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Unit 7希望英语希望英语 (第二版)(第二版) 综合教程综合教程 1 1 Unit 7 Happiness希望英语希望英语 (第二版)(第二版) 综合教程综合教程 1 1 外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社希望英语(第二版)综合教程希望英语(第二版)综合教程 1 1 Unit 1 CollegeContentsSpeakingReading AGrammarListeningWritingPresentationReading B & Reading CSpeakingTask 1Task 2Task 3SpeakingS-Task 1Look at the pictures on Page 102 and list words or phrases about them. Then share your work with others.Speaking Task 1S-Task 1Suggested Words:smile goggles fun karaoke laughter enjoycelebrate excited champion trophy love share satisfactionUse the following sentence patterns and the words or phrases from Task 1 to describe the pictures on Page 2 to your classmates. A. enjoy doing B. meansSpeaking Task 2S-Task 2Sample Sentences:I enjoy going to the beach with my family.To me, happiness means spending time with my friends andhaving fun with them.Work in pairs. Take turns asking your partner the following questions and make notes. Organize your notes and report to the class using the given paragraph as a model.Speaking Task 3Is there a general definition ofhappiness? Why or why not?How do you understand happiness?What are the happy moments in your life, if there are any?Model ReportWhat is happiness? A difficult question as it may seem, Jenny has her own answers to it. Partying all night? Yes. Shopping with friends? Maybe. Reading the test results? No. She just cant figure it out in one sentence. She takes happiness as the fresh memories about her life, especially the day when she got her first Christmas gift, a lovely Barbie doll.S-Task 3Reading ATask 2 TextTask 3Task 1Task 4Task 6Task 7Task 8Task 5Task 9Reading AReading A Task 1Try to work out the meanings of the highlighted words with the help of other words. The first one has been done for you.1. I cant believe he has such a greed for food. He just wont stop eating. a strong desire to have a lot of something, especially food, money, or power 2. Its very important for a cancer patient to have a positive attitude toward life rather than feel that the end of the world has come. helpful; hopeful; constructiveA-Task 1-1 3. Young as he is, he is very creative and always hasnew ideas in designing products. 4. The policemen ran to catch the thief, but the thief jumped into a car and made a successful escape. 5. When we feel sad and low, we need something to uplift us, to make us feel better and happy again. Reading A Task 1having the ability to produce new ideas or things raise somebody emotionally; make somebody feel better getawayA-Task 1-2Reading A Task 2 Text Happiness HappinessHappiness is is the the art art of of living, living, the the aim aim and and object object of of our our existence. existence. Without Without happiness, happiness, life life is is dry dry and and meaningless. meaningless. With With happiness, happiness, life life immediately immediately becomes becomes fulfilledfulfilled and and wonderful. wonderful. Happy Happy people people keep keep themselvesthemselves happy happy because because they they know know the the ways ways to to appreciateappreciate themselves themselves and and to to see see thethe humor humor and and magic magic in in each each moment. moment. Those Those people people who who take take life life too seriouslytoo seriously may lose their happiness. may lose their happiness. A-Text-1happiness, art of living and object of existencehappiness, art of living and object of existencehappiness, art of living and object of existenceReading A Task 2 Text SometimesSometimes when when we we wonder wonder what what we we are are doing doing or or pursuingpursuing, , it it is is helpful helpful toto just just ask, ask, “Well, “Well, will will this this bring bring me me happiness?” happiness?” Because Because the the ultimateultimate search search of of allall human human beings, beings, the the ultimate ultimate goal goal in in life life is is to to be be happy. happy. We We pursue pursue this this goal goal in in allall manner manner of of ways, ways, whether whether it it be be through through leisure, leisure, careerscareers, wealth, or relationships., wealth, or relationships. happy, pursue, wayshappy, pursue, waysA-Text-2Reading A Task 2 Text AnotherAnother good good question question to to ask ask is is “Why “Why do do we we lose lose our our happiness?”. happiness?”. WhenWhen we we pursue pursue limited, limited, superficialsuperficial or or false false goals, goals, it it is is very very easy easy to to lose lose happiness. happiness. WeWe expect expect happiness happiness to to come come from from the the outside, outside, from from relationships, relationships, from from food, food, fromfrom possessions, possessions, from from travel. travel. Yes, Yes, these these are are forms forms of of happiness, happiness, however however limitedlimited, , yetyet they they are are only only temporarytemporary. . The The more more we we are are drivendriven by by such such forces forces as as greed greed andand desire, desire, the the more more likely likely it is we will lose it is we will lose our stock of happinessour stock of happiness. .lose happiness, limited, temporarylose happiness, limited, temporaryA-Text-3Reading A Task 2 Text HowHow is is it it possible possible to to increase increase the the stock stock of of happiness? happiness? Firstly, Firstly, be be true true to to the the selfself, , know know the the self self and and be be the the self. self. Then Then understand understand what what brings brings happiness happiness to to ones ones self.self. It It is is positivepositive thinking, thinking, it it is is working working and and fulfilling fulfilling worldly worldly responsibilities, responsibilities, it it is is doingdoing something something creative. creative. Once Once we we have have understood understood the the happiness happiness that that comes comes fromfrom within within and and as as a a result result of of the the manner manner in in which which we we conductconduct ourselves ourselves and and our our lives, lives, it it is is possible possible to to understand understand how how to to shareshare that that happiness happiness with with others. others. Mending Mending brokenbroken relationships, relationships, making making amends amends for for the the pastall bring pastall bring a measure of self respect anda measure of self respect and happinesshappiness. .increase happiness, self, bringincrease happiness, self, bringA-Text-4Reading A Task 2 Text SeeingSeeing the the best best in in ourselves ourselves and and in in others others is is also also a a form form of of happiness. happiness. GoodGood wishes wishes and and pleasant pleasant feelings feelings towards towards other other people people give give us us a a life life of of happiness, happiness, butbut we we need need to to feel feel these these feelings feelings in in ourselves ourselves first. first. Then Then we we can can share share what what we we havehave and and give give this this to to others. others. Increasing Increasing the the happiness happiness of of others others brings brings happiness happiness to to thethe self, self, but but this this cannot cannot be be an an escapeescapethat that is, is, it it is is not not a a substitutesubstitute for for creating creating internalinternal happiness.happiness. good wishesgood wishesA-Text-5-1Reading A Task 2 Text People People with with a a naturally naturally happy happy disposition disposition are are sunny sunny and and pleasant pleasant to to bebe around. around. They They will will attract attract others others with with their their positive positive attitude attitude and and uplift uplift the the mood mood ofof anybody anybody who who is is feeling feeling a a bit bit lowlow. . In In the the same same way, way, the the genuinegenuine laughter laughter that that comescomes from from true true happiness happiness is is infectiousinfectious and and brings brings happiness to all.happiness to all.happy disposition, positive attitude happy disposition, positive attitude A-Text-5-2Reading A 快乐快乐 快乐是生活的艺术,是我们生存的目的。离快乐是生活的艺术,是我们生存的目的。离快乐是生活的艺术,是我们生存的目的。离快乐是生活的艺术,是我们生存的目的。离开快乐,生活便枯燥乏味、毫无意义。拥有快乐,开快乐,生活便枯燥乏味、毫无意义。拥有快乐,开快乐,生活便枯燥乏味、毫无意义。拥有快乐,开快乐,生活便枯燥乏味、毫无意义。拥有快乐,生活即刻变得圆满、精彩。快乐的人之所以快乐生活即刻变得圆满、精彩。快乐的人之所以快乐生活即刻变得圆满、精彩。快乐的人之所以快乐生活即刻变得圆满、精彩。快乐的人之所以快乐是因为他们懂得如何去欣赏自己,去发现每一瞬是因为他们懂得如何去欣赏自己,去发现每一瞬是因为他们懂得如何去欣赏自己,去发现每一瞬是因为他们懂得如何去欣赏自己,去发现每一瞬间的幽默与魅力。那些把生活看得太认真的人会间的幽默与魅力。那些把生活看得太认真的人会间的幽默与魅力。那些把生活看得太认真的人会间的幽默与魅力。那些把生活看得太认真的人会失去快乐。失去快乐。失去快乐。失去快乐。A-Trans-1Reading A 有有时时,当当我我们们想想弄弄明明白白自自己己在在做做什什么么、追追求求什什么么时时,不不妨妨问问问问自自己己:“这这会会带带给给我我快快乐乐吗吗?”这这会会对对我我们们有有所所帮帮助助,因因为为人人类类的的最最终终追追求求和和生生活活的的最最终终目目标标就就是是快快乐乐。无无论论是是借借助助休休闲闲、事事业业、财财富富,还还是是人人际际关关系系,我我们们想想方方设设法法去去追追求求这一目标这一目标。A-Trans-2Reading A 另另另另一一一一个个个个有有有有益益益益的的的的问问问问题题题题是是是是:“我我我我们们们们为为为为什什什什么么么么失失失失去去去去快快快快乐乐乐乐?”当当当当我我我我们们们们追追追追求求求求狭狭狭狭隘隘隘隘、肤肤肤肤浅浅浅浅或或或或错错错错误误误误的的的的目目目目标标标标时时时时,便便便便容容容容易易易易失失失失去去去去快快快快乐乐乐乐。我我我我们们们们期期期期望望望望从从从从外外外外界界界界,从从从从人人人人际际际际关关关关系系系系,从从从从食食食食物物物物、财财财财产产产产或或或或旅旅旅旅行行行行中中中中找找找找到到到到快快快快乐乐乐乐。尽尽尽尽管管管管有有有有限限限限,这这这这些些些些的的的的确确确确是是是是快快快快乐乐乐乐的的的的表表表表现现现现形形形形式式式式,但但但但它它它它们们们们都都都都只只只只是是是是短短短短暂暂暂暂的的的的。我我我我们们们们越越越越是是是是被被被被贪贪贪贪婪婪婪婪、欲欲欲欲望望望望这这这这些些些些力力力力量量量量所所所所驱驱驱驱使使使使,就就就就越越越越容容容容易失去拥有的快乐。易失去拥有的快乐。易失去拥有的快乐。易失去拥有的快乐。A-Trans-3Reading A 如如如如何何何何才才才才能能能能拥拥拥拥有有有有更更更更多多多多的的的的快快快快乐乐乐乐呢呢呢呢?首首首首先先先先,真真真真诚诚诚诚地地地地对对对对待待待待自自自自己己己己,充充充充分分分分了了了了解解解解自自自自己己己己,真真真真实实实实地地地地展展展展现现现现自自自自己己己己。然然然然后后后后弄弄弄弄清清清清楚楚楚楚是是是是什什什什么么么么给给给给自自自自己己己己带带带带来来来来快快快快乐乐乐乐:是是是是积积积积极极极极的的的的态态态态度度度度,是是是是努努努努力力力力工工工工作作作作并并并并履履履履行行行行人人人人世世世世间间间间的的的的责责责责任任任任,是是是是进进进进行行行行创创创创新新新新。一一一一旦旦旦旦我我我我们们们们理理理理解解解解了了了了快快快快乐乐乐乐是是是是发发发发自自自自内内内内心心心心,是是是是源源源源于于于于我我我我们们们们为为为为人人人人和和和和生生生生活活活活的的的的方方方方式式式式,我我我我们们们们就就就就可可可可能能能能懂懂懂懂得得得得如如如如何何何何与与与与他他他他人人人人分分分分享享享享这这这这份份份份快快快快乐乐乐乐。挽挽挽挽救救救救破破破破裂裂裂裂的的的的关关关关系系系系,弥弥弥弥补补补补往往往往日日日日的的的的过过过过失失失失,这些都会带来某种程度的自尊和快乐。这些都会带来某种程度的自尊和快乐。这些都会带来某种程度的自尊和快乐。这些都会带来某种程度的自尊和快乐。A-Trans-4Reading A 看看看看到到到到自自自自己己己己和和和和他他他他人人人人的的的的优优优优点点点点,也也也也是是是是一一一一种种种种快快快快乐乐乐乐。对对对对他他他他人人人人美美美美好好好好的的的的祝祝祝祝愿愿愿愿和和和和情情情情感感感感给给给给我我我我们们们们的的的的生生生生活活活活带带带带来来来来快快快快乐乐乐乐。但但但但首首首首先先先先我我我我们们们们自自自自己己己己要要要要体体体体验验验验到到到到这这这这些些些些情情情情感感感感,然然然然后后后后才才才才能能能能与与与与人人人人分分分分享享享享。增增增增添添添添别别别别人人人人的的的的快快快快乐乐乐乐也也也也会会会会给给给给自自自自己己己己带带带带来来来来快快快快乐乐乐乐,但但但但这这这这不不不不能能能能当当当当作作作作一一一一种种种种逃逃逃逃避避避避它它它它不不不不能能能能替替替替代代代代创创创创造造造造自自自自己己己己内心的快乐。内心的快乐。内心的快乐。内心的快乐。A-Trans-5-1Reading A 与与与与天天天天性性性性快快快快乐乐乐乐的的的的人人人人相相相相处处处处令令令令人人人人愉愉愉愉快快快快。他他他他们们们们积积积积极极极极的的的的态态态态度度度度会会会会吸吸吸吸引引引引他他他他人人人人,并并并并让让让让情情情情绪绪绪绪低低低低落落落落的的的的人人人人高高高高兴兴兴兴起起起起来来来来。同同同同样样样样,真真真真正正正正快快快快乐乐乐乐的的的的笑笑笑笑声声声声具具具具有有有有感感感感染染染染力力力力,能能能能将将将将快快快快乐乐乐乐带带带带给所有人。给所有人。给所有人。给所有人。A-Trans-5-2Reading A Task 2 Text a a. . satisfied with your life, job, etc., because you feel that it is interesting, useful, or important, and you are using all your skillsfulfilled e.g.e.g. Im sure Id feel more fulfilled if I had a job that involved working with people, caring for people. translation translation 如如果果父父母母双双方方生生活活美美满满幸幸福福,孩孩子子们们就就能能从从中中受益。受益。 The children gain if both parents are living fulfilled lives. fulfilled v. v. to understand and enjoyappreciate e.g.e.g. Here in the mountains I learned to appreciate the wildlife and the countryside. translation translation 他的工作能力得不到老板的赏识。他的工作能力得不到老板的赏识。 His abilities were not appreciated by his boss.Reading A Task 2 TextappreciateReading A Task 2 Text to have a serious or respectful attitude toward somebody/somethingtake somebody/something seriously e.g.e.g. I always take your suggestions seriously. translation translation 别跟琳达开玩笑,她对什么都认真。别跟琳达开玩笑,她对什么都认真。 Dont joke with Linda; she takes everything seriously. takeseriouslyReading A Task 2 Textv. to make continual efforts to gain somethingpursue e.g.e.g. The poet has pursued fame all his life, but has never experienced it.pursue translation translation 她在大学继续深造。她在大学继续深造。 She is pursuing her studies at the university. Reading A Task 2 Text a. last; furthest; basicultimate e.g.e.g. The ultimate aim is to expand the network further. translation translation 太阳是能量的最终来源。太阳是能量的最终来源。 The sun is the ultimate source of energy.ultimateReading A Task 2 Text every sort ofall manner of e.g.e.g. She used all manner of learning strategies to learn the point of grammar. translation translation 这个袋子塞满了各种工具。这个袋子塞满了各种工具。The bag is filled with all manner of tools. all manner ofReading A Task 2 Text used to introduce two or more choices/possibilitieswhether it be or e.g.e.g. People dont want to suffer through anything, whether it be bad health, bad conditions, or bad relationships.whether it beReading A Task 2 Text n. a job or profession that you have been trained for and intend to do for several years career e.g.e.g. He realized that his acting career was over.career translationtranslation 我的教师生涯即将开始。我的教师生涯即将开始。My career as a teacher is about to begin. Reading A Task 2 Text a. not deep; on the surfacesuperficial e.g.e.g. He has only a superficial knowledge of mathematics. translation translation 他对这种植物略知一二。他对这种植物略知一二。 He has a superficial knowledge of this plant.superficialReading A Task 2 Text a. a. lasting for a short time onlytemporary e.g.e.g. Many students find temporary jobs during their summer holidays. translation translation 这只是一个临时的决定。这只是一个临时的决定。 Its just a temporary decision. temporaryReading A Task 2 Text no matter how limited (these forms of happiness are)however limited e.g.e.g. In some areas any exploitation, however limited, would wipe leopards out.however limitedReading A Task 2 Text v. to force (someone) into the stated, usually, unpleasant condition; to urgedrivee.ge.g. . A man driven by greed or envy will lose his sense of justice. translation translation 噪音吵得我快发疯了。噪音吵得我快发疯了。The noise is driving me out of my mind. driveReading A Task 2 Text v. v. the happiness, jokes, knowledge, courage, etc. that someone knows or hasa stock of happiness/jokes/ knowledge/courage, etc. e.g.e.g. The lovely girl seems to have a stock of happiness.a stock ofReading A Task 2 Text n. the type of person you are, your character, your typical behavior, etc.self e.g.e.g. Tom was not his usual smiling self.selfReading A Task 2 Text a a. . effective, actually helpfulpositive e.g.e.g. Its no use just telling me to do it; give me some positive advice as how to do it. translation translation 公众对新政策的反应是积极的。公众对新政策的反应是积极的。 Public response toward the new policy was positive. positiveReading A Task 2 Text v. v. to behave (oneself) conduct e.g.e.g. He conducted himself like a good soldier. translation translation 我我认认为为他他面面对对困困难难时时表表现现得得相相当当好。好。 I think he conducted himself quite well when facing difficulties.conductReading A Task 2 Text v. v. to use, pay, have, take part in, etc., (with others) or among a groupshare (with/between/among)share e.g.e.g. They shared the food out among the poor. translation translation 母亲对两个孩子的爱是一样的。母亲对两个孩子的爱是一样的。 The love of the mother is shared between her two children.Reading A Task 2 Textrepair or pay for some harm, unkindness, damage, etc.make amends (to somebody) for somethingmake amends for e.g.e.g. He made amends for his rudeness by giving her some flowers. translation translation 他希望弥补自己的过失。他希望弥补自己的过失。 He wishes to make amends for his fault.Reading A Task 2 Text a certain mount of a good or useful qualitya measure of self respect/happiness/ success/agreement/freedom, etc. e.g.e.g. A new legislation gives women a measure of economic independence.a measure ofReading A Task 2 Text n.n. the act of getting away from a place where you do not want to be, or from an unpleasant or dangerous situationescape e.g.e.g. They had been planning their escape for months. translation translation 读书是逃避现实的一种好方法。读书是逃避现实的一种好方法。 Reading is a good escape from reality. escapeReading A Task 2 Text n.n. (for) person or thing taking the place of, acting for or serving for anothersubstitute e.g.e.g. There is no substitute for good food and excise.substitute translation translation 计算机不能取代教师授课。计算机不能取代教师授课。 Computers are no substitutes for teacher instruction.Reading A Task 2 Text a. a. of or in the insideinternal e.g.e.g. He suffered internal injuries in a traffic accident.internal translation translation 政政府府警警告告周周边边国国家家不不要要干干涉涉其其内内政。政。 The government warned its neighbors not to interfere with its internal affairs.Reading A Task 2 Text make anybody happy when he or she is feeling saduplift the mood of anybody who is feeling a bit low.uplift the moodCreate happinessReading A Task 2 Text a. a. a genuine feeling, desire, etc. is one that you really feel, not one you pretend to feel in order to deceive people; sinceregenuine e.g.e.g. The speech made by the President has shown a genuine concern for the disabled.genuine translation translation 她看着我,真的很惊讶。她看着我,真的很惊讶。 She looked at me in genuine astonishment.Reading A Task 2 Text a. a. quickly influencing others; likely to spread to othersinfectious e.g.e.g. She has an infectious enthusiasm for everything she does.infectious translation translation 这种流感的传染性很强。这种流感的传染性很强。 This flu is highly infectious. Put the following statements in the correct order according to the reading on Page 105.A. We pursue the goal of happiness in all manner of ways.B. To be happy we ought to understand both the self and what brings happiness to the self.C. People sometimes lose happiness because they only pursue limited and temporary happiness.D. Seeing the best in ourselves and in others is also a form of happiness.E. Happiness is the art of living, the aim and object of our existence.Reading A Task 3Key: EKey: E A C B D A C B DA-Task 3 Work in pairs. Find the supporting details for the following ideas from the reading.Reading A Task 4IdeasDetailsHappiness is the art of living, the aim and object of our existence.We pursue the goal of happiness in all manner of ways.(without happiness), life dry and meaningless; (with happiness), life fulfilled and wonderfulthrough leisure, careers, wealth, or relationshipsA-Task 4-1Speaking Task 4IdeasDetailsthe reasons for losing our happinessways to increase our stock of happinesspursue limited, superficial or false goals; expect happiness from outside, from relationships, from food, from possessions, from travel; driven by such forces as greed and desirebe true to the self, know the self and be the self; understand what brings happiness to ones self; share happiness with others; mend broken relationships and make amends for the pastA-Task 4-2Speaking Task 4IdeasDetailsSeeing the best in ourselves and in others is also a form of happiness.good wishes and pleasant feelings toward other people and ourselves; share what we have and give this to others; having a naturally happy disposition; genuine laughterA-Task 4-3 Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the reading on Page 5 that match the meanings in the column on the right. c c _ act in a particular way; organize and carry outa a _ understand and enjoy; pay great attention tos s _ having no depth of character, feeling, etc.l l _ small in amount, degree or power, etc.g g _ real; truly what it is said to bei i _likely to spread to othersp p _ helpful; effectivei i _ of or in the insidep p _ follow, especially in order to catcht t _lasting for only a limited timeReading A Task 5onductonductuperficialuperficialimitedimitedenuineenuinenfectiousnfectiousositiveositiventernalnternalursueursueemporaryemporaryppreciateppreciateA-Task 5 Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from Task 5. Change word forms if necessary. 1. Every year thousands of people go to the British Museum to _ the works of art there. 2. I only have a(n) _ knowledge of music, so I dare not make any judgment. 3. After careful examination they believed that this picture was _. 4. Dont just watch me! I want you to give me some _ advice. 5. Some of the _ walls of my house are made of wood.Reading A Task 6appreciateappreciatesuperficialsuperficialgenuinegenuinepositivepositiveinternalinternalA-Task 6-1 6. The development of industry must not _ without concern for air pollution 7. Im glad to tell you that your child _ himself well in the kindergarten. 8. Were disappointed that these shops have a very _ selection of shoes. 9. Frank, our new English teacher, was a tall, quiet man with a(n) _ smile.10.His job here is only _ and when the exhibition is over, he has to leave.Reading A Task 6be pursuedbe pursuedconductsconductslimitedlimitedinfectiousinfectioustemporarytemporaryA-Task 6-2appreciate make amends for pursue take something seriously ultimate1. Please _ this matter _ if _.2. I _ my mistakes immediately after _.3. I became harder for married women to _ their own interests after _.4. To us youths, our _ aim should be to _. 5. People will _ a poem only when _. Complete the sentences using the following words or phrases plus some words of your own.Reading A Task 7taketakeseriouslyseriouslypursuepursuemade amends formade amends forthey had childrenthey had childrenultimateultimatebuild a more beautiful countrybuild a more beautiful countryappreciateappreciateyou dont want to do it againyou dont want to do it againI realized that I was wrongI realized that I was wrongA-Task 7they fully understand itthey fully understand itRewrite the following sentences after the models.Model 1:He prepared very carefully, and he succeeded in getting that job.He succeeded in getting that job as a result of careful preparation.1. It snowed, and they were late for school. 2. He advised us how to do that job quickly, and we finished it ahead of time. Reading A Task 8They were late for school as a result of the snow.They were late for school as a result of the snow.We finished that job ahead of time as a result of his advice.We finished that job ahead of time as a result of his advice.A-Task 8-13. Many factories were closed because they lacked money. 4. A big fire broke out last night, and several people died. 5. The bridge was broken. There had been several days of flood. Reading A Task 8Many factories were closed as a result of the lack of money.Many factories were closed as a result of the lack of money.Several people died as a result of a big fire.Several people died as a result of a big fire.The bridge was broken as a result of several days of flood.The bridge was broken as a result of several days of flood.A-Task 8-2Model 2:We see the best in ourselves and in others. This is also a form of happiness.Seeing the best in ourselves and in others is also a form of happiness.1. She washes everyones clothes. That is her job. 2. They look after the patients. That requires much care. Reading A Task 8Washing everyones clothes is her job.Washing everyones clothes is her job.Looking after the patients requires much care.Looking after the patients requires much care.A-Task 8-33. He always collects stamps. That is his favorite hobby. 4. Tom turned off the light. That made the room very dark. 5. Philip came back home. That was a great pleasure to his parents.Reading A Task 8Collecting stamps is his favorite hobby.Collecting stamps is his favorite hobby.Toms turning off the light made the room very dark.Toms turning off the light made the room very dark.Philips coming back home was a great pleasure to his Philips coming back home was a great pleasure to his parents.parents.A-Task 8-4Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the highlighted parts.1.我为自己的无礼行为向她赔礼道歉赔礼道歉。 2. 2. 情绪低落情绪低落时,他总是静坐几个小时。 Reading A Task 9I made amends to her for my rudeness.I made amends to her for my rudeness.When he felt low, he would sit there silently for hours.When he felt low, he would sit there silently for hours.A-Task 9-13.你们应当认真对待认真对待即将到来的期末考试。 4.客户满意是我们的最终目标最终目标。 5. 5. 新来的职员表现表现很好,经理对他很满意。Reading A Task 9You should take the coming final exam seriously.You should take the coming final exam seriously.Customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal.Customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal. The new clerk conducted himself very well, and the The new clerk conducted himself very well, and the manager was very satisfied with him.manager was very satisfied with him.A-Task 9-2GrammarTask 1Task 2Task 3GrammarStudy the following grammar tips for adverbial clauses and match them with the sentences in the column on the right.Grammar Task 1G-Task 11. Hardly did he begin to speak when the audience interrupted him. A B C D 2. Strong while he was, he could not lift the weight. A B C D3. He handled the instrument with care so that it should be damaged. A B C D4. Tried as he might, his experiment was still a failure. A B C D5. Whether you believe it not, it is true. A B C DIn each of the following sentences, one of the underlined words or phrases is incorrect. Find the mistake and correct it.Grammar Task 2G-Task 2had he begunas he waslestTryor notTranslate the following into English.1. 1. 我们一到家,就开始下雨了。我们一到家,就开始下雨了。 2. 2. 不管你是和我一起去还是待在家里,我都要去。不管你是和我一起去还是待在家里,我都要去。 3. 3. 你尽管试吧,但你决不会成功。你尽管试吧,但你决不会成功。 4. 4. 他读书时睡着了。他读书时睡着了。Grammar Task 3No sooner had we arrived home than it began to rain.No sooner had we arrived home than it began to rain.Ill go, whether you go with me or stay at home.Ill go, whether you go with me or stay at home.TryTry as you may, you will never succeed. as you may, you will never succeed.He fell asleep while he was reading a book.He fell asleep while he was reading a book.G-Task 3ListeningTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5Task 6Task 7Listening1. 1. _2. 2. _3. 3. _4. 4. _5. 5. _Without happiness, life is dry and meaningless.Without happiness, life is dry and meaningless. Listen to each of the following statements twice and write them down.Listening Task 1Be true to the self, know the self and be the self.Be true to the self, know the self and be the self.We should know how to share happiness with others.We should know how to share happiness with others.Seeing the best in ourselves and in others is a form of Seeing the best in ourselves and in others is a form of happiness.happiness.Increasing the happiness of others brings happiness to Increasing the happiness of others brings happiness to the self.the self.L-Task 11. A. Because he will travel abroad. B. Because he will attend a party. C. Because he will be a university student.2. A. Happiness is very important. B. Happiness is meaningless. C. Life is dry and meaningless.Listening Task 2ScriptScriptL-Task 2-1Listen to the four conversations, and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear.3. A. Lisa likes humorous stories. B. Lisa has a positive attitude toward life. C. Lisa knows humorous people.4. A. Nancy doesnt want to make money. B. Nancy doesnt understand the meaning of life. C. Nancy takes life too seriously.Listening Task 2ScriptScriptL-Task 2-2Listening Task 2L-2-1 scriptListening Task 2L-2-2 scriptListen to the short passage about the tips for happiness in daily life, and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Listening Task 3ScriptScriptL-Task 3Always look at _ of every situation.Listen to _.Watch funny comedies that _.Each day do something good for yourself, e.g. _.Each day do at least one thing to make others happy. This can be a kind word, or _.the good sidethe good siderelaxing musicrelaxing musicmake you laughmake you laugheating something you loveeating something you lovegiving a small present to someone you lovegiving a small present to someone you love ScriptListening Task 3L-Task 3- scriptListen to the dialog. Mark the following statements T (True) or F (False).Listening Task 4ScriptScriptL-Task 4( ) 1. Sam is having a good time at the party.( ) 2. Sam thinks the food is not tasty enough.( ) 3. One of the speakers is going to give up smoking.( ) 4. They are at a New Years party.TFTTListening Task 4L-Task 4- scriptPractice the following expressions with your partner.Listening Task 5L-Task 5Listen to the dialog and check the correct response to each greeting or question according to what you hear.Listening Task 6ScriptScriptL-Task 6Listening Task 6L-Task 6- scriptWork in groups and create the following role-play.Bella, Rebecca, Sean, and Bob are at a New Year party. After enjoying the dinner, they talk about their business and life. They exchange good wishes for the coming year.Listening Task 7L-Task 7Reading B & Reading CReading BReading CTextTaskText & TaskReading B & CReading B Text Where to Find Happiness AreAre you you happy? happy? Are Are you you really really content? content? Or Or are are there there many many things things that that you you wish wish youyou could could change? change? Are Are there there other other changes changes which which should should give give you you happinesshappiness afterafter havinghaving achieved them?achieved them?B-Text-1Reading B Text LetsLets face face it, it, if if you you are are still still hoping hoping for for happiness, happiness, it it means means you you dont dont have have it. it. If If youyou havent havent found found the the happiness happiness that that you you would would like like by by now, now, maybe maybe you you dont dont know know where where to to findfind it. it. So So where where should should we we look? look? In In order order to to know know where where to to find find genuine genuine happiness, happiness, we we must alsomust also know clearly where not to look.know clearly where not to look.B-Text-2Reading B Text ManyMany people people take take wealth wealth and and possessions possessions as as the the basis basis of of happiness. happiness. They They think think happiness happiness can can be be found found in in the the next next purchase purchase of of what what they they think think they they need. need. This This idea idea leads leads one one down down a a wrong wrong path. path. This This often often only only leads leads one one to to stress stress and and anxiety. anxiety. The The pressure pressure of of pursuing pursuing ones ones material material goals goals is is in in fact fact another another form form of of miserymisery, , no no matter matter how how slightslight it it may may be. be. Being Being in in stress stress is is not not happiness.happiness.B-Text-3-1Reading B Text AndAnd it it can can lead lead to to more more serious serious diseases, diseases, such such as as headaches, headaches, high high blood blood pressure, pressure, back back pain, pain, emotional emotional problems, problems, and and heart heart attacks, attacks, which which can can continue continue to to lead lead to to other other social social difficulties. difficulties. It It is is for for this this reason reason that that the the most most “advanced” “advanced” countries countries seem seem to to have have the the least least happiness. happiness. Therefore, Therefore, even even on on the the most most basic basic material material level, level, where where there there is is the the least least stress stress one one can can find find the the most happiness.most happiness.B-Text-3-2( ) 1. Some people are still hoping for happiness because they dont know what happiness is.( ) 2. To find true happiness, we should know what cant bring us happiness.( ) 3. Taking wealth and possessions as the basis of happiness wont do any harm to us.( ) 4. The more money we get, the happier we are.( ) 5. Pursuing material goals will bring us stress and disease.( ) 6. Many people in most “advanced” countries are not happy because they dont know how to enjoy happiness.Read the passage and then mark the following statement T (True) or F (False).Reading B Task B-TaskFTFFTFReading B Text n.n. great suffering or discomfort, caused for example by being very poor or very sickmisery e.g.e.g. The cyclone brought misery to thousands of people. translation translation 他没有理由再给她增添痛苦。他没有理由再给她增添痛苦。 He has no excuse for increasing her misery.miseryReading B Text a. a. small in size, degree, or amountslight e.g.e.g. I havent the slightest idea what you are talking about. translation translation 他有轻微的德国口音。他有轻微的德国口音。 He has a slight German accent. slight What Makes Others Happy There There was was once once a a man man who who was was very very rich rich but but very very tightfisted tightfisted at at the the same same time. time. The The villagers villagers disliked disliked him. him. One One day day he he said said to to them, them, “I “I know know you you (1) (1) _ _ me. me. When When I I die, die, I I will will give give everything everything to to charitycharity. . Then Then everyone everyone will will be be happy.” or even university.happy.” or even university.Reading C Textallall deaddead dislikeddisliked everybody foreverybody for onlyonly provide provide quitequite talkingtalking whatwhatdislikedislikeC-Text-1 Even Even then then nobody nobody believed believed him. him. The The rich rich man man couldnt couldnt understand understand why why they they didntdidnt believe believe him. him. One One day day he he went went (2) (2) _ _ a a walk. walk. Under Under a a tree tree he he overheard overheard a a pigpig and and a a cow cow (3) (3) _. .Reading C Text forfortalkingtalkingC-Text-2allall deaddead dislikeddisliked everybody foreverybody for onlyonly provide provide quitequite talkingtalking whatwhatReading C Text TheThe pig pig said said to to the the cow, cow, “Why “Why (4)(4)_ _ appreciates appreciates you you and and nobodynobody appreciates appreciates me? me? When When I I die, die, I I (5)(5)_ _ people people with with bacon, bacon, ham, ham, etc. etc. I I give give threethree or or four four things things to to them. them. But But you you give give (6)(6)_ one one thing: thing: milk. milk. Why Why do do peoplepeople appreciate appreciate you you (7)(7)_ the the time time and not me?”and not me?”everybodyeverybodyprovideprovideonlyonlyallallC-Text-3allall deaddead dislikeddisliked everybody foreverybody for onlyonly provide provide quitequite talkingtalking whatwhatReading C Text TheThe cow cow said said to to the the pig, pig, “Look, “Look, I I give give them them milk milk while while Im Im alive. alive. They They see see that that I I amam generousgenerous with with (8)(8)_ I I have. have. But But you you dont dont give give them them anything anything while while youreyoure alive. alive. Only Only after after youre youre (9)(9)_ do do you you give give ham, ham, bacon bacon and and so so forth. forth. PeoplePeople dont dont believe believe in in the the future; future; they they believe believe in in the the present. present. If If you you give give while while you you are are alive,alive, people people willwill appreciateappreciate youyou. It is (10). It is (10)_ simple.” simple.” From that moment on, the rich man gave all he had to the From that moment on, the rich man gave all he had to the poor.poor.whatwhatdeaddeadquitequiteC-Text-4allall deaddead dislikeddisliked everybody foreverybody for onlyonly provide provide quitequite talkingtalking whatwhatReading C Text n.n. an institution, an organization or a fund established to help the needycharity e.g.e.g. This charity is a nonprofit organization.charityReading C Text a a. . willing to give money, spend time, etc. in order to help people or give them pleasuregenerous e.g.e.g. It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum. translation translation 你一直很舍得花时间。你一直很舍得花时间。 You have been most generous with your time. generousWritingWriting for General Purposes WritingTaskWriting for Specific Purposes Task 1Task 2Correct any mistakes in the following sentences.1. Born in a small town in South China in 1968, he grew up to become a musician. He was born in a small town in South China in 1968. In his childhood he liked to sing songs. Later he entered a college. In the 1990s he became a famous musician.2. The girl is too young. The girl is too young to go to school/to get married.WG-Task-1Writing for general purposes Task 13. We entered the shops, and a saleswoman greeted us, and all kinds of shoes were on the shelves, and the prices were quite reasonable, and a lot of customers were buying them. We entered the shop. A saleswoman greeted us. All kinds of shoes were on the shelves, and the prices were quite reasonable. A lot of customers were buying them.4. He visited all the famous historical monuments of this ancient city, and he also found out that the people of the city had to pay heavy taxes. He visited all the famous historical monuments of this ancient city. He found that the traffic in the city was terrible and he also found that the people of the city had to pay heavy taxes.WG-Task-2Writing for general purposes Task 15. Shakespeare was one of the greatest dramatists. Shakespeare was one of the greatest dramatists of Britain.6. The singing in the film is good and the actors act wonderfully. The singing in the film is good. Whats more, the actors act wonderfully.7. Jane is better at singing English songs. Jane is better at singing English songs than Joan.WG-Task-3Writing for general purposes Task 1Li Hua, your best friend, had gone to France to study. You would like to write a post card to her to ask if she has become used to the life there and to tell her that you miss her very much. You write to this address: 63 rue des Arbres, Dieppe, France.Writing for specific purposes Task 1Writing for specific purposes-Task 1Writing for specific purposes Task 2Writing for specific purposes-Task 2Write a post card to your partner about an interesting place you have just visited. Then exchange post cards with your partner.Presentation TaskWork in groups. Give a 5-minute presentation about your field work. One student takes the role of a host/hostess, and the other students are guests invited to the show. Take notes while listening to other groups.Presentation-Task希希 望望 英英 语语 (第二版)综合教程(第二版)综合教程 1 1外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社The End
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