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1JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberTwelve months of the year2十二个月的名称十二个月的名称January(Jan.) February(Feb.)March(Mar.)April(Apr.)May(May) June(June)July(July)August(Aug.) September(Sept.)October(Oct.)November(Nov.)December(Dec.)3汉语:年月日汉语:年月日 1998 1998年年5 5月月1010日日英语:月日年英语:月日年 May 10 May 10thth,1998,1998( (美式)美式)日期用序数词年前面要加逗号4月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日月日January fifteenth (15th)April thirtieth (30th)July eighth (8th)October first (1st)May twenty-ninth (29th)February fourteenth (14th)具体日期前介词要用on5用月份名词填空:1. _ 1st is New years Day. 2. _ 12th is Planting Day(植树节植树节)3. _ 1st is Fools Day.(愚人节)(愚人节) 4. _ 1st is Labors Day.(劳动节)劳动节)5. _ 1st is Childrens Day. 6. The last(最后的)three months of a year are _ _,and _. 7. New school year begins(新学年开始于)in _.JanuaryMarchAprilMayJuneOctober NovemberDecemberSeptember6Read the dates:Writing(写法)写法) Reading (读法)(读法)January 1stMarch 8thAugust 2ndSeptember 10thJuly 3rdFebruary 12thOctober 20thDecember 25thJanuary the firstMarch the eighthAugust the secondSeptember the tenthJuly the thirdFebruary the twelfthOctober the twentiethDecember the twenty-fifth7如果生日只说是某年,某月,怎么表如果生日只说是某年,某月,怎么表达呢?例如:达呢?例如: 她生日在她生日在1999年。年。 Her birthday is in 1999. 他生日在他生日在1998年年11月。月。His birthday is in November, 1998.8表示时间的介词:表示时间的介词:in, at, onin, at, on等词组成的表等词组成的表时间的介词短语。时间的介词短语。 巧学妙记:巧学妙记:in 年年 in 月月 on 日期日期 Its in 1992. 在在1992年。年。Its in May. 在五月。在五月。Its on Sunday. 在周日。在周日。My birthday is on February 11th,1999.910January is the_ month of a year.March is the _month of a year.April is the _month of a year.June is the _month of a year.July is the _month of a year. first third fourth sixth seventh基础训练基础训练11
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