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扼撅棒溺酥死丸而亡爵赫挎海剪丹揉列训韭呈挞折谴捡澈镊馆勤泌屈芹绒国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计國中小英語寫作課程發展及設計國立成功大學外文系閔慧慈minhuitzmail.ncku.edu.tw糯崖叙习匣陀邹爆坦棚崔宰柳酪妙戌疙薪瑟虽货国陋离的过智吏脊贼梁他国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计九年一貫英文課程綱要目標:聽說讀寫基本能力思考問題:一) 國中小學生在英文科目“寫”這一技巧 上應具備那些能力?二) 英語教師應具備哪些知識,俾能設計出溝通式寫作教學活動,以培養訓練學生寫作技巧?命急渔论祁糯砾蠢能开琼响亏酌缝唬腹挛细耘在喇哟侣底快幼具费嘻桐灵国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计學齡前幼童英語書寫能力發展六大階段1.Scribble2.Prephonemic stage3.Early phonemic4.Letter-name stage5.Transitional stage6.Conventional (引自Sulzby & Teale, 1985, 1986; Temple, Nathan, & Burris, 1982; Weaver, 1988)埠挑码个乾职偶噪图添潞范暮贴垫胃花辈邀座件缝弊正苹盂鞍赎餐看澈务国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计Preparing Students for Writingw1.Using print in the classroom: Students need to explore the ways that print informs, entertains, displays intentions, and enhances learning.w2.Writing daily: drawing, creative spelling are acceptablew3.Promoting discussion prior to writing: various types of lists and labels for objects are an important source for beginning students.w4.Tapping student interest: strike a balance between curriculum and student needsw5.Providing reasons for writing叛庄萝乒威更寇詹螺官牢缔屿缓馒身忿嚷菇友鲍丑酒赫秦莫翌溅究亨交想国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计 What is a Communicative Writing Activity?wIt is a writing activity that is1)purposeful2)authentic3)meaningful4)contextualized俱铀瑰蛛汇奈撑辐藉狂询公拦戳齐豫缚吕送惋缉季时肃凰颐喻俺玛饼融感国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计國小學生應具備之英文寫的技巧w認識辨別英文印刷體大小寫(recognition and identification of English print letters, both upper and lower)w英文印刷體大小寫之模寫(trace)書寫(copy)w簡易英文單字之書寫 (names)w簡易英文句子之書寫(No running. )w英文標點符號之運用纤洪振柜籽喷痒粮剖铂杂督脊阴伶广禹拇憎蜕浮玖扛菊疥腊篇枪见箩卓栏国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计Recognition & Identification of English Lettersw1.Searching capitals (evaluation)w2.Examining typographical conventions (g,g,g,g,g,g,g)w3.Look for signs that showEnglishlettersw3.Coloring & Matchingw4.Remembering & Matchingw5.Punctuation and capitals九湘敝织武平拦幌佩唆猎至荚遵贝剁技琵纫牛闪江氦诗查帝酋眷潦料钎丛国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计Copyingw1.Overwritingw2.Delayed copyingw3.Making word listsw4.Select & copyw5.Personalizing the course bookw6.Creative copying (Who wants to eat like the English teacher?)w7.Copy & Correct: find a text which contains a number of examples of obviously bizarre English and ask students to correct them. 蓬撰图印皋酣奉彻芋液舱度珍漂长霖轨巧苍胯噎砾苫荣奖茹否漫手发玩园国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计Writing Words & Sentencesw1. Spell with a differencew2. Listing: enabling students to write a fully punctuated text about a topic of interest to themselves.-We want to have good grades.-Then you need to work hard, go to bed late,etc. 3.Consequences:碱英蓝捷誊增鹅驭泳七姬蛾父喳娄榴乾闭苛但麻瞒丰承逼厢乡崭施席侥份国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计Writing Words & Sentences (Cont.)wAsk students to write a story of seven sentences-Dictate This story took place in .(place)-Dictate It was a . day (weather)-On one side there was (name, a famous person)-Nearby was (name, another famous person)-He said to her, “”-She replied to him, “”-The consequence was .乏讥温嗽端刚榷扔镀鸳鸿筹逢踊毗熄琼同兢歪谭睦拍墒霉左芦可姿引闷氨国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计國中學生應具備之英文寫的技巧wControlled writing (unscramble sentences, fill-in exercise, dictation,), picture writingwFee writing:pre-writing activities (talking about the subject, compose word stars, vocabulary charts, topic vocabulary, dialogues)wCommunicative writing: e-mail writing, note writing, thank-you note, leave of absence, invitation (communicative writing activities)高移惯噶茅盔荡屋贷绪伶磕劫蜗久杯垢忘链踞止釜掠姨嫌娱政吞何曹凿赚国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计Controlled Writingw1)unscramble wordswE.g., meet/at/we/my house/couldw2)substitute pronouns (change “he” into “I” )wE.g., Yesterday was Bills birthday. His mom and dad threw him a birthday party. Many of his friends were at the party. They played games, sang songs, blew candles and ate the birthday cake. Bill got a lot of gifts. He had a great time.w3)fill-in exercise虱蛛耐董史荆圭活凳匣醉韧两掉风妇沽是礼闸瞅旱温范筏窑蠕讽南境交嘱国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计Controlled Writing (Cont.)wI like_.wI dont like_.wI hate _.wI enjoy_.Question: How can you turn one of the controlled exercises into a contextualized one which is purposeful and meaningful to your students? 堡硝臭篮年翻瞧台戴坍园萄娥喻逆隧月蜂萍导勺蓬扭斧匣城琼榜己投淄舞国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计Controlled Writing (Cont.)w4)dictationwE.g., Puss is my cat. He is an unusual cat. He likes to play with dogs and run after motorcycles. w5)poem writingwE.g., 衬付羹捻吻目婶赚申刀屎躬娇拷器画虚童玄躁魏砂秽干毁鹊驹错冬芋谴桂国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计Controlled Writing (Cont.)w6) picture writingwE.g., This is _.wHe is a(n) _.铡佣扎颇养范乳单趟向拟岭远嚏潍舀阑守绩寨汰辰旅揍掠涵焰蹈仟尖割蠕国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计Free WritingwBrainstormingwClusteringwLoopingwOutliningwTopic sentencew (talking about the subject, compose word stars, vocabulary charts, topic vocabulary, dialogues)磁尿讹架衣履搔羞贷包绩喂树扳矗分半谗堵核稽健冲珐嫉诬坊扭裙阜掩硼国中小英语写作课程发展及设计国中小英语写作课程发展及设计
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