? I willneer f et he days _I penti yo on th farm. I wll neerforgetthedys _ wredwithyou nth farm. 5 Do youknow h eaon _ e re use tgo to Marysbirhdayparty? The reso_ _ he put fowardis veryiprant. 6抽象地点名词如situation, cae, point, stag ,sce作先行词,在定语从句中作状语 ,后可接wher引导定语从句。e.g They hav ahed thpoint _ the hato spre each other Iot to stage_ I mutty mest to real ze myre. 抽象时间名词stag(时期 ),casin,ag, eo作先行词时 ,在定语从句中作状语,用he引导定语从句。Ocasons ar rre _ have tme ocommnicae ihyarens. are o livi g in ahih-tech a _coplicatd t g are becigeay.A whBthaC hreD wy 7. inwhih case引导非限制性定语从句 “ 如果那样的话” 相当于n hat ca e Shmy e ate, _ weght o wa fo he t wch point 引导非限制性定语从句 “ 就在这时 ” The il staredto geer vilnt, _ I got frgt d. dgre:Humnfacal exeins fer ro theamals inte dee _tey canbe contolledon purpse r her, sce wen, bywhn 也可引导定语从句。Tomid himel behid h door, _ecould hearthe steps of his oher lerlySh ethom years go, _weaent head fom he. 8如何确定“介词 +关系代词”中的介词 : 介词+关系代词也是历年来各省市高考的一个热点。关于介词的选用大体上可以从以下三方面去考虑:()根据与定语从句中谓语动词的习惯搭配来考虑indpweris anancin surc of enrgy _ e ma return n t erfuur. A on whichBby which C to which D from w h Gun onrol i sjct_ecans ae argued r a lon tme. A ofich B with whichC aout wih D into wich Can ou xln to me how tse the e dioms _m not sur()根据与先行词的习惯搭配或意义考虑Living in th ctral Astalian desert asit spoles,_ obaiingwaeris notthe las. wch for wat C s hse Isthtth ewpapr _ youofe rite article. /199 was t ear_thePR.C. wa nded. (3)根据与句子的具体含义来考虑The amr sed odtbuild a hoe_ to sre again. wt wih in ch C whichD where By n ck, all the O pic rcbrers ad recedthe topof Mount Qomol ngma,_ appeared a rare rainbw soon. ofwhic nwhichC fo whichD above which 9 判断下面两个 wher引导的从句是定语从句还是地点状语从句。Yod better ak a rahe spowheryu ave any questions. _ You beter make a m rk where yu hve any uestions _ 10填入恰当的词 I was intheoue_I et teyoung manhis ise huse_ mettheyungmn/Ita he k hen_the fre br out. asn te kitcen_ the frebrok ot/Iw n the tel _ hlived_ m hi. 11 填入恰当的词 Heri o big a stne _no e cn ift it Hre isch a bgstne _ nooe can lft. 1定语从句与并列句s ek ol two peple cam t ookat te ouse , neiher o _wantedto buy t. Last wekon twpeope aeto lookat the house,ut n er of_want buyit. She rougwith erthrefrieds,nneof_I hd eert bfA thB ho C wm D thes定语从句考题及详解1.The das are on _ physcal trengh was ll yo neded to akaliving.? A. n B ta. whe. wich ?2 . Se showehevsiarod theuseum, th cntru on _ as taken m e thanthree years. A. for hcB. wit wich C. o whc.to whic3. Te scool sop, _ _ customer ar minystunts,is co forte holidayA. which B. se C. when . hr4.Mary wasmch kider t Jack tas wasto th oters, _ _, of corse, a e all the oth supse ? . h B. whi h C what D tht 5 Ialked u totep of thehill with my f ind, _ weenjyed a plendid vefthe lae ?A.which B.where C. who . hat 6. Ted ae f the weendwearing oly someshors d a -shr, _isa stupi hin to do in suweaher. ?A. his Btht C wht . whih 7.Betwen the two pars o the concetan interl, _th audience anby ecrem. Wen BWhere C.tt D.which 8.The pre will g t he rite _story show te mtimaination. A tht B. hich C.whoe D. hat 9.Egiis a anuae sha e by veradivrse cultes,each f _ uses i somewhat diffrentl . A.wch B. whaC.teD. those 1.A bank is he plae _tey lend you an umbrela i far weathr and ask for itbak when itbgis torin . A.hen .that C.where D. there 11.Jul ws gooda erman, rec and Ru ian, all f _ shspoke fluetyA whB whom hc ht 2. Watv i et over may be pt ito t refrigerao, _ i ilkee forworhre weeks . A. when B. hch C.werD.while?13 . heold own has rrows ets and small ses _ are buil clse o each ot r. A. they B. wherC. whatt 4. She as a gift forreat a amophereorer studes _ allwsthm to comunicate reely wth ea ther. A. whch he C whaD. w15. That he ne mahne_ partsaretoosmal to be ee. A. tt B. which C. whosD. wha16 After graua g from colege, I too some tim offtogo traveln, _ tned outt be a wiseci n. tt B. which C. when Dwhere 17 To mpre the qalityf ourprodc,e aked for sugestion _ hadusedhpoduts. A. woever B.who C. whichever D hch 定语从句针对性训练 H talkehaplyabut th mend books_ ineested him gratl n the scolA. wich . that C i. 2 H wote a leter m, telling e eveythng _hesawon he way t thePa . A. a.at C. ich wr3 I ll neer rgett day _ onedthe League A. on whch in which . whih .a wic wo _ brtherpok just no ismyteahr.A. wB. to oC. too wom n waser d fren, _she orroed aecklac. frm whB fromwhom . o at Do wom 6 Hisgsses, _heas likeablind m, ell o he r d nd broe itslgA. wih B. with hch C. wihotwhich that 7 Hi ov won evralawards atthe i festival, _ as eyod his wlet drem. which B.that C.wheeD i8 e rejusttyig torech a oint_ bhsies will sitwn ogethrntl. A here . ht C when D. which 9 Itwain Neweala _Elizabth frstmt Mr. Smih. A hat . hw C. whicD. wh10 -Where didyo get o knw her?-It wason efarm _e orked. A. thB. t e Cwhih D. where 11 h bokwas ritten in 1946, _ _theedcation sst hawitsgreat hanges. A. hen B during whih snce the D.snce e1 _ is now to us alls tha h2016Oympic Gmesill ak pce i Ri de Jan iro. A. t What AsD. ich 13Hed al o frens,ony e of _ nvtd to hs edig. A. hom . thm C. hcD. who 4 Lo out!Don et oo se o thehous _roo s undr repair. A whose B hicC. of hich D. wha5 Dvid isucha goodboy _ al the eaerslike. A. tatB who C. a. wo
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