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Module 3Module 3 LiteratureLiterature基础落实基础落实.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆1.In fairy stories,the ogre is 1.In fairy stories,the ogre is (残酷(残酷 的)的)and eats people.and eats people.2.The children were 2.The children were (低语)(低语)in in the corner.the corner.3.A large 3.A large (酬谢,奖金)(酬谢,奖金)is offered is offered for the capture of the criminals.for the capture of the criminals.4.You ought to be stricter with him.He4.You ought to be stricter with him.Hes s very very (淘气的)(淘气的). .cruelcruelwhisperingwhisperingrewardrewardnaughtynaughty5.The doctors 5.The doctors ( (分发分发)the )the medicines to the people in the flooded medicines to the people in the flooded area.area.6.By investing wisely she 6.By investing wisely she (积(积 累)累)a fortune.a fortune.7.They 7.They (完成)(完成)their mission their mission successfully and returned home.successfully and returned home.8.They 8.They ( (哀痛哀痛)for their )for their children,who were killed in the war.children,who were killed in the war.9.The small chair isn9.The small chair isnt strong enough to t strong enough to ( (支撑支撑)that heavy man.)that heavy man.10.Not all of them were successful in 10.Not all of them were successful in ( (逃脱逃脱)from prisons.)from prisons.distributeddistributedaccumulatedaccumulatedaccomplishedaccomplishedmournedmournedsupportsupportescapingescaping.重点短语再现重点短语再现1.1. a low voice a low voice低声地低声地in in voicevoice唱得好唱得好 one ones voices voice提高嗓门提高嗓门2.no sooner.2.no sooner. 刚一刚一就就 hardly.hardly. .刚一刚一就就asas asas一一就就3.3. astonishment astonishment惊讶地,吃惊地惊讶地,吃惊地 one ones s astonishmentastonishment令某人吃惊的是令某人吃惊的是4.4. sth. to the attention of sb. sth. to the attention of sb.使某人使某人 关注某事关注某事draw sb.draw sb.s attention s attention 引起某引起某 人注意人注意iningoodgoodraiseraisethanthanwhenwhensoonsooninintotobringbringtoto5.hold 5.hold 抓紧;不放松抓紧;不放松hold hold 延迟;阻碍延迟;阻碍 hold hold 维持;坚持维持;坚持6.a 6.a amount ofamount of大量的大量的a deala deal 许多,大量许多,大量7.feel 7.feel homehome无拘无束;自由自在无拘无束;自由自在 of of chargecharge免费免费8.be cruel 8.be cruel sb.sb.对某人残酷对某人残酷be curious be curious 对对好奇好奇9.a lack 9.a lack 缺少缺少 lack of lack of因缺少因缺少 10.distribute.10.distribute. .在在中分配中分配ononoutouthuge/largehuge/largeofofatatfreefreetotoaboutaboutofoffor/throughfor/throughamongamongupup.典型句式运用典型句式运用1.,they would sit staring at the pot 1.,they would sit staring at the pot with eager eyes, as if they wanted to with eager eyes, as if they wanted to eat it.eat it. , ,他们便会坐着,用渴望的眼神盯着那口他们便会坐着,用渴望的眼神盯着那口 锅,好像要把它吃掉似的。锅,好像要把它吃掉似的。 wouldwould表示过去的一种习惯表示过去的一种习惯 在过去,一遇到麻烦他就会在那里在过去,一遇到麻烦他就会在那里 一坐就是几个小时。一坐就是几个小时。 考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造In the past, when in trouble, he wouldIn the past, when in trouble, he wouldsit there for hourssit there for hours. .2.No sooner had the boy spoken these 2.No sooner had the boy spoken these wordswords,than the warden hit him on the than the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon.head with the soup spoon. 孩子的话刚出口,大师傅就操起勺子狠狠地敲孩子的话刚出口,大师傅就操起勺子狠狠地敲 他的脑袋。他的脑袋。 no sooner.than.no sooner.than.一一就就 我们刚到那里,雨就瓢泼而下。我们刚到那里,雨就瓢泼而下。 No sooner had we got there than the rainNo sooner had we got there than the rainbegan to pour downbegan to pour down. .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造3.Never have I heard anything like it!3.Never have I heard anything like it! 我还从来没听过这样的事情呢!我还从来没听过这样的事情呢! 否定副词位于句首,句子发生部分否定副词位于句首,句子发生部分 倒装倒装 以前我从未做过这样的事情。以前我从未做过这样的事情。 Never have I done such a matter beforeNever have I done such a matter before. .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造4.The bowls never needed washing, as the 4.The bowls never needed washing, as the boys cleaned them with their spoons, boys cleaned them with their spoons, trying to eat every bit of soup.trying to eat every bit of soup. 粥碗从来用不着洗,孩子们非用汤匙把碗刮得粥碗从来用不着洗,孩子们非用汤匙把碗刮得 重又明光铮亮了才住手,试图吃掉每一点粥。重又明光铮亮了才住手,试图吃掉每一点粥。 need doing sth.need doing sth.主动表示被动主动表示被动 你的衬衫太脏了,该洗洗了。你的衬衫太脏了,该洗洗了。 Your shirt needs washing.ItYour shirt needs washing.Its so dirtys so dirty. .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造5.However, it brought child poverty to the 5.However, it brought child poverty to the attention of the public, and for this attention of the public, and for this reason alone it is a very important reason alone it is a very important novel.novel. 但尽管如此,这部小说使儿童贫困问题得到关但尽管如此,这部小说使儿童贫困问题得到关 注,就这一点而言,它已是一部很重要的小说。注,就这一点而言,它已是一部很重要的小说。 alonealone作后置定语表示作后置定语表示“仅仅,只有仅仅,只有” 只有时间会知道谁是对的。只有时间会知道谁是对的。 Time alone will show who is rightTime alone will show who is right. .考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.feed 1.feed v. v.喂喂( (养养) ),饲,饲( (养养) );为;为提供食提供食 品;养活;提供,供应品;养活;提供,供应 The room in which the boys were The room in which the boys were was a was a large stone hall,.large stone hall,. 孩子们进食的场所是一间宽敞的大石厅,孩子们进食的场所是一间宽敞的大石厅, (回归课本(回归课本P P3030)fedfed观察思考观察思考Feed the food to the baby in small pieces.Feed the food to the baby in small pieces.用小块食品喂婴儿。用小块食品喂婴儿。Most people feed parrots on nuts.Most people feed parrots on nuts.大多数人用干果喂鹦鹉。大多数人用干果喂鹦鹉。Owls feed on mice and other small animals.Owls feed on mice and other small animals.猫头鹰以老鼠和其他小动物为食。猫头鹰以老鼠和其他小动物为食。归纳拓展归纳拓展feed on (feed on (动物动物) )以以为食为食;(;(某种感觉或过程某种感觉或过程) )由由助长助长feed sb./sth. on/with sth.feed sb./sth. on/with sth.给给( (人或动物人或动物) )食物,食物,喂养喂养feed sth. to sb./sth.feed sth. to sb./sth.把某物给某人或动物把某物给某人或动物feed sb. upfeed sb. up养肥,养壮养肥,养壮; ;把把喂饱喂饱feed A with B=feed B into Afeed A with B=feed B into A提供提供B B给给A Abe fed up with sth.be fed up with sth.吃某物吃得过饱;厌倦某事物吃某物吃得过饱;厌倦某事物 live on(live on(人人) )以以为主食;以为主食;以为生为生注意注意活学活用活学活用Statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture Statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture showed that China has mainly relied on showed that China has mainly relied on ItselfItself ( (养活养活)its population of more )its population of more than 1.3 billion.than 1.3 billion.A.A.f feedingeeding B.feeding onB.feeding onC.to feedC.to feed D.to feed onD.to feed on解析解析 feedfeed为及物动词,意为为及物动词,意为“养活养活”,符合句,符合句意;而意;而feed onfeed on则指则指“(动物)以(动物)以为主食为主食”。C2.serve 2.serve vt vt. .端上;招待;为端上;招待;为服务;供给服务;供给 某人某人( (饭菜等饭菜等) );vi vi. .服役;供职服役;供职; ;n n. .服务;服务; 接待接待 The warden,helped by two women,The warden,helped by two women, the the soup from this pot at meal times.soup from this pot at meal times. 开饭的时候大师傅从锅里舀粥,有两个女人替开饭的时候大师傅从锅里舀粥,有两个女人替 他打杂。他打杂。 (回归课本(回归课本P P3030)servedserved观察思考观察思考Breakfast is served between 700 a.m. and Breakfast is served between 700 a.m. and 900 a.m.900 a.m.早上早上7 7点到点到9 9点间供应早餐。点间供应早餐。Every male citizen must serve in the army Every male citizen must serve in the army for two years.for two years.每位男性公民都必须服军役两年。每位男性公民都必须服军役两年。Sometimes he served as a waiter at a Sometimes he served as a waiter at a restaurant.restaurant.有时候他在餐厅当服务员。有时候他在餐厅当服务员。归纳拓展归纳拓展serve asserve as可用作;担任;作为可用作;担任;作为serve sb. with sth.serve sb. with sth.serve sth. to sb./serve sb. sth. serve sth. to sb./serve sb. sth. serve upserve up端上食物;给出,提供端上食物;给出,提供serve oneserve ones countrys country为国家效力为国家效力serve the people heart and soulserve the people heart and soul全心全意为人全心全意为人民服务民服务at your serviceat your service愿为您效劳,听候您的吩咐愿为您效劳,听候您的吩咐serve in the armyserve in the army在部队服役在部队服役serve to do sth.serve to do sth.用来做某事用来做某事service service n n. .服务服务用某物招待某人用某物招待某人活学活用活学活用The weather station The weather station warn people of warn people of the coming of strong winds and predict the coming of strong winds and predict their movement.their movement.A.serves toA.serves to B.serves forB.serves forC.serves asC.serves as D.servicesD.services解析解析 根据空后的根据空后的warnwarn为动词原形可知只有为动词原形可知只有A A项正项正确。句意为:气象站所起的作用就是警告人们强确。句意为:气象站所起的作用就是警告人们强风即将到来,并预测强风的动向。风即将到来,并预测强风的动向。A3.eager 3.eager adjadj. .渴望的;热切的渴望的;热切的 When they had cleaned their bowls in this When they had cleaned their bowls in this way,they would sit staring at the pot with way,they would sit staring at the pot with eyes,as if they wanted to eat it.eyes,as if they wanted to eat it. 他们这样把碗刮干净以后,就坐在那儿,眼巴巴他们这样把碗刮干净以后,就坐在那儿,眼巴巴 地瞅着汤锅,似乎要把它吞进肚子。地瞅着汤锅,似乎要把它吞进肚子。 (回归课本(回归课本P P3030)观察思考观察思考 She is eager for her parentsShe is eager for her parents approval. approval. 她渴望得到父母的准许。她渴望得到父母的准许。 Clare was eager to tell her side of the Clare was eager to tell her side of the story.story. 克莱尔急于讲述她对于那件事情的看法。克莱尔急于讲述她对于那件事情的看法。eagereager归纳拓展归纳拓展eagerness eagerness n. n.热心;渴望热心;渴望with eagernesswith eagerness殷切地殷切地be eager to do sth.be eager to do sth.渴望做某事渴望做某事be eager for sth.be eager for sth.盼望;想得到某物盼望;想得到某物be eager for sb.to do sth.be eager for sb.to do sth.渴望某人做某事渴望某人做某事be eager that.be eager that.热切希望热切希望(that(that从句中用从句中用should+should+v. v.原形的虚拟语气原形的虚拟语气) )易混辨异易混辨异eager/anxiouseager/anxious(1)eager(1)eager表示渴望知道某事,对其抱有一定信心,表示渴望知道某事,对其抱有一定信心,含有热切期待之意。含有热切期待之意。(2)anxious(2)anxious则带有某种焦虑感,含有则带有某种焦虑感,含有“担心,担担心,担忧忧”之意。之意。活学活用活学活用(1)The manager is (1)The manager is that the project that the project should be started early.should be started early. A.eagerA.eager B.anxiousB.anxious C.worriedC.worried D.busyD.busy 解析解析 句意为:经理热切希望工程早些开工。句意为:经理热切希望工程早些开工。A用用eager,anxiouseager,anxious填空填空(2)She is (2)She is to go to college,but to go to college,but about not passing the entrance about not passing the entrance examinations.examinations.(3)We are actually there to accompany them (3)We are actually there to accompany them as many of the disabled,especially the as many of the disabled,especially the youth,are youth,are to make friends.to make friends.eagereageranxiousanxiouseagereager4.whisper4.whisperv v. .耳语;私语;密谈;耳语;私语;密谈;n. n.低语,低语, 耳语耳语 The boys The boys to each other,and to each other,and those next to Oliver nudged him.those next to Oliver nudged him. 孩子们交头接耳,那些坐在奥利弗旁边的孩子孩子们交头接耳,那些坐在奥利弗旁边的孩子 用胳膊肘推他。用胳膊肘推他。 (回归课本(回归课本P P3030)whisperedwhispered观察思考观察思考He whispered to me that he was afraid.He whispered to me that he was afraid.他低声对我说他害怕。他低声对我说他害怕。It was whispered that he would soon die and It was whispered that he would soon die and he did.he did.有人私下说他将不久于人世,他果然死了。有人私下说他将不久于人世,他果然死了。“TheyTheyre coming,re coming,” he said in an excited he said in an excited whisper.whisper.“他们就要来了,他们就要来了,”他压低声音激动地说。他压低声音激动地说。归纳拓展归纳拓展whisper to sb.whisper to sb.对某人低声说对某人低声说whisper sb.to do sth.whisper sb.to do sth.低声告诉某人去做某事低声告诉某人去做某事whisper sth.in onewhisper sth.in ones ears ear跟某人耳语某事跟某人耳语某事It is whispered that.It is whispered that.有人私下说有人私下说in a whisper/in whispers(=in a low voice)in a whisper/in whispers(=in a low voice)低低声地声地活学活用活学活用(1)James leaned over to whisper something (1)James leaned over to whisper something to Michael.to Michael. 。(2)It was whispered that the president was (2)It was whispered that the president was no longer in control.no longer in control. 。詹姆斯俯身跟迈克尔低声说了些什么詹姆斯俯身跟迈克尔低声说了些什么。有人私下说总统不再掌权了有人私下说总统不再掌权了。5.reward 5.reward n. n.报酬,奖金报酬,奖金; ;v v. .酬劳,奖赏酬劳,奖赏 The next morning a notice was put up on The next morning a notice was put up on the door of the workhouse,offering a the door of the workhouse,offering a to anybody who would employ Oliver to anybody who would employ Oliver Twist.Twist. 第二天早晨,济贫院的大门上贴出了一张告第二天早晨,济贫院的大门上贴出了一张告 示,向愿意雇佣奥利弗的人提供奖赏。示,向愿意雇佣奥利弗的人提供奖赏。 (回归课本(回归课本P P3131)rewardreward观察思考观察思考He was given a medal as a reward for his He was given a medal as a reward for his service.service.作为对所提供服务的奖赏,他得到了一枚奖章。作为对所提供服务的奖赏,他得到了一枚奖章。He received a medal in reward for his He received a medal in reward for his bravery.bravery.他因表现勇敢而获得了一枚奖章。他因表现勇敢而获得了一枚奖章。Anyone providing information which leads to Anyone providing information which leads to the discovery of the painting will be the discovery of the painting will be rewarded.rewarded.凡提供线索有助于寻回该画者都可获得报酬。凡提供线索有助于寻回该画者都可获得报酬。归纳拓展归纳拓展in reward for.in reward for.为奖赏为奖赏as a reward foras a reward for作为(对作为(对的)报酬的)报酬/ /奖赏奖赏reward sb.for sth.reward sb.for sth.因某事而奖赏某人因某事而奖赏某人reward sb.with sth.reward sb.with sth.用某物回报某人用某物回报某人活学活用活学活用A A 100 100 has been offered for the has been offered for the return of the necklace.return of the necklace.A.A.r rewardeward B.titleB.titleC.C.p prizerize D.giftD.gift解析解析 rewardreward奖赏,奖金;奖赏,奖金;titletitle称号;称号;prizeprize奖奖项;项;giftgift礼物。句意为:已悬赏礼物。句意为:已悬赏100100英镑找寻项链。英镑找寻项链。A6.intend 6.intend vt vt. .计划,打算计划,打算; ;想要;想要;( (为为而而) ) 准备;预定准备;预定 Some years later,Pip learns that an Some years later,Pip learns that an unknown person unknown person to give him money to give him money every month.every month. 几年后,皮普才知道有一位不知名的人愿意每几年后,皮普才知道有一位不知名的人愿意每 月给他一些钱。月给他一些钱。 (回归课本(回归课本P P3737)intendsintends观察思考观察思考I had intended to catch the early train,but I had intended to catch the early train,but I didnI didnt get up in time.t get up in time.我本来打算赶早班的火车,但是我起晚了。我本来打算赶早班的火车,但是我起晚了。He intends his son to manage the company.He intends his son to manage the company.他打算让儿子经营该公司。他打算让儿子经营该公司。We do not intend that they should know at We do not intend that they should know at this stage.this stage.我们并不打算要他们在这个阶段就知道。我们并不打算要他们在这个阶段就知道。I had intended to give you a hand,but I was I had intended to give you a hand,but I was busy then.busy then.我本来打算帮助你的,但我当时很忙。我本来打算帮助你的,但我当时很忙。归纳拓展归纳拓展intend to do sth.intend to do sth.打算做某事打算做某事intend that.intend that.打算打算( (从句中谓语动词用从句中谓语动词用should doshould do形式,形式,shouldshould可省略可省略) )It is intended that.It is intended that.打算做打算做be intended for.be intended for.专为专为而设计的;为而设计的;为打算或计划打算或计划have intended to do/that.have intended to do/that.intend to have doneintend to have doneby intentionby intention故意故意have no intention of doing sth.have no intention of doing sth.无意做某事,无意做某事,不打算做某事不打算做某事本来打算做本来打算做活学活用活学活用Jack would love to go to the cinema with Jack would love to go to the cinema with his dad,but the film is his dad,but the film is for adults for adults only.only.A.A.a admitteddmitted B.intendedB.intendedC.C.p promisedromised D.permittedD.permitted解析解析 be intended for.be intended for.专为专为而设计的,而设计的,符合句意。符合句意。B7.accomplish 7.accomplish v. v.完成;达成;做成功完成;达成;做成功 The West End is the theatre district The West End is the theatre district where Dickens felt at home because,where Dickens felt at home because, surprisingly,he thought he would surprisingly,he thought he would more with his drama than with more with his drama than with his novels.his novels. 西区是剧院区,在那里狄更斯感到像在家里一西区是剧院区,在那里狄更斯感到像在家里一 样,因为令人吃惊的是,他认为他完成的剧本样,因为令人吃惊的是,他认为他完成的剧本 要多于小说。要多于小说。 (回归课本(回归课本P P3939)accomplishaccomplish观察思考观察思考The first part of the plan has been safely The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.accomplished.计划的第一部分已顺利完成。计划的第一部分已顺利完成。We have accomplished all we set out to do.We have accomplished all we set out to do.所有计划要做的事情,我们都已完成。所有计划要做的事情,我们都已完成。易混辨异易混辨异accomplish/complete/finish/achieveaccomplish/complete/finish/achieve(1)accomplish(1)accomplish常接常接task,aim,journey,voyagetask,aim,journey,voyage等等名词,有时兼有名词,有时兼有“达成(效果)达成(效果)”之意。之意。(2)complete(2)complete比比accomplishaccomplish具体,可接建筑、工具体,可接建筑、工程程、书书籍籍等等名名词词,指指“按按预预期期目目的的把把未未完完成成的的工工作作经经过过进进一一步步的的努努力力使使之之完完成成”,主主要要含含义义是是“补足缺少的部分补足缺少的部分”。( (3 3) )f fi in ni is sh h在在许许多多情情况况下下可可与与c co om mp pl le et te e换换用用,但但不不如如c co om mp pl le et te e正正式式,常常含含有有认认真真仔仔细细地地完完成成工工作作的的最后阶段的精工修饰,使之完美的意思。最后阶段的精工修饰,使之完美的意思。(4)achieve(4)achieve多指排除困难,完成宏伟计划或大业。多指排除困难,完成宏伟计划或大业。活学活用活学活用The project,The project, by the end of 2012 will by the end of 2012 will expand the cityexpand the citys telephone network to s telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.cover 1,000,000 users.A.A.a accomplishedccomplished B.acceptedB.acceptedC.C.a accompaniedccompanied D.accountedD.accounted解析解析 accomplishaccomplish完成;完成;acceptaccept接受;接受;accompanyaccompany陪伴;陪伴;accountaccount解释,说明。解释,说明。A重点短语与句型重点短语与句型8.no sooner.than.8.no sooner.than.一一就就 had the boy spoken these words had the boy spoken these words the warden hit him on the head with the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon.the soup spoon. 孩子的话刚一出口,大师傅就抡起勺子敲他的孩子的话刚一出口,大师傅就抡起勺子敲他的 脑袋。脑袋。 (回归课本(回归课本P P3131)观察思考观察思考 No sooner had he sat down than the phone No sooner had he sat down than the phone rang.rang. 他刚坐下,电话铃就响了。他刚坐下,电话铃就响了。No soonerNo soonerthanthan归纳拓展归纳拓展表示表示“一一就就”的结构:的结构:(1)hardly.when/scarcely.when/no (1)hardly.when/scarcely.when/no sooner.thansooner.than,注意句子主句用过去完成时,从,注意句子主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时;句用一般过去时;hardly/scarcely/no soonerhardly/scarcely/no sooner位位于句首时,用倒装语序。于句首时,用倒装语序。Hardly had he arrived when she started Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining.complaining.他刚一到,她就开始抱怨起来。他刚一到,她就开始抱怨起来。(2)as soon as;the (2)as soon as;the moment/minute/instant.;immediately/instanmoment/minute/instant.;immediately/instantly.tly.I Ill tell you the result immediately I get ll tell you the result immediately I get it.it.我一得到结果就告诉你。我一得到结果就告诉你。(3)on+(3)on+名词名词/ /动名词动名词on his arrival/on hearing the newson his arrival/on hearing the newsOn seeing her mother,she burst into tears.On seeing her mother,she burst into tears.一见到她妈妈,她就放声大哭起来。一见到她妈妈,她就放声大哭起来。活学活用活学活用No sooner No sooner asleep asleep she heard a she heard a knock at the door.knock at the door.A.she had fallen;thanA.she had fallen;thanB.had she fallen;thanB.had she fallen;thanC.she had fallen;whenC.she had fallen;whenD.had she fallen;whenD.had she fallen;when解析解析 no sooner.than.no sooner.than.结构中,结构中,no soonerno sooner置于句首时其后的句子使用部分倒装,用过去完置于句首时其后的句子使用部分倒装,用过去完成时态;而成时态;而thanthan从句中用一般过去时态。从句中用一般过去时态。B9.The bowls never needed washing,as the 9.The bowls never needed washing,as the boys cleaned them with their spoons,boys cleaned them with their spoons, trying to eat every bit of soup.trying to eat every bit of soup.粥碗从粥碗从 来用不着洗,孩子们非用汤匙把碗刮得重又来用不着洗,孩子们非用汤匙把碗刮得重又 明光铮亮了才住手,试图吃掉每一点粥。明光铮亮了才住手,试图吃掉每一点粥。句式分析句式分析这个句子包含一个由这个句子包含一个由asas引导的原因状语从句,从引导的原因状语从句,从句中又含有一个伴随状语句中又含有一个伴随状语“trying to eat every trying to eat every bit of soupbit of soup”。need doing=need to be doneneed doing=need to be done“某事需要被做某事需要被做”。The shirt needs washing.(=The shirt needs The shirt needs washing.(=The shirt needs to be washed.)to be washed.)衬衫需要洗了。衬衫需要洗了。The TV needs mending again.(=The TV needs The TV needs mending again.(=The TV needs to be mended again.)to be mended again.)这台电视机需要再修理一下。这台电视机需要再修理一下。活学活用活学活用I know a little bit about Italy as my wife I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I and I there several years ago. there several years ago.A.are goingA.are going B.had beenB.had beenC.C.w wentent D.have beenD.have been解析解析 由句中的时间状语由句中的时间状语several years agoseveral years ago知知asas引导的原因状语从句中用一般过去时态。引导的原因状语从句中用一般过去时态。C10.Not until at least thirty seconds had 10.Not until at least thirty seconds had passed,was the man able to speak.passed,was the man able to speak.至少至少 过了过了3030秒钟,这个人才说出话来。秒钟,这个人才说出话来。句式分析句式分析 这是一个主句用倒装语序的复合句。当否定意这是一个主句用倒装语序的复合句。当否定意 义的副词义的副词notnot放在句首时,主句用倒装语序;否放在句首时,主句用倒装语序;否 定意义的副词还有:定意义的副词还有:never,hardly,seldom,never,hardly,seldom, little,no sooner,neither,norlittle,no sooner,neither,nor等。等。 Not until you told me,did I know he was Not until you told me,did I know he was your brother.your brother. 直到你告诉我,我才知道他是你弟弟。直到你告诉我,我才知道他是你弟弟。 Not until 12 oNot until 12 oclock last night did I go clock last night did I go to bed.to bed. 昨晚直到昨晚直到1212点我才睡觉。点我才睡觉。活学活用活学活用Never before Never before seen such a stupid man. seen such a stupid man.A.am IA.am I B.was IB.was I C.have IC.have I D.shall ID.shall I解析解析 由过去分词由过去分词seenseen,可知前面用完成时,故,可知前面用完成时,故选选C C。C考题回扣考题回扣【例例1 1】I was out of town at the time,so I I was out of town at the time,so I dondont know exactly how it t know exactly how it .(.(山东高考山东高考) ) A.was happeningA.was happening B.happenedB.happened C.happensC.happens D.has happenedD.has happened 解析解析 “事情的发生事情的发生”是和是和“was out of townwas out of town” 同时发生的,故用一般过去时。同时发生的,故用一般过去时。 课文原文课文原文 Nobody Nobody the gentlemanthe gentlemans s opinion.opinion.Bdisagreed withdisagreed with【例例2 2】It seems that living green is It seems that living green is easy and affordable.A small step makes a easy and affordable.A small step makes a big difference.big difference. ( (福建高考福建高考) ) A.exactlyA.exactly B.fortunatelyB.fortunately C.surprisinglyC.surprisingly D.hardlyD.hardly 解解析析 句句意意为为:看看来来绿绿色色生生活活是是出出人人意意料料的的容容 易易和和可可以以负负担担得得起起费费用用的的,很很小小的的一一个个步步骤骤会会 带带来来很很大大的的差差异异。由由下下句句“A A s sm ma al ll l s st te ep p m ma ak ke es s a a b bi ig g d di if ff fe er re en nc ce e. .”可可知知此此处处选选择择 s su ur rp pr ri is si in ng gl ly y“出出人人意意料料地地”;e ex xa ac ct tl ly y“确确切切 地地”;fortunatelyfortunately“幸运地幸运地”。C课文原文课文原文The West End is the theatre district where The West End is the theatre district where Dickens felt at home because,Dickens felt at home because, , ,he thought he would accomplish more with he thought he would accomplish more with his drama than with his novels.his drama than with his novels.surprisinglysurprisingly【例例3 3】When I talked with my grandma on the When I talked with my grandma on the phone,she sounded weak,but by the time we phone,she sounded weak,but by the time we up,her voice had been full of life.up,her voice had been full of life. ( (北京高考北京高考) ) A.were hangingA.were hanging B.had hungB.had hung C.hungC.hung D.would hangD.would hang 解析解析 hang uphang up的动作应发生在的动作应发生在had been full had been full of lifeof life之后,故应用一般过去时表示。之后,故应用一般过去时表示。 课文原文课文原文 “TheyTheyll ll that boy,that boy,”said a said a gentleman in a white jacket.gentleman in a white jacket.Changhang【例例4 4】Not until the motorbike looked Not until the motorbike looked almost new almost new repairing and cleaning it. repairing and cleaning it. ( (陕西高考陕西高考) ) A.he stoppedA.he stopped B.did he stopB.did he stop C.stopped heC.stopped he D.he did stopD.he did stop 解析解析 not untilnot until位于句首时位于句首时, ,主句要用倒装主句要用倒装 语序。语序。 课文原文课文原文 at least thirty seconds had at least thirty seconds had passedpassed, able to speak. able to speak.BNot untilNot untilwas the manwas the man【例例5 5】 in the fields on a March in the fields on a March afternoon,afternoon, he could feel the warmth of he could feel the warmth of spring.spring. ( (安徽高考安徽高考) ) A.To walkA.To walk B.WalkingB.Walking C.WalkedC.Walked D.Having walkedD.Having walked 解析解析 句意为:三月的一天下午在田地里走时句意为:三月的一天下午在田地里走时, , 他能感觉到春天的温暖。此处应该用现在分词他能感觉到春天的温暖。此处应该用现在分词 作伴随状语作伴随状语, ,表示表示walkwalk与与feelfeel是伴随发生的动作。是伴随发生的动作。 课文原文课文原文 The next morning a notice was put up on The next morning a notice was put up on thethe door of the workhouse,door of the workhouse, a a reward to anybody who would employ Oliver reward to anybody who would employ Oliver Twist.Twist.Bofferingoffering写作技能写作技能高考书面表达中常见的错误分析高考书面表达中常见的错误分析( (一一) ) 1. 1.关系不一致关系不一致 英语语法要求意义一致。所谓意义一致,不英语语法要求意义一致。所谓意义一致,不仅指谓语要与主语在人称和数上保持一致,还指仅指谓语要与主语在人称和数上保持一致,还指谓语要与主语所表达的实际意义一致。谓语要与主语所表达的实际意义一致。 2.2.词性混淆词性混淆 词汇对于写作相当重要,词汇量越大越有利词汇对于写作相当重要,词汇量越大越有利于写作。但是,有的学生平时在记单词时,只记于写作。但是,有的学生平时在记单词时,只记拼写、读音和词义而忽略词性,这是不对的。因拼写、读音和词义而忽略词性,这是不对的。因为英语句子的各个成分都是由一定词性的词来充为英语句子的各个成分都是由一定词性的词来充当的。当的。 3. 3.用词累赘用词累赘 “累赘累赘”现象普遍存在于习作之中,要避免现象普遍存在于习作之中,要避免这一现象的发生,必须加强语言基本功训练,学这一现象的发生,必须加强语言基本功训练,学习中要勤思多练。习中要勤思多练。 4.4.无连接词错误无连接词错误 汉汉语语句句子子是是重重“意意合合”,句句子子前前后后连连接接主主要要通通过过上上下下文文的的逻逻辑辑意意义义来来实实现现,连连接接词词的的使使用用远远少少于于英英语语;而而英英语语句句子子的的特特点点之之一一是是重重“形形合合”,句句子子的的各各个个部部分分要要由由各各种种连连词词、关关系系代代词词等等连连接接起起来来,由由于于这这一一特特点点,很很多多学学生生在在写写作作时时往往忘了使用连接词,造成诸多病句。往往忘了使用连接词,造成诸多病句。 5. 5.非完整句错误非完整句错误 一个句子至少包括主语和谓语两部分一个句子至少包括主语和谓语两部分( (祈使句祈使句除外除外) ),如果将句子的某一部分当作一个完整的句,如果将句子的某一部分当作一个完整的句子,就会导致非完整句错误。写作中,很多学生子,就会导致非完整句错误。写作中,很多学生会犯此错误,对此应特别注意。会犯此错误,对此应特别注意。 6.6.选词或搭配不当选词或搭配不当 对英语词汇的理解,不能只停留在了解其表对英语词汇的理解,不能只停留在了解其表面意义上,而应掌握内在含义,同时要熟悉它们面意义上,而应掌握内在含义,同时要熟悉它们的习惯搭配。平时学习词汇时,要勤于思考,勤的习惯搭配。平时学习词汇时,要勤于思考,勤查词典,尤其要多记英语解释,弄清它们的确切查词典,尤其要多记英语解释,弄清它们的确切意思和用法,以免造成错误。意思和用法,以免造成错误。自主检测自主检测.品句填词品句填词1.A large 1.A large ( (报酬报酬) is offered for the ) is offered for the capture of the criminals.capture of the criminals.2.Although my uncle is old,he looks very 2.Although my uncle is old,he looks very strong and strong and ( (健康健康).).3.Having no children of their own,they 3.Having no children of their own,they decided to adopt an decided to adopt an ( (孤儿孤儿).).4.Kate had fully 4.Kate had fully ( (打算打算) returning ) returning home on Sunday but she couldnhome on Sunday but she couldnt get a t get a flight.flight.rewardrewardhealthyhealthyorphanorphanintendedintended5.They have 5.They have ( (完成完成) their ) their mission successfully.mission successfully.6.The doctors 6.The doctors ( (分发分发) the ) the medicine to the people in the flooded medicine to the people in the flooded area.area.7.You are a very 7.You are a very ( (淘气的淘气的) boy.Look ) boy.Look what you have done!what you have done!8.She knows so much about the science of 8.She knows so much about the science of ( (营养营养).).9.What are you two 9.What are you two ( (低语低语) about ) about over there?over there?10.Don10.Dont spoil your t spoil your ( (食欲食欲) by ) by eating sweets before meals.eating sweets before meals.accomplishedaccomplisheddistributeddistributednaughtynaughtynutritionnutritionwhisperingwhisperingappetiteappetite.短语运用短语运用1.My father said that if we believe 1.My father said that if we believe something was true,we shouldsomething was true,we should it.it.2.2. had we got home had we got home it began it began to rain heavily.to rain heavily.in astonishment,a large amount of,bring in astonishment,a large amount of,bring sth. to the attention of sb.,no sooner.sth. to the attention of sb.,no sooner.than,hold on to,more or less,feed on,than,hold on to,more or less,feed on,beyond description,put into prison,pick outbeyond description,put into prison,pick outhold on tohold on toNo soonerNo soonerthanthan3.He tried to 3.He tried to the tune of a song the tune of a song he had heard on the radio.he had heard on the radio.4.In flat open country there is plenty of 4.In flat open country there is plenty of grass for the cattlegrass for the cattle . .5.The beauty of the peach blossom is5.The beauty of the peach blossom is . .6.I was 6.I was pitiful at the news he pitiful at the news he couldncouldnt come.t come.7.The driver 7.The driver because of because of that serious accident.that serious accident.pick outpick outto feed onto feed ondescriptiondescriptionbeyondbeyondmore or lessmore or lesswas put into prisonwas put into prison8.8. time and money will be time and money will be needed to complete the project.needed to complete the project.9.An article in a newspaper 9.An article in a newspaper the the case case people.people.10.All the students looked at the scene10.All the students looked at the scene . .A large amount ofA large amount ofbroughtbroughtto the attention ofto the attention ofastonishmentastonishmentinin.翻译句子翻译句子1.1.她刚说完,泪水便夺眶而出。她刚说完,泪水便夺眶而出。(no sooner.(no sooner. than.)than.) . .2.2.他用激动的声音把消息告诉了我们。(他用激动的声音把消息告诉了我们。(in in a/an.voicea/an.voice) . .3.3.我决心不惜任何代价达到目的。(我决心不惜任何代价达到目的。(be be determined todetermined to) . .No sooner had she said it than she burstNo sooner had she said it than she burstinto tearsinto tears. .He told us the news in an excited voiceHe told us the news in an excited voice. .I Im determined to accomplish mym determined to accomplish mygoal/purpose at any costgoal/purpose at any cost. .4.4.我要是早得到通知,就能做这些事情了。(虚我要是早得到通知,就能做这些事情了。(虚 拟语气)拟语气) . .5.He hasn5.He hasnt been to the countryside,nor t been to the countryside,nor does he want to go there.does he want to go there. 。他没去过乡下,也不想去那里他没去过乡下,也不想去那里。If I had been informed earlier,I couldIf I had been informed earlier,I couldhave done these mattershave done these matters. .单项填空单项填空1.My father1.My father in the navy for two years in the navy for two years during the Second World War.during the Second World War. A.workedA.worked B.servedB.served C.livedC.lived D.playedD.played 解析解析 serve in the navyserve in the navy在海军服役,其它三在海军服役,其它三 项不符合语境。项不符合语境。B2.They are2.They are for new skills so that they for new skills so that they can be qualified for the jobs in various can be qualified for the jobs in various fields.fields. A.anxiousA.anxious B.worriedB.worried C.eagerC.eager D.delightedD.delighted 解析解析 eagereager渴望的;热衷的,渴望的;热衷的,be eager forbe eager for渴渴 望望。anxiousanxious和和worriedworried都强调都强调“为某事焦为某事焦 虑,担心虑,担心”;delighteddelighted高兴的。高兴的。C3.None of the criminals would escape3.None of the criminals would escape . . A.to be punishedA.to be punished B.being punishedB.being punished C.punishingC.punishing D.to punishD.to punish 解析解析 escapeescape后需跟动词的后需跟动词的-ing-ing形式,而不跟形式,而不跟 不定式。此处应用不定式。此处应用punishpunish的被动式,表示的被动式,表示“受受 到处罚到处罚”。B4.No sooner4.No sooner downdown he stepped in.he stepped in. A.had I sat;whenA.had I sat;when B.had I sat;thanB.had I sat;than C.I had sat;whenC.I had sat;when D.I had sat;thanD.I had sat;than 解解 析析 n no o s so oo on ne er r. . . .t th ha an n. . . .表表 示示“一一 就就”,n no o s so oo on ne er r放放在在句句首首时时,其其后后句句子子应应 用倒装。用倒装。B5.They looked disappointed because they 5.They looked disappointed because they didndidnt t the task on time.the task on time. A.clarifyA.clarify B.obtainB.obtain C.accomplishC.accomplish D.makeD.make 解析解析 accomplishaccomplish完成。完成。clarifyclarify澄清,讲清澄清,讲清 楚;楚;obtainobtain获得,得到;获得,得到;makemake制作。制作。C6.The newly published book,which refers6.The newly published book,which refers basic English grammar,isbasic English grammar,is only only for beginners.for beginners. A.as;meantA.as;meant B.for;intendedB.for;intended C.to;plannedC.to;planned D.to;intendedD.to;intended 解析解析 句意为:这本新出版的讲解基础英语语句意为:这本新出版的讲解基础英语语 法的书仅是为初学者编写的。法的书仅是为初学者编写的。refer torefer to提到,提到, 谈到,涉及;谈到,涉及;be intended forbe intended for专供专供使用。使用。D7.He7.He me byme by wrist before I could wrist before I could run away.run away. A.knocked;theA.knocked;the B.held;myB.held;my C.seized;theC.seized;the D.caught;myD.caught;my 解解析析 拍拍/ /打打/ /抓抓住住某某人人的的某某个个部部位位用用p pa at t/ /b be ea at t/ c ca at tc ch h ( (s se ei iz ze e/ /h ho ol ld d) )+ +s sb b. .+ +b by y/ /i in n/ /o on n+ +t th he e+ + 身身体体部部位位。句句意意为为:我我还还没没来来得得及及逃逃走走就就被被他他 抓住了手腕。抓住了手腕。C8.Don8.Dont eat anything that will spoil yourt eat anything that will spoil your for dinner.for dinner. A.appetiteA.appetite B.applauseB.applause C.applicationC.application D.appearanceD.appearance 解析解析 appetiteappetite食欲;食欲;applauseapplause拍手,喝彩;拍手,喝彩; applicationapplication申请;申请;appearanceappearance外表。句意为:外表。句意为: 不要吃破坏你晚饭胃口的东西。不要吃破坏你晚饭胃口的东西。A9.9.How can I doHow can I do? DonDont hesitate.t hesitate. the first opportunity the first opportunity that comes along!that comes along! A.CatchA.Catch B.SeizeB.Seize C.HoldC.Hold D.ArrestD.Arrest 解析解析 seizeseize“突然抓住突然抓住”,强调突然的猛烈动,强调突然的猛烈动 作,语气比作,语气比catchcatch强。强。catchcatch为普通用词,指捉住为普通用词,指捉住 跑动或隐藏中的人或动物,一般指活捉;跑动或隐藏中的人或动物,一般指活捉;holdhold指指 一般的一般的“手持,握住手持,握住”;arrestarrest逮捕,拘留。逮捕,拘留。B10.She started singing to the baby and was10.She started singing to the baby and was with a smile.with a smile. A.awardedA.awarded B.rewardedB.rewarded C.prizedC.prized D.valuedD.valued 解析解析 be rewarded with a smilebe rewarded with a smile报之以微报之以微 笑。笑。reward sb. with sth.reward sb. with sth.“用用回报某回报某 人人”为固定搭配,此处为其被动形式。为固定搭配,此处为其被动形式。B11.11.May I go to play football with Dick May I go to play football with Dick now,Dad?now,Dad? No,you canNo,you cant go outt go out your homework your homework is being done.is being done. A.beforeA.before B.untilB.until C.asC.as D.afterD.after 解析解析 asas在此引导原因状语从句。因为从句用在此引导原因状语从句。因为从句用 的是进行时态,故的是进行时态,故A A、B B两项不对。两项不对。afterafter与题意与题意 不符。不符。C12.He told me the news12.He told me the news a whisper as if a whisper as if itit a secret.a secret. A.in;wereA.in;were B.with;wereB.with;were C.in;had beenC.in;had been D.with;had beenD.with;had been 解解析析 w wh hi is sp pe er r前前面面的的介介词词是是i in n, ,排排除除B B、D D两两 项项;a as s i if f后后应应用用虚虚拟拟语语气气,故故应应使使用用一一般般过过 去时态。去时态。A13.13.My cousin is very clever but he My cousin is very clever but he doesndoesnt work hard at his lessons.t work hard at his lessons. . . A.So is my little brotherA.So is my little brother B.Neither does my little brotherB.Neither does my little brother C.So it is with my little brotherC.So it is with my little brother D.Neither is my little brotherD.Neither is my little brother 解析解析 句型:句型:So it is with.So it is with.或或It is the It is the same with.same with.用于表达与上句所述情况相同。用于表达与上句所述情况相同。C14.14.May I open the window to let in some May I open the window to let in some fresh air?fresh air? A.Come on!A.Come on! B.Take care!B.Take care! C.Go ahead!C.Go ahead! D.Hold on!D.Hold on! 解析解析 句意为:句意为:“我可以打开窗子放进来点新我可以打开窗子放进来点新 鲜空气吗?鲜空气吗?”“”“开吧!开吧!”C C项意为项意为“请便请便”,用,用 于回答别人的请求,可译为于回答别人的请求,可译为“去吧,好吧,说去吧,好吧,说 吧,干吧等吧,干吧等”。C15.15.We must thank you for taking the We must thank you for taking the trouble to cook us a meal.trouble to cook us a meal. . . A.With pleasureA.With pleasure B.It doesnB.It doesnt mattert matter C.It was no trouble at allC.It was no trouble at all D.By all meansD.By all means 解解析析 A A项项用用来来回回答答别别人人的的请请求求,意意为为“愿愿意意”; I It t d do oe es sn nt t m ma at tt te er r意意为为“不不要要紧紧”,回回答答别别人人 的的道道歉歉;I It t w wa as s n no o t tr ro ou ub bl le e a at t a al ll l根根本本不不麻麻 烦烦,在在此此题题中中用用来来间间接接回回答答对对方方的的道道谢谢;b by y a al ll l meansmeans意为意为“当然可以,没问题当然可以,没问题”。C返回同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全
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